Chapter 372

The situation of Yinsi seems right, but Taiyi always feels awkward looking at it, and there is an impulse in his heart.

After staying in place for a long time, suddenly Taiyi walked towards the endless sea of ​​ghosts. Along the way, he put away his own puppet true meaning and dispersed all the puppets.

The cloud qi disappeared, the true meaning dissipated, and the haunting ghost roar came into his ears, Tai Yi did not make any resistance, defense, and his eyes gradually turned red.

Numerous distracting thoughts appeared in his heart, and his breath gradually changed into riots.

“what you do?”

Pingxin frowned and appeared in front of Taiyi, Samsara’s power flashed, protecting Taiyi, and coldly yelled, “Is it impossible to die?”

Taiyi’s strength is not weak, the golden immortal in the multi-treasure cultivation Realm, the quasi-sage in the prehistoric normal Realm, and the perverts who have thrown away Kunlun and the dark trial field, he is considered powerful in the prehistoric!

However, here is the yin, which is covered by Samsara’s power, and Samsara’s law covers everything, reducing the strength of all creatures under Sage.

Hundreds of millions of ghosts roar, although the strength of a single body is not strong, but here, with the blessing of Samsara, even if it is a quasi-sage, even if he does not defend himself, he will have to be attracted by him and break his deeds.

To her, Taiyi’s behavior was just looking for death.

She didn’t understand, she had said so well just now, why suddenly she wanted to die?

In fact, she didn’t care too much about Taiyi’s life and death. If it weren’t for the precious breath of him, she wouldn’t even show up.

“I understand.” From the noisy, complex and transient calm, and harmony, Tai Yi’s shocked and peaceful strength in his heart, and at the same time said to him earnestly.

Pingxin: “???”

What does this guy say nonchalantly?

“What do you know?”

With a smile on Taiyi’s face, looking at Ping Xin, he stepped around her, passed her protection, and walked outside.

The noisy voice came again, and tide-like distracting thoughts appeared in his mind.

Just as Ping Xin said scolding, Taiyi’s slightly crazy but firm voice came from her ear: “I understand.”

“I asked my mother before, is there no way to solve this situation?”

“The mother replied…Yes.”

“So far, Niang Niang hasn’t said what it is, but Taiyi understands it.”

Frowning calmly, looking at Taiyi’s firm back, his eyes flashed, and for the first time there was a big change.

Without any protection, letting hundreds of millions of ghosts roar into his brain, Tai Yi has already been affected at this time, and the madness in the voice can tell, and the impact is not small.

But that’s it, he still didn’t mean to turn his head at all… step by step forward.

“The Immeasurable Tianzun!”

After walking a few steps, Taiyi pinched Fajue with his hands and said Dao name.

The immeasurable Tianzun is not talking about the Sanqing, nor the Hongjun Dao ancestor, but his own Dao.

The cultivation of Taoism does not rely on foreign objects and does not turn itself into the belief of other creatures.

An immeasurable Tianzun called the Tao in his heart, and called the future self.

The so-called immeasurable, infinite and infinite, the so-called heaven, the supreme of Tao!

“All sin karma is mine!”

After Dao name, Taiyi’s crazy eyes, there was a trace of calmness, and he firmly hid it.

The calm voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the Yin Department in an instant.

Following his words, centered on him, an inexplicable force suddenly appeared and spread to the surroundings.

The ghosts that were affected along the way, the karma on his body, Karma, all escaped and flew towards Taiyi.

“He…really understands!”

Pingxin was shocked, shocked, and looked at Taiyi complicatedly.

There is only one way to solve the current problem, and that is to carry their karma for those ghosts, Karma, to save them from being cleaned by Samsara’s power.

However, that is the karma of endless ghosts. Karma, even Sage, may not be able to recite it… If you really do this, I am afraid that the huge karma, Karma, will be crushed into powder in an instant.

The reason why she never said such a method is because she knew that if Taiyi did it, there would be only one dead word.

Taiyi cannot die, at least not in the land of Yinsi.

“Really crazy!” Ping Xin gently shook his head and took one step. At the very beginning, Karma was crushed by endless karma, and Karma pressed him in front of Taiyi, who couldn’t move a step. She raised her bare hand and was about to disperse him. Karma, Karma, returns to those ghost bodies.

“I’m a fool… It’s a pity, I don’t have enough strength, I’m looking for a dead end!”

The power of Hou Tu hadn’t been released yet, Tai Yi’s gaze was firm, looking at Ping Xin, there was a heavy meaning in his bright red eyes.

He was already unable to speak at this time, but the karma around Karma was still pressing on him.

Pingxin knew what he meant, and stopped with the palm of his hand, The next moment, it fell down: “You have to be stupid, and don’t be stupid in my yin.”

“You want to die, I won’t stop, but you can’t be here!”

The power of Samsara swept across, the Karma on Taiyi’s body returned to its original source, and then returned to the ghosts.

The confused mind and thoughts recovered instantly.

Taiyi regained the power of action, and looked at Ping Xin with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He has found a way and is implementing it. He can’t bear the ghosts like this.

If he sees one person dying, he will not save, and a hundred people will die, but he will not move, but the life and death of such hundreds of millions of lives, he really can’t be calm!

In particular, there are many good people among them. When they are alive, they have done all kinds of good deeds and have contributed to the world. Even if they are dead, they should not endure such great torture and attack!

Samsara does not distinguish between good and evil, but it shouldn’t be because of will to annihilate those good people who are not strong in will!

It shouldn’t be like this!

“Samsara is at fault!”

Tai Yi said heavily.

Pingxin rolled her eyes unconsciously: “Do you know what you are talking about?”

Samsara is determined by Pangu god-tier, led by her hand, has the greatest effect on the integrity of heaven and earth.

The power of Samsara is beyond doubt!

Even Sage, who would dare to say such words!

Isn’t it true that you are not afraid of adding karma and the scourge of heaven?

You know, in the predicament, you can’t talk nonsense, especially when it comes to Heavenly Dao, the mighty thing!

Although Samsara is not Heavenly Dao, nor is it a great power, but it is slightly worse than Heavenly Dao, and much stronger than many great powers!

If it is ignorant, not strong enough, and speaking, it can be understood that the ignorant is fearless, Heavenly Dao, Samsara, Da Neng will not mind!

But if the person who said these words caught their eyes, and said such words again, they would undoubtedly be remembered by them!

If you can’t prove it, your own calamity will add to your body, your own scourge, and the calculation will come!

Even if it can prove that if you are not strong enough, you are looking for death if you say such things!

Taiyi’s current strength, without a doubt, shouldn’t be the time to talk nonsense!

The look in Taiyi’s eyes calmly was like looking at a second fool.

“This guy is not only stupid, he is also shocked… dare to say anything.”

“That is to say, your background is not small, and you are backed by Duobao and Sanqing. Otherwise, just such a word will be enough to make you irresistible!”

He shook his head calmly, originally because of Taiyi’s behavior, he had a few more opinions on him, and he took a high look, but now…this is a fool!

“You go!”

Such a fool stays in her cunt, and she is afraid that if something happens, she will find it difficult to deal with…or rather, too lazy to deal with it!

I really want to send him out!

“I was wrong!” Taiyi’s sudden words made Pingxin stop, frowning tighter, and there was a trace of contempt in Taiyi’s gaze.

If Taiyi insists on owning, even though he is stupid, he still has courage and courage!

But as soon as the words were said, they were changed immediately, which made Ping Xin a little contemptuous, and his awareness of Taiyi dropped several levels.

“It’s not that Samsara is at fault, but Samsara is lacking!”

Taiyi didn’t think about the peace of mind, and said to himself: “Samsara cleans up Karma, karma, that’s right.”

“It’s just that Samsara is just a hub, lacking management, and the behavior is correct, but it is too simple and rude. A Samsara will clean everything, regardless of good and evil.”

“this is not right!”

With a dumbfounded gaze, Taiyi said seriously: “Samsara does not distinguish between good and evil, but the person who manages Samsara should distinguish between good and evil.”

“Those kind people should not be treated like this, they should have the opportunity to live again, whether their will is firm or not, should not determine their future.”

“In Samsara, there should be power, the central government, and management, distinguishing good from evil.”

Taiyi’s words were silly to listen to.

After a long while, she recovered and asked Taiyi: “So, what do you want to do?”

After the words were spoken, the thoughts in her mind kept turning, Taiyi’s words echoed in it, and she soon understood what Taiyi meant.

“Establish the power to manage Samsara, set the order of Samsara, so that good and evil are distinguished.”

“This is what Samsara should look like!”

The contempt in Ping Xin’s eyes disappeared, and she looked at Tai Yi deeply: “You are right, but, do you know that this is simply impossible to do!”

She was wrong. Although the guy in front of her was silly and stupefied, she was indeed very compassionate.

“Samsara’s power to clean, this is Samsara’s power. Once all ghosts enter the Yin Division, they will be cleaned by Samsara’s power without a moment’s delay.”

“You want to set Samsara’s order, do you know how to do all this?”

Taiyi’s complexion did not change. He already wanted to understand this, and said calmly: “Samsara cleans up the karma, Karma, it’s just because it’s on the ghost.”

“Samsara manages ghosts, but not creatures, living people.”

“Karma and Samsara are not allowed to interfere with the karma possessed by the living, this is determined by Heavenly Dao!”

“As long as the ghost does not possess Karma, karma, then the cleaning of Samsara’s power will not appear.”

The words are concise, well-organized, and I can understand them calmly, so they are very shocking.


Taiyi suddenly bowed and bowed to Pingxin: “The mother has great compassion and creates a ray of life for the people. Everyone must be grateful for the grace of the mother.”

“It’s just that this great grace should not have the yoke of will. Since it creates vitality, it should be treated equally.”

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