Chapter 375: Falling into Samsara

It was also at this time that Duobao discovered that Ping Xin was just a brand new creature with all the memories of Hou Tu.

In the predicament, the death of living beings does not mean real death, but the existence of souls.

After you die, you will become a ghost!

But if you want to become a ghost, there are conditions, you must have a soul!

Almost all creatures in the Primordial Kingdom have a primordial spirit, so after death there will be ghosts, but only one race does not, the Wu Clan!

All witch races have no primordial spirit, so after they die, they are really dead, and there is no chance to do it again.

It’s ridiculous to say that the land has transformed Samsara, giving all creatures a chance to live again, only her own race, no!

Because there is no primordial spirit, no soul, the Hou Earth died after transforming into Samsara, just because her great merit retained her last bit of consciousness and melted into the depths of Samsara.

Trapped her and protected her at the same time!

Ping Xin is really just Ping Xin and not Hou Tu!

When they all felt that Ping Xin was Hou Tu, only the ancestors of the Witch Clan knew that Hou Tu was Hou Tu, and Ping Xin was Ping Xin.

What they care about is not that identity, but the person in Houtu!

“Is this the bloodline?”

Duobao touched his forehead, feeling that he had a deeper understanding of the word blood!


Zhu was immersed in Samsara, his eyes were pitch black, and he tried to open his eyes, but couldn’t see anything clearly. It didn’t seem to be Samsara, but the endless darkness.

“Little sister, where are you, little sister?” Zhu Rong shouted loudly, even his voice seemed to be melted by the darkness, no one could hear him except himself.

“How can I find a little girl like this?” Zhu Rong was worried.

After entering Samsara, it seemed that there was no danger as expected. After coming in for so long, apart from the darkness of the inability to see things, there seemed to be nothing else!

While quietly breathing a sigh of relief, Zhu Rong didn’t know what to do for a while!

I can’t see, I’m just blind, how do I act?

“It must be impossible… Is there any way I can see it?”

Zhu Rong thinks carefully and tries to operate his supernatural powers.

The magnificent power surged in the body, unable to rush out of the body, and there was a more powerful force suppressing in the darkness. Zhu Rong knew that it was the power of Samsara.

Although it did not harm him, it also made him a mortal.

“No wonder, in Samsara, strength is not important!”

Zhu Rong suddenly remembered what Duobao had said before, but he didn’t understand it before, but now he understands it all.

In such Samsara, what is the use of so-called strength in the dark?

Unless you can break through the blockade of Samsara’s power, everyone is just ordinary people!

“It’s just that if you don’t look at strength, what else do you look at?”

“There are three more questions.”

“Who am I? What am I going to do? Where do I come from?”

Zhu Rong frowned, and these three questions kept echoing in his mind.

“Perhaps, whether I can rescue the little girl, hope is here!”

Duobao will not aimlessly. Since he was sent in, he naturally has his purpose and reason… and what he said is certainly not simple.

While thinking about it, he suddenly felt a gust of breeze blowing, making him a little cool, and squinting his eyes uncomfortably.

“No!” Soon, he realized it was wrong.

Here is Samsara. How can there be wind here?


As he was thinking, his eyes suddenly became confused, and a hidden and powerful force passed into his body, and when he first discovered it, it fell into his mind.

Memories, thinking, everything, everything seems to be out of order.

Unconsciously, a question appeared in his mind: “Who am I?”

That power was extremely powerful, and it only took a few breaths to fascinate Zhu Rong’s mind.

In a trance, the darkness dissipated and the light reappeared. Zhu Rong once again saw the blue sky and white clouds, mountains and rivers.

“Lao Zhu, what are you doing in a daze? Drinking!”

Zhu Rong looked to his side in a daze. He saw a few big men with beards and uncut edges, holding a glass made of stone in his hands, with liquid flowing inside.

He slowly looked at other places and found that he was now in a village.

The wall made of stone, the house made of stone, are crude and unbearable, but they fit in strangely. It seems that there is a kind of crude beauty.

Primitive and wild!

“Lao Zhu? Are you stupid?” The man sitting next to him patted Zhu Rong on the shoulder and asked strangely.

“Lao Zhu?” Zhu Rong blinked suspiciously, pointed at himself, and asked: “Are you calling me?”

There is a feeling in his heart that he shouldn’t be called Lao Zhu!

When I heard that person call like this, my heart was always awkward.

“Hahaha, Lao Zhu, are you drunk? You shouldn’t. Among my big stone tribe, you are the most drunk…Where is this, why are you drunk?”

“It’s not like you!”

The person next to him seemed surprised at Zhu Rong’s performance.

“Dashi Tribe…Old Zhu…”

Zhu Rong’s face was blank, and his heart was even more awkward. Looking at these strangers, there seemed to be familiar figures again, and his brain was blank.

“who am I?”

“What should I do?”

“Where am I from?”

Three questions suddenly appeared in his mind, followed by an inexplicable voice.

The sound was not loud, but it made his memory fresh, and it seemed to be carved in his bones.

“Who said this? I remember… that seems to be a very important person!”

Zhu Rong’s eyebrows were almost twisted together, thinking carefully.


A heavy stone cup with the dangling wine industry slapped Zhu Rong’s body heavily.

He grabbed it subconsciously and looked at other people blankly.

“Old Zhu, you can’t do this. Don’t try to pretend to be drunk. We know how much you drink. Even if you are in a hurry to go home to see your mother-in-law, you have to drink us down today!”

“You guys… don’t you!”



“I am very sure of that!”

Everyone roared.

Zhu Rong’s eyes were even more blank: “Me? Wife?”

“who am I?”

“What should I do?”

“Where am I from?”

The voice in his head sounded again, but it was not as clear as the original one, and it became blurred.

This made Zhu Rong very irritable, and subconsciously raised the stone cup in his hand, drank it, and soon drank it dry.

The cool liquor entered the body, but it brought a scorching sensation, which made his head dizzy and confused for a moment.

In a moment, he woke up, he had forgotten everything, and the voice in his head disappeared.

“Come on, drink!”

Zhu Rong shouted, slapped the dry stone cup on the table, and shouted: “I’m afraid you won’t make it, fill it for us!”

Everyone was satisfied, filled him with wine with a big laugh, and drank with big mouthfuls.

Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, an unfamiliar memory appeared in his mind, familiar and unfamiliar.

Soon, as more wine was drunk, the strange feeling seemed to be burned away, leaving only the familiarity.


In the dark, a faint sigh came and fell in Zhu Rong’s ears, but he didn’t wake him up, but for a moment of doubt, he was washed away by the liquid in his stomach.


In Kunlun, Duobao sat in front of the cafe, feeling the situation of Zhu Rong in Samsara, and sighed: “After all, he still didn’t make it through?”

There is Samsara. Under the power of Samsara, all kinds of Samsara will naturally be born. If you resist it, you can pass that kind of Samsara naturally!

If you can’t resist and forget who you are, then you will fall into the endless Samsara, and it will be difficult to wake up.

If Zhu Rong wants to save the land, he must surpass the scouring of Samsara’s power, but Samsara’s power is not just one wave, but wave after wave like a sea wave, and wave after wave is stronger!

This was only the weakest first wave, Zhu Rong couldn’t make it through, let alone the later!

“Big brother.”

Suddenly a timid voice came from outside.

“It’s Aoxue, what can I do for you?”

Duobao raised his head and looked at Aoxue who was standing not far away. He shook his head and said with a chuckle: “What do you do while standing so far? Can I still eat people?”

Aoxue was brought into Kunlun by the Yellow Dragon, with the Karma left by Zulong on her body.

When I was young and ignorant, relying on my knowledge of the stories of the three ancient tribes, I used it as a game to coax children and established an ice and snow park where a group of juniors and younger sisters can cultivation. Through the creation of dragons, the three tribes of Phoenix and Qilin were playing. At the same time, to increase the degree of control over one’s Magic power and supernatural powers.

I have to say that he was too courageous at the time, and luck was too good!

In the prehistoric times, things that involve power, no matter what, are they so simple?

As soon as he created the ice and snow paradise, he was touched by the power of the dragon, phoenix and Qilin tribes. How can the tribe of grandeur be reduced to a child’s plaything?

This is blasphemy, this is provocation!

If it weren’t because of his deep background and the three clearings, when he discovered it, the power of the three clans could break through the air and follow Karma to blast him into scum!

With his strength at the time, he couldn’t resist it at all!

Although the three clans were blocked, Karma was born as a result, and it will need to be terminated in the future.

Zulong left a message on Aoxue through Karma, and also told him through the mouth of the Yellow Dragon, as long as he protects Aoxue, then the Karma between his dragon and Duobao ends here!

Bless Aoxue, this is not difficult for him now, plus he does have a disadvantage first, and it is not easy to refuse, so he accepted it, not a disciple, but a maid.

Anyway, it’s just for blessings and safety, disciples and maids are fine.

Want him to be here, who would dare to attack Aoxue?

However, although the maid was accepted, they didn’t have much time to meet each other. Most of her also played along with Yellow Dragon cultivation and rarely came to see him.

He doesn’t care, anyway, it’s just to end Karma, it will work everywhere.

Today Aoxue came over, he was very surprised.

Why did this girl suddenly come to find herself?

Is the sun coming out from the west?

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