Chapter 388: The Twilight of the Gods

Thinking of many past events, some sighs, some sighs, and finally all turned into a sigh: “Hey… can’t go back!”

After Xiaohong went down, the world of gods soon had new changes.

A whole-hearted weapon appears in the world. It doesn’t need Magic power or cultivation. It can be cast only with the will of living beings.

At the beginning, everyone was very curious and used it as a toy and a tool for labor.

These weapons are all easy to use, and they are most suitable as farm tools. With these things, you don’t need to make them specially in the future.

Therefore, soon, weapons spread throughout the world.

Because the first weapon can only be used for labor, the strongest can only break a stone.

After experiencing the initial nervous attention and discovering that these things are of no use, the superior gods gave up their attention.

It’s not a good thing, it can’t shake their rule, so I don’t care!

In this way, without the deliberate or unintentional obstruction of the gods, weapons have developed rapidly.

With the passage of time, several eras have passed, weapons have been thoroughly integrated into their lives, and even because of familiarity, they have finally been integrated into their souls and turned into soldiers’ souls.

The children of later times, even those who were born with extraordinary talents, gave birth to soldiers’ souls by themselves.

To the back, almost every child is born with a soldier spirit!

This is nothing. Although the weapon has changed from a weapon to a soldier soul, its power is not much Ascension!

Therefore, the gods just looked at it as a novelty and didn’t care.

All this, until a certain day, some people, after experiencing a lot of oppression and humiliation, become angry and hostile!

Resentment and hostility rushed into the soul of the soldier. The originally ordinary and weak soldier soul turned into Divine Armament, with its revenge, and killed all the enemies who oppressed him.

When cleaning up the enemy, it was implicated in the temple again.

You know, in the world of gods, ordinary people cannot cultivation, nor do people in temples, but gods will give all kinds of power to make them stronger than ordinary people. Better to rule mortals.

Anyone who can enter the temple can gain powerful strength far beyond ordinary people!

But that’s it, under the already formed Divine Armament, that temple was also slaughtered by it.

It was also at this time that everyone realized that the soul of a soldier that he thought was ordinary had such a powerful power!

With a weapon in your body, kill yourself!

Seeing the power of Divine Armament, he has been hiding since ancient times, and the person who has been cultivating in the dark has appeared.

Countless ways of cultivation that were destroyed by the gods and blocked by the temple are spread everywhere!

When the gods reacted, they issued an oracle to block and destroy it.

But the originally well-behaved and obedient lamb is no longer obedient at this time.

The resentment accumulated over the years, unwillingness, catalyzed their souls of soldiers into Divine Armament, rebelling against the rule of the temple.

Coupled with the popularization of the way of cultivation in the dark, the strength is increasing day by day, and slowly, against the temple!

All the creatures are crazy, with Divine Armament, secretly cultivation, when the strength is enough, revenge!

The whole world quickly fell into the rhythm of revenge and killing.

Several times have passed, countless temples have been turned into ruins, and statues of the gods have been broken.

The creatures who have been kept in captivity for countless years, holding the Divine Armament, have entered the realm of the gods…the god, has fallen!

On that day, Star shook, and the gods died out. It was called the dusk of the gods.

After the demise of the gods, the new human beings will take over the gods, and rule the world.

All human beings have entered the new god realm and become new gods.

It seems to be good if there are no mortals in the world, but after a long time, problems arise.

From ordinary people to gods, they have rights, but they have no objects to show off, and they have no superiority.

As a result, the hierarchy reappeared, and the gods were divided into three, six or nine levels, and the higher gods ruled the lower gods!

The world of gods finally became a veritable world of gods. No mortal, even a newborn child, is born with gods because his parents are gods.

After a long time, the lower gods replaced the original ordinary mortals and replaced them as the objects of the higher gods to display their own and rule.

The world seems to have changed, and it seems that it has not changed!

When classes arise, contradictions naturally follow, oppression and exploitation do not fall, one after another.

As a result, it seems that the world has returned to its original appearance.

The oppressed, the exploited are still being oppressed, exploited, the high-level superiors gradually become clear, and the entire world of gods is gradually becoming repressed.

All kinds of pressures and contradictions continue to arise, because they all have strength, and it didn’t take long for the contradictions to accumulate before they broke out!

Thus, the battle of the gods began!

This battle is fierce, fierce, and protracted, and it has been going on since the beginning of the age of the gods!

The battle became more fierce and merciless, the gods fell like rain, and almost every day there were unexplainable gods dying.

At first, it was to solve the contradiction, vent the pressure in the heart, and dissatisfaction!

As the battle continued and the time extended, they gradually forgot what they were fighting for!

Anyway, if you see other gods, just hit it!

No reason, simple and rude!

God is gone, God is gone!

When the dusk of the gods comes, the battle is finally over, because there is no more god in this world, all gods are dead!

On the earth, I don’t know when there were tomb bags and tombstones.

In the tomb bag is buried the originally high gods.

No matter how dazzling, how bright, and how powerful the gods were, no matter how violent and peaceful their tempers were, they would lie quietly in the grave, without any movement.

The world became bloody, the rules were distorted, the rules were upgraded, and the whole world was filled with the meaning of Death.

The age of the gods has begun, and the age of the gods is over!


In a long sigh, Duobao buried the last god on the ground, the dust was flying, and a new tomb bag appeared!

He was not the first, but he was the last!

On the pitch-black tombstone, a few large black characters are written [Tomb of the Gods].

Duobao didn’t know the other party’s name and didn’t bother to count it. As the last deity, it was appropriate to use this term as the name of the tomb.

After burying the last deity, Duobao slowly walked to a large rock next to him and sat down with his back leaning on it.

Looking up at the blood-red sky, I felt a little complicated.

“After all, it failed!”

He created this world with his own hands, created the gods, and buried them with his own hands!

He gave them the last chance, hope, but they let him down again!

They didn’t catch it. After overthrowing the gods of their own clan, they all became gods. They thought they would be like dragons, but they didn’t expect that they would fall into the civil war again.

Although this has the influence of fate, it is not necessarily all the influence of fate!


Sigh and sigh, as if seeing the rise and fall of a civilization.

It was originally intended to create a trial ground for the ancestor witches and forge the land of Karma.

As a result, seeing their changes with my own eyes, I suddenly felt a little disheartened.

“Daddy.” Xiao Hong walked over, wearing a red dress, her eyes were no longer pure, her body was full of sadness.

She walked up to Dubao and sat down too, with her small head resting on Dubao’s body.

With big eyes, staring at the blood-colored sky blankly.

At the beginning, she was resentful of the feelings of many human races, because they made her dad unhappy.

Therefore, when the casting method was first handed down, I didn’t care much, and after passing it out at random, I went to play by myself.

What I thought at the time was that after playing for a while, I would go back to my father’s side after completing the task that Dad confided!

As a result, the development of the human race in the back made her watch intently.

My curiosity was hooked.

She once entered the human race under a pseudonym and followed a group of human race heroes to fight against the gods.

Without using his identity and suppressing his authority, he has also been in danger several times, all being rescued by the human race by his side.

Slowly, she immersed herself in the entrance, treating herself as a human race against the gods.

She has no reservations, helps the human race, follows the human race, fights against the gods, is injured, recovers, seeks revenge, excites…there are so many, the experience can be described as wonderful!

Gradually, she forgot the resentment towards the human race, and regarded them as her own, or even friends.

Finally, the gods failed, they were victorious!

So she went to the God Realm together and became one of the new gods.

She enjoys it, is very happy, and plays and makes trouble every day.

At the beginning, I was very happy, very happy.

However, when the following levels appeared and contradictions appeared, she felt that something was wrong, and it didn’t feel so good!

She started to worry, she herself didn’t know what she was worried about, but she was worried!

Before long, her worries became reality, and she finally knew what she was worried about!

Those amiable companions and friends, for a little bit of benefit, baby, began to quarrel and even fight.

The face is distorted, hideous, and it looks so strange!

She was stunned, and she didn’t understand why this happened!

Next, the development of the gods slowly disappointed and even despaired her!

Large-scale battles took place, contradictions, conflicts, and gradually turned into a battle of life and death, either you die or I live!

The battle of the gods has begun!

She didn’t participate in it, and for the first time used her own authority to cover Own’s figure, looking at it in disbelief.

It’s not that she didn’t think about stopping, and even used her own authority for this, but it was useless!

After a period of silence, the old state reappeared, and the battle reappeared!

And it seems that because of her suppression, this battle is more violent and ferocious. She was terrified and heartbroken to see!

She was completely desperate, she didn’t interfere, she just watched them fight until all the members fell!

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