Chapter 374

“Daobenqiu… a word for a word that goes through a lifetime!”

With a light sigh, Duo Bao walked out and came to the outside of Kunlun Manor.

Outside the manor, a topless man knelt.

He has been kneeling here for a long time, and he didn’t speak, just kneeling.

“Why are you?” Duobao looked at Zhu Rong and said.

Zhu Rong raised his head, his eyes begging: “Daobao, I know you are a god-tier person, please save my sister.”

Their identities must not be concealed for long, and it will be sooner or later that Dubao knows about them.

After coming out of the dark trial field before, they had already guessed it.

“She wasn’t dead, why should I save it?”

Zhu Rong pursed his lips: “She is not a witch anymore!”

Houtu is not dead, but it can be considered dead.

After transforming Samsara, Hou Tu became calm, the blood of the Witch tribe, Karma, everything about Samsara was transformed into the nourishment of Samsara, and there was no Karma or blood relationship with them anymore.

In his opinion, how much difference can there be between that and death?

“She’s not a Witch Clan, isn’t she your sister?”

To be honest, Duobao was puzzled. He just changed a body. The human is not dead, and the memory still exists. Why do these ancestral witches look like Hou Tu dying and expend all kinds of energy to save her.

“Isn’t she a witch clan, so the relationship between you is broken?”

Zhu Rong was silent, only looking at Duo Bao with pleading eyes, it seemed that the man with a horse on his arm was a bit pitiful.

“The only thing that maintains the relationship between you is her blood and identity of the Wu clan?”

Duobao frowned: “If she doesn’t have this identity and blood, would she no longer be your sister?”

“That’s different!” Zhu Rong retorted.

“What’s the difference?” Duobao asked.

“Her memory is still there, and her feelings for you are still there… Just because she is not a witch clan, you don’t recognize her?”

Having said that, Duobao was a little angry. If so, then the Wu Clan would be too ruthless, and value identity and blood too much.

However, this is also normal, among the Witch Clan, the most important thing is blood!

“Different, different.” Zhu Rong just shook his head again and again, and suddenly knocked his head under Duobao’s questioning gaze: “Please save my girl, I know, you have this ability!”

Duobao’s eyes turned cold: “I have this ability, but why should I help you?”

In his opinion, such behaviors and actions of the Wu Clan were too cold-blooded. He couldn’t say right or wrong, but he just didn’t like it.

Since I don’t like it, why should I help?

Zhu Rong noticed the change in Duobao’s attitude, gritted his teeth fiercely, stretched out his hand toward the center of his eyebrows, and slammed his eyebrows to represent his way, and the flame god of strength was buckled down.

Its aura fell in an instant, his complexion turned pale, his Taoism was greatly damaged, holding the flame seal, he handed it to Duobao expectantly: “Please!”

Duobao: “…”

Losing the flame god seal, Zhu Rong almost fell into the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, his Taoism was greatly reduced, and he was still falling.

“What’s the use of this thing I want you?”

Zhu Rong: “This is the best thing for me. If you are still not satisfied with what you want, I can find a way, just beg you, save my girl!”

As soon as he said this, Duobao was taken aback, staring at Zhu Rong and fell into silence.

After a long time, he asked: “Just for the identity of a witch clan, are you as good as it?”

I really don’t understand, if the Witch race is a cold-blooded race, but for the sake of Hou Tu, they can make such a decision, so I don’t hesitate!

Gonggong can break away from the Wu Clan for the sake of Houtu, and Zhu Rong can deduct his own flame seal for the sake of Houtu.

Other ancestral witches can also completely break away from the witch clan for the sake of Hou Tu.

It is impossible to say that they pay attention to the identity of the Wu clan, but if they do not pay attention, why do they have to pay such a high price for Hou Tu not to leave the Wu clan?

This situation is wrong!

Duobao squinted his eyes, and said in his heart: “Is there any hidden information in this that I don’t know?”

After carefully recalling the actions of the ancestor witches, slowly, Duobao discovered that there were many things in it that could not be explained.

After a long time, in Zhu Rong’s expectant gaze, Duobao took the flame god seal in his hand: “Get up, I promised you.”

“Ancestral Witch…this name, this title, maybe there is something secret.”

Zhu Rong was overjoyed, stood up, staring straight at Duobao, he stopped talking.

“However, if I want to save Houtu, I will not take action. Whether I can succeed or not, it still depends on you.”

Duobao’s words made Zhu Rong, who just got up, the surprise still condensed on his face, and he immediately froze.

“What’s the meaning?”

He didn’t understand Duobao’s meaning.

He did it?

If he has this ability, why should he come here to ask for more treasures?

“Samsara is the core of the realm, a big center of Heavenly Dao.”

“Samsara is made by destiny, no one can change it!”

“Even I can’t change it!”

Samsara was set by Pangu, and his destiny fell on Houtu. With his current situation, it is indeed impossible to change it. On this point, he did not lie.

“Then what to do?” Zhu Rong was anxious.

“However, Samsara must be developed by the hands of the earth. There is no doubt about it, but it is not impossible for you to not lose the identity of the Witch clan!”

“What should I do?” Zhu Rong demanded anxiously.

“Samsara…” Duobao whispered and raised his hand. The Samsara disc appeared in front of him. With the mighty power of Samsara, Zhu Rong shockedly retreated one step unconsciously.

After I quit, I found out that something was wrong. I took a step forward and returned to the previous position, staring at Samsara in Dubao’s hand in amazement: “Is this Samsara?”

Although Samsara was transformed from the land, it was the first time I saw Samsara with my own eyes.

The power of Samsara shocked him inexplicably.

As an ancestor witch, he knows the existence of Samsara and the development of the general trend, but it is indeed the first time he has personally experienced the power of Samsara!

“Is such a powerful Samsara really what my little sister can make?”

“Huh?” Looking at Samsara in his hand, Duobao suddenly found something that he hadn’t found before, and he said softly.

“What’s the matter?” Zhu Rong was very anxious, and said to his throat, fearing that there would be an accident that would prevent Duobao from being able to rescue his younger sister.

Duobao is his only hope now!

Duobao didn’t speak, but instead looked at Zhu Rong, looked up and down, and suddenly said, “That’s how it is!”

Zhu Rong was anxious at first, and when he looked at it like this, he became even more anxious.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Could it be…with your strength, it can’t be solved?”

Zhu Rong’s complexion turned ugly for a moment, and a trace of despair appeared even more in his anxiety.

“No…” Duobao shook his head, sighed, turned his gaze, reached out a little on the Samsara disc, and a Samsara whirlpool appeared, sticking to his fingers.

Retracting his finger, and then a little bit in front of Zhu Rong, a Samsara door opened naturally and appeared in front of Zhu Rong.

“This is?” Zhu Rong asked in a puzzled form.

“This is the core of Samsara. Your younger sister is inside. If you want to rescue her, you just go in.” Duobao said calmly.

Zhu Rong looked at Duobao and then at himself, feeling the terrifying breath coming from the door of Samsara, which made his body tremble and his mind shaken.

The door of Samsara feels very bad for him, very dangerous, if one is not careful, he will die in it!

Even at the peak, he would not dare to trespass in such a place, let alone now, to prove Own’s sincerity, he dug up the Own Flame Seal, and his strength was greatly reduced, so naturally he did not dare to trespass.

“Why? Scared?” Duobao asked.

Zhu Rong shook his head, eyes reveal hesitating, nervous, and suspicious.

He is not afraid, he is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will not be able to save Hou Tu even after he is dead.

“With my current situation, can I rescue the little girl?” Zhu Rong asked worriedly.

Duobao nodded and shook his head, without speaking.

Zhu Rong was puzzled and worried more: “What does this mean?”

Nodding and shaking his head again.

“Among Samsara, strength is not the most important thing. Whether you can rescue your little girl or not depends on you.” Duobao said.

“What do you mean?” Zhu Rong’s heart rekindled hope.

The meaning of this seems to mean that it is indeed possible for him to rescue the little girl?

“The core of Samsara is full of Samsara’s power.”

“To enter it, you need to control the state of mind, not to be disturbed by the power of Samsara, and not to forget the original intention!”

Zhu Rong was even more puzzled: “What do you mean?”

Duobao didn’t explain too much, but said: “After entering, you have to remember three questions.”

“The three questions?”

“Who am I? What am I going to do? Where do I come from?”

Zhu Rong: “???”

“Okay, that’s the end of the story. It’s useless to say more. Have you decided, do you want to go in?” Duobao asked.

Zhu Rong was in a daze for a moment, and there were many questions he wanted to ask, but looking at Dubao’s current situation, it seemed that he didn’t want to answer, so he silently swallowed all the questions back and dared not ask any more.

Do you want to go in?

Zhu Rong asked himself this in his heart. After hesitating for a while, his eyes were firm and he no longer hesitated, and stepped towards the door of Samsara.

One foot stepped in, the other foot was still outside, with his back facing Dubao: “If a person has the same memories and the same feelings as you… then he is you?”

After that, without waiting for Dubao’s reaction, he took a step forward and completely entered the door of Samsara.

The door of Samsara turned faintly, and Zhu Rong was nowhere to be seen.

Dobo looked at Samsara’s door, and after a long time, silently shook his head and smiled.


When he called out the Samsara disc before, he had already discovered a lot of things, so he also answered his mind about the reason why the ancestral witches are so crazy and behaving like this.

Among Samsara, in the core place, Hou Tu still exists, trapped in the core, without any movement, as if sleeping.

The peace outside still exists!

In this way, it is extremely scary to think carefully!

If the Hou Tu in Samsara is the real Hou Tu, then who is the Ping Xin outside?

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