Chapter 420

The creatures in the wild world suddenly discovered a problem.

There seems to be something wrong with the two clans of Lich that dominate the world, the world overlord.

The Lord of Heaven ruled the monster clan, and suddenly, it seemed that most of the personnel had disappeared, and the huge Heaven Court was already empty, leaving only two or three big cats and kittens to guard there.

This is the result of the powerful observation of the monster race.

The monster clan’s huge power has disappeared, and the entire prehistoric land can’t find their traces, which is very strange!

The number of demon races disappeared is not a lot, so many demon races disappeared all at once, but there was not much movement, and no one even noticed them before they disappeared.

That’s all, no trace of them can be found in the prehistoric…this is the strangest thing.

As a result, countless rumors emerged.

The Yaozu suffered a catastrophe and was destroyed.

The Yaozu found the enemy, chased it out, and is now fighting in an unknown place!


The rumors are getting fiercer and outrageous… But from the beginning to the end, no one dared to go to the empty Heaven Court to be presumptuous.

In addition, the witch clan seems to have become weird. The witch clan who originally admired passion and their own power has set up countless statues of gods in the predicament, so that the primordial creatures can believe in them.

Moreover, as long as you believe in them, you can get their gifts, and your strength will increase greatly, without your own painstaking cultivation, your strength can soar in an instant.

Moreover, the deeper the belief, the greater the gift and the greater the strength of the Ascension.

Where can I find such a good thing that can greatly improve my strength without my own efforts?

For high-level fairy gods, such power is certainly disdainful, but for ordinary creatures, this is a great opportunity.

Therefore, after such actions by the witch clan, soon, the temples of the ancestors and witches were erected in the earth. Almost most ordinary creatures, but the immortals, became believers of the witch clan, and the power of the witch clan also Therefore, rapid expansion.

The Wu Clan was originally one of the two major overlords. Now that the Monster Clan disappeared, without the control of the Monster Clan, and the spread of the way of faith, it didn’t take long for its momentum to have a reputation as the No. 1 power in the wild.

Even with the passage of time, without the sages intervening, the momentum of the witch tribe gradually overwhelmed Sage’s reputation, and gradually, ordinary creatures even knew only the witch tribe, not knowing that there was a monster tribe, there was Sage.

The development of the Witch clan ushered in a leap-type Ascension, reaching its peak, and under the way of faith, the peak is still constantly being Ascension.

In this way, countless Yuanhui passed by in a flash, the development of the Wu Clan has reached its true peak, and the Monster Clan and Sage have gradually become legends.

Even the great power that was originally famous has become a legend, and few people know it.

A new belief in the fairy gods of the Witch tribe has appeared, replacing the older generation of fairy gods, taking care of the prehistoric storms.

The Witch family dominates and has truly become the strongest power in the prehistoric world!

However, the development was so good, in the Pangu Hall, the ancestors and witches gathered again, but their faces were not very good.

“Gonggong still can’t find it?”

Di Jiang sat on the top, his body was full of golden divine light, and the powerful divine might filled the entire Great Hall.

In the hall, the other ancestor witches were all sitting on their own, with majestic powers on their bodies, and each of them frowning.

Listening to what Di Jiang said, there was concern in his eyes.

Zhu Jiu**: “Yes, I can’t find him, gather the power of my Wu Clan now, and I still can’t find where he is.”

“With the power of God’s Mansion, I have also calculated. I only know that his current situation is not good and he is still in the wild, but he still can’t calculate where he is and what danger he encounters.”

With the power of the Divine Mansion, the ancestor witches who were originally unable to understand the secrets of the heavens also understood the secrets of the heavens in a disguised form at this time.

“Your Majesty King Lei.” Di Jiang suddenly shouted loudly.

Afterwards, a lazy voice appeared: “What’s wrong? I have taught you the Law of Origin God, and your Wu Clan’s strength has also gained a huge Ascension. You are developing very well.”

The figure of Lei Wang appeared, his body still shrouded in an invisible black mist.

Even if the ancestor witches had a great Ascension through the law of the source god, even comparable to Sage, but the seemingly weak black mist on the Thunder King’s body is still unclear. I can’t see through.

This made them even more jealous, and always respected the attitude of King Thunder.

“For the help of His Majesty King Lei, I will always keep in mind.”

Di Jiang respectfully said: “I’m looking for your Majesty this time, because I have something to ask for.”

King Lei said lazily: “Let’s talk, what’s the matter?”

“I have a brother who is always in danger. I want to know where he is, and I would like to ask your Majesty to help me explore it.”

“Brother? Co-work, right?”

The Thunder King has been with the Wu Clan for a long time. Although he didn’t do anything extraordinary, he also clarified the situation in the prehistoric world and the situation of the Wu Clan.

“Well, you can’t detect it with your current strength?” Lei Wang was a little surprised.

After clarifying the situation in the prehistoric world, he fell into a deep sleep.

After all, he here is just a thought and his power is limited.

Moreover, in the prehistoric world, there is an inexplicable and powerful force that has been suppressing him, making him unable to do more things.

Awakening will consume his strength, and he can only recover from a deep sleep, so when he is next to the ancestral witches, he spends most of the time in a deep sleep.

He knew about the disappearance of Gonggong, but he thought that after such a long time, they should have been able to find it, but he didn’t expect that even now, they couldn’t find it, and even he found him.

With surprise in his heart, King Lei thought for a while and said, “Okay, then I will try.”

Having said that, a black air appeared on his body, fell in front of him, distorted the space, wore out time, and a powerful force of destiny appeared in it.

In an instant, all the ancestors witches had their hearts tight, staring at them carefully, and at the same time, they did not dare to breathe, feeling the strong pressure.

Above that black energy, they felt the existence of a deeper, stronger, and more unimaginable force!

That is the strength that they are far from reaching now.

Seeing that power, the ancestor witches had a thought in their hearts one after another.

As long as the Thunder King is willing, I am afraid that they can be killed instantly, and from all levels of Karma, destiny, time and space…etc.

The ancestors witches were shocked, and their thoughts were different.

“Sure enough, his strength is far beyond our imagination!” Zhu Jiuyin glanced at King Thunder with jealousy, and deeply concealed the thoughts in his heart.

“Huh?” Suddenly, a suspicious voice sounded.

“Your Majesty? How?” Di Jiang asked with a clenched fist.

The Thunder King’s strength is far above them. If even the Thunder King can’t find a trace of Gonggong, then they… really don’t know what to do!

Looking at King Thunder, all the ancestors and witches prayed in their hearts: “It must be successful, and it must be found!”

Under the black fog, King Lei looked solemn: “I can’t find it?”

“Impossible. Gonggong is just a god. What kind of place can I fall into that can actually block my exploration?”

He just used the power of fate to explore Gonggong, and under this investigation, he found nothing, which made him very strange.

It is impossible for a divine monarch to fall into a place that is too dangerous and too taboo, otherwise, with his strength, he can’t survive at all.

Since it is not a place that even he can’t touch, then logically speaking, as long as he is willing, he can definitely find the co-worker.

But the problem is that he can’t detect it at all!

“No, no…interesting, interesting.”

The voice of King Thunder kept ringing, and all the ancestors who listened to it were disturbed.

Zhu Rong couldn’t help asking: “Your Majesty, what’s the matter?”

“My co-worker brother, where is it? Can you find it?”

Lei Wang: “No hurry, no hurry, I will try again.”

When the words fell, the black energy in front of him changed, and the fate aura on it changed accordingly. Karma, time and space, and even the power of water appeared.

Gonggong is the ancestor witch of water, and his body has a huge relationship with water!

King Lei looked for the existence of Gonggong from all levels.

As the black energy twisted, the aura exuding became bigger and bigger, and the black mist on Lei King’s body also showed unstable fluctuations for the first time.

The mighty coercion came from the Thunder King, the Black Qi.

The ancestors’ hearts sank, and they were suppressed by this coercion.

The magnificent divine might of the body was rolled back to the body by the coercion of the Thunder King, and the great divine residence suddenly became commonplace.

His own divine power and power were all contained in his body, like a mountain, stagnated, and lost his control.

The coercion became more and more magnificent and suffocating.

The faces of the ancestor witches quickly turned blue, unable to breathe. Under this pressure, there was even a feeling that The next moment would be crushed into powder!

This is not an illusion… Di Jiang made a difficult voice from his mouth: “Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”

“What’s the matter?” Lei King was awakened, turned his head and took a look, only to discover the situation of the ancestors and witches, suddenly said: “Sorry, sorry.”

After speaking, the coercion was reduced, and the ancestor witches suddenly escaped from the dead, breathing heavily, and their complexions gradually recovered.

Zhu Rong: “Your Majesty, what’s the situation?”

King Lei shook his head, also surprised and shocked: “Where did your brother go? I can’t find it either?”

He was looking for the location of Gonggong from all levels, but the strange thing was that he had no clues, not even a trace, as if there was no such ancestral witch in the prehistoric!

With his strength, this kind of thing could happen, which really surprised him.

“Can’t find it!” Zhu Rong yelled in shock, unable to believe it, or rather unwilling to believe the result: “How could it not be found?”

“With your majesty’s strength, can’t you find the location of my brother?”

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