Chapter 382


Soon, not long after running, nine little suns flew from a distance, and nine roads came with a suspicious voice, making Xihe pause on the spot.


Jiu Xiaocai fell down, looking at the sloppy, muddy, breathless woman in front of him in disbelief, and could hardly believe her own eyes.

“You are?” There was a violent fluctuation in Xihe’s eyes. Looking at the nine little ones in front of him, there was an impulse, familiarity, and some hesitation in his heart.

“What’s wrong with you, mother?” The boss was the first to confirm Xihe’s identity, rushed over, hugged him, and asked worriedly: “I am the big Golden Crow, mother, why don’t you know me anymore? ?”

Before Xihe could react, the next one, eight warm bodies rushed over and hugged her.

She subconsciously held them back, inexplicably joyful, but still puzzled: “You call my mother?”

“Yeah, mother, what’s the matter with you? Don’t you know us?”

“Are you my children?” There was finally a wave in Xi He’s eyes, but it was not heavy, just holding them instinctively, and still didn’t think of their identities.

The nine little ones were surprised and stunned for a moment, and each looked at each other.

The big Golden Crow took a deep breath and said to Xihe: “Mother, please forgive the child for being rude!”

After saying this, the hot Magic power fell into Xihe’s body to investigate his situation.

Soon, the big Golden Crow withdrew its own Magic power, and his complexion was solemn.

“Dage, what’s wrong with mother?” Xiao Jiu asked eagerly.

“Mother’s heart is damaged, which has affected her spirit. She has been injured and her memory has been disordered.” Big Golden Crow said in a deep voice.

Hearing that, all the Golden Crows were suddenly stupid, hurt?

“How could it be a Taoist injury? Who would dare to hurt my mother in the wild, I will burn him to death!” Xiao Jiu was extremely angry, and the sun burst out from the real fire, but it quickly converged, wrapping around the skin of his body, converging his power. , For fear that it will hurt Xihe.

The other Golden Crows were also very angry, threatening to find the person who hurt their mother and burn it to ashes.

The big Golden Crow shook his head slowly: “It was not hurt by others, I am afraid it was hurt by us.”

The big Golden Crow looked at the messy Xihe, tears flickering in his eyes.

“Hurt by us?”

The crowds of Golden Crow were stunned and looked at the big Golden Crow in puzzlement.

“How could it be us?”

“My mother missed and became ill, I am afraid that after we were shot, she thought we had a heart disease.”

“My mother didn’t want to believe that we were dead. She looked everywhere for a long time and couldn’t find us. She gradually became seriously ill, hurting my heart, and my heart. When it accumulates, it becomes a wound.”

Dao injury, this is the injury of the Dao, it is the most serious injury, far greater than the injury of the body and the mind, it is related to the Dao, and it is not a panacea that can solve it.

With their current strength, facing Dao injury, they didn’t know what was going on, and they couldn’t help but despair!

“Look for big brother, big brother must have a way!”

After a long silence, Xiao Jiu suddenly said loudly: “Dao hurts, the big brother must be able to, it must be possible.”

Xihe looked at the nine sons stupidly, with unprecedented satisfaction, his eyes were still muddy, and he still didn’t remember their identities, but he put on a smile, a satisfied smile.

“Yes, big brother, go find big brother!”

With a decision, Jiu Xiao immediately took Xihe and flew towards Kunlun Manor.

As soon as I arrived at the manor, I heard a sigh: “Hey~”

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared out of thin air.

“Big Brother!” Jiu Xiao shouted in surprise.

“Xihe…” Duobao looked at Xihe with complicated gazes, and looked at her current situation, sighing.

It turns out that a person can really become like this because of miss!

Even the wounds were formed!

“The love between mother and child… is this family love?”

“Big brother, please help our mother, Xiao Jiu has knocked your head here!”

“We are also kowtow, please big brother to save our mother!”

Jiu Xiaozi knelt down and kept kowtow.

Xihe’s turbid gaze became sharp instantly, like an unsheathed sword, a cold light flashed in his eyes, guarding him in front of the nine little ones, staring at Duo Treasure badly, and with a wave of his hand, a crescent moon appeared in his hand.

Xiantian Lingbao Moon Fine Wheel!

“Don’t be afraid, children, no one can hurt you if you have a mother!”

Xihe stared at Duobao, the Moon Jinglun cut through the space, and cut towards Duobao with madness.

At this time, Xihe was like an irritated tigress. His son was deeply affectionate. Seeing Jiu Xiao’s actions, he thought that Dubao had bullied them and acted mercilessly.


Duobao stretched out his hand and easily grabbed the Moon Chakra, slightly surprised, and said softly, “Huh?”

The power of this strike was a bit strong, beyond his expectations!

It has even surpassed Xihe’s original strength… This shouldn’t be the power she can give out in her current state!

Not even in its peak state!

Under closer observation, it suddenly appeared: “So that’s it!”

There is a crazy condensed Taoism in Xihe’s body, which is usually hidden on the body, not showing sharpness, and is obscured by Xihe’s crazy spirit.

It just showed up when he shot for the nine sons.

It was this madness that caused Xihe to issue an attack that exceeded her original Realm.



Just thinking about it, suddenly the moon wheel in his hand turned, like a gear, the moonlight flashed, cutting everything with its supreme sharpness.

With the moon wheel as the center, ripples of space suddenly appeared all around.

Even the space in the Kunlun after being blessed by the Kunshan tree has created spatial ripples. If it is outside, I am afraid that it will be able to easily cut through the space and the world.

“It doesn’t have to be!” Duobao pressed his palm to suppress the Moon Chakra, looking at Xihe who had exploded to the limit, his eyes were red, his magic power, Taoism and even his life were quickly consumed, and he shook his head slightly.

When the thought moved, a divine light flew out, instantly suppressing the crazy Xihe.

“Big brother, my mother didn’t do it on purpose, Senior Brother Qing forgive me.” Jiu Xiaozhe continued to say in horror.

“Big Brother, please forgive me!”

“Big Brother, please forgive me!”

Xihe’s movements were too sudden, they didn’t react for a while, and when they did, they were suppressed by Duobao.

“Am I such a stingy person?” Looking at the horrified nine little ones, Duobao shook his head helplessly.

Xihe is just a eager guardian. In addition to the serious injury, he didn’t hurt him. How can he account for it?

“Wake up!”

After finishing speaking, before Jiu Xiaozhi reacted, a good fortune divine light fell on Xihe.

For this kind of situation, the good fortune divine light is omnipotent, and when it is emitted from his hands, it can naturally eliminate all injuries, including Dao injuries!

Xihe’s extremely angry and crazy spirit quickly calmed down under the divine light of good fortune, and rational emotions reappeared in his eyes.

The madness disappeared, the anger was calm, and Duobao thought, dissipating the power to suppress Xihe.

Xihe looked at the nine little ones who were kneeling on the ground for the first time, surprised with disbelief: “My child… are you still alive?”

Xihe hugged all the nine small animals, and even those who couldn’t hold them held their bodies tightly against them. Tears slipped from his eyes and wept with joy.

If this is a dream, she would never wake up!

“Mother, how are you!”

“Yes, mother is fine, mother is fine, and most importantly, you are fine!”

When mother and son recognize each other, tears are the home court.

Dubo looked at them with a smile.

After a long time, Xihe wiped his tears, and in the explanation of Jiu Xiaozhi, he understood the source of their still alive, stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and suddenly knelt down in front of Dubao.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, nine dull voices sounded, Xihe really knocked his head nine times: “Thank you!”

Duobao helped Xihe up: “The emperor and the empress do not have to be polite. Everything has a cause and effect. Speaking of what happened to them, I still have some responsibilities.”

“Although it saved them, it also caused you mother and child to be separated, and Duobao was ashamed.”

Xihe looked puzzled.

Dubao is also responsible?

What responsibility?

His son was shot to death by the hateful Hou Yi, how could he have anything to do with Duo Bao?

“What do you plan to do in the future?” Duobao asked without further explanation, turning the subject.

Hearing that, Xihe looked at the children of own, and then again bowed to Duo Baoyingying: “If it is possible, I want to stay with my children in the future, okay?”

Duobao was stunned: “Do you want to stay in Kunlun?”

What he originally thought was that Xihe returned to Heaven Court with his nine sons.

Now that Xihe has been found and the mother and son are reunited, he has no reason to keep them, but he didn’t expect Xihe to behave like this?

“Yes, can it?” Xi He asked expectantly.

It was hard to get together with the children. She didn’t want to leave them for a moment. From now on, she just wants to stay with them and watch them grow up.

“Won’t the empress go back to Heaven Court?” Duobao asked.

Xihe glanced at Heaven Court, a look of hatred appeared in his eyes, and soon disappeared.

He shook his head: “No, Heaven Court is just a nest of right and wrong. It’s okay to leave. If possible, I want to take my nine children in Kunlun Life in the future.”

“Do not seek the dignity and nobility, but only seek peace and safety.”

After experiencing so much, she has realized that when she wakes up, there is nothing more important than peace in this world.

All rights, luck, and Cultivation Base are all clouds. For her now, the most important thing is her own children.

Lich overlord, what a good thing to say, is really a den of right and wrong!

Being in that place is always unavoidable of all kinds of troubles.

Now Jiu Xiao has survived by chance, what if next time?

If you are still in the Heaven Court, you will inevitably be calculated and shot out. There is no doubt that Heaven Court is the biggest one.

She was really scared, she was afraid that she would come again, she really couldn’t bear it.


Feeling Xihe’s emotions, Jiu Xiaozhi hugged Xihe tightly.

Xihe lowered his head lovingly, touched the little heads of his nine children, showing a long-lost smile.

“How, can it?” she asked again.

Duobao nodded: “Yes, it’s okay, it’s just Heavenly Emperor… Now the monster race is facing a lot of trouble, don’t you really go back?”

“Yaozu is in trouble?” Hearing this, Xihe tightened his body and asked subconsciously. As soon as he spoke, he suddenly smiled: “I won’t go back.”

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