Chapter 401: I’ve Asked You

At that time, I didn’t think there was a problem, but now I think about it, with Dubao’s strength, how could it be possible to only allow one person to shuttle? This is clearly a calculation!

They didn’t think much, just wanted to sue!

However, it seems that they didn’t think much, but Dubao obviously thought more!

“So, you understand?”

Duobao nodded clearly, and said, “Actually, I am not that excessive. I have actually asked your opinions.”

“Looking at your current arrival and attitude, obviously, you agree.”

Dijiang stared at Dubo with a ghostly look…Can you still play like this?

Indeed, Dubao had actually told them and asked them before calculating them.

It’s just telling and inquiring, not the present, but the future.

“Can I go back now?” Dijiang suddenly felt very suffocated, suffocated, and stared at Duobao firmly.

Duobao nodded indifferently: “Of course, it depends on your choice. If you choose not to accept it, it’s okay to go your own way.”

“I’ve never done anything difficult.” Duobao smiled at Dijiang, revealing his neat and white teeth.

Who am I, Duobao, a considerate little man, never overpowering others!

How can I force others to do things I don’t want to do?

Di Jiang stared at Duobao, there was no sunlight, but his eyes were sore by Duobao’s teeth.

It’s not just eye pain, headache, toothache, face pain, and heartache!

In his opinion, Dubao’s smile at this time is really hateful!

This man… is so hateful… this man!

“You are a real dog!” Di Jiang couldn’t help saying.

Dubao didn’t care. After he understood it, he completely relaxed and didn’t care at all.

“So, are you sure? Do you want to give up or continue?”

In Dijiang’s gnashing gaze, Duobao continued to ask.

Di Jiang’s teeth creaked and creaked, and he wanted to take a pity, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed again.

After a long while, he let out a sigh of relief, and said helplessly: “Go on!”

What can we do?

It can only continue. Although it is difficult now, but thinking of the beauty of the future, can he still speak the words of rejection from his mouth?

Duobao turned his head calmly and completely relaxed.

At the same time, he also thought to himself: “In the future, I let Dijiang pass through, and through his appearance, he told me the situation of the future plan and dispelled the biggest worry in my heart.”

“I didn’t appear in the future, saying that I have no ability, it is impossible, Dijiang can do it, he can’t fail.”


After thinking about it, Duobao understood: “It seems that I am really successful. In my future, everything now is fixed and everything is done. I only need to act according to my own ideas.”

“No matter what I do or think now, the final result has already appeared, and there will be no change.”

“The absence of the future me is already a message in itself.

“Hehe.” Di Jiang was depressed for a long while, and suddenly stared at Duo Bao and snickered, with undisguised gloating in his laughter.


Duobao immediately calculated it. After a long while, he looked at Dijiang confusedly: “What are you laughing at? What’s wrong with me?”

He didn’t even figure out the information?

This is really strange!

Di Jiang was proud, showing an expression of watching a good show, and glanced in the direction of Heaven Court, this time, this era.

“The One?”

Duobao’s heart moved, and he saw the clues from Di Jiang’s movements.

“You guessed it?” Di Jiang was a little surprised, and looked at Duo Bao with a smile and nodded: “Yes, Taiyi…you are driving Taiyi crazy.”

Di Jiang shuddered suddenly, as if thinking of something terrifying.

“As for?”

Duobao rolled his eyes silently and looked at Dijiang like this.


Taiyi had been to Kunlun before, he knew it, but he didn’t show up and didn’t let him into Kunlun.

He is not very clear about the purpose of Tai Yi, but he can roughly guess it.

At that time, I thought it shouldn’t be a big problem, so I didn’t see them… I also calculated them, feeling a little guilty in my heart, and hid.

“Isn’t it?”

Duobao secretly said in his heart.

“Surely… don’t you have an answer in your own heart?” Di Jiang snickered, seeing that Duobao was in a bad mood, and his mood suddenly improved.

“It seems that he is really a quick-witted guy, and a demon of true temperament.”

Duobao analyzed Taiyi’s situation in his mind, and sighed quickly.

“alright, I got it.”

It’s very strange that a character like Taiyi can become one of the supreme monsters…to command the entire monster!

To say that he didn’t have any intentions, that was true, but compared to his identity, it was a bit worse.

After Di Jiang said this, he already knew what the meaning of Di Jiang’s words was, what Tai Yi would become, and to be precise, what kind of development it would look like!

It must be the ultimate madness!

“In a word you often say, don’t push honest people into anxiousness. If you’re anxious, what will happen is really unpredictable!”

Di Jiang suddenly said in a very strange tone.

This is not like him at all, Duobao looked at it weirdly, and suddenly his face sank: “Is this my tone?”

That’s right, Di Jiang seems to be learning from him, learning from him in the future.

“Yes, this is what you will always say in the future after the one thing happened.”

Di Jiang smiled very happily. Originally, after Dubao said that, he realized that their experience was their own choice, and he was very depressed, but after thinking about the one thing, he was not depressed immediately, but almost happy. Want to laugh out loud.

“So, what did Taiyi do?”

Dijiang was happy, but Duobao wasn’t depressed. He was even more curious to hear what he said.

He stretched out his palm, shook his fingers, and quickly stopped again.

The plan has already begun, except for the secret secret on the surface. If it is clear, the secret secret on the deep level has been chaotic. Even if it is him, he cannot calculate the future before everything is over.

These subtle things, detailed things, are even more difficult to measure.

“Soon, you will know soon.” Di Jiang didn’t say, he wouldn’t tell Duobao, he liked to give him such a depressed and curious look.

After torturing them for so long, this is a small revenge.

Di Jiang comforted himself in his heart, and then said: “Okay, I’m leaving.”

“So fast? Sit down for a while?”

Duobao greeted: “Come with me to fish for a while!”

“Despise you!”

Di Jiang glanced at Duo Bao contemptuously: “This is a long river of fate, where are the fish in it?”

“You just have a bad taste…the idle you.”

“Yeah, you know the word bad taste. It seems that you will have a long time to communicate with me in the future!” Duobao laughed and didn’t care.


In the long river of fate, the water splashed up, Duobao’s palm flew lightly, the fishing rod flew, and a big golden fish flew up.

“Who said that there are no fish in the long river of fate?” Duobao smiled triumphantly at Dijiang.

Di Jiang: “……”

“You bull, okay, don’t say anything, I’m leaving.”

Di Jiang’s complexion was stagnant, and he gave Duo Bao a thumbs up, his figure faded, and he quickly disappeared from the original place and returned to the future time and space.

Duobao held the suspended goldfish in his hand, and thought: “Now, the future, the past…time and space, sometimes it’s amazing!”

He has mastered time and space, but the things that arise in time and space often surprise him, just as they are now.

Sighing slightly, he saw the goldfish in his hand out of the corner of his eye, and smiled in surprise: “It turned out to be you. It seems that we are really fate!”

The goldfish is not a fish, but represents the destiny of a creature in the long river of fate. It was caught by him and turned into this golden fish.

And this fish, he was not unfamiliar, he had seen it before.

It is Sun Wukong, the monkey in the wilderness represented by the branch of the Long River of Destiny.

“This monkey… huh…”

Throwing the goldfish back with his hand, by the way, his upper limit was eliminated.

I misunderstood him before. Seeing him again, I will also give some compensation…not to directly increase his strength.

It is to erase the limitations of the world in his body, and have the opportunity to break through the world, and in the future, may be able to enter this prehistoric world.


In the depths of Samsara, the creatures transformed from the earth lie quietly, surrounded by countless Samsara powers, forming a barrier to protect them.

“Little girl!”

With a loud shout, Zhu Rong rushed past Xuan Ming and ran to Houtu.

In front of Houtu, Samsara’s power felt Zhu Rong’s arrival, surging one after another, moving around Houtu.


He goes faster and comes back faster!

With Samsara’s strength, Zhu Rong was rushed back directly.

Xuan Ming stretched out his hand and helplessly caught Zhu Rong.

The place where the little girl is is not easy at first glance. The power of Samsara around her body is stronger than the power of Samsara in other places, and it faintly presents the meaning of protection and protection.

Zhu Rong rushed over like this, it would be strange not to be beaten!

“Sister Xuanming, little girl…” Zhu Rong stopped anxiously and looked at Xuan Ming.

After all, he was just impulsive and not stupid. For the brief contact just now, he had already determined that the power of Samsara next to Hou Tu was not something he could shake.

“Duobao lied to me!”

Zhu Rong immediately thought of a question. Before, Duobao gave him a chance to come to this Samsara. After nine Samsara, he could rescue the little girl.

Unexpectedly, there is such a strong protection around the Houtu body, even if he has been through Samsara nine times, he can only watch it.

“Is it because I didn’t complete Samsara nine times?”

“Sister Xuan Ming, can you break it?” Zhu Rong had an idea in his heart, and then asked Xuan Ming.

This protection is really too strong. Xuan Ming’s strength is stronger than him. So far, he hasn’t figured it out, but for this Samsara protection, he still has little confidence in Xuan Ming.

After all, this is the land of Samsara!

If Xuan Ming cannot break through, he can only continue his own journey.

“Hope, you can!”

Zhu Rong has no confidence in his heart.

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