Chapter 403 Three Steps to Beyond

The Kunpeng demon master has already said that in that world, not only are there more demon races of the same strength as them, but also of the same origin.

From this point of view, the opponent’s power is almost several times or even dozens of times theirs.

In this contrast, how could they be opponents? If they go, wouldn’t they be sent to death?

“Not afraid!”

Baize Lion glanced at the hesitant demons, and stood up first and said loudly.

The demons looked at Baize Lion and then at Dijun. After hesitating for a while, the demons finally said loudly: “Don’t be afraid!”

“Not afraid!”

“Not afraid!”

The next moment, a huge response, almost overturned the top of Heaven Court.

I have experienced so many in the dark trial field, how many times I have lived and died!

The strength of the Fruit Clan is not only several times stronger than them, dozens of times…it’s so difficult, they all broke through, are they afraid of this?


Di Jun shouted, very satisfied with the reaction of the demons, then took another look at Tai Yi and sighed slightly.

Tai Yi hadn’t slowed down yet, and the fact that Duobao had counted the monster clan was a big blow to Tai Yi.

I changed to someone else, screaming too early, and rushing forward, there won’t be much reaction.

However, because Duobao is a friend, he regards Duobao as a friend!

Di Jun understands Taiyi’s feeling, like if one day Taiyi also counts him, he will do the same!

Of course, Tai Yi’s current sadness is not as good as that, but it is not much worse!

“Everyone prepares separately, after March, let’s go!”

The demons took their orders and dispersed.

“Demon Master, how is the recovery of the Demon Book?”

The so-called high speed of soldiers, the reason why he did not immediately make a move after discovering the black world was precisely because of the problem of the demon book.

“Return to your Majesty, March is enough time to recover.” Kunpeng replied.

“That’s good.” Di Jun was satisfied when he got the answer he wanted, and then looked at Taiyi again and put his hand on his shoulder.

Taiyi looked over with a calm gaze.

“Taiyi, I know you are in a bad mood, but things are urgent now, not when you are upset.”

“You have made a great deal of power for my monster race. In this battle, you… don’t have any problems!”

Di Jun said in a deep voice.

Tai Yi’s current state worries him a little, and he doesn’t know whether it will affect the battle.

Others are fine. The most important thing is that the opponents we face are different this time. If Taiyi can’t fight wholeheartedly, I’m afraid there is a danger of falling!

This is not in the dark trial field. How can there be Duobao’s support and death… Although they say that, in fact, everyone has a common understanding that Duobao will not let them die.

But this time is different, the opponent is really going to die.

“Don’t worry, I know.”

Taiyi said calmly, “Dage, I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”

When Tai Yi spoke, there was still not much fluctuation in her voice, as if she had no feelings.

“How can I not worry!”

Di Jun secretly said in his heart, but he couldn’t say it, he just patted Taiyi on the shoulder: “Hope!”


Among the cemeteries of the gods, Xiao Hong slowly came over, and among the cemeteries, he picked up their respective artifacts, observed and played.

Although Xiao Hong does not have a godhead, she has the identity of being a son of Duobao and can easily be picked up.

Duobao sits at the front of the cemetery, and the magic power of the rule turns into a clear stream of water flowing on his body.

Skin, muscles, Meridians, blood, spirit, First Stage are experiencing shock, baptism, growth, and transformation.

The rules flowed through the body, the mind, and gradually fixed the power of the rules into the body and mind. Slowly, Duobao seemed to become the incarnation of the rules, the condensed beings.

When it comes to the rule Realm, ordinary magical powers and Taoism have no effect. The most basic thing is the rule. The size and quantity of the rule’s magic power can even directly correspond to the strength of the rule Sage.

During this period of time, his strength Ascension was too fast, he directly reached the realm of rule Sage, and jumped to the predecessor.

Moreover, he has been busy with the layout all the time, thinking about it, he really didn’t stop well, look at own changes, Ascension, and sort out his own situation.

There is a lot of free time, but even if it’s free, I still think about various things in my mind, and I can’t be free.

Now, the sudden arrival of Di Jiang made his inexplicably anxious heart truly calm down.

Back at the cemetery of the gods, Duobao immediately began to sort out himself, thinking quietly.

Unprecedented peace appeared in my heart, and I felt very good.

“The rule is the existence above the law, even transcending the world, which is equivalent to the chaotic person.”

Chaos breeds the Chaos Demon God, the world breeds the laws of the Great Dao, and the rules are above the laws.

I have only heard of the Chaos Demon God bred by the Dao Law, but it can also be understood as the Dao Demon God, the Law Demon God, but has never heard of the Rules Demon God.

From this point of view, it is clear that even for chaos, rules are not simple things.

When he reached his current strength, he also had some faint feelings. The rules corresponded to the chaos. Although the power is far from enough, it is the same in terms of personality, and it is a level of existence.

“Rule is like a seed, allowing one to reach the level of chaos, comparable to chaos and even beyond chaos!”

“For Honghuang, the rule Sage is already the limit, but for Chaos, it just stands on the same level as it.”

“Just the beginning!”

The thoughts in my mind keep appearing, a little bit of digestion, absorption, and thinking.

“There must be Realm after the rule Sage. My Gold Finger should have been created by the creature of Realm.”

“Chaos created the world, the law, then who created the chaos?”

“Above the chaos and the rules are the same Realm!”

“Realm after the rule Sage can be temporarily defined as detached from chaos.”

Slowly, the thinking is clear, and the logic is straightened out: “Achieving the rules Sage, after mastering the rules, it means that you have embarked on a true road of detachment!”

“Take the rules as a seed, first turn yourself into a ruled creature, strengthen yourself with the magic power of the rules, and finally reach a level comparable to chaos, and then…you can prepare to transcend!”

“In this case, the rule of Sage can be divided into three steps.”

“The first step is to use the rules as the seed to transform yourself into a ruled creature.”

“The second step is to chaos the rules, use the magic power of the rules to strengthen itself, make up for the differences in strength and quantity, and reach a level comparable to chaos.”

“The third step is the beginning of detachment. When you reach this point, you can prepare for detachment. What it looks like and what the situation is, there is no contrast, just relying on imagination, it is too pale and powerless.”

“For the time being, let’s name it the Beginning of Transcendence!”

Duobao’s thought fell and turned to look at himself.

Under the rules of magic power like water, he can feel his own situation is slowly changing, and everything about himself is moving towards a higher level.

“Fate, personality…”

He secretly said in his heart.

Three steps to detachment, he is currently in the first step, and he hasn’t even finished the first step.

In his vision, the rule creature needs to transform itself into a rule creature.

Even though he controls the rules up to now, he is only in control, and the rules and him are still two distinct existences.

Rules are rules, he is him!

In the Realm of rule creatures, he needs to integrate the rules into himself and turn himself into rules, so that he can be a rule creature and reach the point of perfection.

Only after arriving at this Realm can others be regarded as the real Ascension of personality, fate, to a level comparable to chaos.

But for the moment, he can only be regarded as half-person, half-life, surpassing the predecessor, but he is half a step away from Chaos.

“I am so, I don’t know Master, what Realm is Luo Hu and even Pangu god-tier in?”

After confirming Realm, Duobao thought a lot for a moment.

I immediately wanted to redefine the people I knew with the Realm I divided.

“Master’s words, it must have not reached the second step, it should be the first step to be perfect, or even less than the perfect level, but… it must be farther than me!”

Thinking carefully about the aura felt in Shizu Hongjun’s body, and comparing it to the Realm that he had rearranged, Duobao secretly said in his heart.

“Luo Hui is definitely weaker than Shizu and stronger than me. It should be the first step in early stage or middle stage, Shizu is considered late stage.”

“Pangu god-tier…”

When thought came here, Duobao stopped.

So far, he has never seen Pangu and cannot measure his Realm.

From the perspective of the development of heaven and earth, given the current situation of the prehistoric world, if he tried his best, he would not be able to open up such a powerful prehistoric, but it would not be much worse.

From this point of view, Pangu doesn’t seem to be much better than him!

However, Pangu god-tier has always been in the wild, this is no doubt, but he has no sense at all, only through various aspects of information, the existence of the other party has been confirmed.

He wanted to see Pangu, but, obviously, Pangu didn’t want to see him, so he couldn’t see him!

All this is dominated by Pangu’s will. From this point of view, Pangu is obviously stronger than him, and much stronger.

“At least the second step, Realm with chaotic rules.”

Silently, Duobao had the answer in his heart.

If it’s just the first step, it won’t make him feel that way. At least it has to be the second step, maybe early stage, maybe middle stage, or even late stage.

“But, it is absolutely impossible to be the third step…”

Duobao firmly thought that if the third step is reached, Chaos will not be able to breed it. After the first incubation, it is absolutely impossible to breed it again later to form Samsara.

In this way, Samsara, the wild and chaotic, no longer exists!

Based on this recognition, he determined that Pangu god-tier is the second late stage at best, comparable to chaos, and it is impossible to reach the third step.

“He opened up a prehistoric land, it should be the third step of proving the way!”

Duobao guessed that once he had the basic information and looked at other things, it immediately felt clear.

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