Chapter 447

What is auspiciousness, when death becomes auspicious, every evil turns good fortune, it is equivalent to a simplified version of luck.

The ancient overlord, the Qilin clan, after the fall, turned into auspiciousness to offset their karma, wherever Karma and Qilin went, the people they met were contaminated with auspicious aura, turned into auspicious people, brought auspiciousness, and walked. Can pick up money.

The things you touch become auspicious things, which can bring good luck to their owners, and they can also avoid all kinds of disasters. That is, the chances of birth of spiritual intelligence and transformation into living beings will be greatly increased.

Generally speaking, although the power of auspiciousness is powerful, it is difficult to see. Most of them are in the Qilin family. Who made their ancestors turn auspiciousness?

If it’s just a little bit of auspicious power, it’s fine, it can be explained by good luck seeing Qilin, but the auspicious power of this woman is not less rich than a real Qilin.

Did this encounter Qilin’s nest?

“Her name is Huaxu.”

Just hearing this name, Jin Ling was suddenly stunned, his eyes gurgling in his eye sockets, like an elf.

Her mental age is not high, but her strength is not low. In the Duobao Realm system, she is a golden immortal. In the predicament, she is comparable to Da Luo, and she can naturally understand the original prevalence.

She still knew that Huaxu was the mother of Emperor Fuxi, one of the three human emperors.

“Well, don’t look at her, get busy, we will stay here for some time to come.”

Duobao said while picking up rocks and branches.

Jin Ling, Xiao Hong and the human race formed Karma, and Xiao Hong is nothing but Jin Ling, but if the Jin Ling fails, this Karma will not end, and the future will be in trouble.

I came here this time, firstly, to be an outsider in the world, to a limited extent, to open up the human race, and secondly, to settle the Karma between the golden spirit and the human race.

“Big brother, what are you doing?” Jin Ling looked at Duobao’s behavior stupidly.

Picking up stones, branches?

Big brother is stupid?

Have magical powers, do not use spells, do it yourself?

“Build a house.” Duobao said of course: “You guys come here soon, it’s not early, we have to build the house today, otherwise there will be no place to sleep at night.”

“Big brother?”

Jin Ling looked at Duobao cautiously: “Are you okay?”

She was suddenly a little scared. Big brother doesn’t have a normal mind, right?

Xiao Hong didn’t think much about it, with some novelty, following Dubao’s movements, picking up stones and branches.

“In the future, we will live in the human race. No magic or magical powers are allowed. You can also experience the life of a mortal.”

“Don’t you like cultivation? Don’t cultivate during this time, just have a good life, and see if life is difficult or cultivation is difficult?”

Jin Ling was stunned for a moment, he was relieved, and hurriedly followed. It’s not that his brain is abnormal. Mortal Life?

What’s so difficult about this?


On the banks of the Luo River, a simple stone, wooden house built up suddenly rose.

It didn’t take long for the entire Huaxu village to learn about the existence of this house, and also knew that there were three strange people in this house…or maybe they weren’t people.

After all, people nowadays are not so bold and dare to build houses in such obvious places.

In the room, Jin Ling lay bored, looking at the roof with empty eyes, dangling his calves bored.

Xiao Hong held a crimson with a ten second-rank delicate Lotus flower, and watched it carefully.

“Hua Xu is pregnant. After another twelve years, Fuxi should be born.”

Duobao calculated in his heart that Fuxi came with hatred, but the memory was sealed by him. Before he recovered his memory, he was regarded as the real emperor of the Human Race and would not be harmful to the Human Race.

What he had to do was to teach Fuxi various abilities and methods to help him with limited assistance when Fuxi was still a human Fuxi. Of course, he couldn’t do it himself, relying on Jinling.

After all, this time it was Jin Ling and Human Karma.


“Is there anyone?” As he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly sounded. Before seeing the person speaking, an uneasy figure was already sketched in his mind.

Without him, it’s just the voice of this speaking with a hint of excitement, and it doesn’t sound like a dutiful person.


Jin Ling jumped up instantly, her hollow eyes gleaming.

“You are?”

Outside the door, there stood a man dressed in pink, with a pink folding fan in his hand, with a delicate face. From a distance, he seemed to be a woman, but the one was a big man, because he had a beard.

Duobao also walked out with Xiao Hong, and when he saw the person coming, his mouth twitched.

A big man, wearing pink clothes?

“Hello, my name is Kai, I am glad to meet you.” Kai shook the folding fan, and the fan blew up the hair, showing a hint of anger.


Duobao pulled Jin Ling away, closed the door, and returned to the house.

Kay: “???”

“Big brother?” Jin Ling,

“That person is not a good person, don’t know.” Duobao said blankly, and with a wave of his palm, he broke the rules he had set for the first time and used Magic power to strengthen the door.

Wearing Monster Qi in the monster, the big man looks like a woman. It’s too sassy… Jin Ling and Xiao Hong are still children, don’t be contaminated.

The smile on Kay’s face froze, he looked at the closed door stupidly, and his shaking arm stopped.


After a long while, he touched his nose awkwardly, turned and left.

Bang bang bang!

In the evening, outside the stone house, there was a bonfire, a wild deer, golden oil, and Kai enthusiastically knocked on the stone door: “Hello, if you don’t like fruits, I will ask you to eat meat.”

Inside, Jin Ling and Xiao Hong looked at the black-faced Duobao together.

“This guy.” Duobao gritted his teeth. He really didn’t expect that this sulky guy seemed to be dependent on them. After being locked out by him before, he thought he was gone, but he came at night. He also brought a lot of fruits and said that he would invite them to eat.

He ignored it, and then the guy left again, bringing more fruit the next day, and the same on the third day, which was the third night.

“You stay in the house, don’t come out.”

With a black face, Duobao asked, opened the door and walked out.

“Hello, I finally saw you. My name is Kai.” Kai smiled and his eyes were sincere, but he shrank so much in the eyes of Duobao against the pink clothes.

“What do you want to do?”

“Get to know and make friends.”

“My name is Duobao, I know now, my friend, it’s unnecessary, can you leave now?”

If it wasn’t because he didn’t want to do it, he really wanted to experience a mortal life, at this time he was afraid that he would have to do it.

The big man wears pink clothes and has spicy eyes.

“Huh?” After hearing Duobao’s refusal without hesitation, Kai was taken aback for a moment, and still smiled: “Why?”

“Can’t we be friends?” Kai was mixed with expectation in doubt.

Duobao frowned and looked at him: “No, we are not the same.”

“It’s not good to be friends.”

“Why?” Kay asked persistently.

“There is no why.” Duobao turned around: “You go, if you come back, I will be welcome next time.”

Kai stared blankly at Duobao, who was walking back. His smiling face suddenly showed a trace of loneliness.


He shouted loudly, turned and left with the roasted venison.

After that, for six consecutive days, he did not show up, which made Duobao breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that he had listened, but he did not expect that he would come again in the morning of the seventh day.

“Dubao, hello, we meet again.”

Kai carried a green branch in his hand, and on the branch were three fist-sized fruits.

The fruit is not an ordinary product, you can smell the aroma from far away, and the saliva will flow out immediately.

“Why are you here again?” Duobao’s voice instantly fell cold, and his fingers moved, really wanting to do it.

It was also that he really wanted to be a mortal for a while now, so he suppressed it abruptly.

“I got a baby, I will bring it to you to taste.” As if he didn’t hear the dislike in Dubao’s words, and was impatient, Kai trot over with a smile on his face.

“It seems that the millennium fragrant fruit is delicious, you can taste it?” Kai looked at the three people expectantly.

Jin Ling and Xiao Hong looked at Duobao at the same time.

Duobao’s eyebrows jumped, facing the guy’s smiling face, his clenched fists couldn’t bear to punch out.

“Then try it.”

Jin Ling and Xiao Hong didn’t have any opinion on Kai. Instead, looking at his appearance, they were still a little curious. After getting permission from Dubao, they reached out and picked one, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Duobao turned around, too lazy to look at him, suddenly a pink arm appeared in front of him, The next moment, a cheek full of smiles appeared in front of him.

In the arm, holding a fruit.

He wanted to refuse, but suddenly his eyes stopped and saw a few blood stains under the pink clothes. He stopped for a moment, reached out and grabbed it, and took a bite.

“How is it? Is it delicious?” Kai asked expectantly.

Duobao didn’t answer, Jin Ling’s eyes were bent into crescents: “It’s delicious.”

Xiao Hong sips, watching her father and this strange man secretly, feeling that the two of them get along very interesting.

“It’s delicious.” After hearing this, Kay smiled with satisfaction and patted his chest: “If it is delicious, I will bring it to you next time.”

“Look at what you look like, if you only eat fish every day, it won’t work.”

“Don’t worry, I’m here, I will definitely not make you worse off in the future.”

Jin Ling glanced at Duobao quietly. Seeing that he was silent, she asked curiously: “Why are you treating us so well?”

She was also a little strange. The man in front of him suddenly appeared, treated them nicely for no reason, and even made a big promise.

If it weren’t for feeling malicious in him, she really thought this guy had a plot against them.

“Because we are friends.” Kay grinned, showing neat white teeth. In the sun, the golden light was radiant, and it was very sunny.


Duobao snorted coldly, his eyes hurt, and he glanced at the big sun in the sky.

In an instant, dark clouds covered the Golden Crow.

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