Chapter 394 Bloodline Sacrifice

Why, as long as she takes away this artifact, she will have the strength comparable to Sage, and she will be able to rescue Gonggong, Zhu Rong, and Houtu.

But, she couldn’t handle it!

[By the way, I warn you, although those guys have fallen, but their things are not so easy to touch, please ask yourself! 】

In despair, what the mysterious old man said before suddenly appeared in his mind.

Xuan Ming smiled desperately: “Sure enough, the artifact is really not that easy to handle!”

The words of the old man have been fulfilled. Although the gods have fallen, their artifacts are indeed not easy to handle. Not only are they not easy to handle, they can’t be moved at all!

“Do you want to be blessed?”

Xuan Ming lowered his head to look at own palm, then looked at the extreme ice battle in front of him: “Could it be that there will be any accidents that happen?”

She didn’t care, it was already like this, how could it be worse?

Then, she looked at own palm like this, and there were countless dense ice cubes on her body. Soon, she unknowingly turned into a human-shaped ice sculpture.

“Hey!” Duobao sighed, “I know!”

The Battle of Extreme Ice, or take it away, or you have to withstand the counterattack of the Battle of Extreme Ice.

That is a Sage-level artifact, how can a quasi-saint-level ancestor witch like Xuanming be able to resist it?

She didn’t even react, and she was frozen in the Extreme Ice Battle!

“Daddy.” Xiaohong shouted anxiously.

She had placed Qiu Shengxue’s hope of becoming a living creature again on Xuan Ming’s body, but now, seeing Xuan Ming being frozen by ice, she was immediately anxious.

If Xuan Ming kept going like this, how would Qiu Shengxue become a creature?

If Dubao wasn’t right by her side, she couldn’t even help but shoot.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.” Duobao said with a smile, and then he turned to Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming was looking at own palm, suddenly, consciousness flew out and came into an inexplicable space.

The space is pitch black, no ray of light can be seen, and all other things can not be seen, but a familiar old man in front of him can see clearly.

He was standing in front of her with a frown and vicissitudes, shaking his head gently.


Xuan Ming heard a sigh, stayed for a moment, and reacted: “Senior?”

“Why are you here?”


Xuan Ming was a little nervous, facing this old man who didn’t know the depth, and even as time passed, the more he knew, the more terrifying the old man, she really didn’t know what to say.

The light appeared in front of her, without saying anything, she subconsciously raised her vigilance and became cautious.

“Aren’t you…” After a while, Xuan Ming said again. Just after speaking, she suddenly realized something, looked around, and then looked down at herself.

The illusory figure is weak and weak, it seems that a gust of wind can blow itself away at any time.

This is no longer the cemetery of the gods, Xuan Ming can be sure, but where is it?

Why does she appear here?

What does the appearance of the mysterious old man mean?

“I warned you.” Duobao said softly.

He had specially reminded him before, and thought that with his reminder, Xuan Ming would be more vigilant and more careful.

No matter how urgent and eager it is, he will do it after careful observation!

Although this may not change her ending, at least, it will be better!

However, he didn’t expect that Xuan Ming was too anxious, and he didn’t even listen to what he said, so he eagerly started his hands, and then was frozen by the Extreme Ice Fight.


Xuan Ming was puzzled, and then suddenly awakened, and a sentence appeared in his mind: “I ask for more blessings?”

After staying for a moment, Xuan Ming’s eyes reveal bitterly, she thought, she seemed to finally understand the meaning of this sentence.

“Senior, am I dead now?” Xuan Ming asked bitterly.

Is it because of recklessness?

Is it because I didn’t pull out that artifact?

Is it caused by that artifact?


There were countless questions in Xuan Ming’s heart, but they were not important anymore.

“No, you are just frozen in.” Duobao shook his head.

Xuan Ming: “……”


Why didn’t she feel at all, anyhow she was considered the god of Xuanming, she didn’t notice it at all… and was blocked?

Oh, yes, she really seems nothing compared to the other party!

“Senior, are you appearing this time?” Xuan Ming asked cautiously with last hope.

“In the cemetery of the gods, the dead are buried, and the ones who want to stay here are those who want to die.”

Duobao looked at Xuan Ming and said calmly: “You wanted to die before, so you meet the conditions, and I won’t stop it.”

“But now, if you don’t want to die, you don’t meet the conditions anymore. This is not for you.”

“I will give you one last chance. I will save you and you will leave.”

Xuan Ming was excited for a moment, then calmed down: “Leave?”

Can she leave?

This is her last hope. If she leaves, can she come back again?

If you can’t come back, don’t get the artifact, can’t save the little girl, Zhu Rong, work together, what is the use of leaving?

Rather than going back and looking at the fragmented Wu Clan and the awkward brothers, she felt that she might as well die here.

Thinking about it this way, my mood suddenly changed again.

“Yo…” Duobao smiled and looked at Xuan Ming: “What? You don’t want to live anymore?”

Xuan Meditation has passed everything, so he is not so jealous, and said with a wry smile: “If you can’t get the artifact, you won’t have the strength to do what I want to do.”

“If this is really the only thing I can do, then I might as well die here!”

As she said, she suddenly bowed to Duo Bao and respectfully said: “I will not leave if I leave. I would like to trouble the senior.”

Duobao asked, “How to say?”

“Troubled Senior to make a move and dig a hole for Junior, and he will be buried here.”

“Senior didn’t mean that it accommodates the dead and those who want to die. Now Junior doesn’t want to live anymore and the conditions are met.”

“So, trouble senior!”

Xuan Ming became calm, and it was the first time he was so relaxed after entering here.

“Really stubborn!”

Duobao seemed to sigh, and seemed to admire: “There are not many people like you.”

“But, do you really want to die that way?”

Xuan Ming said lightly: “Who wants to die?”

“If you can live well, who wants to die?”


Duobao asked, “Just what?”

“It’s just that if life is uncomfortable, it’s better to die.”

Duobao shook his head lightly and looked at Xuan Ming: “You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of living?”

This seems to be normal, and it seems not surprising to him now.

I remember a TV series I watched in my previous life, in which a little character said a word.

Only when you live comfortably, you want to live forever, and you want to live forever, because you live comfortably!

But the little people are different. The people who sell coolie pay attention to the fact that they have passed their lives and passed them. What do they do for living so long?

Suffering alive?

The reason is indeed the same.

Thinking about it, Duobao didn’t intend to speak any more, and turned around and said: “If, how can I take away the artifact for you?”

Xuan Ming suddenly jumped up, his original indifferent and relaxed attitude suddenly changed.


She knelt down again, it seems that during this period of time, she kneeled a lot.

“I beg senior to grant the law!”

Xuan Ming respectfully said.

“It changes very quickly!”

Duobao chuckled, then turned and disappeared.

Xuan Ming yelled anxiously: “Senior!”

With a flower in front of him, Xuan Ming realized that he had returned to the cemetery of the gods, and then there was more information in his mind.

“Blood sacrifice?”

Sorting out the information in his mind, Xuan Ming was taken aback for a moment, looking at the battle of extreme ice ahead, hesitated.

There is no doubt that the information in his head is from the mysterious old man.

With her mysterious and unpredictable strength, she is not surprised to be able to do this.

But, she is hesitating, is this really going to happen?

Is this really the only way to win the Extreme Ice Battle?

“What would you do?”

Duobao disappeared again, and together with Xiao Hong, looked at Xuan Ming.

The method of bloodline sacrifice is to use one’s own blood as a sacrifice, offering sacrifices to the gods, and getting feedback from the gods to form a virtual godhead. In this way, the artifact can naturally be taken away.

However, in this way, Xuan Ming is no longer an ancestral witch because of the bloodline sacrifice method. Of course, the most fundamental bloodline will not change.

Ancestral witches are ancestral witches. Without the blood of the witch clan, they would not exist in their own right. Their true spirit, the most core everything, is in the blood.

The method of bloodline sacrifice is to sacrifice the bloodline on the surface and the bloodline manifested on the outside. In the eyes of outsiders and even themselves, they are no longer ancestral witches.

But in fact, they still have the blood of the Witch clan, of course, they would not know this by themselves!

Therefore, when making such a decision, it is naturally not easy.


Unexpectedly, Xuan Ming quickly made a decision. There was a flash of firmness in his eyes. According to the method in his mind, he stretched out his hand and stroked his wrist. Suddenly, a wound appeared, and red blood was flowing.

It didn’t flow to the earth, but floated up, flew in the air, suspended in front of Xuan Ming.

“I, the ancestor Wu Xuanming, with the blood of the descendants of Pangu, I offer sacrifices to the gods here!”

Xuan Ming said solemnly.

When the sound fell, the originally peaceful cemetery of the gods suddenly ceased to be peaceful.

Countless terrifying, powerful ghosts came out from the graveyards everywhere.

Each body was shrouded in rich golden light, and they couldn’t see the real face, but the divine might like the sea shook Xuan Ming’s mind.

Xuan Ming lowered his head, not daring to look more.

The power of the gods is too heavy, if you look straight, terrible things will happen!

If there was nothing on her body and no need, Xuan Ming would not bow her head anyway, but she, now, bowed her head.

As soon as she lowered her head, the endless divine might dissipated, and everything seemed to be non-existent.

The gods stood tall in front of Xuan Ming, looking at Xuan Ming’s gaze, like looking at an ant, cold, calm, without any emotion.

The red blood floated, and a powerful divine power fell.

The blood radiated golden light and rushed into Xuan Ming’s body along the blood!

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