Chapter 415 Your Child Has Grown Up

The black shadow slowly disappeared, walked under the cemetery, and lay in.

Looking at the entire cemetery of the gods, desolate and even barren, endless, the darkness of death filled the whole world, like smoke, floating, making the hearts of the ancestors and witches feel a sense of sadness inexplicably.

Especially when watching the dark shadow god king walk into the cemetery and lie in peacefully…the anger in his heart suddenly decreased a lot.

The cemetery of the gods was originally the world of the gods, with a complete and powerful civilization, extremely brilliant, countless gorgeous, exquisite, powerful, and shocking buildings, under the efforts of countless creatures, the formation of a seat.

However, all of this gorgeousness and brilliance shattered with the end of the gods, and was affected by the power of the gods’ war, and finally turned into this vast and barren cemetery, the dead zone.

To be able to give birth to such a powerful existence, one can imagine how brilliant, dazzling, dazzling, and powerful it once was, but now… only these countless cemeteries and lifelessness remain.

“She will stay here for the time being, it will be good for her…When she recovers, she will naturally go out to find you after she is resurrected.”

With the final voice, the Dark Shadow King completely disappeared.

Di Jiang stared at the figure of the Dark Shadow God King, and suddenly he felt helpless in his original strong and domineering feeling.


Di Jiang secretly said in his heart: “What kind of thing would make such a powerful existence feel helpless?”

call out!

In thinking, a red figure, one and five meters tall, wearing a red dress, walked out out of thin air: “Your business has been done, you can leave.”

“It’s her, it’s that woman!”

Seeing this moment, the ancestor witches thought of what Xuan Ming had said before, the only two surviving in this terrifying world, the woman between the old man and the woman.

“It turns out that it was a child… so young in appearance?”

The ancestors witches were surprised. Xuan Ming said before that they had always been replaced by women. They never expected that their age would be so young.

Of course, time is not worth money in the prehistoric times, and the age of appearance does not judge one’s age, it has something to do with the mind… But appearance is like this, generally speaking, age is not too big.


As he thought to himself, he saw the child, raised his hand, and the ancestor witches had a flower in front of him, and he didn’t even sense the slightest fluctuation of power. Then, when he was sober again, he found that he had returned to the Pangu Hall.

“So strong!” Zhu Rong said in shock.

He saw the opponent’s movements and wanted to resist, but when the thought first appeared, he had already found himself back to the Pangu Temple and out of the cemetery of the gods.

“It’s really strong… But, in such a place, is it ordinary to survive in the end?” Tian Wu sensed his body, with a trace of sadness in his eyes: “We have lost the blood of Father God… Are we still witches?”

The ancestors witches were silent, asking themselves in their hearts…Is this kind of self still a witch clan?

Even Zhu Rong, who had been silent in Xiaohong’s powerful strength, had always been careless in his character, at this time, he was surrounded by deep sadness.

“Is it still a witch?”

After a long silence, Di Jiang looked at the sad brothers, took a deep breath, and smiled reluctantly: “It’s not all bad things, at least the little girl… can survive.”

“Indeed, although the effort is so large…but it is worth it.” Qiang Liang said heavily.

Xuan Ming squinted his eyes, and suddenly asked, “Is it necessary to have blood to be a Witch?”

The ancestors were surprised and looked at her one after another.

“Sister Xuanming…what do you mean?”

Xuan Ming stared at the crowd and said word by word: “Don’t we have the blood of God the Father, are we not the children of God the Father?”

“Our essence has never changed, it’s just that we have lost our blood.”

“After all, we are all transformed by God the Father’s Blood Essence…In any case, even if we lose our blood, we are still the children of God the Father, and we are all the witches!”

This question, when she lost Pangu’s blood, was already thinking about it.

“Although blood is our most important thing in the past, in fact, our most important thing is not blood, but our identity.”

“The Father God opened up this world. As the children of the Father God, this identity is our root.”

With the words, many previous entanglements and hesitations were gradually resolved, Xuan Ming said faster and faster: “Our identity has not changed, but we have no blood, and even our strength has not decreased too much.”

Yes, the gods extracted their blood, the method used was very strange, and it didn’t have much impact on their strength.

“We are still us… Wu Clan, we have always been!”

The ancestors looked at Xuan Ming blankly, their brains roared, and they didn’t react for a while.

They were immersed in the joy of rescuing Houtu and the sadness of losing their blood. They heard Xuan Ming’s words at this time, making their already complicated emotions instantly more complicated.

Feeling the complicated gaze falling on her body, Xuan Ming continued: “Before, we have all been caught in an obsession.”

“What obsession?” Zhu Rong couldn’t help asking.

“Father God Bloodline!”

Xuan Ming uttered the word heavily. Putting it before, such words and words, once they are said, they are disrespectful to God the Father. She will not say it, let alone think about it, even if she says it. When they come out, they will be scolded by other brothers and sisters.

They really admire the Father God so much that they almost never allow the slightest doubt.

Only now, only now, after everyone has lost the blood of the Father God, and after everyone has lost this obsession, can this be said, and it is also under these circumstances that she will think so.

“I am proud of and proud of the blood of the Father, it is the blood that has made us, but it has also restricted us!”

“Cheng and blood is also defeated by blood…”

The corpse of Shebi’s voice was trembling, and she interrupted Xuan Ming in disbelief, “Xuan Ming, how dare you?”

“Why don’t I dare?” Xuan Ming turned his head, business is more expensive than a corpse, and did not dodge in the slightest: “Is it a blasphemy to the Father God when I say this?”

“No, as a parent, I definitely hope that my own children will get better and better, rather than being silent in the things that they give, and being incapable of extricating themselves.”

“It’s like us, who created other witch races. Don’t we want them to surpass us, but always be under us?”

“In the past, we have always been immersed in the blood, proud of it, trapped by it…reverence for God the Father, just keep it in our hearts.”

“We don’t have to always regard God the Father as an unsurpassable goal… We have to work hard and finally break through the bloodline limit, reach a stronger, even reach the point of the Father God, in this way, the Father God may be happier!”

“This is also our highest return to God the Father!”

In the shocked and even horrified gazes of the ancestors, Xuan Ming said all of his thoughts in one breath: “Lost blood… is not necessarily a bad thing for us.”

After Xuan Ming finished speaking, Great Hall was silent.

After a long time, Di Jiang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then opened them. The sadness in his eyes disappeared and replaced by an indescribable light: “Xuan Ming said it is right.”

“We were indeed restricted by blood in the past, and because of our reverence for God the Father, we have never had any thoughts in this regard.”

“Lost blood is not necessarily a bad thing for us.”

“Bloodline makes us strong and allows us to reach this level of strength, but in the same way, this is already the limit…If we want to Ascension again, we must break through the bloodline limitation and break the reverence for God the Father in our hearts. .”

“It’s not that we want to overthrow God the Father, but we have to use our own strength, work hard, and tell God the Father that we have grown up!”

“Wrapped by blood, relying on blood to be strong, they are only children, but if they lose blood, and break through blood, it is growth…”

The light in Di Jiang’s eyes became brighter and brighter: “We are going to tell God Father… His child has grown up!”

The ancestors’ witches were full of emotions, and gradually they all reacted and understood.

The fact is indeed the case. This truth is not difficult to figure out, but in the past, they were restricted by themselves and did not forget to think about it.

Now, after Xuanming awakened, Di Jiangshu said that he also figured it out all at once.

“What Dage has done is good…We do need to grow up. Blood is just a tool for childhood. We are always the children of God the Father!”

Zhu Jiuyin laughed, looked at the brothers and sisters, and said loudly: “Do you have any confidence? Prove to God the Father that we have grown up and we no longer need his careful care and protection of blood!”

The ancestor witches glanced at each other, and suddenly their body lightened. At this moment, it seemed that there was some invisible shackles flying away from them.


Loud and neat voices resounded through the Great Hall, and the popularity of the crowd changed accordingly, becoming more independent and mature.

The voice was so loud, even beyond the Pangu Hall, awakening a great existence that had been in the wilderness.

A gaze fell out of thin air, looking at the ancestral witches in the temple, gradually becoming relieved: “Growing up…it’s great.”

The slight whisper, with relief, sounded in the wild world, no one can hear it, but it represents the mood of a great existence.


In Heaven Court, in the hall of the demon master, Kunpeng is working hard on the Insight demon book, with his own strength, perception, and slowly revising and growing the demon book.

Kunpeng’s position in the Heaven Court is quite special, the demon master, the master of ten thousand demon, he created the demon literature, carried it, popularized the demon civilization, and therefore condensed the demon book.

Among the Yaozu, its status faintly surpasses Fuxi, Nuwa, only under Emperor Jun, Taiyi.

It stands to reason that for his existence, there should be countless attendants and guards in the temple, but he is withdrawn and doesn’t like noise, so this is Noda’s huge demon master hall that occupies tens of thousands of miles. He is the only one.

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