Chapter 416: Uninvited Guest

Because he knows his temper, there are usually few people coming.

On this day, there was a person in the hall of the demon master.

“See His Majesty the Eastern Emperor.” Kunpeng stood at the door to greet him, feeling a little surprised.

The relationship between him and Taiyi is neither bad nor good. It is simply a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

In the past countless Yuanhui, Tai Yi rarely came to his demon master palace, this time, why did he come again.

“Demon Master.” Taiyi yelled, and Kunpeng was shocked immediately.

The voice was cold, with endless exhaustion, it seemed that he had gone through some catastrophe, and his energy was exhausted.

“His Majesty Donghuang… Is something wrong?” Kunpeng asked worriedly.

It is certainly not a simple matter to be able to make Taiyi behave like this.

Could it be that the Yaozu has something serious again?

However, it shouldn’t be. He holds the Demon Book in his hand. If something happened to the Demon Race, he should know it for the first time.

“Master demon, I am here this time because I am looking for you for something.” Taiyi said coldly.

Kunpeng froze for a moment, oh, isn’t something wrong with the Yaozu?

“Is such that…”

On this day, Taiyi and Kunpeng had a long talk in the Demon Master Palace, and the Demon Master Palace had been overwhelmed and shrouded by powerful forces for a long time.

The next day, Tai Yi walked out. Kunpeng stood at the entrance of the Great Hall, looking at Tai Yi’s leaving back, with complicated eyes: “Is it really like this? As for?”


In the world of the cemetery of the gods, Dubaobai said goodbye to Hongjun and was thinking about it.

“My heart is not the heart of the cultivator… That’s right.”

“From the beginning to the end, I have always regarded myself as an adult. Compared with ordinary practitioners, I really lack a spiritual heart.”

Although so many years have passed, the time in the prehistoric times is not too short, but in fact, he has not changed.

“Master meant to make me a practitioner and cultivate a state of mind.”

Duobao narrowed his eyebrows: “But, what is the state of mind?”

“I also have Taoism, and I have my mood… But obviously, I really don’t have a practitioner’s mood.”

“The practitioner’s state of mind helps them not to be shocked, the sky is collapsing in front of them, and their minds remain calm and steady.”

“This is the best state of mind for cultivation, with less mood swings and less distracting thoughts. For cultivation, it is more effective.”

“But…is this really good?”

Duobao shook his head slowly: “I don’t seem to like this state of mind.”

“I like many emotions, many thoughts, I like complexity, and I like every emotional beating in my heart.”

Think about it carefully, the cultivator, to the end of the cultivation, unless it is the people, things that are closely related to oneself, and things that involve one’s own interests, otherwise they are as calm as water.

There will be no mood swings in the world of sorrow and separation, life and death.

This is the mind of a practitioner… This kind of mind is more suitable for cultivation.

“Can a mortal heart not be able to cultivate, cultivate, or control huge power?”

No, mortals can naturally control such power, but… it’s even more difficult.

Like his previous life, ordinary mortals didn’t control atomic bombs or nuclear bombs…Although they were relying on external forces, they still mastered them, and there was no major problem.

“The heart can be changed, it can be ascension, a mortal can become a practitioner, but a mortal heart… is even more rare.”

“At the end of cultivation, if the relatives around you are not there, for the practitioners, they will be completely separated from the world. Most of them will no longer pay attention to external affairs and concentrate on cultivation… Just, is this really good?”

“What is cultivation for?”

“Become stronger?”

“This is one reason, and there is another reason. It is to protect the people around you, to look at the higher scenery… If you cultivation with the heart of the cultivation person, you will eventually lose the last purpose forever, leaving only the front. one of.”

“What’s the difference between this and a machine?”

Duobao doesn’t like this feeling. He prefers to have a heart that will always be moved by foreign objects. He doesn’t treat all things as ants and treats them as equals, no matter how strong they are.

“The heart of a cultivator can speed up cultivation, but the heart of a mortal can feel more beauty and enjoy more scenery.”

The thoughts in his mind slowly turned, and Duobao had an answer in his heart: “I don’t like the heart of a cultivator, so that’s good.”

“No matter how long it takes, my heart has not changed. Moreover, such a heart can also have strength and control strength.”

“As long as you know enough, you can naturally have enough Taoism, and if you have enough Taoism, you can control your strength.”

He also knew what Master Hongjun meant by saying this, because he was afraid that in the future, if there was a problem with his system and the power above the rules, his powerful strength would not be suppressed.

With strength without corresponding Daoxing control, terrible things will happen in the end.

Coupled with the foundation of these strengths themselves, the foundation is actually not perfect, and it can’t be formed normally. It is only under the action of the system that it ignores all this and finally takes shape.

Losing the system, those missing things will turn the power he possesses into an unstable bomb. Once exploded, the entire prehistoric world and even the entire chaos will undergo tremendous changes and even destruction.

This is not an exaggeration, after all, he now has the power of Rule Sage, which is almost comparable to Chaos.

If it really breaks out, the result will only be worse and not better.

“Tao and deeds, basics, ideas, and cognition are all there is.”

Dubao said softly: “This is indeed a problem. Although the possibility of occurrence is very low, it is unavoidable… it is still possible.”

“Since the foundation is not enough, I will make up for the gaps in foundation, knowledge, and cognition, and I will learn and improve… In the end, as long as I can have the corresponding Taoism, it will naturally not be a problem.”

“At that time, even if the system is lost, I will be able to control such power… it becomes a veritable rule Sage, that’s it!”

It is difficult to do this, but fortunately, it is still a long time now and he has enough time to do it.

The thoughts move, and the wind and fire in front of you are spontaneous.

The wind is invisible, turning into a whirlpool, and the water is blue, the size of a thumb, and crystal-like.

The whirlpool of wind slowly rotates, and in every wisp of wind, endless laws and Taoism are flooded, subdivided, and thoughts fall into it, and immediately a world is born from it.

The water droplets turn, the appearance is normal, but there is great power inside, which naturally opens up countless worlds.

“Open up naturally?”

Duobao was slightly dazed. He originally planned to study the rules in detail and come up with Feng Shui, just like from the details, from the most basic, a little bit of research and observation.

Unexpectedly, with his current strength and a random thought, the Feng Shui that was born is not simple.

The power in it is magnificent, comparable to a square and a thousand worlds.

And after its appearance, the power inside naturally changed, and the world naturally opened up.

You know, he himself has no such thoughts.

“This seems to be an instinct?”

Duobao secretly said in his heart, he didn’t stop him, and watched carefully.

“When the power reaches a certain level, it seems that there will be the idea of ​​opening up the world… Whether it is a creature or the power itself, it is like Chaos and Pangu.”

Chaos breeds the world and is a representative of power, while Pangu is a representative of living beings.

After its strength reached its limit, it was also breaking new ground.

Even if he is now, the two forces created by his thoughts, wind and water, without his special control, have actually opened up the world by himself.

The passage of time in wind and water is different from the outside world. In his thinking, an endless world has been born in it, and… countless creatures have been born.


Duobao was taken aback: “A creature?”

These are just two simple winds and the power of water. It is not surprising that it can open up the world. What is strange is that in the world it has opened up, creatures can be born?

“Gene, where does the template come from?”

Dubao noticed that things seemed a little uneasy, and he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Looking serious, take further observation.

The world of wind and water is rapidly evolving, in which countless creatures are born, either weak or strong, and gradually there are battles, and the struggle for interests and resources is unsurprisingly unfolding among the endless creatures in the world.

“Wind, water… two powers dominate, but there are other powers too.”

Looking at, watching, the color of surprise in Dubao’s eyes became stronger.

Both worlds are composed of pure wind and water power. Logically speaking, with it as the core, the power in the world opened up should also be wind and water.

But in fact, at first, it was indeed the two forces of wind and water, but as the number of creatures increased, other forces slowly appeared.

Time, space, destiny, Karma, fire, thunder, light…Almost all the powers that should be normally possessed have also appeared among them.

“In it… it seems that there is a force beyond the rules… It is above the rules!”

Watching and watching, Duobao secretly guessed in his heart: “It is the power above the rules, which stipulates that after a creature or power reaches a certain level, it will naturally nurture the world and open up the world.”

“It is the power above the rules. After the world is opened up, no matter what its origin is, it will naturally generate other powers, turning the pure world into a colorful one.”

Duobao used his power to investigate other sources of power in Feng Shui’s world, but found nothing and nothing.

No matter whether it was exploration or calculation, there was no result… everything happened naturally, everything appeared naturally, and it was extremely normal.

“It’s certain, there must be forces above the rules to intervene in this.”

He is already the rule Sage, but still can’t find a trace. Moreover, such a change can really only guess the power above the rule.

“This is not something I can explore now… it’s beyond the limit of my strength.”

After observing for a long time, Duobao waved his hand to annihilate the world of Feng Shui, and then unfolded again, mobilizing his own thoughts, joining them, and letting the inner world move according to his thoughts and let go of this thought.

“First, I use my own cognition to supplement the essence of all power, civilization, and the foundation of Tao, and research…First, ascension the foundation.”

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