Chapter 399

“What are you hiding?” In the cold voice, there was audible helplessness.


Xuan Ming landed a palm on Zhu Rong and patted the Samsara mark on his body.

Only then did Zhu Rong react, and looked at Xuan Ming in amazement, “Sister, have you proclaimed?”

With the palm just now, he wanted to hide, and he also avoided, but he didn’t hide.

A seemingly light palm, straight forward, with a clear purpose, but no matter how he moves his body, it seems that the palm of his hand is in front of him, completely unable to hide, and it falls on his body in an instant.

Such strength… has already explained the problem!

“Zhengdao? No!” Xuan Ming shook his head, waved his palm, and a burst of icy air rushed into Zhu Rong, protecting him.

Surrounded by the power of Samsara, it can no longer affect Zhu Rong.

“No sermon?”

Seeing that Xuan Ming had already gone far, Zhu Rong was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly followed up: “Sister, are you really not proving the Dao?”

He was so strong that he had no resistance at all, and he was hit without a trace of reaction. If he was so strong, if he was not Sage, who would believe it?

At least, Zhu Rong doesn’t believe it!

The girl must have preached!

“Really not, it’s just because of this strength… it’s all based on it.”

Xuan Ming shook the Extreme Ice Battle in his hand.

Zhu Rong looked over: “Rely on it?”

In terms of feeling, this staff is really strong, and in the perception, it is unfathomable, like an endless iceberg, extremely terrifying.

After watching it for a long time, Zhu Rong felt that he seemed to be frozen!

He turned his gaze quickly: “What is this?”



“What is the artifact?”

“Are you 100,000 why?”

“I don’t know if I naturally want to ask!”

Zhu Rong was a little wronged.

Xuan Ming was very helpless and even had a headache.

This is why she was never called Zhurong Big Brother before, although he is indeed her Big Brother.

But, take a closer look, where does this guy look like Big Brother?

If it hadn’t been for so much in the cemetery of the gods, she would have felt a little bit, she would never call him Big Brother.

Although there is no idea in my heart not to think of him as Big Brother, it’s just that… the word Big Brother is really unspeakable!

“Look for the little girl first, and after I go out, I will tell you all five or ten, okay?” Looking at Zhu Rong who was aggrieved and even a little poor, Xuan Ming was really helpless, sighed and said.

“Then…it’s settled!”

“Okay, it’s settled!”

Zhu Rong wanted to speak but stopped.

Xuan Ming: “Are you going to pull a hook?”


In the cemetery of the gods, Duobao was playing with Xiaohong. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he turned to Samsara’s direction, his face was shocked: “You found Zhu Rong?”

The meeting between Xuan Ming and Zhu Rong also exceeded his expectations.

Originally, in his arrangement, Zhu Rong would have to experience Samsara nine times before he could see Houtu and rescue him!

Unexpectedly, it was only after the seventh time that he was found by Xuan Ming, who was holding the artifact, and Zhu Rong was rescued by mistakes.

Dubao is not optimistic about Zhu Rongneng surpassing Samsara for the eighth and ninth time in a short time.

He was already very reluctant for the seventh time, and for the eighth time, he would definitely fall into it. After experiencing Samsara again and again, I don’t know how long it will take to realize and break through, let alone the ninth time!

Nine degrees Samsara, it’s not like talking about it!

With Zhu Rong’s strength, the seventh time is really the limit!

“Good luck for you!”

Duobao shook his head and didn’t care.

It’s not a specific plan, so just go out and it’s fine.

However, such a thing may not be a good thing for Zhu Rong in the long run!

“Daddy, what’s the matter?” Xiaohong was having fun, and when she noticed Duobao’s movements, she asked curiously.

Duobao chuckled and shook his head: “It’s nothing, you can play by yourself here first. Daddy has something to do, so I need to go out.”

“Okay.” Xiaohong nodded obediently, without crying.

Duobao touched her little head, got up, stepped out of the cemetery of the gods, and came to the prehistoric place. After a short pause, he stepped out and appeared on the edge of a flowing river.

Standing on the edge of the river, Duobao paused, waved, and a neat set of fishing tools appeared in his hands.

The small bench opened, Duobao sat on it, opened the fishing rod, threw out the fishing line, and caught the fish quietly.

This time he came out not for Zhu Rong, but suddenly felt that strangers would come to look for him.

After a short time, a figure appeared out of thin air on the edge of the river.

A thick mist shrouded his body, covering his face and figure.

But judging from the vagueness, he was obviously a strong man with sturdy arms and a tall stature.

As soon as his party appeared, he didn’t say much, he waved his hand, and immediately, an invisible force appeared and rushed towards Duobao.

Power has no shape, no shadow, no shape, invisible to the naked eye, but it really exists.

Space changes, time dissipates, and power is like an ancient beast, opening a huge mouth that can swallow heaven and earth, swallowing everything, rivers, space, and even time.

The river was cut off, space disappeared, and time disappeared. In an instant, only Duobao and the river in front of him were left in the entire area.

The river is gone before and after it is gone, it exists alone, it doesn’t look like a river anymore, it’s more like a pond!

A strange color flashed in Duobao’s eyes, feeling the power quietly, still sitting still, without getting up, and no defensive behavior.

“It seems that your strength has improved a lot.”

Duobao said quietly, staring at the river in front of him intently, without looking at the brawny man.

That invisible and powerful force struck, and when it arrived in front of Dubao, it seemed as if it did not exist. All the power disappeared out of thin air, let alone Dubao. Even the things around Dubao did not cause any harm!

The brawny man was a little surprised, but not so surprised.

“Sure enough, it’s you, I have already cultivated the law of space to such a degree, but I still can’t do anything about you!”

The brawny man shook his head helplessly. He didn’t move his hands anymore. Looking at Duo Bao’s appearance, he waved his hand and made a pair of fishing tackle. He sat next to Duo Bao. With his arm wave, the fishing line fell into the river. .

Space, the most impressive thing in the world is space cutting, space knives, and other extremely sharp methods!

But in fact, the most powerful space is definitely not its sharpness, but its tolerance.

Space itself contains everything. In this world, everything is in space.

In theory, no matter what, any existence can be accommodated in space!

The strong man has cultivated the law of space to the point of space, instead of cutting, sharp and other low-level attributes.

Even Sage, faced with his trick, no matter how many numbers, can only helplessly watch himself be taken in.

Magical powers, Dao Fa, Magic Treasures, Lingbao Supreme Treasures, under the height of cultivation, they will not have any effect.

However, such a powerful space, in front of Dubao, is as weak as other Sages in front of him!

The brawny can only sigh, as expected it is you!

The two of them just sat like this, looking at the river, as if they were fishing intently, and Duobao was not in a hurry to speak.

The atmosphere calmed down. After a long time, Dubo suddenly asked, “Hate me?”

“Hate!” The strong man sighed, and said such a word in the most ruthless tone!

From the tone of voice, it seems to be hate, but from his attitude, it is a little different!

Duobao turned his head and looked at the strong man: “It seems that you really hate me!”

“How can you not hate it?” The strong man sighed and turned his head. Under the mist-shrouded face, he looked at the man behind him who caused all their tragedies with a complex expression.

“If it were you, would you hate it if it were my position?”

Duobao nodded in understanding: “Of course, hate, it must be hate.”

“Yeah, even you said the same, right.” The brawny man also nodded.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly they didn’t speak for a long time.

Duobao turned his head a little guiltily silently, “But looking at your current appearance, it doesn’t seem like you hate me that much?”

“Originally it was hate, but it’s all over, and when it’s over, I don’t hate it anymore.”

The strong man turned his head and looked at the river again.

The river is flowing, clear and transparent, but invisible.

This is not an ordinary river, but a river of destiny, where all lives are located.

Dubao understands, understands, and is silent.

This brawny man is no stranger to him, it should be said that he is very familiar with Dijiang, the head of the twelve ancestor witches.

However, he is not the emperor of this time and space, but the emperor of the future.

Completely experienced all his arrangements, experienced all the Emperor Jiang!

Before, just when Zhu Rong was rescued by Xuan Ming, he felt that someone came to find himself. This person came from the past.

When he came to this long river of fate, he already knew that the coming person was the future Emperor Jiang.

He thought that Di Jiang was here to seek revenge, to avenge him.

He is ready.

After all, the current Wu clan has caused various problems because of him, and there will be more problems in the future.

How serious it will be, even he is not clear about it now.

But, as you can imagine, it was definitely not a good experience!

This point can be understood from the future Dijiang coming across time and space!

As he expected, as soon as Di Jiangfang appeared, he shot him without any reservations, but he did not continue to do it when he shot it. It seemed that he had given up?

This made him a little puzzled. He thought that after experiencing those things, Di Jiang would see himself again, not to mention madness, even if his strength was not as good as himself, he would do his best to shoot himself until he died!

The Ancestral Witch was not afraid of death!

However, he didn’t expect that he would only do it once, and he would not do it again, which made him a little surprised and a little guilty.

“Why?” Duobao asked in a puzzled manner.

Dijiang’s eyes were faint, without looking at Duobao, he just said: “Actually, we shouldn’t hate you, at least in the future we shouldn’t hate you.”

“Why?” Duobao still didn’t understand.

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