Chapter 418 Attack on the Black World

“It’s also because of this that I can come out of the world of the gods through your bloodline, while he is away, through your body.”

“You are kind to me, and I also want you… Your current strength is too bad, I will help you Ascension strength, it is a reward for your kindness.” Lei Wang said.

The ancestors were silent, contemplating carefully.

It’s a good thing to have such a powerful existence to help them…

However, they have not forgotten that the existence in front of him is not a good person who does not ask for anything in return. The horror and fierceness he has shown before, it is chilling to think about it now.

Such an existence suddenly said such words, what they felt was not a surprise, but a fright.

“Your Majesty…” Di Jiang just wanted to speak.

King Lei cast his gaze towards him. Although he didn’t speak, an inexplicable pressure abruptly occurred, pressing on his heart, so that he couldn’t say anything that he wanted to refuse.

Intuitively, an indescribable huge danger hung over him… He felt that as long as he dared to say the words of rejection, the next moment would definitely happen very bad things!

He couldn’t guess what it was… and didn’t want to experience it.

“Of course it’s good, but, your Majesty said he asked us… I don’t know what it is?” Di Jiang turned around and asked instead.

“Karma.” Lei Wang said: “Our world has died, and the gods have fallen, but even though they have fallen, the consciousness still exists, and we need to be resurrected.”


The ancestral witches were shocked, and the dead can be resurrected… It seems that they are still in their world. If they are resurrected, the situation in the prehistoric world will definitely change drastically!

Resurrection is not a difficult task. Even they can easily resurrect some ordinary gods… But, Lei Wang and others… No, it’s not like waiting for the gods!

The worst of them are quasi-sages, the strongest is even above Sage, and they are numerous…If such existences are resurrected in the prehistoric world…then…

Di Jiang didn’t dare to think about it anymore. He looked at Zhu Jiuyin and nodded together. After making a decision, his eyes were determined.

This is the prehistoric world, the world opened up by God the Father. King Thunder and other gods are too strong. If they are resurrected in the prehistoric world, they will immediately occupy the magpie’s nest. With the current strength of the prehistoric world, there will be no slightest. Resistance!

In that way, the world opened up by God the Father became the second world of the gods.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

“Don’t worry, in this world, we don’t dare to mess around.” Just when Dijiang and the ancestor witches made the decision to burn the jade and stone, as if seeing their minds, King Lei continued.

Di Jiang paused, temporarily suppressing the thoughts in his heart, and asked: “What does your Majesty’s remark mean?”

“In your world, the middle and low-level strength is far inferior to our world, but the top-level strength is far beyond our world.”

Lei Wang looked at the chaos beyond the sky, then to the west, and then to the whole world, looking a little surprised: “I really didn’t expect that such a weak world like you would be able to give birth to such a great existence, and there is more than one!”

The Thunder King can appear, and it is considered the top-notch mansion among the gods, which is the concept Sage.

As a concept Sage, he can’t detect the existence of rule Sage, but he can vaguely sense.

The ancestors and witches looked beyond the sky, the West, and the whole world with the eyes of the Lei King.

“Tianwai Chaos… Dao Ancestor, West… Demon Ancestor is not dead yet?”

“The world… Heavenly Dao!”

Soon, with just a few glances, Dijiang and other ancestor witches had already guessed the existence of the place that Lei King was looking at. They were relieved in their hearts, and at the same time, they were even more shocked.

It turned out that Daozu Hongjun’s strength had reached such a level, even the Thunder King, who was far above Sage, was so jealous.

What made them even more unexpected was the glance that Lei Wang looked towards the west.

What’s in the west… lead, Zhundi!

However, it was obvious that Zhundi was not enough to enter the eyes of King Thunder, and I thought about it further. In the West, there is the Sumeru Mountain. It was the dojo of the demon ancestor Luohu in the era of the three races.

I used to think that after being defeated by Dao Zu Hongjun, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu had already fallen…Looking at the appearance of the Thunder King, Luo Hu not only did not fall, but obviously, it seems that he has become stronger, and even more so, he has reached the same level as Dao Ancestor. Realm at the same level.

The third eye from the back is a good guess.

The one who can represent the world is definitely Heavenly Dao!

“Who are they?” Lei Wang asked with some surprise: “How can such a powerful existence appear in a weak world like you?”

In the eyes of King Lei, the prehistoric world is really strange.

The whole world is bigger than theirs, and there are more creatures, but the masters in it are few and pitiful.

For him, the existence of the gods is considered a master, and the gods correspond to Sage in the prehistoric world.

“In such a powerful world, there are six gods…there are three above the gods!”

King Lei was extremely surprised.

The god corresponds to Sage, and the god king has the concept of Sage.

“Your Majesty said it should be Dao Ancestor, Demon Ancestor and Heavenly Dao.” Di Jiang explained, and then unconsciously glanced at Kunlun.

“Where’s Duobao… Did Duobao miss this God King’s eyes?”

Di Jiang secretly wondered in his heart, and after a moment, he suddenly said, “Yes, although Duobao is strong, he has not reached the same level as Dao Ancestor and the others… at least not in the eyes of the god king.”

“Dao Ancestor, Demon Ancestor… Heavenly Dao.” Lei Wang repeated, and then said: “So, don’t worry, they are much stronger than us. They are all at the level of the old man. We don’t dare to be presumptuous.”

“We?” Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his eyes. This word… seemed to confirm his previous guess.

“Yes, we are dead, but we are not reconciled.” Lei Wang gritted his teeth, angry but helpless: “We want to break our own destiny.”

“Break fate?” Zhu Rong asked suspiciously.

They have surpassed Sage and reached such strength. Logically speaking, they should have been detached long ago. How could the word destiny be involved?

Can destiny still have an effect on such an existence?

“You don’t need to know about this.” Thunder King was reluctant to say more, and instead said: “In short, we have formed Karma with you, and through your body, you will be reborn in this world.”

“Then what are our benefits?” Di Jiang asked immediately.

He didn’t want to refuse, nor was he qualified to refuse.

As long as they don’t want to occupy the wild world, but just resurrect, they don’t need to work hard to burn the jade and the stone.

“I teach you the Law of Origin God.” Lei Wang said.

“The Law of the Origin God?” Zhu Jiuyin trembled inexplicably. Intuition that the name was not simple, she suddenly became excited: “What is the Law of the Origin God?”

“I think you all have laws and carry them, but you don’t know how to use them. It’s too rough.”

The Thunder King glanced at the people, there was thunder running in his eyes, followed the Karma on them, saw countless witches, and shook his head slightly: “Moreover, you have so many people, and there are so many more in this world. Creatures… sit on Baoshan without knowing it.”

“If we can have resources like yours, I’m afraid… we can jump out!”

Looking at the lost Thunder King, the ancestors and witches looked at each other, and Di Jiang asked, “What do you say?”

“This is the law of the Origin God, you will know it after reading it.” Thunder King didn’t explain, a thunder was born out of thin air, divided into several ways, and each fell into the eyebrows of the ancestral witches.

In an instant, countless mysteries and information appeared in my heart.

After a while, Dijiang was shocked and said: “Is it…Is that so?”

“So, you understand…With so many resources, if you make good use of it, you will definitely have a huge Ascension.”

Lei Wang said proudly: “We use this to form Karma… feasible?”

“Of course, of course!” Di Jiang said excitedly.

After obtaining the Yuanshen Method, and then looking at the prehistoric world, the feeling is suddenly different.

“Sure enough, I was sitting on Baoshan without knowing it.”


When the Thunder King appeared in the prehistoric world, he was immersing himself in the study of many laws, the many treasures in civilization, raised his head, and his eyes fell: “The gods…you still have some thoughts.”

I was a little happy in my heart.

The gods were created by him and lacked in essence. Although their strength was strong, they were all made from foreign objects, and they were not considered their strength.

The law of the source god fell into his mind, instantly clear, and some sighed: “Sure enough, should gods be linked to faith?”

The law of the source god, to put it bluntly, is the law of faith, and it is also a great way…but it is not complete.

Turning his head, glanced at the silent gods, his eyes condensed slightly, and he didn’t say much: “Since you all did this, so be it!”

“Hope, you don’t let me down!”

He did not specifically arrange for the appearance of King Thunder, but he did not specifically prevent it. Such a development is a natural development, and he also does not intend to change.

Although the gods were transformed by his magic power rules, where the strength is, the essence is a little bit worse, but the methods created by their strength are not bad.

For the current Wu Clan, getting the Thunder King’s guidance, if it is good, will have great changes.

He wanted to see what kind of changes Thunder King could bring to the Wu Clan if left alone.

The thoughts in his mind turned, and Duo Bao looked in the direction of the demon’s Heaven Court again. They had already arrived outside the black world.


In the chaos, a black whirlpool surged, deep and dark, seeming to lead to an unknown place.

Many demons stood outside the whirlpool under the leadership of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

“Go!” Di Jun gave an order, and walked toward the whirlpool, took a step, and entered the whirlpool.

Taiyi, Kunpeng and the other demons did not hesitate at all, and stepped neatly into the whirlpool.

Soon, the noisy chaos returned to calm again.

In the whirlpool, in the black world, the figure of Emperor Jun appeared first, and after that, many other monster races stepped forward one by one.

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