Chapter 371

Shouldn’t the Yin Division be eerie, cold penetrates the bone, dark and deep?

Why is the Yin Division he saw in his heart like this?

There is ice that penetrates the bone, but… everything else is not like something that should appear in the Yin Division.

In consternation, screams, roars, and roars converged into a river of sounds and rushed into his head.

It was the cry of billions of ghosts, the most heartbreaking.

Red light flashed on Taiyi’s body, spreading like ripples.


Where the red light passes, the sound waves are condensed and appear, and under the red light, they transform into a white-faced and red-body villain with no facial features.

The true method of puppets can turn everything into puppets!

Under the impact of sound waves, the puppet’s true law automatically operates and protects the body.

The sound waves continued to continue, and it became more and more intense. Following that, the number of puppets increased, and soon surrounded the Taiyi body, forming a huge puppet army.

The true meaning of the puppets emerged from the heads of the puppets, forming a huge cloud in the sky.

The sound wave impacted on the cloud gas, causing ripples. As the number of puppets increased, the cloud gas became thicker, and the sound wave could no longer shake the cloud gas.

There is also a sky in the Yin Division, a dark sky, without the sun, moon and stars, it should have been dark.

However, at this time, the dark sky was more dazzling than the wild sky.

Endless thunder, flames, floods, and wind knives fell from it, turning the Yin Division into a bright day.

Thunder, flames, floods, wind knives are endless ghosts.

They are struggling, roaring, angry, and roaring, but they are powerless and endure the simplest and most tormenting pain.

“Why?” Taiyi couldn’t help whispering, showing unbearable expression.

The death of these ghosts is tragic enough, why are they still suffering such torture now?

He can’t figure it out! Don’t understand!

The arm moved slightly, and the puppet’s true intentions gathered on him, like an Optimus Prime, rising to the sky, he wanted to make a move.

“I advise you, better not to do that!”

Just as he was about to do it, a cold voice came.

Taiyi turned his head and looked around. At some point, a beautiful goddess suddenly appeared beside him, and this goddess did not seem to be unfamiliar to him.

“Houtu Ancestral Witch?”

Calmly said: “After the earth is gone, I am calm.”

Taiyi opened his mouth, somewhat inexplicably.

Obviously you are the Houtu ancestor witch, and although your aura has changed, it is similar to the Houtu ancestor witch in his impression… Obviously you are the Houtu ancestor witch, but you just want to say that you are not!

“Well, you’re good to be happy!”

Looking at the peaceful Pingxin, Taiyi was silent, then remembering what was happening now, he couldn’t help asking: “Houtu… Pingxin, I don’t know why you want to stop me from doing it?”

Pingxin: “Why do you want to shoot?”

Taiyi, who was waiting for a peaceful answer, was stunned. He thought there would be other answers, but he didn’t expect to be asked rhetorically!

Why do you want to shoot?

Of course it is unbearable!

He asked himself that he was not a merciful person, but seeing so many ghosts suffering, he really couldn’t bear it.

There are many cruel people in the world who can be indifferent when facing his life and death, and even have the emotion of watching a movie!

However, no matter how cruel people are, facing the death of a large number of creatures, or encountering torture, unless they are the perpetrators themselves, they will be soft-hearted… In this situation, is it not a matter of course to take action?

“When these Ghosts lived in the world, they did a lot of things, good or evil, and produced a lot of Karma, karma.”

“Samsara can help them leave Samsara again and live another life, but only if they want to end their Karma, karma.”

“This is Samsara’s liquidation, Heavenly Dao’s liquidation… I advise you to put away your compassion, so that for them, it is the best result.”

Tai Yi was stunned, and his calm words explained everything he saw before him, but looking at them, his heart could not harden.

Those ghosts are really too bitter, too miserable…they are so many, he really can’t look directly at them.

“If you can’t look directly, then close your eyes.” Ping Xin seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and said coldly: “This is the general trend, this is the meaning of Heavenly Dao… Just stay honestly.”


Taiyi rolled his throat, retracted his gaze, looked at Pingxin and then at the endless ghost, and was silent for a long time.

The meaning of Heavenly Dao?

General trend?


For a long time, Taiyi didn’t speak, nor did he know what to say.

He really couldn’t bear it and wanted to make a move, but in peace of mind, it was like a sharp sword pierced into his hand, making him feel biting cold every time he wanted to use it.

Beside the ears, the screams and roars of endless ghosts were still coming.

“Could it be that there is really no way to solve it?” Finally, Taiyi couldn’t help asking.

Pingxin turned her head and looked at Taiyi seriously for the first time.

After looking at him up and down for a long time, his calm eyes flashed, then he turned his head and said coldly: “Yes.”

“What is it?” Taiyi asked urgently.

Ping Xin didn’t answer directly, her eyes gradually turned a little weird when she looked at Tai Yi, and Tai Yi began to feel uneasy inexplicably.

“Pingxin, is there any problem?”

Ping Xin turned his gaze and went down to the sky of Yinsi: “Thunder, flames, floods, and wind knives are all composed of Samsara, used to cleanse karma, Karma.”

“As long as there is no karma, Karma, then nature will disappear.”

Using Samsara’s strength calmly, he stretched out his hand to face Taiyi a little bit.

Taiyi didn’t have time to react at all. He only felt that his eyebrows sank, and he didn’t have time to react at all, and the flat fingers had already fallen on the center of his eyebrows.

Tai Yi’s heart sank, and the horror had not yet risen, suddenly his eyelids flicked, closed his eyes uncontrollably, and then opened them again.

At first glance, the whole Yin Division has changed.

The bodies of many ghosts each have two colors of light, black and gold.

The black one is Karma, karma, and the golden one is merit.

For good, what you do is good for heaven and earth, gain merit, and vice versa, gain karma, survive in the world, and get along with creatures, all of which are produced by Karma.

Karma’s reliable merits are eliminated, and so is karma.

No matter who it is, there may not be karma, but there will definitely be Karma. The difference is only the size of Karma and whether the merits on his body are enough to eliminate Karma from his body.

Taiyi has now understood that Samsara’s road needs to be smooth, without Karma, and without karma, as long as he has Karma on his body, karma will be attacked and cleaned by Samsara’s power.

After realizing it, Taiyi looked at the ghosts that had been cleaned by Samsara, even more puzzled.

All the ghosts that have entered the power of the Yin Division are being swept away and attacked by the power of Samsara at this time, without exception, even those good people who have no karma on their bodies.

“Why?” Taiyi asked.

“Gong is gong, passing is passing, under Samsara, there is no distinction between good and evil.” Said calmly.

Taiyi: “…”

He wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn’t say it.

He originally thought that as good people, they shouldn’t be attacked by Samsara’s power. They should be rewarded, but… Then I thought about it, and he was right. Under Samsara, there is no distinction between good and evil.

“Samsara cleans up the karma, Karma, only the merit is beyond the transcendence… exists in the world, and there is Karma in the world, no matter who it is, or not to die, after death, you must encounter Samsara when you come here. Clean up.”

“Karma, after the karma is cleaned, the amount of merit in their body determines their identity and initial destiny after being reincarnated into Samsara.”

“Is this fair?” Taiyi couldn’t help asking, looking at the kind people who were under attack.

Those wicked people are nothing more. It is only natural to do so many evil things and endure such evil consequences, but those good people… always feel a little innocent.

They shouldn’t bear such an attack!

“Where is it unfair?” asked calmly and seriously: “Karma is Karma. Merit is merit. It is supposed to live to enjoy and die to suffer.”

“Regardless of good or evil, living is the greatest opportunity, the fruit…they die, it means that they can’t bear such a fruit.”

“Unable to live, dead, and want to be resurrected, then they have to live again for themselves, and pay the price!”

“Do you really think it’s so easy to live?”

Feeling Ping Xin’s straight eyes, Tai Yi’s heart jumped fiercely, and he said, “Isn’t it easy to be alive?”

“Of course, everything is alive, and there is nothing if you die!”

“Want to live again…Where is that simple?”

“I opened up Samsara and gave sentient beings a chance to come back again, but I am not their nanny, can I live again, what identity and destiny should I be after I live, everything must be done by themselves!”

“If you are unwilling to make such an effort, what right do you have to live?”

“Qualification? Will you die?” Tai Yi’s heart beat fiercely, and from Pingxin’s words, he found the point.

He immediately looked at the ghosts and observed carefully. After a while, he saw that many ghosts were unable to withstand the attack of Samsara’s power, and they were annihilated directly, completely dead.

“Can ghosts die again?”

“Of course, the kind that disappeared in smoke!”

The calm expression remained unchanged: “The cleaning of Samsara’s power will not cause substantial harm to them. As long as their will is strong enough, they can still survive even with the Samsara attack for hundreds of millions of years.”

“But if the will is not firm, it is damned and unworthy to live!”

“Even a good person?” Tai Yi asked in disbelief.

Pingxin didn’t answer, but looked at him like a fool.

“…” Taiyi lowered his head unknowingly in the face of plain gaze.

He really asked a very stupid question.

As I said before, Samsara does not distinguish between good and evil. Whether it can survive the cleaning of Samsara’s power, it only depends on the will, not good and evil.

What is the difference between the good and the wicked for Samsara?

Only after having survived the cleaning of Samsara, can you be qualified to say good and evil!

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