Chapter 419 Bloody Battle of the Monster Race

There were countless figures in several places in the Black Realm. When Di Jun and the other monsters appeared, they suddenly felt something, and looked towards the direction where Di Jun and the others were.

“I delivered it to the door by myself!”

A surprised voice sounded.

They were still thinking about how to deal with the monster race, and they were still discussing it, but they didn’t expect that the other party would come to the door by themselves.

“court death!”

With the sound, countless horrible figures rushed in the direction of the demon clan.

“Careful!” Di Jun’s expression condensed, looking deep into the black world, and said in a deep voice.

When the words fell, countless huge horror existences comparable to Star appeared in front of the monster race.

Among the demons, countless suspicious voices sounded: “Huh?”

“How is it possible…Isn’t I the only beast of heaven and earth? How come across…my blood is boiling…so is he?”

Almost all the creatures in the black world are made by Xiao Hong with the genes of the monster race. She seems to like the monster race very much. Therefore, most of the creatures in the black world are related to the monster race.

“Fellow the enemy!” Di Jun yelled, and the Universe star battle exploded, countless Stars appeared, rain-like Star light, and hit the monsters in the black world.

Facing the light of Star condensed by the Universe Star Dou formation, even the monsters in the black world dare not be careless.

Dozens of figures turned around and suddenly turned into a huge black three-legged Golden Crow that only covered the sky and sun. The black sun burst out, and the cold flames gathered together to form a huge black sun fire. The torrent, rushed to the endless Star light.

On the other side, countless huge Kunpeng appeared, separated from each other by a certain distance, endless sea water emerged from them, and soon formed a huge ocean of one party, linked together, and formed a huge one that occupies half of the world. Ocean.

The light of the Star fell in the ocean, like a meteor impact, smashing huge whirlpools, the sea surging, and the white waves covering the sky rushed up.

It was just placed in this huge world ocean, but it looked like a white line. Although it was huge, it was quickly submerged by the natural flow of sea water.

In other directions, countless monsters in the black world are connected by their own origins, showing their deities, displaying their supernatural powers, combining each other’s power, and resisting the power of the endless star.

Di Jun’s face became solemn, and the first wave of Star’s light was blocked by the monsters in the black world with their own strength.

Kunpeng looked at the dozens of Kunpeng in the ocean in horror. The instinctive traction of the bloodline caused the power in his body to surging and tremble, and he couldn’t help but want to blend into it.

This impulse was so strong that it was almost impossible for him to suppress it.

Fortunately, at this moment, the demon book that he had been holding in his hand gave a slight shock, awakening it instantly.

“Is there such power?”

Kunpeng was amazed, and withdrew his gaze, not daring to look more.

Taiyi has always been calm, even if he sees the power of the monster clan being blocked by the large array, he does not see the slightest mood swing in his eyes.

Di Jun took a deep breath, a little disappointed, but not too disappointed. The scene before him was what he expected.

The demons in the black world are connected to their origins, and the number is far more than them, so the strength is naturally stronger than them!

It was also relying on the Universe Star Dou formation that he had the confidence to lead the demons into the black world.

But I didn’t expect that their strength was so strong, even relying on the power of the big formation, it would be difficult to suppress it in the first place.

“This time it’s really troublesome!”

Di Jun secretly said in his heart, suddenly shouted in a deep voice: “Kunpeng!”

Kunpeng nodded, knowing what he meant, and throwing the demon book in his hand, immediately countless demon texts emerged from it.

Emperor Jun mobilized the power of the Universe Star Dou Great Array, condensing the power of the demons, and poured it into countless demons.

The demon text gained a great array of power, and immediately radiated endless light, a breath of civilization appeared, and the light condensed into a line, connected to each other, forming a gorgeous article.

Just looking at the countless demon texts, it was like seeing a grand demon civilization, bright and powerful.

The demon text flew up and flew towards a higher place, and soon, it seemed that it had broken through some obstacles, and entered a higher level of space.

In the black world, countless figures rushed in quickly, and were startled by the momentum of the war here. The forces of the black world were gathering. Soon, it was not just the same race connected with their blood that appeared in front of the demons, but there were other differences. Other creatures.

As soon as Fang appeared, they immediately displayed their magical powers, displayed their own powers, and were like the other black worlds, and jointly fought against the Universe star formation.

After a short time, the power of starlight condensed by the Universe Star Dou Great Array was blocked by everyone in the black world, and the dense starlight became sparsely scattered, and countless terrifying figures looked at the monsters with malicious eyes. Family.

The monsters of the demon race suddenly felt a horror, life and death seemed to be taken away by these gazes, and a hint of fear emerged in their hearts unconsciously.

This is just a simple gaze, which contains such power… It can be seen how terrifying it will be after they get rid of the suppression of the big formation.

The power of the large array was gradually exhausted. The people in the black world stood among the magical powers, supported by the magical powers, and rushed towards the monsters of the monster race. The speed was not fast at first, and the power of the large array was still suppressing. The strength of the formation weakened, the effect of suppression weakened, and the speed became faster and faster.

Before long, the demons could already feel the terrifying power, the sense of crisis in their hearts became stronger, and even the weaker demons began to tremble.

This was an uncontrollable trembling, being taken by the power of the people in the black world, and the mind was suppressed, as if returning to the time of a mortal monster.

“The strength of their large array is weakened…Kill them and rush out of the black realm!”

“Out of the black realm…” everyone in the black realm yelled, extremely excited.

“Black Realm, is the name of this world called Black Realm?” Di Jun heard this, and said in his heart, because this world was shrouded in darkness, they had always called it Black Realm.

Only now did I know that this place was called Heiyu.

“Domain?” Di Jun’s heart moved, and he was even more shocked. It turned out that it was not a realm but a realm?

The people in the black world have rushed over, and they can clearly see their faces, that terrifying aura, connected together to suppress the demons.

The power of the demons is used to maintain the large formation, even under the protection of the large formation, but still being captured by the momentum of the people in the black world, most of the demons are trembling.

“Huh, the battle has just begun!”

Dijun snorted coldly, and looked up at the many demon texts that had rushed into the higher level of the other side. With a thought, a civilized aura spilled and rushed into the universe.


In an instant, a huge force of suppression appeared, and the people in the black world who rushed were immediately fixed on the spot.

After only a breath, they recovered their power of action, but the shocking, terrifying, and important force of suppression in their bodies disappeared, and they were suppressed by the power of civilization and no longer had any effect.

Moreover, the power of civilization fell on the people of the black world, causing their strength to weaken a lot in an instant.

“Children, kill with me!” Di Jun shouted coldly, and rushed to the people in the black world first. A golden sun real fire appeared in his hand, the size of a palm, but it contained the ultimate temperature, with endless Domineering, like a sun, killed everyone in the black world.

After that, Taiyi and Kunpeng used all means and rushed over.

The demons suddenly realized that they were able to move, and that the Universe Star Dou formation no longer needed them to maintain, and they were able to extract their own power.

Looking at the figure of Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Kunpeng, the demons were surprised for a moment, and then without hesitation, they all displayed their magical powers and killed everyone in the black world without fear.

The power of the Universe Star Dou formation suppressed the Ascension of the people in the Black World because of the same origin, and the suppression of the Qi machine weakened their strength, making the gap between the monster race and them smaller, and they can truly fight. , Not one side.

The battle has officially begun…In the black domain, countless powerful magical powers are shining, the figure is flying, blood, bones, splashing, and the dark world, soon a touch of red appears.

It was a huge river, a river made of blood.


Duobao retracted his gaze: “The battle of the monster race has begun… I hope the battle can bring you a transformation!”

Beside him, a cyan figure appeared, Xiaoqing, with a huge aura, surrounded by endless Karma and karma.

“Master.” Xiaoqing bowed and saluted.

Duobao nodded slightly: “Done?”

Xiaoqing: “Yes, the Karma of the Lich family has been collected.”

Xiaoqing is the mother of the fruit tribe, and he has been given a special ability to absorb Karma, karma in the body, and form a catastrophe.

“Well, then you go to the Black Territory.” Duobao instructed: “Now that the Demon Race has been robbed, you go to preside over the Tribulation. Remember, don’t show up first. After the Demon Race has the upper hand, take the Fruit Race. Released, forcing the monster race to find a helper, and dragging the witch race into the robbery.”

“Yes.” Xiaoqing nodded, and his figure flashed before disappearing from the same place and heading to the black world.

Duobao stared at Xiaoqing’s disappearing back and stared for a while.

After a while, he shook his head slightly, retracted the thoughts in his heart, and turned to look at the space in front of him that was already filled with countless powers.

Water and fire, wind and cloud, time and space, good fortune, Karma, karma, destruction… and many other forces, evolve and develop from the subtle.

Duobao’s thoughts fall into it, watch their development, evolve, record in the heart, and change their development and evolve with their own thoughts from time to time, and then observe carefully.

Under the intervention of his thoughts, endless changes appeared in his mind in the form of information.

Normal evolution, changes in external forces, changes in civilization, changes in wars, changes in peace…Almost everything that can be thought of, development, situation, and more treasures have been added to it, so that they can be displayed more comprehensively. own feature.

In this process, he is also improving his basic understanding of various powers little by little, perfecting his own thoughts and thoughts.

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