Chapter 385

The golden sun is surrounded by real fire, and it looks like a stalwart mansion.

But soon, the real fire of the golden sun turned black, full of ominous aura.

“Black…” Di Jun was moved and asked, “Are those the source of this calamity?”

He felt strange, the black sun was familiar, strange, and even more dangerous.

Although it was just a secret deduction, it was a construction of secret information, not real, but he still felt a strong sense of danger.

This feels very bad, making him flustered, and vaguely, he seems to see a black world, weird, ominous, and filled with darkness.

“It’s true.” Fuxi nodded, her eyes stunned: “The real black sun is indeed related to this calamity!”


Fuxi stopped talking and turned the secret, the figure was illusory as a painting.

Infinite secrets are turning, countless information flows, and ocean-like data is uploaded from Kunpeng’s demon book.

Three thousand monsters flashed, and Karma, who learned the monsters with the help of their power, collected data and information, and passed them to Fuxi’s hands.

The Golden Crow of the black tribe changed again, and soon, it turned into a black ball.

In the sphere, a pair of weird eyes appeared, seeming to have discovered the probe here, and a black light shot out from the eyes.


Karma collapsed, Fuxi collapsed before he could even speak.


On the demon book in Kunpeng’s hand, there were cracks and weird and ominous surroundings, and the complete civilized atmosphere was contaminated with weirdness, touching the ominous, it seemed to be the end.

Kunpeng took a deep breath, not paying attention to the changes in the demon book, and turned to Dijun and said: “Your Majesty, the Eastern Emperor has encountered a crisis, so he is sober and not optimistic, do we want to take action?”

This is not a question that needs to be explored!

But first of all, I don’t know where Tai Yi is. This is just a secret, and it is impossible to determine Tai Yi’s location.

Secondly, if you use the power of the monster clan, you can find the One, but… in that case, it will bring many changes.

“The calamity has been generated, the power has been fixed on my monster, Karma is locked, for the time being, my monster must not be tampered with!”

Dijun sits in the middle of the town and has an overview of the whole situation. The monster race’s general trend flashes in the Shenhai. Above it, a faintly huge power appears faintly, staring at all the monster races.

Intuitively, if the monster race moves now, the hidden power will immediately explode.

Now the Yaozu is not ready, if it really does, and is caught off guard, the already difficult situation will be even more difficult.

“But, Donghuang…” Kunpeng worried.

Di Jun’s eyes were calm: “I believe him, he will be fine.”

“Kunpeng.” Suddenly Di Jun shouted loudly.

“Yes!” Kunpeng responded subconsciously, looking at Emperor Jun.

“The demon book is damaged, the way of civilization is declining, and the lonely demon clan is temporarily handed over to you, and the demon book can be repaired by the power of the demon clan.”

“The demon book is very important for me to deal with the calamity in the future, and it must not be mistaken.”

Kunpeng was taken aback for a moment, then replied, “Yes.”

Di Jun glanced at Kunpeng, and then disappeared in place.

Before long, there was a surging of secrets, and countless information and data gathered and recondensed into Fuxi’s appearance.

Fuxi’s face was pale, and his breath was disturbed. Although he was reunited, he was also severely injured.

After reappearing, Fuxi looked at the position of Emperor Jun above for the first time, and he had important information to report.

Upon seeing this, he was stunned: “Where is the Heavenly Emperor?”

Fuxi looked at Kunpeng, and then was surprised: “Kunpeng? Why do you have imperial aura?”

Emperor Qi is owned by the emperor, and among the Yaozu, only Emperor Jun and Taiyi have it.

Although the demon clan has one emperor, three emperors, and a division, in reality, only Emperor Jun and Taiyi are the real leaders of the demon clan, and only they have the real imperial aura.

No one else, including him Fuxi, did not.

“Your Majesty will temporarily hand over the Monster Race to me.” Kunpeng said silently.

“Leave it to you?” Fuxi knew it, saying that, it would be able to explain Kunpeng’s imperial spirit.

After all, as a temporary leader of the monster clan, without imperial energy, he couldn’t control it at all.

Fuxi’s eyes turned and fell on the demon book in Kunpeng’s hand: “Is it because of the demon book?”

“Yes or not.” Kunpeng looked at Di Jun’s empty position.

“???” Fuxi was confused, what did these words mean?

If it was because of the demon book, he could understand it. After all, the demon book was very important to their next actions and should not be lost.

This time, because of the exploration of the secrets, the power of the entire monster race and the accurate purpose, the most important thing is that suddenly those things that could not be explored are loosened, and this is the harvest.

In this process, the demon book played a big role.

For this reason, the demon book is damaged and must be repaired.

“Emperor Donghuang is in distress, do you think our majesty can still sit still?” Kunpeng said in a long voice, “Brotherhood… I didn’t say it, but the actions on this body are very honest.”

“Oh.” Fuxi suddenly understood: “Yes, no wonder.”

If it was for Tai One, Fuxi would not be surprised at all.

He was not surprised that Emperor Jun left for this reason, but Kunpeng was surprised that he appeared again: “Fuxi, explore the secret, you should be injured this time. If you don’t recover well, why did you appear again?”

Fuxi’s deity is still in that universe star battle array, what comes here is only the spiritual body, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, his task has been completed, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Unexpectedly, he would appear again!

“Actually, this time I came here. I just wanted to talk about this.” Fuxi looked at Dijun’s original position: “At the last moment before, I found the position of the Eastern Emperor and I wanted to tell your majesty.”

Kunpeng: “……”

You said earlier that if you know the position, your Majesty will save a lot of time.

“It’s not a big problem, Donghuang should be fine this time… It’s actually the same if you go down or not.”

“The secrets show that the Donghuang this time is shocking but not dangerous.” Fuxi said.

Kunpeng was silent for a long time before saying, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, their brothers, let’s go.”

“Your Majesty is not there, you and I shouldn’t be idle, and discuss the next countermeasures.”

The calamity has already occurred, not only has it occurred, but has even begun to attack the Eastern Emperor. The situation is imminent, and it is time to speed up preparations for the things previously planned.

“Don’t, my deity is in a bottleneck right now, so I can’t be distracted.”

“If it weren’t for the urgency this time, I wouldn’t be able to separate the spirit body…what you are preparing for, just take care of it yourself, don’t bring me.”

“Since your Majesty has handed over the Demon Race to you, you can decide everything about the Demon Race by yourself, without asking me.”

“That’s it, you prepare first, and when you are ready, you can call me.”

After Fuxi spoke for a long time, before Kunpeng reacted, his figure disappeared instantly.

Kunpeng slowly pressed down his outstretched arm, expressionless: “…”


In the depths of the star realm, there is a dark world.

There is darkness in the world, and a barrier separates it from the star realm.

In the center of heaven and earth, Xiao Hong stands alone, pulling out black and red silk threads in her hands, weaving them in front of her, forming spheres in black, red, or black and red colors.

Around her, there are already many such spheres.

Duobao appeared, walked to Xiaohong’s side, and watched her movements quietly.

Xiao Hong is very focused, the weirdness and ominousness in her hands are cleverly and not decent, and when she pulls it easily, it becomes a silk thread, and when her hands are together, it becomes a ball.

When the number of balls under him reached a certain level, the little red finger was in the air, and a transparent interface appeared in front of him.

On the interface, there are three-legged Golden Crow, Kunpeng, snake man, ancestral witch, magic soldier, Divine Armament, Lotus flower, fruit tree… and so on, everything has it all.

“What should I do this time?” Xiao Hong tilted her head and turned her black pearl-like eyes, thinking seriously, looking a little cute.

“Lotus flower, I like lotus flower… the lotus is delicious.”

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hong made a decision, and her little fleshy hand touched the Lotus flower on the interface, and then an illusory Lotus flower appeared and fell into her hand.

Holding the lotus flower, Xiao Hong looked at the many balls around her body, throwing her palm, the lotus flower flew away and turned into countless small lotus flowers.

Lotus flower fell on the many spheres, and suddenly, the light flashed, the sphere changed, and a Daoist shadow appeared.


After looking at the numerous figures for a moment, Xiao Hong gave a soft drink and pointed her fingers. Suddenly, many figures flew up and flew towards the star realm, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Good job.” Duobao praised.

“Daddy, are you here?” Xiao Hong’s voice suddenly became very excited, and she rushed into Duobao’s arms, rubbing against him with her small face.

“It looks like you are having a lot of fun here?” Duobao smiled, holding Xiao Hong, and thinking about it, in the black realm, many strange and ominous creatures appeared in his mind, a large number.

Here is the world he opened up separately, for the Lich races and for the creation of the people who established the way, named the Black Territory.

Dijun, the source of the calamity sensed by Taiyi and others is here.

He really calculated the two groups of Lich, using the Karma between them and himself, and only these Karma were enough to produce such a big calamity.

The interface in front of Xiaohong was that he went to the Gene Sea with the help of the good fortune jade disc, and insight into many genes, and then slightly improved it, for this fate.

“Not happy, how could Xiao Hong be happy without his father?” Xiao Hong pouted and said dissatisfied.

“Oh, that’s it.” Duobao seemed to think, and then said in Xiaohong’s expectant gaze: “If this is the case, then you will follow your father back to Kunlun in the future, how about?”

Hearing this, Xiao Hong was stunned for a moment, a little hesitant.

She is the purest strange creature, and she is most used to the strange environment. Although she is lonely here, she is very used to it, like a fish living in the water.

As for Kunlun, she had been there too, and she didn’t feel very good, very awkward, and was far from being comfortable and at ease here.

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