Chapter 383

“He is so powerful, he can handle it!”

Duobao heard the resentment in Xihe’s mouth and her determination.

“If that’s the case, then you can stay!”

Jiu Xiao’s eyes turned to surprise and cheered in unison: “Yeah, great, mother, you can stay.”

“Thank you!” Xihe thanked Duobao, and then looked at the Moon Chakra in his hand and said: “This Moon Chakra is my gift in Kunlun, please don’t dislike it.”

“Huh?” Duobao was a little embarrassed as he grasped the Moon Jing Wheel.

He almost forgot, the Moon Jinglun belonged to the other party, and he hadn’t returned yet.

Listening to her at this moment, it feels like you are seeking her moon wheel?

“For me, these external objects are not important anymore. Compared to my children, the moon-jingling wheel is not worth mentioning!” Xihe saw Duobao’s embarrassment and said with a smile.

“Please accept, otherwise I’m not embarrassed to stay here.”

Duobao nodded: “Well, so, I will accept it brazenly.”

“From now on you will live with the nine sons.”

“That’s great.” Xi He said with a smile, and turned to look at Jiu Xiaozi: “Children, take me to see where you live, how about?”

“Okay, mother, come with me.” Xiao Jiu leaped and led the way.

Xihe: “Then we will leave first.”

Duobao smiled and nodded.

Watching a few people leave, Duobao felt a little complicated, and stood there for a long time.

After a long time, he sighed a long sigh, took one step, and came to a magnificent and powerful world.


In the star realm, the laws are revealed, the rules are hidden, the Star Tower, the abyss layer, the Taoist net, the three cores are made of rules, and each is the place of cultivation, and it is also the strongest treasure!

Far surpassing the treasure of Xiantian, it contains rules!

I took a look at the situation of the juniors and younger sisters, no one be lazy, all in their own cultivation, neither easy nor oppressive in the dark trial field.

This is great!

Because of his misunderstanding before, these juniors and juniors were mostly afraid of him.

Cognition is the foundation of a person. Once the cognition is wrong, it does not matter if the strength is weak. The big deal is mental illness. When the strength is strong, the impact will be great!

“Fortunately, I finally understand.”

He lowered his head and chuckled, thinking back to the past, quite a little sigh.

In the core of the star realm, the three figures have been standing for a long time.

“Disciple Duobao, see Master, Master, and Second Master.” Duo Bao respectfully saluted.

Sanqing looked at Duobao with complexity and relief.

“Duobao, you are very good!” The original praised.

Tongtian looked at Duobao with satisfaction: “Unexpectedly, you would have surpassed us so quickly.”

“It’s all masters, uncles, and the second uncles taught well.”

Tai Shang waved his hand again and again: “Don’t say that, you can have the present, we don’t help much at all, the most important thing is to rely on yourself.”

Duobao: “Uncle Master’s words are wrong. If it weren’t for Master to accept me, Master Master and Second Master unreservedly taught me many methods and skills, how could Dubao have the current achievements.”

Duobao understood everything, and Sanqing had already known it, so he didn’t hide it in front of him.

Tongtian laughed, and patted Duobao on the shoulder: “That’s right, you have today, and everything depends on us. That’s right, hahaha!”

Dubao smiled.

Taishang, the corners of Yuan’s mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes when he looked at the proud Tongtian.

This was not to Duobao, but to them.

Thanks to him for accepting such a good apprentice, otherwise how could they find a way forward!

“Duobao, the way of cultivation, I cross you in the front, and you cross me in the back.” Taishang shook his head and sighed, then turned to face Duobao and said: “Now, you have grown to the point where we can only look up. .”

“So now it’s time for you to cross us.”

When he said this, Taishang was a little embarrassed, but he still said it. It has to do with the way.

Moreover, this is his own apprentice, and he is not so embarrassed.

“Of course.” Duobao nodded, this time he came for this.

“Sage has three stages, ordinary Sage, conceptual Sage, and rule Sage.”

Tongtian interrupted Duobao aloud: “Didn’t you say zero before? Why has it changed again?”

Too great, Yuan also looked over in confusion.

They also remember that what Dubao said last time was not like this.

“The disciples didn’t know very well last time. Regarding Realm after Sage, they all relied on guesswork. It was a family statement, inaccurate, and it was in the groping stage.”

Duobao said embarrassedly: “The real Sage Realm is actually these three, ordinary Sage, concept Sage and rule Sage.”

Sanqing glanced at each other, or Tongtian asked, “So, is this statement right now?”

They heard the meaning of Duobao’s words, but they couldn’t believe it.

They knew that Duobao’s strength had surpassed them, but they couldn’t believe that it had surpassed so much.

After Sage, everyone is groping for themselves, and all guesses are done by one family, and I dare not say that it is accurate.

this is normal!

What does the assertion that Kato Bao is so sure of now seem to prove?

Yuan couldn’t help asking: “Then what Cultivation Base are you now?”

“In response to the second uncle, the disciple is now barely the rule Sage.”

Primitive stunned!

My heart is really mixed with incredible.

When Dubao said that, he guessed that Dubao might already be the rule Sage, otherwise he would not be so sure.

However, when he truly heard such an answer from Duobao, he still couldn’t help being shocked.

Too upper hand moved lightly, and then asked: “Then what Realm are we? What Sage?”

After asking this question, I was really embarrassed!

You need to ask others about the situation of own Cultivation Base!

But the problem is, they really don’t know what their Realm is now?

Normal Sage? Or the concept Sage?

In their hearts, they tend to be ordinary Sages, but they seem to have concepts, and they feel like conceptual Sages.

“The concept of quasi holy sustenance, the concept of incarnation of Sage, the concept of Sage’s control of the concept.”

Duobao slowly said, “In terms of strength, the master and the two uncles are still ordinary Sages.”

“What about Realm?” Yuan Yuan asked anxiously after hearing the meaning of Duobao’s words.

“Still ordinary Sage!”

Tai Shang: “……”


Tongtian: “……”

The three of them glanced at each other, nodded together, and silently took out the Taiji Tu, Pangu flags, and Zhuxian’s Four Swords.

This kid is itchy, even they dare to molest.

“Don’t, don’t don’t.” Duobao’s eyelids flicked, and he quickly pressed the palms of the three teachers, and said with a smile: “Master, Master, and Second Master, don’t worry, listen to me slowly!”

Although his strength has surpassed Sanqing, if Sanqing really wants to beat him, how dare he fight back.

Tian Tian looked bad, his fingers tapped on the Zhuxian sword, making a crisp sound, and his eyes were slanting at Duo Bao: “You say, we are listening.”

Too great, primitive, silent, just watching calmly, the movements in his hands kept.

If Dubao’s next words can’t satisfy them, he will definitely not be able to escape this fight.

“That’s it. Master, Master, and Second Master all use the sacred sage to prove Dao sanctification. They were originally just ordinary Sages.”

“But Hongmeng Ziqi was produced by Heavenly Dao, which contains a complete concept, which is equivalent to the concept of Sage.”

“What do you mean?” Tongtian thought for a while, guessing, but still asked.

Since someone knows, why bother to think about it?


“To put it simply, a person who is sanctified by the grandiose and purple aura does not have a big bottleneck before the concept of Sage, and can continue ascension.”

“Oh…” Primitive suddenly said: “In other words, to become holy with the sacred sacred energy is equivalent to obtaining the qualifications of Concept Sage. You don’t need to search for it yourself, and you can naturally Ascension strength?”

“Right.” Duobao nodded: “That’s it.”

“After the second uncle became holy, didn’t he feel smooth during cultivation?” Duobao asked.

Hearing that, Primordial recalled carefully, after being sanctified, his Ascension of strength was indeed very fast.

It is much faster than when it was not sanctified.

Originally he thought it was a natural situation after sanctification, but now it seems that it is not like this!

There was a real color in Tai Shang’s eyes.

Compared to the original, Tong Tian, ​​his strength is stronger, vaguely once felt such strength Ascension’s speed, it seems a bit abnormal.

But after careful study, nothing was found.

In addition, this is the own strength Ascension, which is a good thing, so there is no in-depth study.

It now seems that all the reasons for this have to fall on top of the grandiose and purple aura.

“So, the role of Hongmeng Purple Qi is not only to sanctify, but also to break through the concept of Sage?” Tongtian said suddenly.

“It’s true!”

“However, this is an external concept after all, and there is always a difference between the concept and the concept developed by oneself, and the fit is not enough, and the strength cannot be fully utilized.”

Duobao said, looking at Sanqing: “Master, Uncle Master, and Uncle No. 2, you are here this time, are you afraid that you have sensed something?”

“It’s true. Before, we suddenly had an induction, we had an opportunity to come, followed the induction, and came into the star realm.” Tai Shang said, looking at the star realm, and then at Duobao: “Do you know what the reason is?”

The previous words of Fandu weren’t nonsense, it was precisely because of this induction that they would say such things.

The star realm was created for Duobao, and their chance should be here…In general, Duobao must be clear.

“It’s very simple, the concept is attractive!” Dubao said softly.

“The attraction of the concept?” Tongtian was puzzled and puzzled.

“Master and Uncle Master, the two uncles have gained the Harmony Purple Qi, and they have more destiny, and each have a complete concept.”

“I want to come to Master, Master, and the Second Master should all know what the concept of cultivation is?”

Sanqing nodded together, of course they knew this thing.

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