Chapter 402

“Yes!” Xuan Ming smiled proudly, and walked a few steps to Houtu’s body, where the ice battle was on Samsara’s protection.

Samsara’s protection suddenly appeared, turned into a shield, and turned quickly.

A sense of Samsara came along the extreme ice battle, and he wanted to pull Xuan Ming into Samsara.


Zhu Rong felt a similar feeling. It was the Samsara he had experienced before, but it was stronger, and he couldn’t help but remind it loudly.

He has personally experienced the power of Samsara, he has lingering fears, and he is very worried.


The next moment, a dense ice ball appeared on the rapidly rotating Samsara shield!

The meaning of ice cold rushed out of the extreme ice battle and fell into the Samsara shield, instantly icing it.

The feeling of danger is gone in an instant!

Zhu Rong was stupid in place.

The ice battle was retracted, and the palm of the hand was slapped, Samsara’s shield was smashed, revealing the sleeping earth behind him.

“Little sister? Little sister?” Xuan Ming yelled twice, but without seeing any reaction from Hou Tu, he hugged him.

Turning to face the sluggish Zhu Rong, “Let’s go.”

Zhu Rong reacted, replied repeatedly, and then looked at Xuan Ming with surprise.

Unexpectedly, she was so strong!

Following behind, Xuan Ming opened the Samsara channel, hugged Houtu, and walked out, Zhu Rong quickly followed.

Among Samsara, the bottom of the endless Samsara power, the vast sea of ​​Karma, among the karma, Gong Gong is colliding like a headless fly.

He has been rushing here for a long time. The good news is that he has not encountered any danger. The bad news is that he has not found the back ground, let alone the direction, just moving forward with his feeling.

“Here, how do you get out?”

Gonggong worries, I don’t know where this ghost place is!

Except for darkness, there is endless Karma, karma.

These Karma, karma is not fierce, but in the process of his advancement, he constantly rushed into his body, and the number was small, but it could not be stopped.

As he stays here more time, the more Karma and karma rush into the body.

Slowly, carrying endless Karma on his back, his karma became slower and slower.

His condition is not very good, but he is not worried about himself, and he is more worried about Hou Tu and his other brothers and sisters.

“I’m trapped in this ghost place. The time is short, but if the time is long, the Wu Clan is afraid that something big will happen!”

Gonggong actually saw the most clearly the situation of the Wu clan. He understood the feelings between the brothers, and outsiders could not shake it, but if something went wrong inside him, it would be irreparable.

In serious cases, it may even cause the Witch Clan to fall apart!

There seems to be time and space here, but he cannot judge time, space, Karma, karma, and blurs his perception. Let him not know how long he has been here.

“Hope, it won’t be too long!”

Gong Gong laughed bitterly, only praying like this in his heart.

He also knew that such a possibility was too small and too small.



Dobao walked down the river of fate and was still in the wilderness. He found the change in Samsara: “I still found it. However, finding Hou Tu does not mean that she will be able to save her… Get up, it’s actually best to let her be in Samsara.”

Samsara became Samsara, everything about her was transformed into Samsara, except for her little consciousness that was protected by Samsara and survived, everything else was gone.

Because of this, Hou Tu fell into a deep sleep, only waiting for the immeasurable calamity to come, the heaven and the earth returned to chaos, Pangu, the three thousand chaotic demon gods reappeared, Pangu opened the sky, and with the power of Pangu, he turned it into the Houtu ancestor witch again!

To put it simply, although Hou Tu runs through the entire prehistoric land, its real consciousness and time of existence are only in the Lich Age and before the Lich Age.

At other times, I was sleeping.

Now, Houtu has been rescued and lost Samsara’s protection, her consciousness will gradually dissipate until she truly falls.

Even if the immeasurable calamity appeared, Pangu reopened the world, and the Houtu ancestor witch who appeared again would no longer be her!

Therefore, this may not be a good thing for Hou Tu.

Sighing slightly, Duobao didn’t even think about interfering. He still has the confidence to do this. The Houtu is not dead, for sure, but before that, let the Wu Clan bear the consequences of such behavior himself!

Falling into Samsara’s gaze, he turned slightly, and suddenly saw the lowest level of Samsara, the endless Karma, the co-worker in karma, and grinned unconsciously: “This guy!”

He was a little surprised: “Xuan Ming didn’t notice the existence of Gonggong, but saved Hou Tu, so Zhu Rong left?”

“She won’t look for it in there?”

Originally Duobao thought that Xuan Ming had won the Extreme Ice Battle and rushed into Samsara, possessing sufficient strength.

It just so happens that Zhu Rong, Gong Gong, Hou Tu is in Samsara, this time, it is estimated that they will be rescued all at once.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Ming found Zhu Rong and rescued Hou Tu, but did not find the existence of Gong Gong, and there was no induction at all, which caused a very embarrassing thing to appear.

Gonggong… was left behind!

“It’s really unlucky!”

Duobao slapped his lips, this guy’s luck is really bad!

Under normal circumstances, with Xuanming’s current strength, even in Samsara, it is possible to sense the existence of Gonggong, only because the Pangu bloodline on her surface has disappeared, and there is no bloodline traction, so I didn’t find it!

“Yes, time is also fate.”

This is the fact. In comparison, Zhu Rong’s luck is obviously much better, but Gonggong is much worse.

“Look at what your own development looks like, I’m actually looking forward to it!”

Duobao rolled his eyes, and suddenly disappeared, and came to Xuan Ming’s side. Without noticing it, he stretched out his hand to face the Extreme Ice Battle, and then a coordinate fell into it.

After doing all this, he took another look at Houtu in Xuan Ming’s arms, and Duo Bao nodded in satisfaction and left.


Above the demon Race Heaven Court, there are many demon groves, and the emperor sits tall, beside him, Tai Yi is expressionless, and the message that strangers should not enter is exuded all over, making the demon races extremely puzzled.

“Your Majesty, the source of the calamity has been found. It is a group of aliens from the sky.” Kunpeng stood up and said loudly: “It’s outside the primordial chaos, in a dark world.”

“The minister has entered, and has quietly explored it. There are countless creatures in it… The strange thing is that they, they…”

Having said that, Kunpeng suddenly couldn’t say anything.

“Say!” Di Jun said in a deep voice.

Although he didn’t know the location of Tai Yi, he still found Tai Yi’s trace outside the chaos according to the feeling in his heart.

However, even though Taiyi found it, its state has changed.

The previous Taiyi were very cheerful and sunny, but the Taiyi who I saw each other this time seemed to be a different person, cold and reticent, and hadn’t said a word during this period of time.

“In that world, those creatures have the same origin as me!”

Kunpeng was shocked and stunned, and said in a deep voice: “In that world, there are also three-legged Golden Crow, Kunpeng, and various sacred beasts…monsters.”

“Almost all the demon of my demon race can be found in it, that can be described as the other demon race!”

Kunpeng is a little hard to understand. Heaven and earth beasts like him are all generated from heaven and earth, and their auras are induced. I dare not say that they are the only ones in the world, but they are absolutely unique.

The same sacred beasts may appear in the future, but it is absolutely impossible to reach their level of origin, and it is difficult to achieve theirs.

This is the limitation of origin, luck, and so on!

But in that world, he actually felt a lot of Kunpeng at the same level as him!

When Emperor Jun went to search for Taiyi, he used the demon clan to repair the demon book while he was not idle on the other.

“The other monster race!” Di Jun was surprised when he heard it, and his heart sank. Sure enough, the calamity this time was not easy, but he didn’t expect it to be like this.

He didn’t know nothing, he also got some information from Taiyi.

I originally thought that it was just the three-legged Golden Crow, but I didn’t expect it to be found in all monster races?

It feels like a clone, or an avatar.

“How strong are they?” Di Jun asked after a moment of thought.

“Return your Majesty, it’s not worse than I waited, and there are many!” Kunpeng said this with some difficulty.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the Great Hall, and all the demons were shocked.

If I didn’t know that Kunpeng would not lie, I really thought Kunpeng was lying to them.

These monster races, who have gone through the dark trial field, can be regarded as barely passing, their own strength can be called a great power, and they can only be compared with the witch race that has also experienced the dark trial field.

But I didn’t expect that there would be such a powerful force outside the prehistoric land!

Moreover, the origin is the same, and the number is huge… Isn’t this an enlarged version of the Yaozu?

The most important thing is that such a force is malicious to his monster race, which is a calamity, so it is even more difficult.

“Does the demon master really mean it?” Baize Lion stood up, saluted Kunpeng, and then asked seriously.

Although he knew that since the Kunpeng Demon Master had said so, the probability would be true, but he still had the last glimmer of hope.

Kunpeng disappointed him and nodded, “It’s true!”

“Does that force attack my monster clan want to replace my monster clan’s position and take control of the prehistoric sky?” Suddenly, a monster clan proposed such a conjecture.

Suddenly, all the monster races were startled and thought about it carefully.

Thinking about it this way, it seems very possible!

As a result, the demons each calculated and discussed how to deal with it.

After a long time, the demons calmed down and looked at Emperor Jun.

“Since the calamity has been revealed, the source has been found… the order is passed on, the whole army sets out, we will attack first!”

In the eyes of the demons, Di Jun stood up and said loudly.

“My monster race has no one who is afraid of death, everyone, do you dare to fight?”

The demons stayed for a moment, a little hesitant.

To be afraid of death is not to be afraid of death, but is it too unworthy to die in this way?

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