Chapter 381

Too stunned, yes, this is not calculation, just speculation, reasoning.

The calamity is the definite number, and everything will eventually have Karma!

In the current situation of his monster race, the Karma race has cleared most of its karma, and where can there be Karma that can cause such a catastrophe!

Really counted, it seems that there is only Duobao!


The constant ringing of the chaotic clock indicates the chaotic mood of its owner.

Time and space stagnated, and the sound of bells suppressed time and space, flooding the entire Heaven Court.

Everyone felt the tremendous pressure. Fuxi was a spiritual body and couldn’t bear it. The figure gradually became blurred, showing its essential composition, endless heavenly energy.

“Taiyi!” Di Jun shouted in a deep voice.

Taiyi held the chaotic clock, and the bell rang. Fu Xi was unconsciously relieved, and looked at Taiyi, almost stunned.

“Emperor Dong… Your Majesty?”

One look was blank, lost, and sad, and the whole person seemed to be much older in an instant.

Tai Yi suddenly walked outside Heaven Court, walking step by step, not fast.

“Taiyi, where are you going?” Di Jun asked in a deep voice.

“I… want to ask him!”

“No reason, no reason…”

“He has no reason to calculate ours!”

I can’t believe it, or I don’t want to believe it!

But excluding all the impossible, the only thing left, even if it is impossible, is a fact.

Duobao really calculated them!

After a long while, Tai Yi walked out of Heaven Court.


Di Jun retracted his gaze and sighed with a heavy heart: “Fuxi, do you have any other gains?”

“His Majesty the Eastern Emperor?” Fuxi asked hesitantly, looking at the disappearing figure of the Eastern Emperor.

“Let him go!” Di Jun shook his head.

Unlike Taiyi, he didn’t dare to believe it, he just didn’t want to believe it.

With Duobao’s strength, if you really count them… can they escape?

If they didn’t feel Too Treasure’s strength and didn’t have the experience of the dark trial field, they wouldn’t have the despair after discovering the facts now.

“It’s not necessarily Duobao Dao Zun!” Fuxi’s words made Di Jun’s eyes a glimmer of hope.

He asked anxiously: “What do you mean?”

“It’s like what His Majesty the Eastern Emperor said, there is no reason, the motivation is not enough, and there is no need!”

Fuxi thought about it: “What I said before does not mean it is a fact. It is just my speculation…and only Dabao Dao Zun and my demon clan’s Karma are enough to form such a great calamity!”


Kunpeng asked, “And what?”

“Moreover, I have seen it before when I came here. Not only my monster clan, but the witch clan is the same…they are the same as us, and they are also facing catastrophe.”

“Looking at the predecessor, he is the only one who has a Karma as big as ours…”

The hope in Di Jun’s eyes dissipated. Although it was only speculation, these things, one by one, did not prove that Duobao was behind the scenes.

After thinking for a long time, Di Jun took a deep breath and said repeatedly: “Anyway, this time… forget it… step up your guard and look for the root cause of the calamity.”

“The catastrophe has already occurred, it is inevitable, this time… it’s really fateful!”

Kunpeng nodded his head and looked at Fuxi: “Your Majesty Xi, you are the best at secrets, but I would trouble you to pay more attention and investigate the source of the calamity. Once you find it, let me know early and we will prepare first.”

Although that is the case, Kunpeng is very worried, preparing?

What to prepare?

If their speculation proves, what kind of preparations can it do?

“I understand.” Fuxi promised and bowed to the meditating Dijun: “So, then I will leave first!”


Before Kunlun, there was a woman with disheveled hair and a trance.

“Hehe, haha, son, where are you, my mother is looking for you!”

The woman wandered outside Kunlun, unwilling to leave for a long time, her muddy eyes stared at a certain direction in Kunlun.

In Kunlun, the nine little kids in gold clothes who were cultivating the real fire suddenly stopped together, feeling a little, and turned their heads to look outside Kunlun.

Xiao Jiu’s eyes were misty, watching, watching, tears suddenly fell in his big eyes.

Tears were evaporated by the fire, Xiao Jiu touched his own eyes: “Why, why is it so sad all of a sudden?”

The other Golden Crow, like him, burst into tears without knowing it, and his heart convulsed inexplicably.

A golden flame ignited in the eyes of the boss, penetrating the void, wanting to see exactly what is in that place, that can make them feel like this.

He is very anxious, with an impulse in his heart, he wants to figure out, what is there in that place?


The flame flew out, the surrounding Kunshan trees shook, the branches and leaves fluttered, and the Spiritual Qi spread out, and the flame was annihilated in an instant.

This was originally to prevent them from fighting too much and destroying Kunlun, but now it blocked their exploration.


The crowd of Golden Crow looked at the big Golden Crow and shouted in unison.

Needless to say, the Big Golden Crow already understood their thoughts, took a deep breath, and the blazing sun appeared on him.

The other eight Golden Crows also condensed the real fire of the sun. In an instant, above Kunlun, there seemed to be nine more suns, and the temperature rose rapidly.

Sanqing cast his eyes, watching the small movements, and then at the woman outside Kunlun, eyes reveal was stunned.

“Xihe? How did she find it?”

“How did she… find out here?”

Tongtian looked at the disheveled hair, like a beggar, without seeing the majesty of being an emperor, and sighed: “Mother and son are connected to the heart, she actually found it!”

It is clear to them that Duobao has included the nine Golden Crows in Kunlun.

Kunlun was sealed by Duobao. Except for leaving permission for the three of them, he could see the outside world clearly. Apart from being unaffected, even Sage could not detect Kunlun’s location, let alone sense any information inside. .

Kunlun is already like the other Minor World in the prehistoric world, falling into the predominant world, but then going out independently, with a transcendent status.

With Xihe’s strength, logically speaking, Kunlun shouldn’t be discovered, let alone behave like this!

She lingered outside Kunlun and stayed for a long time. Although she was not strong enough, she seemed to know that her child was here by instinct.

“Hey~” Seeing Xihe like this, he sighed too hard.

A hint of intolerance flashed in the original eyes: “It’s better to let her in… Mother and son meet again… She has suffered enough!”

The dignified empress turned into what it is now, which shows what she has experienced.

From her appearance, she knew that she had been uncomfortable during this period of time.

“Dijun…how does he bear his heart?” Tongtian looked angrily in the direction of Heaven Court.

Xihe is the wife of Emperor Jun, who is the Empress of the Monster Race, why shouldn’t he be like this?

However, she became like this, among which, Di Jun couldn’t escape responsibility.

“Does Dijun only care about his monster race?” Tongtian was dissatisfied.

A gleam flashed in Yuan Yuan’s eyes, looking in the direction of Heaven Court, and slowly shook his head: “It may not be so… I’m afraid, he is also overwhelmed at this time!”

“Huh?” Tongtian was puzzled and looked at Yuanyuan: “How do you say this?”

“Di Jun doesn’t want to manage, but powerless. The Monster Clan has never been stable. He must first stabilize the Monster Clan, and Xihe… loves his son deeply, afraid that Di Jun doesn’t even know.”

Tai Shang took the words: “Among this, I am afraid that our apprentice has also made a lot of effort.”

“Yeah…” Tongtian lowered his head to think, nodded unconsciously, and recalled the situation he had sensed recently: “It’s the same.”

Changes in the secrets, changes in the general situation… all of this has nothing to do with Duobao.

In this regard, as Sage, they are more sensitive than Di Jun and others.

Thinking about it carefully, there is not so much anger towards Emperor Jun.

Standing in his position, I also know that it is not easy for him!

With them, they may not be able to do better than him.

“Hmm…” Thinking, Tongtian suddenly raised his head and looked at Taishang, primitive: “What is our apprentice?”

“He is my apprentice, your nephew.” Tongtian corrected seriously.

Taishang did not speak, just took out the Taiji diagram and rubbed it in his palm.

The primitive gently shook the Pangu flag, and the chaotic Sword Qi flew out and revolved around the Pangu flag. Space cracks appeared one after another, with a sense of terrifying destruction.

“Third brother, because my brother is old, my ears are a little bad. What you said just now, because my brother didn’t hear clearly, please tell me again.”

“Yes, my second brother’s ears are also faulty, and I didn’t hear clearly, so I have to trouble you to say it again.”

All over the sky looked at the smiling two people, bowed their heads from the heart, and said with a smile: “It’s nothing, I mean, isn’t my apprentice your apprentice?”

“Is that so?” Tai Shang asked with a smile.

Primitive: “Don’t force it? We are all very reasonable!”


Before I trouble you to say this, please put away the Tai Chi picture and Pangu flags first, okay?

Tongtian looked serious, and said earnestly: “Don’t force it at all, this is the truth of my brother.”

Too great, I was satisfied with the original, and took back the Tai Chi picture and Pangu flag.

“Now that the Xiantian era has continued, Xihe and the nine sons should meet together… We should be the beauty of adults.” Taishang looked at Xihe outside of Kunlun and said softly: “What do you think?”

Primitive, Tongtian glanced at each other and nodded together: “The big brother said that is very good, this is great.”

Xihe hovered outside Kunlun, unwilling to leave for a long time.

She doesn’t know why she wants to stay here, but she just doesn’t want to leave. She feels that just staying here makes her very happy and comfortable.

At this time, she was a little confused and mentally troubled. She couldn’t even remember the identity of the owner, nor the purpose of the owner. She just kept repeating and chanting: “Hehe, haha, son, where are you? , My mother is looking for you!”

While wandering, a door suddenly appeared in front of her, and she subconsciously walked in.

The door closed behind him, Xihe kept walking, and there was a hint of eagerness in his muddy eyes.

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