Chapter 398: Meeting Zhu Rong

I didn’t get the baby, and there was such an enemy, and the ancestor witch was one, offending Xuan Ming, and the other ancestor witches were equivalent to offending together.

I don’t know how Zhundi regrets it, let alone Xuan Ming, after rushing into Samsara, the power of the Extreme Ice Battle was dissipated by Samsara.

Unprepared, he was directly dissipated by Samsara’s power.

The power of Samsara whizzed, like a violent hurricane, Xuan Ming was rushed into a dizzy turn and flew around.

“Stop me!”

Xuan Ming grasped the battle of extreme ice, and slammed in front of him, the meaning of ice cold rushed out, and the power of Samsara around his body was frozen into ice energy, and it stopped.

“Little girl…where is the little girl?”

Xuan Ming was too late to rest, his mind sank into the battle of extreme ice, his god turned, and the law of ice appeared, spread out among Samsara, and leaned towards the whole Samsara.

Soon, a familiar breath appeared, and it was not clear who it was, but it was certain that it must be someone she was familiar with.

“Maybe it’s a little girl!”

Xuan Ming rushed over immediately.


“Samsara, true and false, illusion, world, emotion… little girl!”

In a world, Zhu Rong stood on the highest mountain with countless creatures under him, all looking at him with reverence and awe.

He has become the strongest person in this world, without a doubt, no one in this world can bear his punch.

He was all worshipped by everyone and felt the invincible loneliness.

Once he was immersed in such glory, but there was always an impulse in his heart.

Forced by that impulse, he kept fighting and traveling constantly, seeming to be looking for something, but every time he stopped and thought about it, he found that even he himself didn’t know what he was looking for.

However, he stopped, there was nothing to do, and it was extremely uncomfortable, so he was like a traveler, walking continuously without stopping.

To this day, on the highest mountain, looking at the blue sea and blue sky, Zhu Rong’s face finally showed a smile for the first time.

Because he seems to have found the answer.

He finally understood again, it turned out that what he was looking for was nothing else, but himself!

He lost himself, so he was always flustered and restless.

Now, he finally found himself again and found peace again.

Looking down at the creatures with different emotions and different poses, Zhu Rong sighed: “Samsara!”

If it weren’t for personal experience, who would have imagined that among the Samsara born by the power of Samsara, it turned out to be so real!

Even if it was him, after experiencing it again and again, every time he met again, he was still drawn in and couldn’t get out!

It was also in Samsara. After a long time, he finally found himself and was able to see the true meaning of Samsara.

“Go away, go away!”

Zhu Rong whispered, and with his voice, all the creatures froze in place.

The low voice seemed to carry inexplicable power, destroying all the endless creatures in this world in an instant.

This is not his power, but Samsara’s natural reaction after he spied on Samsara.

This kind of thing, counting this time, he has already experienced it seven times.

“Nine degrees Samsara… two more left!”

The world dissipated, Samsara reappeared, standing among the endless Samsara, Zhu Rong lowered his head, a little worried.

Although he has rushed to Samsara seven times, it was not easy every time, and he suffered too much and suffered too much.

At this time, looking back on his past experience, even he himself was a little unbelievable, such Samsara, he actually rushed over?

“Perhaps it is obsession!”

Zhu Rong shook his head and looked into Samsara’s depths: “There are two more times, little girl, I can find you, I will definitely find you, I will definitely be able to!”

Samsara is more difficult than every time, and every time is more real, just this time, the seventh time Samsara, he almost couldn’t see through, even a little bit, he couldn’t hold it, and fell into Samsara forever.

There were two more later, not many, but he wasn’t very sure.

It’s just that he can’t give up, is unwilling to give up, how can he be reconciled if he has come here, and then give up?

“Sister, let Big Brother find you, or let Big Brother come with you!”

With a whisper in his heart, Zhu Rong is about to attack Samsara for the eighth time.

To be honest, his confidence is really insufficient. The number of Samsara of Nine Degrees is what he found among several Samsara. Samsara is only nine degrees, nine times. After passing through, there will be no Samsara again.

However, after Samsara, whether he can see Hou Tu, he himself is not sure.

It just gave him a confidence, a goal… and so, so that he could persevere!

Breaking through Samsara again and again.

“Zhu Rong Big Brother?”

Just as Zhu Rong was about to enter Samsara for the eighth time, suddenly a surprised and cold voice came from his ear.

This sound… It’s so familiar, but it doesn’t seem so cold!

The thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhu Rong turned his head in surprise, and immediately saw Xuan Ming holding a battle of extreme ice with a cold face.

Seeing Zhu Rong, Xuan Ming was happy, but her face was still as cold as ice, even though she was smiling, she also had a cold smile.

“Xuanming Little Sister?” Zhu Rong suddenly widened his eyes: “Why are you here?”

As soon as the words were spoken, his complexion immediately changed, and he ignored Xuan Ming’s appearance and was abnormal. Pushing her would send him away: “You hurry up, it’s dangerous here.”

Unexpectedly, under this push, he didn’t even push it. The start was extremely cold, and it didn’t feel like a person in contact, but like an iceberg.

“Xuan Ming?” Zhu Rong was even more surprised.

Xuan Ming shook his head slightly: “Zhu Rong, Big Brother, it’s okay, Samsara can’t help Xuan Ming!”

Her voice was still cold, and Zhu Rong was shocked when she heard it.

“Xuan Ming…you?” At this time, he realized the problem, stopped, and looked up and down Xuan Ming, his brows suddenly frowned.

He didn’t even feel the blood-linked breath on Xuan Ming, and when he looked closely, he didn’t feel a trace of traction.

If it weren’t for the feeling in his heart, he would think that Xuan Ming in front of him was fake, and he had already entered Samsara for the eighth time!

“What’s wrong with you?” Zhu Rong asked worriedly: “Your blood?”

Xuan Ming’s eyes flashed bitterly: “This is a long story. This is not a place to talk. I will explain it in detail when I go out.”

“It’s you, Zhu Rong, Big Brother, why are you here?”

Xuan Ming was also very puzzled. She felt a familiar aura in Samsara and rushed over excitedly. She thought it was Hou Tu, but she didn’t expect that it was Zhu Rong who had disappeared for a long time.

“Zhu Rong Big Brother?” Zhu Rong’s complexion looked at Xuan Ming, whose temperament changed drastically. He sighed: “You never called me Zhu Rong Big Brother before.”

Without going into details, Zhu Rong already understood that Xuan Ming must have experienced a lot during the time he was away, a lot, not even worse than his experience in Samsara!

This can be seen from the changes in her body now.

“Zhu Rong Big Brother, do you have to say these things at this time?” Xuan Ming asked helplessly.

When is it all, do you still say this?

“How did you get in?”

“This matter is also a long story. After I go out, I’ll talk about it in detail.”

“Now, you go quickly, Big Brother…I will continue with the next Samsara!” Zhu Rong shook his head slightly, glanced at Xuan Ming reluctantly, and then turned his gaze to the side.

There, a different Samsara power rushed in. On the surface, it looked the same as other Samsara powers, but for him who had experienced a lot, that Samsara power was different, with the eighth one. Samsara for the second time.

The impact of Samsara’s power hovered around Xuan Ming’s body, always unable to enter the ground, as if an invisible shield existed, blocking Samsara’s power.

This relieved Zhu Rong a lot. Xuan Ming didn’t lie. Obviously, Samsara really couldn’t help her.

The power of Samsara has no effect on it, and Samsara is not constructed.

But he is different. He has experienced Samsara seven times, and he has already condensed the mark of Samsara on his body. You must survive these nine Samsara completely before you can go out!

Otherwise, even if he goes out, he will be pulled back by Samsara and continue his Samsara!

He has no retreat.

“Xuan Ming, the younger sister will be handed over to you, you go out first, don’t worry, Big Brother will definitely take the younger sister back safely!”

With that said, Zhu Rong rushed towards the eighth Samsara with a fearless mood.

Xuan Ming looked at Zhu Rong in amazement as he rushed towards one side, without saying anything, for a moment.

The next moment, she looked at Zhu Rong and narrowed her eyes to see the difference.

Zhu Rong is in front of Samsara’s power. The eighth Samsara is unfolding, and the eighth Samsara world is being formed. He has made all the preparations!

He was already very happy to be able to see Xuan Ming again, so this eighth time Samsara, his mood was much better than before, and he was no longer so heavy.

She was calmly dealing with own Samsara for the eighth time, and suddenly everything in front of her froze and stopped.

A sense of extreme ice cold appeared, freezing the world, freezing Samsara, an ice-like jade hand appeared in front of Zhu Rong’s eyes, grabbed the eighth Samsara power, and gently applied force.

Just hearing a click came, Zhu Rong’s eyelids twitched unconsciously, and he was dumbfounded.

The eighth power of Samsara was crushed by that hand… crushed… crushed…!

Zhu Rong is completely stupid, that is the power of Samsara, and it is the power of Samsara that contains Samsara!

It was crushed as simple as that!

is this real?

Isn’t he dreaming?

Are there hallucinations?


In a daze, I suddenly saw the terrifying jade hand that crushed Samsara’s power and patted it towards me.

Zhu Rong’s brain hadn’t reacted yet, but his body had already reacted, instinctively dodge, not dare to let this terrifying palm fall on him.

Although he is an ancestor witch, he doesn’t think his own body will be harder than the power of Samsara!

Samsara’s power has been smashed, and it is really going to fall, I am afraid that he will be smashed into powder immediately!

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