Chapter 397

Taiyi’s eyes widened, even under the current circumstances, it was difficult to maintain his state of mind and was shocked.

He knew Xuan Ming, and after hearing his name, he understood the identity of the other party.

In the predicament, no one dared to call this name except her.

The ancestral witch, the two great overlords, one of the strongest ancestral witches of the witch clan, Xuan Ming ancestral witch!

The other party is an ancestral witch!

But, why, he actually felt a little ancestral witch’s breath on her now!

“Xuanming is no longer a witch…”

Facing the shocked Tai Yi, Xuan Ming didn’t explain, turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Tai Yi couldn’t calm down for a long time, and repeated: “Xuanming is no more witches!”

What happened to Xuan Ming? She even lost her identity as an ancestor witch, and the Pangu bloodline disappeared!

What kind of power can actually wipe out the Pangu bloodline?

Moreover, why did Xuan Ming be like this?

And the staff in her hand that made him fear inexplicable… Then what are Magic Treasures?

How does it feel better than Master’s Pangu flags!

“No, it’s not stronger, it’s just more terrifying…like a murder weapon!”

Taiyi looked at Xuan Ming in shock: “What did the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming go through? Where did the Magic Treasures come from?”

Countless questions appeared in my heart, and no answer was found.

But soon, a wave of fluctuations resembling a frozen world came.

The tide of cold rushed in, and it was protected by the power of the Yinsi, and all the ghosts along the way were instantly frozen on the spot and turned into ice sculptures.

Even the thunder, flames, floods, wind knives, etc. transformed by Samsara’s sweeping power were frozen in an instant!

“Xuan Ming~” Tai Yi was shocked, trembling all over, not only being invaded by the cold, but also shocked by that force.

“Ancestral Witch…is there such a strong one?” Tai Yi couldn’t believe it.

He is confident that his current strength is actually not low, and the rudiment of Tao has already taken shape, and in this Yinsi Difu, he has geographical advantages, Samsara blesses, and authority.

But that’s it. Under this power, he actually felt terror, fear, and even fear!

He originally thought that his own strength, although not comparable to the real powers of the prehistoric, ancestral witch, demon emperor, etc., but at least, it would not be much worse!

But now…

“I’m still too naive!”

“But… is that really the power that the ancestor witch should have?”

Inexplicably, the strange staff in Xuan Ming’s hand appeared in Taiyi’s brain.

This chill was so similar to the feeling that the staff gave him, and it was different from the power of the Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch he had known before.

“Could it be… that staff?”

Xuan Ming stepped into Samsara, the endless power of Samsara turned around, Samsara Tao Yun appeared, a hidden power rushed to her mind, wanting to lose her consciousness, and drag it into Samsara.

This is Samsara’s instinct. There is no malice, but it runs naturally, just like a machine, which is turning, and rashly stretches his hand in.

The machine will not stop, it will run naturally, and everything that blocks its operation will be crushed into slag, unless it can be resisted!

But, how powerful is Samsara’s power, how many people can resist it in the predicament?

Xuan Ming can!

The godhead in the body rotates, spurs the battle of extreme ice, the endless meaning of ice and cold appears, clicks, amid a series of fine sounds, the invisible Samsara’s power is frozen and temporarily stagnated.

More than that, Xuan Ming couldn’t fully control the power of the Extreme Ice Battle, and the endless chill rushed out of Samsara and spread to the entire Yin Division.

Samsara was frozen, much clearer, Xuan Ming walked fast in it.

“The Immeasurable Tianzun, Xuan Ming, Samsara is a prehistoric place. Don’t trespass. If you go out immediately, I won’t hold you accountable for trespassing Samsara!”

After a few steps, a golden Lotus flower appeared out of nowhere, and a Daoist holding a seven-color treasure tree stood on it.

“Zhundi…” Xuan Ming’s expression became cold, and he didn’t pay any attention to Zhundi, bypassing him, and was about to move on.

At this time, at this location, Zhundi’s appearance was obviously not with good intentions.

But she has no time to waste with him, Samsara is so powerful, she can only freeze temporarily, the time will not be very long, and it is not completely frozen.

There are great secrets in Samsara, all kinds of mists, which are unclear.

During this period of time, she needs to find the place of the land and rescue it… can’t afford to delay!

If Zhundi came to let him go, she wouldn’t bother to bother about it.

But, obviously, since Zhundi has come, it’s not just to open your mouth and say something!

Looking at Xuan Ming’s back, Zhun Di lowered his head and sighed, as if he felt helpless and regretful for her stubbornness.

“Since Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch is so stubborn, don’t blame the poor Dao!”

The words of Zhundi have not yet been settled, and the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand has been swept away.

A seven-color divine light flew out from it, and swept toward the battle of extreme ice in Xuan Ming’s hands.

“Xuanming, you are deeply in the demon. For the sake of the common people, Pang Dao took your Magical Item and brought it back to Sumeru Mountain, to reflect on it. When you repent, you will release it again!”

Xuan Ming’s figure paused, his palm lightly held the Battle of Extreme Ice, the colorful light turned into a rope, wrapped around it.

Zhundi’s face showed a smug look, this baby is mine!

The Seven Treasure Tree is transformed by the branches of the Bodhi Tree, one of the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots of his deity.

After he was transformed, he was accompanied by Magic Treasures, the top Xiantian spirit treasure, and later became holy with him, and became his treasure of Taoism, and its power multiplied.

Maybe it’s not as good as the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and the top Xiantian Lingbao with only a single law like the Killing Spear, but it’s not much worse!

It is best at collecting people Magic Treasures, Yin & Yang, Five Elements, and all the Magic Treasures belonging to them can be taken away by it, which is powerful!

Although the Extreme Ice Battle is powerful, it is also an ice cold attribute, Magic Treasures of the water system.

From Zhundi’s point of view, it is up to him to shoot himself, and with the Seven Treasure Trees, Xuan Ming relies on foreign objects to possess Sage’s combat power. If he is caught off guard, how can he get this Magic Treasures?

As long as he makes a move, isn’t it a matter of catching it?

“Come here for me!” Zhunyi’s eyes showed unconcealable joy, and he gave a soft drink, urging Qibao Miaoshu to take away the battle of extreme ice.

The battle of extreme ice was held in Xuan Ming’s hands, the colorful divine light shone, and he pulled the staff, but the staff did not move at all, just like a mountain.

Zhundi’s face was blue, but he still didn’t see the slightest movement.

Even if Xuan Ming holds it, it’s actually not that tight!

“How come?” Zhun Di was stunned.

Xuan Ming turned around blankly, took a deep look at Zhun Di, and then turned back, shaking his hand gently in the battle of extreme ice.


The meaning of ice-cold burst out, and the seven-color divine light was immediately frozen and turned into ice cubes. As Xuanming swayed, it turned into countless tiny ice crystals and shattered.

call out!

Xuan Ming quickened his pace and rushed into Samsara.

Zhunyi was still wondering why own Magic Treasures didn’t work, and Xuanming’s figure suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

Before he can think about it, he has to follow up.


At this moment, the frozen Samsara’s power was restored, the endless Samsara Tao Yun reappeared, and Samsara resumed turning, covering the path Xuan Ming left.

There was a look of jealousy on Zhundi’s face, and he dared not move anymore.

This is Samsara, which is transformed by Hou Tu. Xuan Ming can be arbitrary here, at least there is Karma from Hou Tu, which is not a big problem.

But if he dared to be like Xuan Ming, he would really trespass Samsara as he said before.

As Sage, this is not considered a serious sin, but Heavenly Dao will write a fortune and give birth to Karma, which needs to be paid with merit.

That’s all, if he keeps going, Karma will be heavier…it’s a long time, and for Sage, this is not a small trouble!

“Xuan Ming…” Zhundi stopped in place, feeling the impact of Samsara’s power, doubts mixed with unwillingness, and soon became sad.


The power of Samsara continues to rush, and he wants to rush out of Samsara from the embankment.

An inexplicable force was brewing in the depths, Zhundi grinned and looked up: “I know, I know, I’m leaving.”

With a sigh, Zhundi left Samsara after all.

“It’s really hasty this time!”

In the mountains of Sumeru, Zhundi’s figure reappeared, and he couldn’t help shaking his head: “I knew it, I won’t be in a hurry!”

He was greedy for Xuanming’s extreme ice battle, and he couldn’t wait to make a move, for fear of being preempted by other Sages.

A Sage who only relied on external forces to achieve his achievements. Although his aura was stronger than him, Zhundi was confident and he could still deal with it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result in the end!

The Battle of Extreme Ice didn’t get it, and instead offended Xuan Ming, this pseudo-Sage with Sage-level strength!

Although he did not speak, before leaving, the last look in his eyes deeply explained everything!

This hatred has become a big deal!

It would be fine if he won the battle of extreme ice, but unfortunately, he didn’t get it.

This is really a big loss for him who has always calculated far-reaching things!

“how could be?”

Zhundi frowned and thought.

His Sage strength, coupled with the Seven Treasure Tree, couldn’t take away that staff!

Obviously the attributes are right, but they can’t be shaken at all, and it’s heavy and unimaginable.

“No, Xuanming clearly didn’t grasp it hard. It wasn’t she who was resisting, but the power of the staff itself…” Suddenly, Zhunyi’s expression moved, recalling the previous scene and realizing the problem.

“The staff itself is resisting my magical power…it is blocking my power!”

“It’s not Xuan Ming!”

“Does the staff still have such an effect?”

“Can’t be taken away by external forces?”

When Zhundi thought about it this way, his complexion suddenly became more bitter, and the thick ones were almost dripping out of water.

If this is the case, it proves that in the future, no one will be able to snatch the staff from Xuan Ming. Although she is a fake Sage, she is almost the same as the real Sage!

Because no one can take that staff, Xuan Ming is equivalent to Sage!

External forces can be deprived, but the battle of extreme ice is obviously not in this list!

“Hey, trouble!”

Zhundi regretted it. He had known it long ago, and he would not do anything!

“Trouble, trouble, really trouble!”

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