Chapter 446 The First Tribulation of the Human Race

Thinking about it, Duo Bao froze for a moment, then looked at Yuding, then at Xiaohong, and then at the other juniors.

With a purpose in mind, I went to see it again, and suddenly I found something wrong.

There was an unfathomable aura appearing on his fellow juniors and sisters, which made him unable to see clearly.


Duobao is having a headache, no wonder Jin Ling and Xiaohong can cause such a thing.

“People who have changed their destiny by me, or joined Life, have an unpredictable aura themselves, have unpredictable potential, and develop…power above the rules.”

He confirmed this fact, thinking of the people he had met, his expression was wonderful.

If this continues, the future of the prehistoric will be more exciting, but he will be very troublesome.

If that is the case, even if he removes the own block, he may not be able to achieve omniscience and omnipotence.


Thinking of this, my head hurts suddenly.

“Brother, drink tea.” Jin Ling grabbed the teapot in Yuding’s hand with a grin, and refilled Duobao’s cup with tea.

“You, you.” Duobao pointed at Jin Ling, but he didn’t know what to say.

I really didn’t blame her for this incident, but looking at her, Duobao knew that in the future, this girl would definitely mess with herself.

“Yuding, let’s go.” The matter is over, and I’m lazy again, turning the coordinates of the space-time domain into a jade talisman, and handing it to Yuding.

“Yes.” Yuding took it and was about to leave when Duobao’s voice came from behind him.

“When you go to the realm of time and space, one protects the human race. More importantly, brother still hopes that you can find your own Dao.”

The Book of Kendo Civilization was not given for nothing. Yuding had such aptitude and potential, and Duobao had high expectations of him, so when he came to find it, he directly gave him the Book of Civilization.

“…Yes.” Yuding paused for a moment, then nodded heavily.


“Big brother, what are we going to do next?” Jin Ling asked with blinking big eyes when he saw that he didn’t seem to hold himself accountable anymore.

Xiaohong looked at Duobao expectantly, looking a little nervous.

They don’t want to sit down and cultivate peacefully. That would be too boring.

It’s just that Dubao said that, it would be difficult for them to leave. Even if they leave, they can’t run without Dubao’s permission.

“What are you doing?” Looking at the two girls, Duobao knew what they were thinking, and shook his head: “Go and see what you are doing.”

Hearing this, Jin Ling stuck out his tongue with a guilty conscience, and glanced at Xiaohong, with a guilty conscience but also a little curious.

Although they did it, they didn’t know exactly what happened.

Just looking at Dubao’s appearance, it doesn’t seem small.


After the disappearance of the Lich, the human race had the destiny to surrender and become the new protagonist of the world. It was supposed to be like the original protagonist of several generations, growing rapidly, expanding rapidly, and becoming the real hegemon of the world.

But, I don’t know why, suddenly, the high-level human races, the human races whose strength has reached the Jinxian or above, all disappeared overnight, without a trace, no trace can be found.

This also caused the strength of the human race to be infinitely weakened, from the original top ten race group to the weakest race group in an instant.

It happened that they still had the identities of the protagonist of Heaven and Earth, which immediately made the other races think they shouldn’t have.

Originally, if the high-level human race was still there, they would not dare to think about it, but since the high-level human race disappeared, their strength was greatly reduced, and they had the identity of the protagonist of the world, isn’t this a child who has spent a lot of money in the city?

Who can bear it?

Anyone who has the strength, who controls it, just watched.

Moreover, I don’t know when, in the midst of the great famine, such a rumor appeared [Human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, as long as the human race is extinct, then it can replace the human race and become the new protagonist of heaven and earth].

Sometimes, rumors and rumors are sharper and more lethal than the sharpest knife!

Under this rumors, all the great races immediately began to chase and kill the human races.

As a result, the human race that had stabilized Life and calmed countless Yuanhuis, for the first time felt what it was like to be an enemy of the world.

Survival has become the biggest problem of the human race now.

Countless people began to avoid and escape, struggling to survive in the precipice.

For the others, Human Race doesn’t think about it anymore. The only idea is that it’s good to live.

In this way, the human race seems to have returned to the difficult situation when the human race was first born, even more difficult than that!

Fortunately, the Primordial World was previously divided into countless Minor Worlds by inexplicable power, which also made the power and influence of the chasing human race not so absolutely powerful. Although it is difficult, it can still barely survive.

Duobao flew high in the sky with Jin Ling and Xiao Hong, looking down at the human races being hunted down in countless Minor World.

In almost every Minor World, human races die every moment, and more human races are hunted down, miserable, difficult, and embarrassed.

Fortunately, the prehistoric world is divided, and there is a powerful barrier between each other, so that no creatures in other worlds can cross, otherwise, the survival of the human race will be even more difficult.

More importantly, the secrets are also in chaos, and it is impossible to use the method of calculation to calculate the position of the human race, otherwise, at this time, there are not many human races still alive.

The smile on Jin Ling’s face, the curiosity in his eyes, slowly disappeared, he brought crystals on, and looked at the human races being chased down below, the number of human races that were constantly dying, and his voice trembled: “Big brother, this is caused by me. ?”

She was full of self-blame and regret. She was just playful and curious, and she didn’t expect to cause such a change.

The little person, almost repented at this time, broke down with self-blame.

Although she has gone through so much and she is not a good old person, but watching so many people, because of her death, she is still on the verge of collapse.

Xiaohong is much better than her. After all, she has a different identity and a colder personality, but she is not in a good mood when she sees this appearance.

“Yes.” Duobao nodded.

Jinling paused, big tears dripping like rain.

Duobao felt that his own hand was being held tightly, and looked down at Jin Ling, his eyes dimly tearful: “Big brother, you must have a way, please help them, please.”

Duobao touched Jin Ling’s little head: “You know it’s wrong now, right?”

Jin Ling kept nodding: “I see, Jin Ling is wrong, wrong.”

She was howling and crying, remorseful.

“Just know it’s wrong.” Duobao wiped away Jin Ling’s tears: “Actually, this can’t be completely blamed on you. This is also the catastrophe that Human Race should face. It is only triggered by your hand.”

“Although you have some of them, but not many.”

The human race has experienced too little, and everything they have now is just to make up for the hardships they should have faced and experienced.

The so-called jade is not a tool without cutting it, that’s it.

They have all become the protagonists of heaven and earth, and they haven’t experienced much yet. They are silver-like pewter spear heads, which are ineffective, unable to experience the general trend, and have no indomitable bones.

I believe that after experiencing all of this, they can easily deal with problems when they encounter problems.

Moreover, Duobao believes that the human race is the human race, no matter what kind of hardships, hardships and dangers they encounter, they will eventually survive!

There is a saying that everything will pass if it passes.

The darkness will pass, and the light will come!

He looked at the wild land and the countless human races being hunted down, and he saw a lot of good seedlings.

They are growing up step by step under the catastrophe and hunting down.

Others are in the dark, being hunted down and struggling every step of the way, but they are enjoying the hunting, hardship, and tribulation.

These people are the crystals of the human race, the real gold and jade, under the chase of the catastrophe, a little bit of polishing, it will not take long for them to believe that they will bloom with their light, pull up the bright curtain, and disperse the darkness of the human race.

“Big brother, what shall we do?” After listening to Dubao’s words, Jin Ling slowly understood. After all, it is also a cultivator. His appearance is not big, but he knows a lot, but even if he understands it, he still can’t bear it. .

“Yeah.” Duobao nodded and didn’t refuse. This time his appearance was precisely because of this.

The human race needs hardships, but in the hardships, it also needs superior people and chances.


The prehistoric world is divided into countless worlds. Among the worlds is a long river that shuttles through the worlds. The name of the river is Luoshui.

On the Luoshui River, the small Life is a human tribe.

Going out late and returning early, while avoiding other races from hunting down and killing him, he lives with difficulty and care.

On this day, in the tribe, a young and beautiful figure jumped out of the tribe. After walking for a long time, he suddenly saw a huge pit in front of him.

I walked over curiously, and when I saw its entire shape, I couldn’t help covering my own small mouth in surprise: “What a big foot!”

She is very young, she has a lot of vitality, she belongs to young people alone, she is full of youth, there is no twilight, and she does not seem to have much experience, and even seems a little naive.

It seemed a little out of tune with the current environment where the entire human race was being hunted down.

Seeing such a huge footprint, she was amazed for a long time, and suddenly thought about it, walked up, and measured the huge footprint with own delicate feet.

“Eight hundred!”

Soon, she came up with a figure. The huge footprint in front of her was the size of her eight hundred feet.

“Just the feet have such a size, how big a person should be!”

The girl was very surprised, covering her small mouth, thinking about it.

Having played happily in these footprints alone for a long time, the sky gradually lit up, and the girl walked out reluctantly, looked at the sky, and walked quickly towards the direction where she came.

Behind him, three figures slowly emerged.

“Big brother, who is she?” Jin Ling looked at the girl’s figure and couldn’t help asking in surprise: “Why is there auspiciousness in her body?”

Yes, the girl seemed ordinary, but there was auspiciousness in her body.

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