Chapter 380

It felt like a sudden, they were not prepared at all, and they didn’t even know any information.

I can’t calculate anything, I don’t know what happened, and I don’t know how to solve it.

In Kunpeng’s expectant gaze, Di Jun shook his head: “I don’t have much information, I only know that my monster race will be in trouble!”

“Moreover, I can feel that this time, not only is it for my monster clan, but also the witch clan.” Di Jun said in a deep voice.

Taiyi asked incredulously: “Why?”

The Lich clan renewed the Xiantian era and survived the greatest catastrophe. Logically speaking, it should be a moment of great development. Why is this happening?

It’s hard to understand, I can’t believe it!

“Is there no amount of calamity? Anything can be paid out?” Kunpeng also frowned.

“It shouldn’t be, logically speaking, I shouldn’t have waited for such a calamity now?”

Di Jun took a deep breath and thought for a long time, but for a long time, he couldn’t think of the problem.

“The calamity, the mystery, in fact, it is all caused by Karma, karma.”

Di Jun said slowly, while talking, combing his own thoughts: “After several catastrophes before, my demon Karma, my karma is almost clear. Although there are still residues, it should not be able to give birth to such a large amount. The calamity!”

The calamity is the definite number, and everything has Karma.

Any calamity should not be without cause and without a source.

Even Heavenly Dao can’t casually impose calamity on other races or even creatures. If this is the case, the rules of this world will be messed up, which will naturally lead to the greatest calamity!

Because it represents the foundation of heaven and earth, if there is a problem with the rules, the immeasurable calamity will occur!

“There must be a reason, it came from the source!” Di Jun gradually sorted out his thoughts, and checked the situation of the monster clan over and over again.

God read it over and over again from the Karma of the demon race, above the karma.

The monster race does have Karma and karma now, but the amount of it can’t even give birth to a big catastrophe, let alone the current situation, so that they are frightened and panicked!

Not only him, Kunpeng and Taiyi, but also the same. Investigate the Karma of the demon race, karma, and find the source of this calamity.

However, let them check over and over again, but they still couldn’t find the reason.

Karma, Karma knows very well that under their current strength, even if it is a huge monster race, it is as clear and clear as a palm pattern.

“It shouldn’t be!”

Suddenly, on the Heaven Court, a rich secret appeared, turned into intangible information, and filled the entire Heaven Court.

Dijun was overjoyed: “Fuxi, are you out?”

The endless secret information gathered, forming a somewhat illusory figure, the figure quickly solidified, holding a strange Feng Shui compass in his hand, his face solemn, and nodded to Di Jun and others: “My real body has not yet appeared.”

“Then you?” Taiyi asked puzzledly.

“I sensed that the monster race would be in big trouble, unprecedented trouble, so I transformed into a spirit body and came to check it out.”

Di Jun looked at Fuxi, his eyes fell on the Feng Shui compass in his hands, his heart moved, and he asked with some uncertainty: “Do you know the source of this calamity?”

As soon as he said this, Kunpeng looked at Fuxi in astonishment.

The three of them couldn’t find any clues. Fu Xi found out?

How can it be?

In terms of strength, Fuxi is not the strongest!

“It’s true!”

The next moment, in Taiyi and Kunpeng’s shocked gaze, Fuxi nodded heavily and looked at Taiyi.

After too much astonishment, there was a surprise. Without doubt, he asked quickly: “What is the reason? What is the calamity this time?”

Fuxi didn’t answer, but looked at Taiyi, keeping his eyes on him.

Gradually, everyone realized the problem, and they all looked at Tai One again.

Di Jun frowned and asked, “Is it related to Taiyi?”

Taiyi: “How is it possible? How can it be related to me?”

“Is it possible that I still want to destroy the monster race?”

What are you kidding about? How could it be possible that the calamity that affects the entire monster race has something to do with him!

Absolutely impossible!

Staring at Fuxi uncomfortably.

“It’s true!” But what made him even more uncomfortable was that Fuxi nodded: “Although I haven’t found the true source of the calamity, I can see from the situation during my investigation that the calamity this time is indeed. It has something to do with Donghuang.”

“It is not the source of the calamity, but it is the introduction to the calamity.”

Too bad eyes: “Fuxi, you speak well, how can I be the initiator of the robbery?”

Emperor Jun called Tai Yi to stay: “Second brother, listen to Emperor Xi.”

Kunpeng looked at Dijun, Taiyi, then at Fuxi, shook his head secretly, and said nothing.

Fuxi’s words are indeed serious.

How could Tai Yi be the source of the calamity… Among the monster race, anyone could be disadvantageous to the monster race, even if it was Kunpeng or Fuxi, or someone else, but it was definitely not Emperor Jun and Tai Yi.

That is to say, they don’t know the situation of the calamity now, and feel the danger, otherwise, in normal times, just relying on Fuxi’s words, it is enough to let Dijun, Taiyi take action against him.

Even now, although Di Jun didn’t say anything, he wasn’t in a good mood, and his attitude towards Fuxi changed. This can be seen from the address.

It was Fuxi before, but now he is Emperor Xi.

Although it’s just a title, many times it is enough to explain the problem.

If Fuxi can’t have a reasonable explanation next, then it will be really troublesome!

“There is Karma for the calamity, and everything has a fixed number.”

Fuxi’s complexion remained unchanged, her gaze still did not leave Tai Yi’s body: “To produce such a large calamity, it must require a large enough Karma or karma.”

“Isn’t this nonsense?” Tai Yi looked badly: “What on earth are you trying to say?”

“His Majesty Donghuang still remember the gate of dimension?”

Anxious and angry, when he heard Fuxi’s words behind, he was stunned.

Like a thunderstorm, it fell on the hearts of everyone.

Di Jun subconsciously looked in the direction of Kunlun, and asked in a deep voice, “You mean, it’s related to him at this time?”

“How is it possible?” Tai Yi was not only looking bad, but even his complexion changed. With a wave of his hand, the Chaos Clock was already in his hand.

“You mean my Duobao brother is going to attack my monster race?”

“Do you think too much of my monster race?” Taiyi sneered, if it hadn’t been for the sake of seeing Fuxi as his monster Xihuang, he would have already taken action.

“With the strength of Brother Duobao, I really want to attack my monster clan, so why lie to me, as long as he wants, he can destroy my monster clan at any time with a single thought!”

“Fuxi, what you said is not enough to win trust!”

The power of the Chaos Clock expanded, time and space seemed to be suppressed, and a huge force fell, and Fu Xi’s figure was illusory for a moment, and then solidified after a while.

“His Majesty Donghuang, please calm down.”

Fuxi, who had recovered, said to Taiyi.

“Let me calm down, what do you say, how can I calm down?” Taiyi held the Chaos Clock tightly, almost overwhelming his thoughts of taking action, and said angrily: “Brother Duobao has done his best to my monster race. Has helped me so much from the Monster Race.”

“In the beginning, those who are almost considered to be giving away the many Magic Treasures are fine. The door of the dimension at the back, and the dark trial field at the back, that one does not greatly increase the strength of my monster race.”

“It’s you Fuxi, if you don’t have the experience of the dark trial field, can you have the current strength?”

“Brother Duobao has helped me so much from the Monster Race, so you still doubt him?”

Tai Yi was indignant and looked at Dijun: “Dage, don’t you say it? No matter what, Brother Dubao has no reason to take action against my monster race.”

Di Jun was silent and did not speak.

Taiyi looked at, eyes reveal incredible color, and shouted: “Dage!”

Di Jun’s silence seemed to have explained his attitude.

Tai Yi felt like pouring cold water in his heart, looking at the silent Dijun, with the last glimmer of hope, looking at Kunpeng.

As you can see, Kunpeng is also silent.

“You, you… how can you doubt Brother Dubao?”

“His Majesty Donghuang, please calm down, we are not suspicious of Duobao Dao Zun…” Looking at the incredible Taiyi, Kunpeng sighed and said: “We don’t think Duo Bao Dao Zun is calculating us. Shot on us.”

“Just, have you thought about a problem?”

One: “What’s the problem?”

“Where did we get so much from Duobao Dao Zun, and what did we give?”

“Between us and Duobao Dao Zun, because of his help to us…how much Karma has been produced?”

“Where did he buy Magic Treasures originally, which one is worse than Xiantian Lingbao?”

“So many, hundreds of thousands, just these Magic Treasures, how much Karma will be produced between us and them?”

“The door of the dimensionality behind, the dark trial field, not to mention it.”

“From the perspective of Karma alone, these things are indeed enough to produce a calamity that can destroy my monster race!”

Too was silent. Although he didn’t want to believe it, Kunpeng’s remarks were indeed not without roads.

Now the calamity has appeared, and they can’t find any secret.

With their current strength, they already represent something, and with these words, it seems that the truth can already be determined!

If it were Dubao’s shot, they really couldn’t calculate any secrets. Where he is, there is indeed a Karma that is enough to produce such a disaster.

“Second brother…” Looking down at Tai Yi, his body gradually trembling, Di Jun comforted.

He knew that his Little Brother really regarded Dubao as a friend, not just an exchange of benefits.

Too upright for life, if you recognize a friend, you will not change easily.

As they said, Taiyi really couldn’t accept it.

“Wait, wait, it’s not like this, it’s definitely not like this!” shouted too loudly, suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he was thinking of something, and turned to look at Fuxi: “If it was really my brother Duobao’s hand, How can it be calculated based on your Cultivation Base?”

“His Majesty Donghuang…I am not calculating, but speculating.”

“It has nothing to do with the secrets of heaven, it’s just speculation based on inherent conditions!”

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