Chapter 393 The Battle of Extreme Ice

The same is in charge of the law of flame, and it can also be regarded as the god of fire, but in comparison, Zhu Rong’s strength is far worse!

“Unfortunately, Zhu Rong Big Brother is not there!” Looking at the tombstone in front of him, looking at the dusty broadsword beside him, he did not see his original red appearance, and remembered Zhu Rong, who was in danger, not knowing where he was. , I feel a little sad.

“It’s time to speed up!”

Xuan Ming took a deep breath and slapped herself, then speeded up her pace, heading in the direction of the extreme cold she had sensed.

Although the gods have fallen, they don’t see the mighty power of the sky!

But as the gods, even if they die, their tombstone still carries their original aura.

At first glance, I don’t notice anything, but when I look closely, I will be shocked and feel terrible!

Xuan Ming didn’t dare to look more, and walked away quickly, following the extreme cold.

Duobao disappeared and followed Xuan Ming as he walked through the cemetery.

“The artifact… not as good as you think!”

Looking at Xuan Ming’s eager back, Duo Bao gently shook his head.

Although the artifact is powerful, it also requires the cooperation of the godhead.

Without the godhead, no matter how powerful the artifact falls in the hand, it is just a tough, sharper weapon!

The reason why those weak and small gods can instantly soar in strength among the artifacts that have obtained the strong god-tier, one is because they have the gods themselves and can exert the power of the gods!

The other is because the corresponding divine residence has fallen, the divine rank has fallen off, and it has entered the divine tool.

Obtaining the divine tool is equivalent to obtaining the corresponding divine rank, so it can reach the strength level of the original divine residence in an instant.


As he was thinking, he suddenly saw Xuan Ming stop in front of a tombstone. Duo Bao was a little surprised and said in surprise, “I chose her?”

Xuan Ming is an ancestor of Xuan Ming, and he is in charge of Xuan Ming’s laws. Since he has fancy the artifact and wants to take away the artifact, he must choose an artifact that matches his attributes.

However, the number of gods buried in this cemetery is incalculable. Among them, there are too many to be consistent with their attributes.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Ming chose her among the many icy cold laws of God’s residence… Qiu Shengxue!

Actually is not to say how strong she is, or what special place she has. It’s just that this god’s mansion, who had all the experience with Xiaohong, and beat the gods, had a good initial relationship.

Because of this, Duo Baocai wrote down her name!

I still remember that this is a beautiful woman with long icy blue hair, cut eyes, eyebrows like willows, and a gentle spleen. She is a very gentle woman.

Xiaohong is also very happy when she gets along with her.

But, in the end, he still couldn’t hold his own state of mind, greed, and was affected by fate and catastrophe, and fell into the dusk of the gods.

It was also because of her death that Xiaohong was even more sad, and thus completely disappointed in the gods!

Beside him, spatial fluctuations appeared, and a red figure came out.

“Xiaohong… are you okay?” Duobao asked concerned about Xiaohong, who looked a little haggard next to her.

Xiao Hong gently shook her head, staring closely at Xuan Ming who was standing in front of Qiu Shengxue’s tombstone. After watching for a long time, she suddenly turned her head and pleaded with Duo Bao: “Daddy, no.”

Duobao sighed and understood what she meant.

She didn’t want Qiu Shengxue to be disturbed and restless after his death.

Although the last Qiu Shengxue disappointed her and was very sad, she was indeed happy during the first days following Qiu Shengxue.

“Daddy can promise you, but Daddy has to clarify the matter.”

Doingly touched Xiaohong’s head, Duo Bao said softly: “Qiu Shengxue has not broken her own destiny, and can’t hold her own state of mind, it’s not her fault.”

After speaking, he stopped for a while, thought about it, and shook his head: “To be precise, you can’t blame her completely.”

“She has no essence, but the law creature created by her father, who has obtained that kind of strength by trickery, her foundation is unstable, and her mood has not kept up.”

“Therefore, when you encounter a problem, you will be easily motivated and cannot help yourself.”

This is also a major reason why the world of the gods has changed so much.

The strength is gained too quickly, and it is not its own. The mood Cultivation Base is completely absent. What manifests in the gods is impulsive, irritable, easily pulled by emotions, and dominated by impulse!

“She was defeated and died. This is normal development, but even though she is dead, she may not have the chance to become a living being.”

There was a bright light in Xiao Hong’s eyes for an instant, and he asked: “Really? Daddy?”

“Of course.” Duobao nodded and looked at Xuan Ming: “Although Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch’s strength is not strong, far worse than Qiu Shengxue, but she is a true creature with own essence.”

“Qiu Shengxue’s divine personality merged into his extreme ice battle, and his consciousness was also silent.”

“If it can be taken away by Xuanming, then Xuanming will get its divine tool, and instead of it will produce Karma.”

“In this case, it can be regarded as a survival from the dead and a chance to live. In the future, I hope to use this Karma to truly become a living being.”

“Is that so?” Xiaohong lowered her head to think, suddenly raised her head and asked: “Then daddy, am I a real creature?”

“Snow Big sis artifact, can I get it?”

Xiaohong looked at Duobao expectantly.

Duobao nodded: “Of course you are the real creature, and you are the strongest creature. Of course you can take it, but you have to think clearly, do you really want to take it?”

Xiaohong wondered, is there anything else in it?

“That’s it. Although you are a real creature, your essence is different from other people.” Duobao said.

“What’s the difference?” Xiaohong looked down at herself in doubt, wanting to see from it, what’s the difference?

However, after looking at it for a while, he couldn’t see anything different, he couldn’t help but raised his head in confusion, looking at Duobao.

“Hong Hong, you are a weird and ominous creature, the essence of which is weird and ominous.”

“The essence of other creatures is life, which is the most inclusive.”

Xiao Hong blinked her eyes, still wondering, and shook her head cleverly: “I don’t understand.”

“That’s it, the weirdness and ominousness are very powerful. If Qiu Shengxue’s artifact follows you and produces Karma with you, then it will inevitably be affected by your essence and eventually become weird and ominous.”

Dubao explained: “If you think about it carefully, besides you and me, what kind of changes will happen to other strange and ominous creatures?”

Xiao Hong tilted her head, thinking carefully, and after a moment, she shook her head violently: “No, no, don’t do this!”

In his mind, a familiar figure appeared, his body was covered with red hair, and his blue pupils turned blood red, full of hostility. It didn’t look like a creature, but more like a monster!

This is the change of other creatures contaminated with weird and ominous!

“Then… follow her.” Xiaohong hesitated, looked at Xuan Ming, and compromised.

“Whether you want to follow her, I’m not sure.” Duobao chuckled, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and looked at Xuan Ming: “Whether she is qualified to win the battle of Qiu Shengxue’s extreme ice, not necessarily! ”

“Huh?” Xiaohong tilted her head and looked at her father: “Why? Father?”

“Since this can make Xue Big sis a real creature, isn’t it good for her to take it away?”

Duobao shook his head and said: “The artifact is choosing the master, she is choosing the artifact, and the artifact is also choosing her!”

“She fell in love with the battle of extreme ice, but the battle of extreme ice may not necessarily have taken her to her!”

Of course, the biggest reason for this is that Xuan Ming does not have a godhead, otherwise, if there is a godhead, she doesn’t need to be tested, she can just take it away if she sees that artifact!

But since there is no godhead, it is not that simple to take away the artifact!

Moreover, there are other reasons for this. It is really not that easy for Xuan Meditation to take the Battle of Extreme Ice!

“Yes…Is that so?” Xiao Hong nodded her head seemingly, her face looked better.

Knowing that Qiu Shengxue still has a chance to become a real creature, she suddenly felt better.


Qiu Shengxue’s tombstone does not have her name, only her god name [Autumn God’s Tomb].

Yes, she is the god of autumn, and she really masters the laws of extreme ice.

Xuan Ming respectfully knelt down and knocked three beeps at Qiu Shengxue’s tombstone.

“Senior, Junior Xuanming had no choice but to use the senior artifact. When the problem is solved, he will definitely send it back, and ask for permission from the senior.”

The ancestral witch is not afraid of the heavens, the earth is not afraid of the heavens and the earth, and does not respect the ancestors of the Taoist ancestors, but only respects Pangu.

However, at this time, Xuan Ming still knelt down for his own Big Brother and Little Sister.

After kowtow, Xuan Ming got up and reached out to grab the dusty battle of extreme ice.

With a single grasp, it was like grasping an extremely heavy mountain, and it was impossible to move even a bit!


Xuan Ming was surprised. It was obvious that in that illusion, when other gods who watched took away the artifacts of other strong god-tier spirits, they were very relaxed. Why didn’t it work for her?

Although she is not as strong as them, you must know that those who are lucky enough to get the artifact, the weak ones, may not be better than her now.

Moreover, the artifact they took was much more powerful than the artifact she was taking now, so they didn’t see the slightest embarrassment, but she could not move a bit, let alone move it!

“No, it’s impossible!”

Xuan Ming’s complexion changed, she gritted her teeth fiercely, and tried her best to take away the Battle of the Extreme Ice. However, the Battle of the Extreme Ice was like the heaviest mountain in the world, not moving. Shaking!

“how come?”

After a long time, Xuan Ming sat down on the ground dull, his arms trembling.

That is a sign of excessive force!

With the strength of her ancestor witch, such a phenomenon occurred, which shows how hard she has just worked!

“Why?” Xuan Ming was puzzled, puzzled, desperate, hissed and yelled unwillingly: “Why!”

Obviously, I have already seen hope, but why is it so?

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