Chapter 387

There are many such places in the world of gods, but many gods and even god kings dare not enter.

The gods are immortal, but entering those forbidden places, even the gods may fall forever.

Therefore, they dare not go in because they are afraid of death!

But human beings are not afraid. There are many of them, and there are still many dead!

On the basis of endless numbers, even if some gods found something wrong and started to block them, eventually someone entered the forbidden land and came back alive.

He obtained the law of the Forbidden Land, and through this, he condensed the godhead and became the first god in mankind to have his own godhead!

Therefore, he is revered as a human god!

With his successful cases, everyone is cheered and more confident. Numerous biographies with him as the protagonist and novels have become popular, inspiring countless children’s adventurous hearts.

When they grow up, they will take their own risks!

After all, even though the vast majority of humans have failed and never stepped forward, some people have succeeded in the end, and there are still a lot of them!

As a result, the era of human beings becoming gods began to come, and the first gods began to compete for the power of heaven and earth!

At first, human beings were at a disadvantage, barely resisting, and even fled in embarrassment!

However, as more and more human beings entered the forbidden places, obtained the existence of laws and even concepts, and became gods by this, the situation has undergone tremendous changes!

After all, the number of gods is limited and immutable. Unlike human beings, they can multiply and give birth, and their numbers are increasing. Coupled with the existence of forbidden places, it is possible for humans to catch up!

As a result, the original gods were ultimately defeated, and were thrown off the altar, hiding in embarrassment all over the world.

The world of gods is dominated by mankind, and the era when everyone becomes god is coming!

However, the good times did not last long. Without the original gods as opponents, the human gods became the masters and felt the delicacy of power!

As a result, the human beings who initially drove the gods off the altar became the new masters, blocked all resources, refused new humans to become gods, and even burned a large number of cultivation classics. They wanted to change the way of cultivation from the mortal world. Elimination.

They succeeded and they failed!

With the intention to hide, coupled with the initial help of the gods, mankind still retains the way of own cultivation, although there are not many, but it is like a kind of fire.

The brave who defeated the demon king will eventually become the devil himself!

The new era is coming, and most human beings are living peacefully. With the passage of time, most people gradually forget what cultivation is. They only know that there are gods in the heaven and earth, and the supremacy is their master and theirs. Owner!

They are all created by gods. Everything they see and touch is created by gods. Every bit of air, every mouthful of food, every mouthful of water is bestowed by the gods, and they must be grateful.

The gods set up temples in the mortal world to collect the beliefs of sentient beings, interrupt their upward path, guide them to develop in other directions, and do not touch anything related to cultivation!

The relationship with cultivation gradually disappeared in the mortal world.

This era lasted for a long, long time.

“Xiaohong…” Duobao and Xiaohong had been standing above the world watching the changes in the world. Seeing this, Duobao suddenly shouted.

“Daddy?” The light in the little red eyes flickered, and she was very excited. This was the first time she saw such a variety of poses, three thousand red dust, it was very novel and also very surprised.

The appearance of gods, the appearance of human beings, the struggle, and the survival, so weak, compared with many gods, they are not even ants!

In the beginning, who would have thought that such a weak creature would eventually drove that powerful god off the platform and become the master himself!

Who can imagine?

Who dares to imagine?

What surprised her even more was the development behind mankind!

I thought that after mankind defeated the gods, they would usher in greater development, but they did not expect that they would have sealed the progress of their own race and became a new generation of gods, treating the own people as lambs, and wantonly exploiting them.

Duobao took out a blood-red, heavy sledgehammer, and handed it to Xiao Hong: “Go.”

“Where to go?” Xiaohong was very puzzled. After receiving the sledgehammer, countless information came immediately.

Casting, with grievances, hostility, unwillingness, rules, concepts, beating, refining, and achieving God-killing soldiers.

“Go to the human race and teach them to forge God-killing soldiers.” Duobao said.

He created this world, these gods, not to see their development.

Now the creatures in this world are in a deadlock, it is difficult to make breakthrough in a short time, and new guidance and breakthrough are needed.

“The soldiers of the killing of the gods?” Xiaohong was eager to try, very excited, and asked: “Is it to lead the human race, do you want to kill the gods?”

“Kill all those despicable human gods?”

Xiao Hong was very excited and had been watching the development in this world all the time, and her hands were itchy long ago.

“No, it’s just to pass down the casting method of the God-killing Soldiers. The specifics are up to them!”

Duobao shook his head and denied Xiao Hong’s statement. He looked at the world and the common people, endless creatures: “This is the last hope I give you. If you can break it, I will take you into the wild and become a new human race. If it doesn’t work…”

In the eyes, a magnificent river, quietly flowing, was born from destruction and returned to destruction.

From the very beginning, he had arranged the fate of this world.


He named this world the cemetery of the gods, originally intending to bury the gods!

This is the fate of the world he set!

Destiny can be changed, the so-called man will conquer the sky!

Although his purpose is like this, if the creatures in this world can break fate, he will not mind, but will be very pleased.

It’s just that these creatures let him down!

Originally they had a chance. After the human race defeated the original gods, if there was no way of blocking cultivation and vigorously promoting, so that everyone was like a dragon, and their minds were unified. With firm minds, they would be enough to reverse the fate of the entire world!

It is a pity that human beings can always create miracles!

When there are opponents and enemies, the unity is scary. The stronger the opponent and the fiercer the enemy, the more united, and the united human race, the miracle is no longer a miracle, but a daily life!

Therefore, human beings defeated the gods in the form of ants!

However, after defeating the gods, the one-hearted will of the people disappeared!

They blocked their own way, broke up the idea of ​​unity, and broke the original hope with their own hands!

It seems that the world has changed a lot, but in fact, the fate of the world has not changed at all!

Destruction… is still the end!

“Look at them?” Xiao Hong was puzzled, looking at the vicissitudes of life in Duobao’s eyes, sighing, inexplicably uncomfortable.

“Daddy…” Duobao was sighing. Suddenly his body was First Stage, and a warm little hand suddenly appeared on his face.

Looking down, Xiao Hong was looking at herself worriedly, and her little hand touched Own’s face, comforting herself.

“Daddy, what’s the matter with you?”

“Are you OK?”

Xiao Hong asked worriedly, then showed a fierce light on her face, and looked at the creatures in the world: “Did they make Daddy upset? Xiao Hong will kill them all!”

As he said, the red light flashed on his body, and the rich and ominous force rushed out, turning into a huge red sword with killing intent.

The heavens and the earth trembled and felt the danger. The gods above Nine Heavens were horrified and didn’t know what happened.

Although they have achieved Sage because of Duobao’s Magic power, the concept Sage is far stronger than Xiao Hong, but because the world was created by Duo Bao, Xiao Hong is Duo Bao’s daughter, and they have transcendent authority in this world!

As long as Xiaohong is willing, including the concept gods above Nine Heavens, there will be no resistance at all!

Duobao was taken aback, with some warmth in his heart. He touched Xiaohong’s head and said with a smile: “It’s nothing, Daddy’s okay.”

When the words fell, the invisible force flashed, rushing away the ominous red broadsword.

Putting Xiao Hong down: “After you were born, you didn’t experience much. Just go and see this time. Although there are some problems in general, it is still colorful.”

“After passing down the casting method, you can play more in the world and come back when you get tired. Daddy will always be here waiting for you.”

Xiao Hong shook her head: “No, I’m not going, I want to accompany Daddy.”

Obviously, Duobao’s mood is not very good now. Xiaohong, who was eager to try, has lost many thoughts at this time. Compared to going out to play, she now wants to stay next to Duobao.

“Go, go, it’s okay, Daddy just suddenly remembered something, some feelings, it’s not a big deal!”

Xiaohong looked at Duobao suspiciously, and asked for a long time: “What’s the matter?”

“Hehe, it’s something you still can’t understand.” Duobao smiled: “What? Are you still in charge of daddy’s affairs?”

“Okay, okay, let’s go play, Dad is really fine.”

Xiao Hong hesitated, but Kan Dubao was firm and eventually left.

Holding the red casting sledgehammer, Xiao Hong truly entered this world for the first time.

Xiao Hong left, and the smile on Duobao’s face put away.

He didn’t lie to Xiaohong, he really remembered some past events, past lives.

“The human race is sometimes really cute, sometimes it is really speechless!”

In his previous life, the civilization he was in, over five thousand years of history, there have been many heroes and heroes!

If they were united, determined, united in one mind, and never changed, then mankind would have been able to break out of the earth and enter the universe long ago.

But in fact, until the 21st century, human civilization has made real leap-forward progress!

The way of progress is also quite ridiculous, still because of powerful foreign enemies.

“Humans…when they are of the same mind, everyone is like a dragon.”

“When the will is different, everyone is like a bug!”

“When you are alone, it is a dragon, when you get together, it becomes a worm again!”

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