Chapter 421

The mood of Di Jiang and others suddenly became a little heavier.

“Even he can’t find…Where did Gonggong go!”

It is unimaginable that in the prehistoric world, there is such a place that can escape the detection of Thunder King… This is the existence above Sage.

“It seems that I can’t help you anymore.” King Lei stopped, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Sure enough, this world is not something I can mess around.

It’s just that there was such a powerful existence before, there is even such a region…

“…Thank you, Your Majesty.” Di Jiang paused and said.

King Lei waved his hand: “No thanks, I didn’t help myself, I’ll leave first.”

With that, it turned into a black light and disappeared in front of the ancestors.

“What should I do now?” Zhu Rong asked blankly.

Even the last hope of King Lei has expressed powerlessness. Who else can they find?


They are not really stupid. After so many years, many things have been vaguely guessed… Unless they are absolutely necessary, they will not go to Dubao.

Daozu…Master Duobao, this choice has to be put down temporarily!

“Where did Gonggong go?” Qiangliang’s angry voice sounded.

He is not angry and co-working, he is angry and own incompetence!


At this moment, the Great Hall door was knocked.

When the ancestors looked at him, Di Jiang’s heart moved, and the door suddenly opened.

Taiyi, who was exuding a cold air, walked in, met the gazes of the ancestor witches, walked in front of the ancestor witches, and stopped.

Seeing Taiyi who was extremely cold, the ancestors were stunned.

Tai Yi was wearing a gold dress, but it had turned black and purple, and bursts of strong blood came from it. Only through the spiritual induction of his clothes can he know that it was originally golden.

There is calmness and coldness in Tai Yi’s eyes, it seems that everything is not in his eyes, and it is extremely ruthless.

He walked in so stridely, the ancestor witches only felt as if they saw a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and the gloomy dead zone was coming towards them.

“It feels… so familiar!” Tian Wu’s eyes narrowed and he muttered to himself, thinking carefully in his heart: “It seems that I have seen it not long ago.”

Dijiang looked at Taiyi in amazement: “Taiyi? Where did your monster clan go during this time? What happened? How did you become like this.”

Taiyi has changed so much, looking at Taiyi, a series of questions are immediately asked.

Taiyi calmly looked at the people and said calmly: “My monster race has suffered a great calamity. During this time, I am fighting against it… this time, I am coming back to seek your help.”

Although he said calm, but for some reason, hearing Taiyi’s voice, the ancestors witches all shuddered and chilled all over.

“That’s right!” Suddenly, Tian Wu yelled in surprise, drawing everyone’s eyes away: “I remember!”

He remembered the familiar breath he felt in Taiyi, where he had seen it before.

“Graveyard of the gods!” Tianwu stared at Taiyi in amazement, spitting out four words from his mouth.

When the words came out, all the ancestor witches suddenly looked at Taiyi in surprise.

After Tai Yi appeared, they also felt familiar with Tai Yi, but they just couldn’t remember it. After Tian Wu said this, they immediately understood it.

Yes, it’s the cemetery of the gods, that’s it!

Tai Yi was enveloped in a strong death spirit like the cemetery of the gods. Apart from that, there was nothing else, and it was this death spirit that made Tai Yi appear as if he had returned from the kingdom of the dead.

“The cemetery of the gods?” Tai First Stage repeated it, looking up and down the ancestor witches carefully, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: “It seems that during our absence, you also encountered some things!”

During the induction, the strength of the ancestral witches turned out to be a lot more Ascension, and they were even faster than those who had fought for countless years.

“The gods?” Tai Yi said secretly in his heart, then suppressed his thoughts, and talked about the business: “This time the catastrophe, my monster clan is already invincible.”

“So, I come back and seek your help.”

Di Jiang frowned, his face was silent, but his heart was shocked. With the help of King Thunder, they cultivated the Law of Origin God, their strength improved rapidly, and they didn’t dare to speak the truth, but at least they faced the weakest Sage. It is also able to survive a few tricks, and there is no previous situation where there is no force to fight back.

In this way, he still felt a lot of danger in Tai Yi.

This proves that although countless years have disappeared, the strength of the Taiyi class may not have been left behind by them.

“Would you like to leave Honghuang?” Di Jiang asked while thinking.

The Monster Race had disappeared for so long before, and couldn’t find it in the prehistoric land, so it must have been out of the prehistoric land.

Taiyi is now looking for and where to go, the answer is naturally self-evident.

“Yes.” He nodded too much, his eyes condensed suddenly, he saw something was wrong, raised his eyebrows and asked: “Where is your blood?”

He was shocked, and it was only at this time that he discovered that all the ancestor witches did not even have the aura of Pangu blood.

“Sure enough, something happened to the Wu Clan!”

Di Jiang shook his head: “Something has happened, it’s gone, but fortunately, it’s okay. What kind of catastrophe did your monster clan encounter?”

He didn’t want to talk about this problem too much.

Tai Yi took a deep look at them, and the ancestral witch who had always respected the Pangu bloodline lost the Pangu bloodline. Such a blow, such a thing, think about it, the problems encountered by the Wu clan will definitely not be more than that of them. small.

“Forget it, it seems that your current problems are not small…this time, forget it.”

Tai turned his head and left. If it was the Wu Clan, he wouldn’t mind asking them for help, but since the Wu Clan had something to do with him, how could he embarrass them?

“Stay.” Dijiang immediately shouted to stop Taiyi, helplessly said: “My Wu Clan’s matter has been resolved, you should tell us about the problems you encountered.”

Looking at the appearance of Taiyi, you know that the current situation of the Yaozu must not be too good.

I have come to ask them for help.

“Is it all right?” Taiichi stopped and turned around to ask.

“Yes.” Di Jiang nodded: “It has been resolved, it’s okay, your monster clan’s affairs, since you are all looking for your door…we can definitely help as well.”

Originally, the two families of Lich were rivals. After years of wars, they formed deep hatreds, but the experience of the dark trial field and the love of fighting together unknowingly dispelled these hatreds.

Whenever possible, both groups will be willing to help each other solve the problem.

“That’s it…” Taiyi stared at the ancestor witches carefully for a long while, and after confirming that they weren’t lying, he slowly explained all the problems encountered by the monster race.

“Fruit clan?” Hearing this, the ancestor witches were lost in thought, and Dijiang chanted this name in his mouth, his heart was heavy, and his heart secretly said as expected.

In the black realm, the battle between the monster race and the people in the black realm gradually gained the upper hand, and even tended to win, but when they were about to win, suddenly countless familiar enemies appeared in the black realm.

The Fruit Clan… and the newly emerged Fruit Clan is even stronger than everyone in the Black Territory… In an instant, the Demon Clan fell into a bitter battle again, and even threatened to extinct the clan.

As a last resort, Taiyi was sent back to Honghuang to seek help from the Witch Clan.

“Is it really him?”

Di Jiang murmured in his heart with a certain expression. He stood up and said loudly: “Gather all the brothers, let’s go to the black region and help the monster clan!”

The other ancestral witches also stood up one after another, no one opposed, and each sent a message to summon the witches under own.

Soon, almost all the witches gathered together.

Di Jiang and other ancestor witches and Taiyi stood in the forefront.

Di Jiang looked at the witches and did not explain, but just waved his hand: “Go!”

In an instant, all the witches followed behind them and flew away in chaos.

When he was about to leave Honghuang, Zhu Rong stopped and took a deep look at Honghuang: “Gonggong… I hope you won’t have any trouble!”

Immediately, all the witches rushed out of the prehistoric!

Taiyi left a coordinate for a group of ancestor witches, did not leave with them, and came to Heaven Court. Looking at the empty Heaven Court, a golden demon text appeared in his hand.

Above the demon text was burning a strong sun and real fire, and the flame was extremely powerful. Although it was only half the size of a fist, it almost became the center of heaven and earth at the moment it appeared.

Even the rays of the real sun were covered.

The entire prehistoric land was dyed golden by it.

“The monster is back?” In the west, on the Sumeru mountain, receiving the guide, Zhundi was teaching the Fa to a group of disciples. He felt the changes in the great famine and immediately looked over.

In the eyes, a little hot golden flame burned, seemingly ordinary, but it made them feel unbearable as the Sage Lord, and instinctively wanted to avoid it.

Zhundi’s eyes widened, and his heart was full of unwillingness: “That’s too…how is it possible? How could he become so strong?”

“Then the sun is really hot… has reached the Sage level?”

“It’s nothing more than those ancestral witches…each of them is comparable to Sage. Now even the monster race that has disappeared for a long time has become so strong?”

Zhundi roared in his heart: “I am Sage, I am Sage!”

He didn’t understand, he had known that the current great land had changed differently, but he didn’t expect that it would change so quickly.

Before the vigorous development of the Wu clan, they didn’t want to stop it, but at the early stage, when they wanted to stop, there would always be a strong sense of danger.

It feels that as long as they dare to do something, they will immediately be in danger of falling.

After hesitating again and again, they still didn’t dare to make a move. After that, the strength of the ancestral witches had reached a level comparable to Sage.

They can deal with a single ancestral witch, and even suppress it, but as long as there are two or even three ancestral witches, they can fight against them!

The ten ancestral witches… are no longer what they can contend!

Therefore, during this time, they are very peaceful!

Honestly hiding in the West, in the Sumeru Mountains, teaching his disciples.

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