Chapter 392 Divine Weapon

Outside the hut, Xuan Ming shocked countless times and lay down without any strength.

Under the earth, the black will of death rushed towards Xuan Ming, and was surging into his body by the death in his heart.

What is Death like?

What was it like before Death?

It should be different, but Xuan Ming’s body reproduced the dense ice water, which condensed into ice cubes, freezing his body.

The god of dignified Xuanming, was sealed by ice.

The body of the ancestor witch bears the law, and the body of Xuanming bears the law of Xuanming.

The law is the source of all things. You should not be washed by ice, at least you should not be attacked by ice outside of yourself!

However, Xuan Ming was still frozen, with Xuan Ming’s laws in his body.

This is the will of death produced by the gods after they die!

The gods are formed from the concept of law. The weakest of their own strength is the quasi-sage, and the strongest reaches the concept of Sage. The death will formed by them has surpassed the law.

Not to mention that Xuan Ming didn’t prove the Dao, even if he did, he couldn’t resist the impact of such death.

Duobao watched quietly, splitting a force, holding Xuan Ming’s vitality, and carefully thinking about the following arrangements.

His purpose is to cultivate the witch race and cultivate people who stand by the way!

Among the witch tribes, the twelve ancestor witches are the most top-notch and easiest to cultivate. They are also the closest to Lidao, so they can’t get into trouble.

“Xuan Ming…”

Duobao drank the tea lightly, Xuan Ming was already very determined to die, unless he rescued Hou Tu, Zhu Rong, and worked together to restore the Wu Clan, otherwise, the death in her heart would not dissipate.

How to cultivate? How to establish a road?

Death rushed into Xuan Ming’s body and quickly filled his body.

The Xuanming law that existed in the Ancestral Witch’s body, under this intention of death, it collapsed at a touch, without the slightest resistance, the law was exaggerated and turned into death.

Soon, Xuan Ming’s whole person seemed to have become a condensate of death, the body of death.

Countless thoughts, like seeds, take root and sprout on it. Based on it, it slowly grows.


Duobao snorted coldly, and his voice fell on Xuan Ming’s body, instantly dispelling those eager thoughts.

This is the back hand left by the dead gods, ready to resurrect through the body of Xuan Ming.

After all, they are all at least quasi-sage-level characters, and each is powerful. Although they have fallen, they are not dead to a certain extent.

Even at the level of Dubao, they are still alive, and one day in the future, they will definitely be able to return again!

If he doesn’t stop it!

“The things in the future are things in the future, now, you shouldn’t come back!”

Duobao whispered, these divine residences have already failed, and they are all laws and conceptual puppets created by him, and they are stronger than other creatures, but they don’t have the core of self, they are just a machine.

They have no potential for evolution, and most of their strength is based on the laws he created, the godheads and products under the concept.

Simply put, their strength is not their own, but Dubao’s.

Anyone who takes away their godhead will have their strength after refining, but if this is the case, they will also be limited by the godhead, the upper limit will be locked, and the strength of the godhead will be how much their strength will be.

Therefore, in the world of the gods, the common people can slaughter the gods so easily, forming the age of three god-tier residences!

If there is no godhead, no laws, no concepts, and their own strength is cultivated by themselves, then nothing like this will happen!

After all, the foundation is still unstable. Of course, they are not to blame. The main thing is Dubao’s idea!

This was a test, he saw it very openly, but Xiao Hong suffered a lot.

Thinking about it, Duobao glanced at Xiao Hong who was still a little silly, shook his head slightly, and turned to look at Xuan Ming.

The consciousness of the gods was dissipated by him, and the illusion in Xuan Ming’s brain also disappeared, and the death will of the gods who invaded the body was hidden, not disappearing, but hiding.

Xuan Ming’s consciousness recovered and slowly opened his eyes.

Duobao asked her, “Do you still want to die now?”

Although the consciousness of the gods did not cause much harm to Xuan Ming, they also passed their experience vaguely.

After seeing such a battle, Duobao felt that as long as he was a normal person, he would have felt a lot. No matter what he had originally thought, there would be big or small changes.


Xuan Ming’s eyes were puzzled. Hearing this word, he immediately recalled the scene in his mind before, when the gods fought, and the endless gods’ corpses floated and fell.

Can’t help but shudder: “No, I don’t want to!”

She really didn’t want to die. Seeing such a scene, she was really shocked and terrified. The thoughts in her heart changed without realizing it.


The door of the hut opened and Duobao walked out.

Xuan Ming stared at Duo Bao without blinking, holding back the shock in his heart, and asked in surprise, “Senior, who are you?”

She had asked this question once before, but that time, her mood was different from now, and what she knew was not as clear as it is now, so she felt even more different!

She has determined that most of the gods buried here are of the Sage level, which is stronger than the Sanqing Sage, Western Sage, Nuwa Sage, etc.!

So many Sage-class powerhouses, all fell, this made her horrified, her hair terrified, and her scalp numb every time she thought of it!

Moreover, so many gods are dead, but the old man in front of him is still alive… Thinking about it carefully, the horror in Xuan Ming’s eyes is more intense, she suddenly discovered a problem!

In the battle of the gods, she saw almost all the divine residences, but she had never seen the figure of this old man appear!

In a battle of that scale, no creatures in the entire world can be spared, and the entire world has become a battlefield. It stands to reason that there will be no gods who can stay out of the matter, but this old man has done it!

Not just him, but the kid in red!

The more you think, the more horrified, the more you think, the more horrified!

Who the hell is this man!

“Who I am, you don’t need to care. Since you don’t want to die now, this is a cemetery. Living people should not stay here for a long time. It is not good for themselves.”

Duobao didn’t answer, but looked at her calmly: “You leave now!”

Hyun Ming opened his mouth, “Senior wants to drive Junior away?”

To be honest, she didn’t want to leave because she saw the hope of rescuing her little sister, Zhu Rong, to work together!

Even if the mysterious old man in front of him doesn’t make a move, she is sure to find a way!

“You don’t want to go?” Duobao’s dark eyes stared at Xuan Ming calmly. There were no mood swings in his eyes, his voice was not cold, just calm, but Xuan Ming still shuddered.

“I beg senior to allow Junior to stay here for a while?”

Xuan Ming’s body trembled, suppressing the fear in his heart, knelt on the ground, lowered his head, afraid to look at Duobao’s calm eyes, and begged in a low voice.

“Stay for a while?” Dubao smiled: “How long is a moment?”

As soon as Xuan Ming wanted to answer, Duo Bao turned his back and left: “No matter, the old man is not chasing you, just to tell you that this is a cemetery. Living people have been here for a long time, which is not a good thing.”

“Since you don’t want to leave and want to stay here, then keep it.”

Hearing this, Xuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Duobao’s back, and said gratefully: “Thank you senior!”

I can finally stay!

“By the way, I warn you, although those guys have fallen, their things are not so easy to touch, please ask yourself!”

The heart that had just fallen was lifted to the chest by this sentence in an instant.

The heart thumped, thumping violently.

Xuan Ming looked at Duobao’s disappeared back in horror, and closed the door again: “Did he guess it?”

As soon as the thought came out, I laughed first, yes, with the strength of the other party, how could it be impossible to guess her cautious thinking!

That’s right, the reason why she stayed is precisely because the gods she saw in the scenes that appeared in her mind before had artifacts in their hands.

Compared to the gods, what impressed her most was the various and extremely powerful artifacts in their hands.

She had seen with her own eyes that a god-mansion that was originally weaker, suddenly got a god-tier-mansion artifact after its fall. Then, its strength suddenly soared to the strength of the god-tier-mansion that had fallen!

This is incredible!

A mere artifact, it has such an impact!

In comparison, the prehistoric Xiantian Lingbao and even the Xiantian Supreme Treasure are weak!

At least, even if it is the Xiantian treasure, after obtaining it, it is impossible for a weak fairy god to reach the point where it can fight for power!

This is absolutely impossible!

However, the artifacts in the hands of those gods can!

Although incomprehensible, this is exactly the hope Xuan Ming sees now!

The weaker god-tier mansion acquired the artifact of the strong god-tier mansion, and immediately gave himself the strength of the strong god-tier mansion, so what about her?

What if she also got such an artifact?

I dare not think about the strongest artifacts, at least medium ones, comparable to ordinary Sage artifacts, she should be okay?

After all, with such a large number, her requirements are not high, she just wants one such artifact!

Is this too demanding?

If these divine residences are all alive, of course this is too much!

After all, it is such a powerful artifact, and its power is so special, it is not an exaggeration to call it life-linked!

But now they are all dead, and their artifacts are buried here with them!

So many, so powerful artifacts, just like that, with their owners, buried here, it is too wasteful and too much!

Xuan Ming rested for a while, and when he regained some energy, he couldn’t wait to walk towards the tomb of the gods behind.

【Chiyan God】

The first tombstone I saw, and looking at it, Xuan Ming immediately saw a rough man with a fierce flame burning all over his body, a beard and eyebrows like flames, and a crimson knife in his hand.

From the outside, it looks a bit like Zhurong Big Brother, who has disappeared for a long time!

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