Chapter 417 The Thunder King Appears

Duobao feels that he has created many civilizations because of the power of the system, Tao?

Because of the existence of this power, there is no problem on the surface. Even if it was him, he didn’t think there was a problem, and even Hongjun couldn’t see it.

This is the influence of the power above the rules, not what they, Realm, can find.

Since there is no discovery, the system is still there. Such a thing is actually a good thing…think carefully, it is a good thing!

If the foundation is not good enough, then from the details, a little bit of analysis, research… study these civilizations with the mentality of a mortal, a researcher, and slowly make up, as long as the time is long enough, they can definitely be researched. .


Heaven Court, among the monster clan, there are countless lines of monster clan, demon mountain and monster sea are no longer enough to describe… that is the number of trillions, gathered together, like the origin of the sky.

Heaven Court is also special. It is the central place. No matter how much it is, it can automatically extend and expand the space to accommodate these monster races.

Di Jun looked at the monster races with satisfaction, and said vigorously: “Go!”

Most of the monster races in front of them have experienced the existence of the dark trial field, and their respective strengths are at the lowest level equivalent to the original golden immortals. Most of them are comparable to Taiyi, and a few are comparable to Da Luo. .. This kind of strength is far stronger than the original monster race.

The demons were mighty, and under the leadership of Di Jun, they rushed towards the chaos.


Out of the precipice, the Hetu Luoshu in Emperor Jun’s hand appeared, the universe star Dou formation was laid down, and the great formation Dao Yun appeared, covering all the monster races in it, and the power of the large formation fell. In an instant, the strength of many monster races was crazy Ascension.

Not all demons here, there are still a lot of demons staying at Heaven Court.

The demon races that can be selected by Emperor Jun to participate in this battle are all the most powerful demon races, and the most powerful is the Xuanxian limit.

At this time, under the blessing of the Great Array, the strength of all monster races has reached the Golden Immortal Ascension, and even generally reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the strength of the Daluo Golden Immortal is not a minority.

The strength of the Infinite Monster Race instant Ascension, the movement caused by it is huge.

“That’s… Yaozu?”

In the predecessor, Da Neng looked at the monster races outside the predecessor in shock, his scalp was numb, his body trembled, and he couldn’t believe it.

“How is it possible? How could the Yaozu be so strong?”

“Da Luo Jinxian…”

Gudong, he couldn’t help but swallowed… Said it was mighty, but he was actually just a big Luo Jinxian.

This is a master in the prehistoric, and he is deeply proud of it.

“Da Neng… Monster Race… Witch Race… As expected to be the overlord of heaven and earth!”

This person’s face was green and white, and after changing several times, he finally sighed and lowered his head, not daring to look again.


A golden light flashed across his body, calming himself.


A mouthful of blood was spit out, and the golden light flashed more urgently. After a long while, he calmed down.

“Sure enough… I just looked at it from a distance, and I have been suppressed by its breath…”

With such strength, the Yaozu deployed the Universe Star Fight, and its power was so strong that countless people were shocked and shocked to discover the power of this scene.

Many people were shocked and found it difficult to maintain their state of mind. They watched the Yaozu for a long time, coughing up blood from the shock, and suffered serious injuries.

“What is Yaozu going to do?”

“Such a formation… full of energy and high fighting spirit, are they going to fight?”

“Fight! Is it the Witch Clan?”

The great powers were able to communicate with each other and talked: “It shouldn’t be. If it’s the Witch Clan, they should rush to the earth, not chaos.”

“But, looking at the predecessor, in addition to the Wu Clan, there is also that power that can make the Demon Clan be so strict?”

“This…who knows…perhaps, there are powerful forces that we don’t know…it doesn’t seem to be a joke from the appearance of the monster race.”

“Hey, Hong Huang…I can’t understand it more and more!”


“Universe Star Dou Formation, what are Emperor Jun and the others going to do?” The ancestor witches walked out of the Pangu Hall, looking surprised at the monster race that was about to rush out of the wild.

The movement of the Yaozu was too great, even in the Great Hall, they also felt that powerful aura.

“Is the square array called the Universe Star Dou array?” At this moment, a surprised voice sounded: “Curious and wonderful array… if we had… forget it…”


Zhu Rong was horrified, this voice was very strange, and it was definitely not made by all of their brothers.

Moreover, this voice sounded, always feeling a touch of familiarity in the unfamiliar, and even an inexplicable horror.

Just listening, his scalp was numb, and his whole body seemed to be electrified, and he almost jumped up in shock.

The other ancestral witches were also shocked, looking around vigilantly, the magnificent power swept the world like water, looking at the source of the sound.

It’s just that, with nothing, with their strength, they couldn’t find the location of the talking creature…no clue was found.

“Hey, did you forget me not long after we met?” The voice continued: This is really sad! ”

Just met!

Di Jiang’s brain turned rapidly, and suddenly his body shook, his face was horrified, his hair was erected, his heart was beating rapidly, and he almost jumped out of his body.

After a long while, he asked cautiously: “It’s the king of god senior!”

This ghost has fallen, and it is enough to appear in that world. I didn’t expect it to follow them out!

Hearing that, the other ancestral witches were shocked!

God king… the ghost in the cemetery of the gods?

No way!

That stuff… can it still come out?

“Of course it’s me!” With the voice, a black shadow appeared out of thin air, twisting in front of the ancestor witches, and soon formed a familiar figure, covered in mist, unable to see his face.

“This world… curious and different!”

The black shadow muttered, his body constantly twisting, as if to do something, like a worm, all the ancestor witches who looked at each other looked at each other.

“What is he doing?”

The ancestral witches did not dare to transmit their voices for fear of being discovered.

With the power of this ghost, their voice transmission is not safe.

Fortunately, they have been together for many years, have a tacit understanding, and talk with their eyes.

“I don’t know…it seems…it’s just for fun?”

“…Did he have something abnormal in his brain because he died?”

“It’s hard to tell…but this is not the problem now. The problem is how did he follow us out, and… what does he want to do?”

“Hey…” Just as everyone’s eyes were talking, the black shadow’s twisting finally stopped. He glanced at the sky with dread, and then at the ancestral witches who were winking: “Don’t be afraid. Come out, there is no malice against you.”

“no offence?”

The ancestors do not believe…the dead creatures, follow them out of the living, open their mouths without malicious intent, who believes?

The most important thing is that this guy was too strong before his death… Even if he died, his strength was far surpassed by them!

“I don’t know, what do you call the god king senior?” Di Jiang stepped forward and asked in a deep voice.

The shadow said: “Call me Thunder King.”

“Your world is really strange, the bottom strength is so weak, the middle strength is not bad, but the top strength… is really scary!”

The black mist flashed rapidly on the black shadow, which seemed to represent his uneasy heart at the moment.

“Bottom? Middle? Top?”

Dijiang’s eyes flashed, and he keenly noticed the key points in the Leiwang mouth, and secretly said in his heart: “The bottom layer should refer to ordinary creatures, the middle layer… If no accident, it should be us, the top layer… definitely not one. Sage, are Dao ancestors? Duobao? Heavenly Dao?”

“Perhaps, even Sage is among the mid-level strength he says!”

Avoid. Although the guy in front of him has fallen, from the previous feeling, he must have been a strong person above Sage before his death. Sage, who is above him, may not be regarded as a person in his eyes.

“Dare to ask your Majesty Leiwang, what are the top-level strengths in your mouth…how many?” Zhu Jiuyin also thought of this question and asked.

“How many?” Lei Wang shook his head in surprise, and did not conceal: “I don’t know, I can only feel that it is extremely powerful, far beyond imagination, is a power above the god king, even better than him… NS!”

Lei Wang lowered his head, and the last sentence was faint and almost inaudible.

Well, the strength of the ancestor witches is not weak, and just heard his last sentence: “He? Who is he?”

Thoughts flashed in Xuan Ming’s mind, and then suddenly a flash of inspiration, and asked: “Your Majesty, is he the old man in the world of the gods? Or the girl?”

King Lei’s voice suddenly changed trembling and suppressed, and the hearts of the ancestors who listened to it seemed to be pressed against a mountain.

“Isn’t it him!”

“He created our world. He was supposed to be our Father God… We are all his children, but he… maybe just treats us as toys!”

King Lei’s body that couldn’t see his face suddenly trembled, and the surrounding atmosphere instantly became silent and depressed.

“Create the world…”

The ancestors were shocked… they had overestimated the strength of the old man and the young girl as much as possible!

He even regarded him as the only survivor in the war of the gods, the final victor, the strongest existence… but he did not expect that he would be the creator of that extremely powerful world!

“Can create such a powerful world… Isn’t that an existence comparable to the Father God?” Zhu Rong thought in amazement.

Even in the Primordial World, compared to the other world, it is still far behind!

At least, as far as the Primordial World is concerned, there are only six of them in Sage, while in the world of gods, almost most of them are Sage, and even the strong above Sage are not a few!

The existence that can create such a world…maybe even stronger than God the Father!

“Okay, let’s not talk about him…” After a long while, Lei Wang turned the subject and looked at the ancestral witches: “Your bloodline is very strong… Although you did not perform well, its source is strong, even He is no weaker than him.”

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