Chapter 386 Gods World

“Daddy, can’t you accompany me?” Xiaohong couldn’t make a decision for a long time, looking at Duobao tangledly.

She didn’t want to go to Kunlun, but she didn’t want to leave Duobao either.

“Silly girl, daddy is teasing you.” Duobao laughed loudly: “The number of creatures here is almost the same, no need to move.”

“This time, Daddy will take you out to play.”

Xiao Hong didn’t seem too happy when he heard Dubao say this, and hesitated.

want to go out?

The outside world is not fun at all, and it feels very awkward.

In comparison, she still likes it here.

“Daddy, can you not go out?” Xiaohong asked expectantly.

“No!” Duobao scowled, “This time, you have to go out with me!”

“Woo…” Water vapor suddenly appeared in Xiao Hong’s eyes, looking at Duobao aggrievedly.

Although she is now close to Sage in strength, she doesn’t have much contact with the outside world, has too little experience, and her mind is just like her appearance, just a five or six-year-old child.

Hearing Dubao’s stern words, he immediately felt aggrieved and sad: “Daddy is bad, oooo, daddy is bad…”

Duobao just wanted to tease Xiao Hong, but she didn’t expect that she would cry directly.

This time, it was his turn to be stupid.

Seeing Xiaohong crying, she was at a loss for a while.

“Don’t, don’t cry, Daddy is joking with you!”

She hugged Xiaohong and comforted her softly: “This time we are going out, there is a fun thing, it’s really fun.”

“Are you sure not to go?”

Xiao Hong rubbed her own big eyes, the big ones, and the big tears slipped and wet the clothes.

Hearing this, she stopped crying and looked at Duobao with red eyes: “Fun?”

“Yes, it’s fun.” Thank God, she finally stopped crying, and Duo Bao repeatedly said.

Although he is the leader of the prehistoric, he still feels flustered when facing people he cares about crying.

He thinks this is very good. It means that he is not ruthless, and that he is still a person.

“What’s fun?” Xiaohong asked, “How fun is it?”

“Cosplay, do you think it’s fun?”

Holding Xiao Hong, seeing that she had not resisted too much, Duobao took a step forward, stepped out of the black realm, and entered the prehistoric land.

Underneath is a huge palace, simple, simple, without carved beams and painted buildings, without colorful colors, just a simple palace.

However, despite its simplicity, no one dares to underestimate this palace in the midst of the wilderness, because the name of this palace is Pangu Temple.

“Witch…” Standing at the upper left of the Pangu Temple, without standing upright on it, to show his respect for Pangu god-tier.

The calamity this time is for him to make the masters of the two groups of Liches stand on their way, using them and his own Karma.

But the Karma of the Demon Race is enough, and the Karma of the Witch Race is still far behind.

Therefore, although all the tribulations are looming, so far, only the Yaozu has actually come into contact with the black domain, the tribulations.

The calamity of the Wu Clan is still brewing and has not yet been generated.

This time, he came for this.

“What is role-playing?” Xiaohong asked curiously, holding Dubao tightly.

There was a good smell in Dubao’s body, and it was even more rich and weird. The ominous power was flooded, which made her very comfortable.

“You will know soon.”

Duobao raised his hand and glanced at the many ancestral witches in the Pangu Hall. He shook his head slightly and waved his palm. A world appeared in his hand, holding Xiao Hong, and walked in.

The world just opened up is nothingness, empty, and nothing.

Xiaohong looked curiously, her eyes full of expectation.

“Role playing? It sounds interesting!”

Endless and weird, the ominous power radiated from Dubao’s body and spread to the world. Soon, the originally blank world was like a piece of white paper, blackened with ink, and turned into a weird and ominous world.

Xiao Hong’s eyes were full of joy, and she took a deep breath, struggling to jump from Dubao’s arms, looking at this emptiness, she was very happy.

Although there is nothing here, she is very happy because of the weird and ominous force.

“Doom, cemetery, gods, ominous… cemetery!”

Duobao whispered softly, and with a thought, the weird and ominous merged together, forming a doomsday air.

In an instant, the end of the world came, and everything began to fall into the apocalyptic atmosphere, beginning to decline, decay, and full of twilight, as if at The next moment, this world is about to be destroyed.

Xiao Hong looked curiously, without the slightest fear. Although weird and the ominous power changed, the essence still existed, and she could still feel the invigoration like a fish in water.

Seeing the decline of the world, not only was there no fear, but rather curious.

“Daddy, what are we going to do?”

“What do you do?” Duobao chuckled and stretched out his hand a little, countless transparent figures appeared, dense forests in the void.

“Gene?” Xiao Hong is no stranger to these figures. In the past, she has been in touch and familiar with them. She raised her small face and asked: “Daddy, are we going to create demons?”

Five- or six-year-old children are exquisite and cute, but what they say in their mouths is so creepy.

Demon… This is a terrible word, and of course it is even more terrifying when it is spoken from a child.

If other people heard it, they would be far away from her immediately, but Dubo would not.

After all, Xiao Hong could be regarded as the demon among the demons, the source of the weirdness, such terrible words, it was very common to say such terrible words from her mouth.

“It’s not a devil, it’s a god.” Duobao explained, looking at the countless silhouettes in front of him, with a thought, the magic power of the rules turned, and in an instant, all the creatures had a glimmer of aura.

Immediately, the law fell from the sky, the concept appeared, and many creatures seemed to come to life in a flash.

Light, darkness, flame, water, gold, thunder, good fortune, life… etc., many laws, concepts, fall on the body of all living beings, turning them into a natural god, the supreme ruler.

After many gods appeared, they immediately began to move, following their instincts, and began to create all things.

Mountains and rivers, storms, thunder and lightning, sun, moon and stars… everything is just a blink of an eye.

The emptiness of the world became colorful in an instant, and the little red stared intently.

“It’s so beautiful!”

It was the first time that she saw such a change in the world of one side, a change that would have taken hundreds of millions of years to complete, but now it only takes a moment to take shape.

All the beautiful, stunning, condensed in an instant, it is even more eye-catching and shocking.

This is a miracle of the world, a miracle of life.

It was Duobao. It was the first time I saw such a situation. His eyes were radiant, and he was amazed: “Unexpectedly, the changes in the world are condensed in a moment, and it is so amazing!”

The world is complete, and many gods control the laws, according to their strengths and weaknesses, instinctively forming cliques, establishing a god system, dividing the world, and dominating the world.

The law of adding body is the weakest, the lowest is Da Luo, the highest is Sage, and the concept of adding body is the strongest, either Sage or Concept Sage.

The strength of the gods of this Minor World alone has far exceeded the combined strength of all the creatures except for the rule Sage.

Unimaginable powerful!

However, this is only pure strength, and the true essence is still far behind!

Because they are not real creatures, just like puppets, like puppets, without their own true spirits, although they are powerful, but they have no souls.

It’s like a robot in the modern world, far more powerful than humans, but it’s just a machine.

These gods are all made by Duobao using its own rules and Magic power. To be counted, it’s just a doll world!

The gods divided the territories, and soon humans appeared, the world became more prosperous, and the gods also had the leading lamb.

Human beings live in the world, and the gods live high in Nine Heavens, and they are in charge of the heavens and the earth. They cast down thunder, wind and rain, and laughed as they watched human beings under their means, either in embarrassment or confrontation.

The template for human beings is the gene sea that Duobao takes from the prehistoric world. Because of its lack of essence, although it is a human being, it is much worse than a real human being.

Under the play of the gods, human beings are living hard and learning hard.

Their learning ability is not as good as that of human beings in the prehistoric world, but in the endless years, they have slowly learned to control nature, explored the method of cultivation, and gradually began to cultivate and become stronger.

When the gods first started, they didn’t care. A few ants just can cultivate, so what if they have strength?

It’s just bigger ants!

However, the gods are not all lofty and look down on the human race, but they are also compassionate.

Watching the gradual growth of mankind and groping step by step, many gods couldn’t bear it. After watching other gods playing with mankind, they fell into the mortal realm and began to teach human cultivation.

Under the guidance of the gods, the growth of mankind began to accelerate. Slowly, the gods discovered that mankind seemed to be not that weak anymore, and it was not considered an ant anymore!

At least, many of them have already got rid of the name of ants, enough to make them really take a look.

However, at this time, they did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

It was not until a god sacrificed himself and sent his own godhead to a human being to become a god, and then things changed even more!

Only then did humans realize that…the gods are actually not superior, and they may not be able to become gods!

Godhead… is the core of the gods, the most important thing!

Without the godhead, the gods who are high above will no longer be so transcendent, and become mortals, even worse than mortals!

A new door was opened, and mankind began to discover that in this world, it is not gods that have the godhead, and there are many forbidden places. In those places, even gods dare not enter!

And there… there are laws too!

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