Chapter 396 Xuan Ming Enters Samsara

“What kind of baby is that?” Zhundi observed it carefully, already thinking of it as his own thing in his heart.

It is three feet and seven inches long, and the body is engraved with lines, making it more comfortable to grasp. There is a blue crystal on the tip, which is crystal clear. Seeing it, the heart suddenly gushes out a coolness, as if to be frozen by it!

The most important thing is that this baby is strong enough to be unimaginable.

“This should definitely not be what the prehistoric should have!”

Zhundi concentrated on thinking: “It feels completely different. The prestigious Magic Treasures are powerful, but the most important thing is the power of enlightenment!”

“Xiantian Houtian Magic Treasures, Xiantian Lingbao, Xiantian Supreme Treasures, come down in one continuous line, get them, and have the strongest effect on enlightenment and cultivation!”

“The ice stick in Xuan Ming’s hand, although there are powerful Dao Yun appearing in it, it is fierce, violent, and unable to enlighten the Dao… This is the ability to abandon the enlightenment and concentrate all on the battle?”

“This is a pure battle treasure!”

Zhundi was shocked, and he raised his head unconsciously, and looked beyond the prehistoric place, the chaos’s position: “This Magic Treasures must come from outside the prehistoric… an extreme world!”

It is not an extreme world, and it is absolutely impossible to produce such Magic Treasures!

Xuan Ming walked towards the power of Samsara, the sea of ​​blood, and sensed the appearance of several strong god-tier thoughts on the road, and glanced at the west blankly!

“Receive, Zhundi!”

Xuan Ming whispered softly and didn’t care. For her now, the most important thing is to go to Samsara, the sea of ​​blood, to rescue the little sister Hou Tu.

Among the powers, Sage’s shocked gaze, Xuan Ming went all the way into the sea of ​​blood, Samsara.

“What is she going to do?”

“Post-soil Samsara… Is she going to ruin Samsara?”

Between the heavens and the earth, a Da Neng doubted and said, “Although Xuan Ming’s current strength seems to have proved Dao, but if you want to destroy Samsara, you may not have this strength. Even if it does, Heavenly Dao can still ignore it?”

“Samsara has finally achieved it, Heavenly Dao will never allow it to go wrong…Xuan Ming…”

Nuwa eyes reveal a different color, looking at Xuan Ming, not caring about its purpose, just watching the battle of extreme ice, and guessing in his heart: “That staff…is it a treasured method again?”

As soon as she guessed it, she herself was a bit dumbfounded, then she shook her head and laughed: “It should not be anymore!”

Although the changes in the prehistoric past were all related to Duobao, this time, it was absolutely impossible to have anything to do with Duobao anymore.

“That staff can give a person a Sage-level combat power… even if it is Duobao, it is absolutely impossible to make!”

Nuwa’s guess for Duobao is at best above Sage, but no matter what, the creation of such a powerful Magic Treasures can enable people who do not have proof to have Sage-level combat power… This is definitely not a simple Sage. Above, it can be done.

“Is it Master?”

Nuwa frowned, and then another guess: “Or, there are other inexplicable forces in Honghuang?”

Among the predecessors, Hongjun’s status is the highest, and it is also the most unfathomable. If Xuanming’s current changes are the most likely, the first person who has the ability to do all of this must be Hongjun!

Moreover, Nuwa can see clearly that the Pangu bloodline in Xuan Ming’s body is gone.

“In exchange for this Sage-level Magic Treasures for Pangu bloodline…is it worth it?”

Nuwa watched Xuan Ming secretly said in her heart.

If it is her, of course it is referring to the Sage-class combat power and bloodline, there is no comparison at all!

Even if it is replaced by any other existence of the prehistoric, except for the Wu Clan, there will be no hesitation!

Only the witches are the witches, they have reached the point of abnormality in their importance to their own blood.

You can die, if you want to deprive them of their blood, you can’t!

This is the common cognition of the Wu Clan among the people in the prehistoric times!

They are really proud of their blood!

This is normal, after all, it is the blood of Pangu god-tier!


Thinking, Nuwa sighed faintly, looking at Xuan Ming with an expressionless face and an iceberg face, knowing that she is actually not happy now, even if she has Sage-level combat power.

“Hong Huang…” She looked at Hong Huang, her pupils changed, turning into snake-like vertical pupils, trying to see clearly what was originally invisible, but after a while, she changed back.

“I still can’t see clearly… this prehistoric is really a bit strange!”

Nuwa lowered her head to ponder. Soon after she was sanctified, she felt that the prehistoric situation was not right, and that there had been some changes!

The change was small at first, but slowly, the change was big, and the big change is now that she can’t see clearly.

“Master, Duobao, and the unknown existence or power that may exist…” Nuwa was a little urgent. All of this made her, Sage, feel insecure.

“Above Sage, the concept, the grandeur and the purple spirit!”

Nuwa sank into concentration and entered her own divine sea. In the deepest part, she turned into a cyan figure, looking at the purple gas in front of her, watching carefully.

“The Dao above Sage is contained in the Harmony Purple Qi. This seems to be clear, but how to achieve it? I have no idea yet!”

As the first preaching Sage, Nuwa is as simple as it seems.

Everyone in Honghuang believed that although Nuwa was the first to prove, its strength was far from the number one, and even among the sages, it could only be photographed behind!

If you really want to count it, in the eyes of all the powers, Nuwa is even a little better than Zhundi!

But in fact, is it really so?

Nuwa stared at Hongmeng Ziqi for a long time, and smiled triumphantly: “I understand, concepts are concepts, and above Sage are concepts…hahaha, hahaha!”

Her strength may not be as good as Sanqing or even the lead, but under the study of Sage’s Tao and Hongmeng Ziqi, she is confident and far above other Sages!

At least, none of the other Sages found the mystery of Hongmeng Ziqi, but she did.

After exiting Shenhai, Nuwa looked at Honghuang with a faint gaze: “I can feel it, soon, it will be done soon.”

Xuan Ming came to the sea of ​​blood, from the sea of ​​blood, into the Yinsi Difu, without any obstacles in it.

The River Styx, which should have existed, was seriously injured, and he was cultivated in a sea of ​​blood, even Sage could not find its trace.

He will not come out easily and show his own deeds.

Without the Styx, the Yinsi Difu, for Xuan Ming, it is naturally nothing.

In the Yin Division, the yin wind howled, and countless ghosts stayed in various places in an orderly manner, walking towards the center of the Yin Division.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Ming was a little surprised, which was not the same as the Yin Division she had imagined.

Lifting his eyes to the center of the Yin Division, he saw countless thunders, flames, wind knives, and floods, appearing one after another, in the chaos, with a strange order.

In the center of the Yin Division, there is a small path. Above the path, a figure full of golden light stands. Behind the path is a flat ground. Above the flat ground, there are endless thunder, flames, wind knives, and floods.

Many ghosts walked into the trail in an orderly manner. When they walked in front of the golden figure, they all bowed their heads and bowed in salute, respectful and grateful.

The golden light shone, obscured the line of sight, and contained strange power. Even with Xuan Ming’s current strength, it was impossible to see the specific face of the golden light figure.

Samsara is behind the flat ground. If you want to go to Samsara, you have to go through the trail, the flat ground.

Xuan Ming walked over slowly, and the endless meaning of coldness spread out, changing the already cold Yin Division even more cold.

Wherever he went, many ghosts evaded one after another, looking at her in awe.

It was also because they were already ghosts, coupled with the power of the Yinsi, so when Xuan Ming didn’t make any intentional action or hurt, although the frozen shivering, there was no ghost annihilation.

Soon, before Xuan Ming came to the trail, the distance was close, and the golden light figure could be seen clearly.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Ming knew this person, even in her current state of mind, she couldn’t help exclaiming, “Taiyi?”

Yes, as people who have both struggled and experienced in the dark trial field, Xuan Ming and Tai Yi have also met each other.

At this moment, in the Yin Division, when he saw Taiyi again, Xuan Ming was shocked.

“I have seen Empress Xuan Ming.” Taiyi nodded slightly at Xuan Ming and smiled: “Meet me again.”

“Why are you here?” Xuan Ming asked in astonishment. At the same time, she looked at the countless ghosts who were saluting him, an inexplicable sense of solemnity rushed into her heart, and she couldn’t help but raise a trace of respect. I don’t feel a little bit more fond of Taiyi either.

“Huh?” Xuan Ming at this time, with different strengths, immediately felt the difference, frowning: “Is there power affecting my mind?”

She looked at Taiyi and immediately determined the source: “Is it him?”

“Sorry, Niang Niang, Tai Yi is in a special situation and cannot be controlled. If she offends Niang Niang, Tai Yi will apologize here first.”

Looking at the frowning Xuan Ming, Tai Yi immediately said with a smile.

“Special situation?”

Xuan Ming nodded, and after careful investigation, she found that it was not Tai Yi’s original intention, plus it didn’t affect her much, so she didn’t care.

However, she was a little curious about Taiyi’s current situation.

“What are you…what?” Xuan Ming asked.

Taiyi’s gaze fell on the ghosts, and explained: “Transform them.”


Xuan Ming repeated it and shook his head, not understanding.

She doesn’t have a soul, can’t see the specific situation of Taiyi now, but feels that this seems to be a good thing, a great merit.

“Taiyi, I’m in a hurry, so I won’t talk to you. When the matter is over, if possible, I will talk to you again.”

Seeing the acquaintance again, Xuan Ming felt much better, and said immediately.

Taiyi frowned, looked at Xuan Ming, and said for a long while: “Niang, the situation at this time, it seems…not so good?”

He saw a hint, but couldn’t see the specifics, he felt that Xuan Ming’s situation was wrong now.

After watching carefully for a moment, he suddenly said in surprise: “Manny…you are not a witch?”

He was shocked, remembering that when he was in the dark trial field before, he saw Xuan Ming, the witch aura on his body was very strong, and the power of Pangu bloodline was the most eye-catching.

But now…

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