Chapter 389 The Depressed Ancestral Witch

“Why?” Xiao Hong leaned on Duobao and asked blankly.

She doesn’t understand, why can a person who was originally so kind suddenly become so hideous?

She didn’t understand, why did things become like this?

She doesn’t understand, she really doesn’t understand!

“This is human nature!” Duobao touched Xiaohong’s head comfortingly, and sighed incomparably.

He set the fate of the world, but he also gave them a way to break through the fate, hope!

Time and time again, they never caught it, and it finally led to their current result!

Even if he has not set his final destiny, he is afraid that it will eventually develop, it will be the same, there will not be much change!

“External force, disaster!”

Duobao whispered in his heart.

Human beings are indeed good at creating miracles, but they are all things that can only appear under the pressure of countless calamities and external forces!

If there is no external force, catastrophe, and human nature, I am afraid that it will only destroy oneself in the end!


In thinking, Duobao had a definition for the future human race: “Cause, external force, absolutely indispensable!”


In the Pangu Hall, many ancestral witches were silent.

Qiangliang held a half-human-sized wine jar and drank it loudly. The transparent wine dripped down the corner of his mouth, and he didn’t care.

“What’s the use for us? Even brother own, younger sister, can’t be rescued!”

“I can only watch them disappear, and even fall!”

Qiang Liang’s drunk eyes were dim, he seemed to be drunk, and he was talking drunk: “The protagonist, the overlord… hehe, ridiculous!”

After the land has transformed Samsara, work together, Zhu Rong disappears, the situation is not good!

They are brothers, and when Zhu Rong and Gonggong are in danger, they naturally feel it.

But it was just a sense. They wanted to take action and rescue, but they couldn’t even find their position!

Houtu was because Heavenly Dao refused, they were unable to make a move!

And Zhu Rong, Gonggong, they can save, but they can’t find their place!

A sense of powerlessness filled the hearts of all the ancestral witches.

Di Jiang frowned, tapping his forehead with his fingers over and over again.

For the first time, for the first time in his life, he felt so weak and insignificant!

Even when he encountered the Fruit Clan in the dark trial field, entered many forbidden places, and encountered those powerful curses, he was not as weak as he is now!

Even in the most desperate times, he still firmly believed that they could get through and get over!

But now, he… already feels like giving up!

“It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!”

Di Jiang laughed at himself, raised his hand, the wine jar in Qiangliang’s hand fell into his hand, closed his eyes, and drank gulpingly.

Zhu Jiuyin’s eyes were dull and hollow, looking at the ground, he couldn’t see what he was thinking!

It’s not just that others can’t see it, even he himself doesn’t know what he is thinking or what he should be thinking now!

The twelve ancestral witches have now become the nine great ancestral witches.

Post-localization Samsara, Zhu Rong, no see to work together!

The former master of the earth, the master of heaven and earth, seems to have become a joke at this time!

“Heaven and earth protagonist, overlord, does it make sense?”

Someone chuckled lightly, and the voice was full of sarcasm!

He seems to be mocking something, and he seems to be mocking himself!

“What’s the point above Sage or Sage?”

“If you can’t even protect your own brothers and sisters, and become holy, what can you do even if it is the invincible supreme?”

The sound was not loud, but like the sharpest knife, it fell on the ancestor witches, cutting their hearts into pieces.

The ancestor witches closed their eyes and felt the heart-piercing pain carefully, as if they were enjoying it.

In a long silence, Xuan Ming stood up and walked out.

The other ancestral witches felt her movement, raised their eyelids, glanced at her, and drooped again.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s all go, ha ha, Wu Clan, jokes, ancestral witches, jokes… let it go, let it all go!”

I don’t know who it was. After saying such a sentence, the entire Great Hall was empty intermittently.

In the end, only Dijiang and Zhujiuyin were left in the Great Hall.

“Second brother, am I wrong?” Di Jiang Xu asked Zhu Jiuyin with his eyes open.

Among the twelve ancestor witches, the boss of Dijiang, the second child of Zhujiuyin.

“Should I abandon the Witch Clan in the first place, no matter what, I must save the little girl!”

“Am I really wrong!”

Dijiang’s voice is getting louder and louder.

He was trembling, the dignified ancestor witch, because of a few words, his body was trembling.

He cried bitterly, with tears mixed with his nose and streaming down.

Without waiting for Zhu Jiuyin’s answer, Di Jiang grabbed the wine jar and drank again.

The drink mixed with tears and poured into his mouth, and after a round in the body, it seemed to flow out from the corner of his eyes again.

The spicy wine adds a salty taste.

Zhu Jiuyin sighed as he watched the defeated Di Jiang with tears.

He knew Di Jiang’s current mood and wanted to comfort him, but he didn’t know how to comfort him.

Is Dijiang’s choice wrong?

It seems to be wrong, it seems to be right again!

Samsara is a destiny and cannot be stopped!

But did you give up because of this?

Dijiang chose the Witch Clan between the Witch Clan and the Houtu Clan because of helplessness!

If possible, whenever there is a little possibility, Zhujiuyin believes that he will choose Houtu!

However, it is impossible, impossible!

Therefore, he chose the Wu Clan!

It can’t be regarded as a choice, it’s just the result of being forced to helplessly!

Among the brothers and sisters, he chose the Wu clan… Maybe he didn’t have this idea, but when he made this choice, he might not know this in his heart!

At least there is a tilt!

The other ancestor witches also understand this, but they can understand it, but they can’t accept it!

They are not in their position, do not seek political affairs… They are not Dijiang, not the leaders of the Witch clan, they don’t understand!

Zhu Jiuyin understands, so he understands Dijiang!

But, in the same way, he is also uncomfortable now!

“Hey…If there is nothing wrong with my little girl, Zhu Rong, and Gonggong has nothing to do, it would be great!” Quietly, Zhu Jiuyin thought in his heart.

If there is nothing wrong with them, they will not be entangled and feel uncomfortable.

This is not a major event, it is not even a problem, but with such an unacceptable result, it has become so unacceptable!

“Little girl, Zhu Rong, Gonggong…” Several names appeared in his heart, and several figures appeared, making him feel aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Zhu Jiuyin snatched the wine jar in Dijiang’s hand, and drank it himself, tears streaming down the corner of his eyes.


After leaving the Pangu Hall, Xuan Ming walked aimlessly in the wilderness, looking colorful and colorful in the past, but at this time it seemed to have lost its color and turned into black and white, and couldn’t bring any more interest.

“Witch, young girl, Gonggong, Zhu Rong…”

Xuan Ming opened his eyes vigorously and raised his head to prevent the contents from flowing out.

She knew that for the current result, she didn’t actually blame Dijiang or Dage at all, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

The nameless fire rises, and it can’t be suppressed!

How many years of practice, Taoism, and state of mind have no effect at this moment.

The Wu clan is scattered, and Samsara is working together in Houtu. Zhu Rong is leaving. When she left, she was separated!

The twelve ancestor witches have always been regarded as one by the people of the prehistoric ancestors, and they regarded each other equally.

But at this moment, the Twelve Ancestral Witch became the Nine Great Ancestral Witch, and it was no longer one.

Some feelings seem unbreakable, and they can’t be provoked by the outside, but as long as there is a problem inside oneself, the fragile will be like a piece of paper, instantly broken and irreparable!

The witch clan is no longer the witch clan of the past!

Thinking of this, Xuan Ming suddenly felt even more uncomfortable.

“How could this be so?”

She thought in her heart that things shouldn’t have developed this way.

In the original general trend, this should not be the case, that’s right!

“Duobao, yes, it is Duobao!”

Xuan Ming suddenly thought of a person, it was his appearance that changed everything about the Wu Clan.

Let them have thoughts they shouldn’t have!

Originally, they couldn’t stop Hou Tu, and because of this, they watched tacitly. Although it was uncomfortable, they were accepted, or used to it!

From knowing that one day, they have been getting used to it, and gradually they finally got used to it!

It’s just that after the strength Ascension, the thoughts that were not there will be there!

Sadly, their strength still can’t support their minds, so they made the situation like this happen now!

“If…how good would it be if you didn’t show up?”

Xuan Ming knew that she had thoughts that she shouldn’t have. She knew that Dubao was not to blame for all this, but she just couldn’t help thinking like this!

She used to pursue her strength, any method of Ascension’s strength can be tried!

Now, the strength is Ascension, she was originally strong at first, but she was not happy at all.

If the powerful Ascension cannot protect the people that own wants to protect, then what is the role?

If Duobao did not appear, their strength would not have such a great Ascension, and they would not have thoughts that they shouldn’t have.

Although Houtu still cannot be saved, at least Zhu Rong, Gonggong will not have any trouble!

In this case, Samsara will be transformed into the land, the Lich will fight for hegemony, and then both will be injured, exit the prehistoric scene, and disappear together from then on. Thinking about it this way, it is actually quite good!

At least, everyone is neat and tidy.

Dead together!

Xuan Ming finally couldn’t hold it back, the crystals in his eyes fell, wet his face and clothes.

Suddenly she wanted to die very much, and it was all over, and it was over like this, no matter what!

Death appeared in his heart, no matter how hard to restrain it, Xuan Ming walked like a walking dead.

Suddenly a drizzle fell on the sky, and cool rain fell on him.

Xuan Ming dissipated all his defenses, closed his eyes, and just walked like this.

Tears are mixed with rain, and it is impossible to tell whether it is rain or tears for a moment!

Just walking like this, I don’t know how long I have been walking, suddenly a voice came from my ear, which awakened her.

“Little girl, looking at you, you are very sad and full of death. This is because you want to die!”

“I don’t know what you went through that made you feel this way. But, forget it, I’m used to burying people, and you don’t have much, just right!”

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