Chapter 395

Xuan Ming was pale and gritted her teeth fiercely. She could feel that her blood was being deprived of this power.

As time passed, something inexplicable was gradually taken away from her.

She knew that it was the Pangu bloodline on her body!

With her head down, Xuan Ming didn’t dare to lift it up, feeling her own changes sadly.

“Haha, witch, witch, witch!”

All this happened quickly and not long, but in Xuan Ming’s eyes, it was as long as a calamity.

Suddenly, his body lightened, and all Pangu bloodlines were deprived of that power.

Xuan Ming’s body shook and raised his head. The gods had disappeared, and her Pangu bloodline, the identity of a witch, disappeared.

Lost the identity of a witch, Pangu’s bloodline, but there is one more thing in his body.

A golden godhead that exudes golden light and possesses countless faces.

Xuan Ming’s expressionless face, like an ice sculpture, walked to the extreme ice battle, stretched out his hand and grabbed it. She couldn’t move a single artifact before, and she grabbed it in her hand without any effort.


An endless icy air rushed out of Xuan Ming, almost freezing the entire cemetery of the gods.

Countless ice cubes appeared, and the cold was all over.

Suddenly there was wind, gloomy and cold.

Blowing through the cemetery of the gods, without destroying anything, but blowing away all the icy air that Xuanming radiated.

Xuan Ming was not surprised, and didn’t mind, she herself didn’t want to freeze the cemetery of the gods.

One is that she doesn’t have this idea, and the other is that she doesn’t have this strength either!

“You succeeded!” Duo Bao appeared again, watching Xuan Ming as cold as his body was exuding, and he whispered softly.

“Thank you senior!” Xuan Ming held the Extreme Ice Battle, with a cold face, bowing to Duo Bao.

It is not that she has an opinion on Duobao, on the contrary, she is very grateful to Duobao.

If it weren’t for Duobao’s existence, she would have no chance to sacrifice her own bloodline!

It is even more impossible to get such a powerful artifact.

Although this artifact was somewhat different from what she had originally expected, after all, she was not too disappointed, at least, she was able to accomplish what she wanted to do.

It was just because she had just won the battle of extreme ice and was affected by the law of extreme ice, coupled with her own bad mood, it was difficult to control her own emotions.

In this way, just a cold face.

“This is your own choice. Lao Chu just helped. As long as you don’t regret it yourself, Lao Chu has nothing to say.”

Duobao looked at Xuan Ming, feeling a little bit sorrowful in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt that he was too much!

The Battle of Extreme Ice is a foreign object, and the strength it brings is difficult to control and cannot be controlled freely. This is normal!

However, showing the situation like Xuan Ming’s current situation is still a bit too much!

Of course Duobao knew that this was caused by Xuan Ming’s own mood.

She is now the master of the Extreme Ice Battle. Although she cannot perfectly control her own strength, her mood directly affects the Extreme Ice Battle.

It’s just that the icy air that was about to freeze the entire cemetery of the gods just now, you can see Xuan Ming’s mood now, it must be extremely sad.

“Junior is leaving!” Xuan Ming saluted again: “This time, thank you senior!”

Duobao said nothing, but shook his head and waved his hand gently.

Xuan Ming turned and left, stepping out, and his figure disappeared naturally.

“Why care about external things so much?”

“Could it be that the disappearance of the external characteristics can change the essence of oneself?”

Duobao could understand Xuan Ming’s feelings now, but he also sighed.

Not only Xuan Ming, but the entire witch clan is very concerned about the identity of their witch clan!

Care to the point where it is comparable to life!

They think that if they are no longer a witch clan, then there is no difference between being dead!

This is a common cognition among the Wu people!

But in fact, the witch clan is the witch clan, and blood is the essence, even if they fall, they are the witch clan!

Even if Duobao can kill them easily, it is difficult to deprive them of their Witch Clan’s identity and blood!

Because this is the rule set by Pangu god-tier!

At most, as it is now, depriving them of their blood on the surface, they will be powerless at a deeper level.

“Let’s do it, this is good too. When will you realize this problem, and then you will find your own essence and reactivate your bloodline, then it will be the day when you established the Dao!”

Duobao took a deep breath, looking forward to it.

There is no need to think about the original arrangement, but inspired by Xuan Ming, he already has new ideas.

Deprivation of the Ancestral Witch’s blood is the most unacceptable thing for them.

This will cause an all-round blow to them from the body to the soul. Once they can survive it, they will definitely be reborn and stand on the ground in one fell swoop!

This method is more perfect than the plan he originally set, and the effect is much better!

“Sure enough, plans are not as fast as changes!” Duobao sighed.

“Daddy, is it done?” Xiao Hong asked Dubao expectantly with her eyes wide open.

“Of course, it’s done.” Duobao lowered his head and chuckled, touching Xiaohong’s head, and looking in Xuanming’s direction: “The seeds have been planted, and now it’s time to harvest!”

“Really? That’s great!” Xiao Hong jumped up happily.

Duobao watched happily. Compared to Xuan Ming’s situation, he was a little happier seeing Xiao Hong’s changes at this time.


Xuan Ming returned to the wilderness, holding the battle of extreme ice, and heading all the way to the land of Samsara, the sea of ​​blood, with a clear goal.

Because of my own mood and insufficient control of the Extreme Ice Battle, wherever he went, there was a heavy snow in the sky.

A heavy snowfall of goose feathers quickly turned the place it passed by into a snowy area.

The heavy snow did not go away for a long time, even if Xuan Ming had left, it still continued.

She accidentally changed the weather where she went, suppressed the corresponding laws, and directly changed the long-term weather conditions!

If nothing happens, in those places, for a long, long period of time, there will be heavy snow falling with goose feathers, even forever.

This is the power of the Extreme Ice Battle!

“What a terrifying breath, what a terrible chill!”

In the west, on Sumeru Mountain, he was the first to feel the appearance of Xuan Ming, and looked in the direction of Xuan Ming in amazement. The whiteness of the eyes made his pupils shrink.

“Sage’s breath…Is that…Xuanming?” The guide saw the face of the slowly and firmly walking figure, and was suddenly shocked: “Xuanming became a holy?”

Zhun Di was weaker than Receiving, and he didn’t react immediately. He only looked at it after hearing the shocked words of Receiving.

Under this look, he was immediately stunned.

“Xuan Ming? Sage?”

“how come?”

Zhundi couldn’t believe it, or in other words, couldn’t believe what he saw in his eyes.

Judging from Xuan Ming’s current aura, it is even stronger than him… No, it must be stronger than him!

As the divine consciousness fell, the meaning of extreme ice cold struck along the divine consciousness, Zhundi couldn’t help but shivered, the holy power surged and washed his whole body, before the chill was rushed away.

Feeling that strong chill and breath, Zhundi suddenly wondered if he was a fake Sage?

Xuanming’s sanctification shocked him, but what was even more shocking was that after Xuanming’s sanctification, his strength directly surpassed him!

This made him unacceptable, but he seemed to have to accept it!

“Can the ancestor witch be holy?” Zhundi’s face was ugly.

Ancestral witches have no primordial spirit, so it is difficult to Insight Heavenly Dao, and it is logically difficult to be sanctified!

However, Xuan Ming didn’t even know what method he used to become a holy!

This is still second. If this method can be popularized, does it mean that other ancestral witches can also be sanctified?

If ancestral witches can also be sanctified, then there are twelve groups of ancestral witches in the witch clan!

Houtu transformed Samsara, not counting, but there are still eleven ancestral witches!

If the eleventh ancestors and witches become holy, then… the status of this prehistoric world of Sage seems to be lowered a lot!

Moreover, with the unity of the ancestor witch, after his sanctification, I am afraid that it will become the strongest force in Sage!

What else can I do?

What’s the calculation? In the face of absolute strength, what’s the calculation?

Although knowing that it is difficult to popularize the method of sanctification, what is suitable for Xuanming may not be suitable for other ancestral witches!

However, that result was too serious, Zhun Di couldn’t help thinking about it!

At this thought, my heart became heavy and my complexion became even more ugly!

Sui Yin squinted his eyes slightly, and said in amazement, “It seems that it’s not the Ancestral Witch.”

“Huh?” Zhun Di was stunned, blinked, and looked at Xuan Ming again. Under this look, he suddenly found something wrong.

He said in shock: “There is no aura of the Witch clan, and there is no Pangu bloodline. Xuan Ming is not an ancestral witch, not a Witch clan?”

How can this be?

The ancestral witch is the bloodline of Pangu god-tier, and can die, but it is absolutely impossible to lose Pangu bloodline, which means blasphemy against Pangu god-tier!

Absolutely impossible!

However, it is no longer possible, this is also a fact!

Xuan Ming is already sanctified, it seems that such a thing is not unacceptable!

“Xuanming is no more…” Zhundi whispered, staring at Xuan Ming carefully. After a while, his eyes flashed with joy, and the focus fell on the battle of extreme ice in Xuan Ming’s hands: “Xuan Ming has not succeeded. Holy!”

He saw that it was wrong. Xuan Ming’s own strength didn’t seem to reach the Sage level. The reason for giving them such a feeling was that the problem was with the azure-blue staff.

“Indeed!” The lead also looked out, nodded and said: “That staff…so strong!”

He leaned out his divine mind and fell into the staff, instantly feeling the extreme coldness, even with his Sage, he also felt unbearable.

That is the strength of the Sage class and should not be underestimated.

The divine mind that protruded was frozen instantly, and instantly turned into ice powder, losing contact with the lead.

But related information came back!

“Xuan Ming is not sanctified… the problem lies with that staff!”

“That staff has Sage-level power!”

The lead came to a conclusion that shocked him inexplicably.

“A staff with the power of Sage… is there such a treasure in the wild?”

Zhundi’s eyes were shining, staring at the staff in Xuan Ming’s hand, coveting it without concealing it.

He wants that staff!

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