Chapter 390

Xuan Ming opened his eyes.

Two people appeared in front of him, an old man and a red-clothed boy.

The old man’s face is vicissitudes of life, his face is full of wrinkles, every wrinkle seems to hide endless secrets, which makes people shake their minds.

Just looking at him, it was like seeing a civilization, a world, and endless stories.

Xuan Ming shook his head fiercely, the hallucinations in his mind disappeared, and then he turned his head and looked around, only to realize that he seemed to be no longer in the prehistoric land.

Under my gaze, endless tomb bags and tombstones appeared in my eyes.

Xuan Ming felt a strong death breath and endless horror. Her body was trembling. It was instinctive fear, fear, and fear.

It seems that under the endless tomb bag, everyone is an extremely terrifying existence.

Everyone, when alive, is stronger than her!

Xuan Ming was startled, and under the strong shock, she almost forgot her own existence.

She stared blankly, endless sadness invaded her heart, so that she, who was in charge of the Tao of Xuan Ming, was completely cold and felt as if she was in the world of the dead.

Inexplicable fear, endless loneliness, rushed into my heart.

“Here…Where is it?” Xuan Ming asked blankly, looking at the old man who had spoken first.

While questioning, her gaze was finally attracted by the front tomb bag and fell on the four large characters on the tombstone in front of it. Unable to help, she said: “The Tomb of the Gods!”

“Yes, as you said, this is the tomb of the gods, the tomb of the gods.” The old man sighed and looked at Xuan Ming: “Although you are not a god, if you want to die, I don’t mind being old. Dig a hole for you and send you three feet of land.”

Xuan Ming swallowed, and murmured in shock, “The tomb of the gods? The gods?”

Her eyes slowly swept toward a group of tombstones, and on each tombstone, there was a name, which she had just seen at first.

In addition, beside each tombstone, there is a dark gray weapon.

The weapon was silent, filled with dust, like rubbish.

But under her gaze, she felt the endless majesty, power, and heart shaking, uncontrollable.


She couldn’t help muttering again.


What a familiar word, she is actually a god, the god of Xuanming, so she is not unfamiliar!

However, standing here, standing in this cemetery of the gods, she suddenly felt that she didn’t seem to be worthy of the word god.

Compared with the gods buried in the ground, she was so weak, so insignificant, and so humble.

Divine power is like prison, divine power is like sea, even though she died for an unknown period of time, its divine power is still impacting her mind, suppressing her vitality and blood.

Qi and blood surged and hit the body, but was directly suppressed by the endless divine might.

“Yes, the gods!” The old man Duobao transformed into nodded his head with a complicated tone. Looking at the gods who were finally quiet and lying quietly, he sighed: “God!”

The tone is sighing, and the meaning is unnamed.

Xuan Ming took a deep breath and suddenly looked at Duobao and Xiaohong, and asked in a deep voice, “They are the gods? What about you? Who are you?”

Unconsciously, she used honorifics.

Here are the gods buried underground, and each one is far stronger than her. This is unimaginable and unintelligible!

However, this was not what shocked her the most. What shocked her the most was that there were still alive people in this cemetery of the gods?

She can be sure that this place is no longer a prehistoric place. There is absolutely no place like this in the prehistoric place, and there are not so many powerful people!

Under those tombstones, the remaining divine aura, the weakest of which is stronger than her, and the strongest, even stronger than the Sage she has ever seen!

This is terrifying!

This means that if she feels right, here…the cemetery of the gods, among the dead gods, there is an existence comparable to Sage!

And…the number is not large!

Even such a powerful divine residence fell and was buried in the ground. What kind of terrifying existence would this old man and woman who are still alive be like?

Although Xiao Hong still looked like a child, Xuan Ming did not dare to treat him as a child!

“I, I’m just a grave guard!”

Duobao sighed and looked at Xuan Ming somewhat unexpectedly.

The cemetery of the gods was a trial ground he prepared for the witches, but when the civilization of the gods ended, he didn’t immediately calm down.

He wanted to calm down and waited quietly. He didn’t intend to immediately bring in the witches and start the trial.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Ming walked in by himself!

Moreover, when he came in, his whole body was dead, and he was not worse than the dead gods in the cemetery of his gods!

There is no doubt that Xuan Meditation is dead at this time!

“what happened?”

Duobao frowned, a little curious, and he thought secretly. After a while, it became clear that he was a little surprised and speechless.

“Witch clan, scattered?”

Duobao didn’t know what to say, and he didn’t expect to be like this!

Houtuhua Samsara is the destiny of heaven, unstoppable, this point, the ancestors and witches should be clear!

As for Zhu Rong and Gonggong, although the two of them disappeared, they were not dead!

Moreover, with the hard work of the two of them, Houtu may not be impossible to return!

He glanced at Zhu Rong and Gonggong in Samsara. Unexpectedly, Zhu Rong rushed past the First Stage Samsara. More than that, it was already in the Third Stage Samsara.

Gong Gong thought he had rushed to an unknown place. In fact, he was still in Samsara, and he was constantly heading towards Hou Tu!

Like Zhu Rong, although the methods are different, they are all in Samsara at this time, and they instinctively head towards the earth.

This is the traction of blood!

Gonggong bears Karma, karma, does not need to be tested by Samsara, but it is not easy!

But, in any case, both of them are working hard to get close to the goal, and they are very hopeful!

In Duobao’s view, the situation of the Wu Clan is actually not bad, how did it get to the current situation?


With a helpless sigh, Duobao looked at the earth, and as expected, the earth was also scattered. The originally perfect Qi dispersed, forming several distinct areas.

The witch clan controls the land, and the twelve ancestor witches are the leaders of the witch clan. Their decisions and changes will affect the land.

Because of their current emotions, the earth has lost its consummation, and gradually there is Karma, karma, and take advantage of this opportunity to escape and survive in the cracks.

If things go on like this, the karma of these Karma will grow stronger enough to cause a lot of calamity.

“Gravekeeper?” Xuan Ming opened his mouth.

Can she believe this?

Letter, of course she believed, but she believed that besides the gravekeeper, he must have other identities.

The gods, countless gods comparable to Sage have fallen and are buried in this world. Can they survive and become the guardian of the tomb. Can they be simple characters?

Last time, he is comparable to Sage’s existence!

Among the gods, he may not be the strongest, but he will definitely not be the worst!

Comparable to Sage?

Thinking, Xuan Ming’s heart moved, a glimmer of hope rose up, her death dissipated, and she knelt on the ground: “Senior, please senior, save me Big Brother and Little Sister!”

Xuan Ming knew the strange appearance of this old man, and also knew the horror of this world, there must be many unimaginable things and information in it!

But she doesn’t care. Now, her only thought is to ask for the unknown depth of the face in front of her, the last time it must be the existence of Sage class, to rescue her Big Brother, little sister, for this, she can give anything!

“Hmm~” Duobao touched his chin, and whispered the face that changed immediately after he found Xuan Ming came in.

“Save you Big Brother sister?” Duobao looked at Xuan Ming and shook his head slightly: “Do you know who I am?”

“Junior doesn’t know, senior doesn’t say it, Junior naturally doesn’t know it!”

Hyun Ming knelt on the ground and did not raise her head: “Junior doesn’t want to know, but just wants Senior to take action. For this, Junior can give everything!”

“You don’t even know whether I am good or bad, what my identity is, you want me to do it!”

“Are you not afraid that I will take action and cause the situation to get worse?”

Xuan Ming said firmly: “Don’t be afraid, Junior believes in senior!”

“Do you really believe it?” Duobao asked with a smile.

Xuan Ming’s expression remained unchanged, and he repeated again: “Believe!”

Does she believe it?

Of course not, but she has no other choice!

Moreover, given the current situation, even if it is worse, can it be worse than it is now?

Even if something really goes wrong, the big deal is death!

That would be a relief!

To be honest, she is tired, she is really tired!

She didn’t want to see all this happening now, but everything happened!

Duobao saw Xuan Ming’s determination and determination. He stared at her for a long while, then continued to shook his head, carried his hands on his back, and walked back.

“Senior!” Hearing the movement, Xuan Ming raised his head, only seeing the vicissitudes of Duobao and Xiaohong’s back, walking into the black hut next to him, and couldn’t help shouting anxiously.

“The old man is tired, and I don’t want to participate in these things anymore. I was still thinking about it, but now it’s gone.”

“What do you want to do? That’s your business, it has nothing to do with decay!”

An old voice came, and Xuan Ming was dumbfounded, staring at the back of Duobao who had disappeared like a woodcarving.

After a long time, she suddenly rushed up and rushed towards the cabin: “Senior!”


With a muffled sound, when Xuan Ming rushed to the hut ten feet away, he was knocked back by an invisible force and fell heavily to the ground!


Xuan Ming hissed and shouted, the last glimmer of hope in his heart was shattered, and the strong will of death rolled back like a tide.

The frustrated Xuan Ming was like a corpse at this time!

“Is there no hope?”

“There is no hope!”

Samurai Xuanming murmured, repeated, suddenly got up, and rushed towards the cabin again!

She shocked and was beaten again and again. She didn’t give up. After every time she fell, she immediately got up and rushed over again!

Just repeating it, she didn’t hope that this would make the old man change his mind, she just had no other way, she had a deadly heart, thinking that she would just rush to death, it would be a relief!

I don’t know how long it has passed, and Xuan Ming doesn’t know how many times she has been hit, how many times she has been beaten into the air. Finally, her strength is exhausted and she can’t get up anymore, lying on the ground, breathing constantly.

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