Chapter 422

Aggrieved, helpless, as Sage, but can only hide in the west, dare not go to the primordial continent, and dare not develop wildly. Under the oppression of the Wu clan, it feels shivering.

For Zhun Di, this is too frustrated, but there is no way.

After all, the ancestral witch has become a climate, and it is no longer what they can face.

“Why is it just us?”

Zhundi was unwilling to say.

The primordial land is changing, and the changes in the Lich race are especially great. Kunlun Sanqing has also disappeared for a long time. Don’t think about it, their current strength must have far surpassed them.

As Sage, they are almost the weakest existence, just a little bit stronger than Nuwa.

“Junior Brother, be careful.” The receiver turned his head and glanced at the red quasi dike in his eyes. He shook his head slightly, and his tongue burst into thunder.

Zhundi’s body was shocked, the red light in his eyes disappeared, and his head was lowered.

“Junior Brother, we will catch up, and we will catch up.” The leader whispered to comfort, unconsciously looking at the foot of Sumeru Mountain.

“Buddha is a demon, and demon is a Buddha… Buddha and demon are one body.”


“The monster palms the sky…hehe.” Above the Heaven Court, he gave a disdainful smile, then, looking down at the real fire of the sun in his hand, he raised his hand and threw it down.

In an instant, countless real fires of the sun radiated from it, turned into endless rain of fire, and fell toward the entire predicament.

“The sun is really hot!”

“What is Taiyi going to do? Is he going to destroy the world?”

“Too crazy!”

Immediately, he noticed the countless fairy gods appearing in the real fire and rain of the sun, and they panicked, frightened, and shouted in anger.

However, under the fire and rain, where can they escape.

Just a little spark, the plan to destroy their magical powers, hard cultivation, and tempered countless Yuanhui’s bodies, under that little spark, it seemed so vulnerable.

“It’s over… One!”

Countless gods opened their eyes in anger, shouted in anger, and their hearts were filled with despair.

“Taiyi is going to be annihilated, didn’t Sage take care of it?”

“It is said that Sage is ants… Sure enough, are we all ants?”

“How does Sage care about the life and death of ants?”

Under the desperate situation, all kinds of words and thoughts also appeared.

It’s just that no matter what they think, what thoughts they have, and how angry they are, they are useless.

Under the real fire and rain in the sky, all creatures are unable to resist…despair breeds!

The real fire and rain of the sun finally fell on the bodies of all beings.

Desperate and cursed, finally, they closed their eyes feebly and waited for Death to come.

However, after waiting for a long time and not waiting for the eternal darkness that was expected, I felt a warm current on my body, and then countless mysterious and complicated information appeared, forming a large array in my mind.

“Demon formation?”

Some creatures opened their eyes, feeling the big formation in their heads in surprise.

The name of the big formation is the demon formation, created by the demon race, which carries a huge power, as long as the demon formation is deployed, it can draw the energy of the demon formation in the underworld, and exert its own power several times or even dozens of times.

In addition, there are many other effects, such as accelerating cultivation, catalyzing elixir, defense, fighting… and so on.

“It turns out that he didn’t want to destroy the world, but just teach the demon formation?”


“It feels… as if there is a feeling of being left alone?”

“Desperate to leave a legacy?”

The demon formation is not only incomparably powerful, but also contains countless demon clan inheritance. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, and it is a demon clan, you can understand the inheritance contained in the demon formation.

It can be said that with the appearance of the demon formation, the demon clan will not be destroyed!

The celestial gods felt the information in their heads, and the demon array slowly understood.

“The Yaozu disappeared for so long before… It seems that something happened.”

“They have reached the point where they need to be passed down… It seems that the monster clan is in danger!”

While all the gods were thinking, suddenly they all faced the direction of Heaven Court and bowed deeply: “Thank you, His Majesty Donghuang for his preaching!”

In any case, no matter what the purpose of Taiyi is, in a word, they are regarded as gaining the benefits, the favor of Taiyi, and the Karma of the demon race.

The voices of the celestial gods were loud, containing powerful power of belief, gathered together to form a dragon of belief, and rushed into the Heaven Court.

Taiyi stretched out his hand and grabbed it, grasping the dragon of faith in his hand, and waved his hand again, breaking it to pieces, turning it into countless rain and falling on the Heaven Court.

Among the sun stars, a three-legged Golden Crow, with red eyes, turned into a deity, flew desperately towards Heaven Court.

“Uncle, uncle is back…”

“Father, how are they? I’m going to see my father!”

With a strong idea, the Ten Golden Crow flew at a rapid speed, forming a long golden mark in the starry sky.

Just halfway through the flight, Tai Yi’s voice suddenly appeared in his mind: “Xiao Shi, I’m waiting for the matter to be over. You don’t have to worry about the monster race. Before we come back, you go to Nuwa Empress, don’t Take care of other things.”

When the words fell, a powerful force appeared, and the Ten Golden Crow broke through the space in an instant, and came to the chaos, in front of a palace.

Nuwa was already standing in front of the palace with a solemn expression. Seeing the arrival of Ten Golden Crow, he raised his hand and sent it into the palace. The gate opened and closed.

After doing all this, Nuwa stood there, as if waiting for something.

Soon, Taiyi’s figure slowly appeared, and bowed to Nuwa to salute: “Manny, I will beg of you in the future, Xiaoshi!”

Nuwa raised her eyebrows, looked at Taiyi, and asked in surprise, “What happened to the monster clan? It made you react like this?”

After the demon clan disappeared, she also counted it secretly, but strangely, with her Sage, she couldn’t count it out.

After disappearing for countless years, other monster races still did not appear, only Taiyi came back.

It’s just that after coming back, Taiyi’s strength has greatly increased, not to mention the strong death energy on her body, even more so that she, as Sage, is extremely shocked.

“Don’t say, don’t say.” Facing Nuwa’s question, Taiyi didn’t answer, just shook his head.

“Can’t even say I?” Nuwa’s eyes widened, a little shocked.

She was not angry, but was surprised at the problems encountered by the Yaozu.

Tai Yi is not a chaotic person, and now Tai Yi’s strength is truly comparable to Sage, since he has said so, I am afraid that he really can’t say it.

“Niangniang is better not to know.” A Daoist shadow flashed in Taiyi’s heart, not realizing that his eyes were colder, and then he said again: “Niangniang, the matter of the demon race, let it develop on its own, we should not be back in a short time. coming.”

“If the Demon Race is defeated before we come back, please don’t interfere with Empress!” Tai Yi said in a deep voice.

Nuwa didn’t speak, just stared at Taiyi.

There seems to be advice and warning in these words…not a warning from the One, but a warning to some unknown and powerful force!

Nuwa could hear the meaning of Taiyi’s words, and Liu frowned tighter: “Don’t interfere?”

“Then, I can only talk about it up to this point, please remember, Niang Niang, remember, don’t intervene!”

Taiyi said one last word, and then looked at the palace with dismay, desperate, angry, unwilling, and sadly attacking the gate of Great Hall. Ten Golden Crow, who wanted to come out, glanced at it, and disappeared in front of Nuwa.


In an instant, the Nuwa Magic power turned, the magic power that was as thick as the sea flowed through the body, and the endless good fortune divine light rushed out of the body, forming a golden divine wheel behind the head.

As soon as the figure turned, along the place where Taiyi disappeared, he chased after him.

After a short while, Nuwa’s figure appeared again in front of the Snail Palace with a solemn expression: “I can’t find it!”

Nuwa was shocked, shocked.

Although Taiyi’s strength is comparable to Sage, she has almost touched the threshold of the next Realm, far surpassing Taiyi, and is not comparable to Taiyi.

Normally, as long as she is willing, even if she is next to Tai Yi, and she does not want Tai Yi to discover, Tai Yi will not be able to find it.

The gap between Sage and Sage’s peak is unimaginable!

But even so, she couldn’t even trace Taiyi’s figure.

Only found the trajectory of his departure, and after a short half of the journey, he broke himself.

Even she can no longer see the slightest clue, there seems to be an inexplicable and powerful existence, power, the trajectory that left it, clues, Karma, all erased.

“Is that why Taiyi warned me not to interfere?”

Nuwa thought silently in her heart, inexplicably weak.

Standing quietly outside the palace alone for a long time, after a long silence, Nuwa returned to the palace without saying a word.


In the world of the cemetery of the gods, Duobao suddenly raised his head, looked in the direction Taiyi was leaving, and sighed deeply: “Hey!”

“Already understand?”

Dubao whispered softly, Taiyi came back this time for two purposes.

One is looking for helpers, looking for the Witch Clan, and bringing the Witch Clan into it.

The reason why I didn’t find other Sages is that the Black Territory Catastrophe is the catastrophe of the Lich races. There is Karma from the Lich races on it. Only the Lich races can enter. The other is also concerned about his problem. .

The other is to leave the Yaozu inheritance.

The Black Territory Array has become more and more fierce. Judging from the current situation, it will be a protracted battle that cannot be ended in a short time.

In order to avoid the complete disappearance of the monster race, he also thought of something, so he came back and left the inheritance.

All of this did not exceed his expectations, and it was all within his calculations.

Things are developing step by step and steadily in accordance with his plan and layout.

This is a good thing, but looking at Taiyi’s appearance, although he knows the future he has agreed, but now he looks a bit uncomfortable and can’t bear it.

“Start the road earlier, and then you will know the real truth!”

Duobao secretly said in his heart that his purpose is to let the top powers of the Lich races establish their way first, relying on battles, calculations, and under the pressure of strong pressure to establish their way.

As long as he stands up, his calculations will be successful, and in this way, he will know the true truth!

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