Chapter 373

Ping Xin didn’t speak, her heart was shocked, and she looked at Tai Yi’s body suddenly with immeasurable profound light, and she was extremely shocked.

“All sin karma is mine!”

Taiyi pinched a Dao Jue again and whispered.


When the words fell, Samsara trembled, endless karma, Karma, flying out of many ghosts, like raindrops, fell towards Taiyi.

Taiyi shines a golden light on his body, and a golden wheel of Taoism is formed behind his head, and green lotus is born under his foot, the petals bloom, and the flowers bloom ten second rank.

Suffering endless ghosts immediately blessed their souls, and knelt down in the direction of Taiyi, shouting loudly: “Wuliang Taiyi save the suffering Tianzun!”

All the karma, Karma fell on Taiyi’s body. He calmly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of compassion. Under the suppression of Karma, Karma had turned into a statue and could not move.

The black and white runes in his arms flashed with black and white light, calming Taiyi’s last point of consciousness.

In the Yin Division, the thunder dissipated, the wind and fire disappeared, and the flood disappeared. In an instant, the noisy Yin Division returned to calm.

The entire Yin Division became dark again, and only in the center, Taiyi, was there a small but warm golden light in the heart.

“Taiyi, Taiyi…” Ping Xin woke up from the shock and looked at Taiyi who had become a statue. She couldn’t help muttering in a low voice. Slowly, the words gradually changed: “Wuliang Taiyi save Kutianzun!”

Just now I was talking about how difficult it is to solve such problems. The next moment, Taiyi has already carried the karma of all the ghosts, Karma, and set the order.

In the future, all the ghosts that enter the Yin Division will have their karma, Karma will fall into Taiyi’s body, and will not be immediately cleaned by Samsara.

What was shocked to Pingxin was that Karma, who was so huge and enough to suppress Sage, had karma that didn’t turn Taiyi Town into a powder, and he could withstand it abruptly!

Although it has become a statue because of this, it can’t move!

Although there is also a rune left by Duobao!

Although…Although there are many reasons, Taiyi really withstood this endless karma, Karma, this is an indisputable fact!

“Great mercy!”

Calmly whispered in his heart.

Among the reasons that Taiyi can withstand all the karma Karma, there is one biggest reason, great mercy!

Taiyi relied on his own great compassion, with a broad and infinite heart, to contain all karma, Karma.

The black and white runes only calmed Taiyi’s body and consciousness, preventing him from dying. Whether he can endure it in the end depends on whether his compassionate heart can endure it!

There is no doubt that Taiyi can bear it!

Looking at Taiyi calmly, his mind was shocked, and the more he watched, the more shocked.

Although Samsara was made by her, when it comes to compassion, she is far inferior to Taiyi!

She turned Samsara into something she didn’t do in her heart…just an act of desperation!

Samsara’s destiny is in her body, so she has to do it!

But Taiyi was different. He had no destiny, he just couldn’t bear it, so he moved and did it!

There is no too complicated reason, it is simple to make people stunned!

But that’s it, he just did it without hesitation!

“I…not as good as you!” After a long time, he said to Taiyi with a deep heart.

In Kunlun, Sanqing Qiqi stood up and looked in the direction of Yinsi: “Taiyi, Taiyi…”

On Sumeru Mountain in the West, the audience is full of admiration and appreciation.

Zhundi couldn’t help saying: “This son is very compassionate and boundless. He deserves to be my Western teacher!”

The doctrine of the Western religion is to cross the saints and cultivate the way of compassion.

Taiyi’s behavior, although the reason is simple, is very pure, most in line with his Western teachings.

After Zhundi admired, he was sorry, and kept shaking his head: “It’s a pity, a pity!”

If Taiyi was a Western teacher and practiced his Western teaching Dafa, he would surely have a greater development!

If it weren’t for Taiyi’s apprenticeship, Zhundi would even be tempted to take it and take him back…at any price!

It’s just… what a pity, what a pity!

Xiuying didn’t say a word, but he agreed with his junior.

Such a great compassionate person is really delayed in interpreting and teaching.

Regrettably, Jiying couldn’t help but look at a small bald Fatty sitting cross-legged in front of him, and the regret in his eyes diminished slightly.

Although Taiyi has great compassion, he is not incomparable.

“Master?” Ksitigarbha felt the gaze, raised his head, and cried out with some doubts, wondering why Master suddenly looked at him like this.

The Yin Division is hindered by the power of Samsara, unless Sage, it is impossible to sense and see the situation of Yin Division.

“It’s nothing, cultivate well.” Then Yin said with a smile, and withdrew his gaze.

“Honghuang is really different!” Looking at Yinsi, he sighed: “Ten Fang Taiyi Saves the Suffering Tianzun has become Immeasurable Taiyi Saves the Suffering Tianzun, Realm is completely different!”

Taiyi’s original destiny was to incarnate the Ten Temple Yama, and to take charge of good and evil. Although it was not vulgar, but compared with the present way to carry the infinite ghost Karma, the karma is not much worse.

Now Taiyi has transcended his original destiny!

Thinking of the Styx, struggling with all kinds of forces, calculations, and wanting to surpass the destiny, but in the end only fell into a dead end.

On the other hand, Taiyi, in comparison, is too easy!

Of course, to say it really, this kind of behavior is really not simple, easy!

This is the difference between background and no background.

“Go beyond the destiny!”

Sui Yin then looked in the direction of Kunlun, feeling mixed.

“Have you reached this level of strength?”

“Even the disciple can support the transcendent destiny…”

“Honghuang is really different!”

The cognition and knowledge in the past can no longer be used. The current prehistoric has obviously undergone tremendous changes, and many things have changed from the original.

“Western religion, Buddhism… I don’t know how to deal with it?”

The more I think about it, the heavier it becomes. Compared with the development of Kunlun, his Western teachings, Buddhism, and the road ahead are lost!

For the same Sage, the gap is getting bigger and bigger!

“Kizo…I don’t know, can you be as detached as Taiyi?” Jiuying glanced at Ksitigarbah again quietly, and quickly retracted his gaze, without letting Ksitigarbha find it.

At the same time, Zhundi glanced at Ksitigarbha without realizing it, with anticipation in his eyes: “The fate has changed, and the destiny of the past is no longer so stable, although it is impossible for everyone to change the destiny and go beyond.”

“But… at least there is a chance!”

“Kizo… if you really have that ability, why don’t we do our best to help you!”

Taiyi’s detachment is really so tight that they envy them.

The master is overtaken, and there is no hope of catching up in a short time, so I only hope that the disciples can catch up, and give them back some face.

You know, in the original general situation, in the destiny, Ksitigarbha is far stronger than Taiyi, and now Taiyi is detached, Ksitigarbha… is not without hope!

As Sage, if you really try your best, it is not impossible to let the Ksitigarbha detach, as long as he has that ability!

Moreover, even if they fail, there is still someone behind them!

As long as the Ksitigarbha can be, then, they will help the Ksitigarbha to escape at any cost!

Zhundi and Jiying looked at each other, nodded together, unifying their thoughts!



In Kunlun, within the simulation predecessor, Duobao touched the good fortune jade disc in his hand, and looked at the sparse light spots on it, a little surprised, but more joyful.

The light spots are big and small. The big one is the Tao established by the sanctuary and the Tao of Samsara, the small one is the Tao established by him, and the Tao just born because of Taiyi’s behavior.

Taiyi carried the immeasurable ghost Karma with a heart of great compassion, and his karma alone was beyond his expectation. As a result, he had the embryonic form of Tao.

Although it hasn’t been fully established yet, there are already seeds. Just wait for time to urge it, and naturally it will be a matter of course!

The Dao he established was not strong because it was established when it was weak at first, and it was not strengthened or changed later, so it is not strong!

“In this way, among the younger brothers and younger sisters, it’s your Taiyi who came from behind and became the first of all the disciples!”

Duobao sighed, happy for Taiyi.

Among the many juniors and younger sisters, Yuding was originally the strongest and the strongest, far surpassing the others.

And now, suddenly, Taiyi jumped up. With this opportunity, he achieved the prototype of Dao. In the future, even Sage is expected to overtake the car in the corner. It will directly overtake the boss by a certain distance, and even the juniors and sisters will live forever. Unattainable point!

Establishing the Dao is even more important than getting the grandiose and purple energy, and it is more helpful to sanctification!

Of course, it’s the kind of people who don’t have the chance to become holy, and just get the grandeur and purple spirit, Sanqing, Western two holy, Nuwa and others are not the same.

They are all the Dao set by Heavenly Dao, directly added to them, although the Dao has been established, but in truth, this Dao is not theirs!

“Taiyi Immeasurable Rescue Heavenly Sovereign…Tsk Tsk, yes, yes!”

Duobao couldn’t help admiring, he was really happy and pleasantly surprised.

He originally thought that Taiyi would become Shifang Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun, but he did not expect that he would give him such a big surprise.


In the good fortune jade disc, the water of rules has also been given an extra source due to Taiyi’s behavior, and it is constantly being produced.

Although it is much less regular water than other Taoisms, it is actually regular water.

Because of Taiyi’s behavior, through the good fortune jade disc, Duobao can feel that Honghuang has one more pillar, which is more stable and stronger.

It can be said that the current Taiyi is no longer an insignificant little person to Honghuang, but a real Optimus White Jade Pillar, framed by a sea of ​​purple golden beams, which can be called Sage seeds!

“However, this is just the beginning. Whether you can truly mature depends on your own efforts!”

After the excitement, Duobao calmed down slowly, looking expectantly at Taiyi who had been hidden in the Yin Division.

The Tao of Great Compassion has not yet been completed. On this road, Taiyi has taken the first step. Although it is the most critical first step and has passed the most difficult hurdle, the road behind is not easy to walk. !

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