Chapter 359

The porcelain that was about to be restored to perfection immediately turned into fragments, and Fuxi smiled with satisfaction when he looked at himself like this, and closed his eyes again.

Countless fragments of light appeared in Fuxi’s body after it was turned into fragments.

With every beating, you can feel the appearance of mysterious and unfathomable intangible things.

The longer the time, the larger these intangible things will become, gradually forming a core that is not weak.

In the core, a wave of fluctuations emerged and dissipated towards the outside world.

The fluctuation and the core are closely linked. After the fluctuations disperse, countless information appears in the corresponding core immediately, such as a little bit of starlight, which is constantly increasing.

Suddenly, Fu Xi felt a different feeling on the body of the fragmented body.

Nuwa stood beside Fuxi, very pleasantly surprised: “Big Brother.”

She looked at Fuxi’s appearance at this time, the good fortune in her hand had disappeared, and she was even a little excited in the surprise: “It’s a Big Brother!”


The Xiantian era continued, and everyone was happy. The entire prehistoric land was immersed in excitement and happiness, except for the West.

Zhundi looked at the monster clan returning to Heaven Court in a complicated manner, and then looked at the witch clan that was already solving the problem of blocking the earth veins and the ghosts of the air veins. He was very unwilling: “In the age of the Lich, how long will it exist this time?”

“Junior brother, don’t take pictures.” He put his hands together, and there was a golden Buddha light shining on his body.

In the Buddha’s light, there is a sense of compassion and warmth, which makes people feel calm.

The obsession in Zhundi’s heart slowly melted like ice water in this Buddha’s light.

“Thank you brother!”


Above the Ninth Stage, countless vortices suddenly appeared, and a golden light group that made people look up to appear from it.

“Heaven’s position?”

Di Jun who had just returned to Heaven Court, Taiyi and the others suddenly felt shocked, looked over, and suddenly looked shocked.

“The Xiantian era has continued, and has there been more career positions?”

When Di Jun turned his mind, he immediately understood the reason.

“Order to go down…” Almost instantly, he thought of the ownership of these karma positions, half of his words were said, and suddenly a secret secret appeared and he was stunned on the spot.

[Not to be a demon]

The secrets that suddenly appeared were very simple, just four words.

“These positions are created because they touched the Five Elements cycle…can’t they all be occupied by monsters?”

Di Jun frowned, somewhat dissatisfied.

All of these karma positions represent the power of heaven, and are karma positions born in the cycle of heaven.

According to the truth, the demon clan controls the sky, and the master above these karma positions must also be the demon clan.

But the secrets show that these karma positions have their own destiny and cannot all be monsters.

Originally, that was all there was to it, but among these karma positions, there are actually five emperors… Inspiring Five Elements Great Samsara, the Five Elements Five Elements Great Emperor.

The Qing Emperor, the White Emperor, the Chi Emperor, the Black Emperor and the Emperor!

These five great emperors are in charge of the power of heaven, and can even control the energy of Five Elements and the world.

His position is also the top, and it is only one step behind the Heavenly Emperor position he currently occupies.

After occupying the Ninth Stage again, they have re-elected the throne.

“Heaven and Earth, Five Elements… Is this going to be unified?”

Emperor Jun was also Heavenly Emperor anyway, and he quickly suppressed his unhappiness and thought carefully: “The Five Elements cycle is because of this incident, which made him realize the difference between himself and the big cycle of heaven and earth… so I thought Find a master?”

Before, the Lich held the sky and the Rogue Cultivators held the ground, but apparently, the Five Elements controlled by the Rogue Cultivators is much worse than the world controlled by the Lich.

And because of this, the previous thing happened!


In thinking, Di Jun raised his head and looked upwards, a vast golden cloud of merits fell, which was the merit of the continuation of the Xiantian era.

The merits are counted, and according to the output, they fall on all the participating creatures.

“Dage, we have merit!” Tai Yi looked at the golden cloud of merit slowly dissipating above, and looked a little excited.

Di Jun’s heart moved, looking at Taiyi, the two nodded together.

In this incident, perhaps it is time to ask that one to see what his thoughts are, and by the way…buy more Magic Treasures.

The Xiantian era continues, and the Lich races will continue to develop. With the existence of Magic Treasures, the strength of the Monster race can be made faster and faster to support this era!

Originally, Magic Treasures were not enough, and now they are not enough.


Among the witch clan, the twelve ancestor witches quickly eliminated the ghosts that could not be eliminated before.

From this, the ancestors also understood that the ghost is an accessory produced by the decline of the Xiantian era. If it can continue the Xiantian era, it will naturally be eliminated.

If it cannot be sustained, no matter how hard it is, it will not be able to eliminate it at all.

In the Pangu Hall, great power spread out, sweeping the earth, and after a while, countless golden karma returned.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch closed his hands and looked at the glittering karma in the temple.

As soon as Zhu Rong turned his body, he rushed up and stretched out his hand to one of the karma positions.


The powerful force erupted, Zhu Rong was shaken away, and he looked at that shaken open his own position in amazement.


At the same time, three question marks were hung on the foreheads of the ancestor witches.

“why not?”

Zhu Rong was puzzled, that karma was filled with a strong aura of the law of flame, and the way of fire was pervasive, which was most in line with him.

If he can occupy it, it will be of great benefit to him.

However, this was not difficult at first, but at this time, it turned out to be so difficult?

“Isn’t this the position of my Wu Clan?”

Hou Tu eyes reveal thinking, watching carefully, thoughtful.

“Little sister, what’s the explanation for this?” Di Jiang didn’t even think about it, so he asked Houtu immediately.

Houtu shook his head in confusion, and tentatively said: “These karma positions seem to have arisen from the land controlled by my Wu Clan, but they are connected to the Five Elements cycle!”

“The top five positions are impressively the Five Elements position, the prestigious achievement position… It looks more like the position in the Five Elements cycle, rather than the position of my land.”

That being said…it seems to be true?

Upon hearing this, the ancestors looked at the karma in the temple, thoughtfully.

Xuan Ming: “But, if it is the karma of the Five Elements Great Cycle, why should it be born on my land?”

“Is this unexplainable?”

Di Jiang slowly figured it out, recalling what had happened before: “It should be the result of the changes in the previous Five Elements cycle.”

Hearing that, the other ancestral witches are not stupid, and each is thoughtful.

“Then, what about these things now?”

Zhu Rong looked at the karma position in the temple unwillingly, focusing on the fire god karma position, his eyes wandering for a long time.

Obviously it was born on the land controlled by his witch clan, and he couldn’t get it as an ancestor witch. It was really too much.

“These karma positions…” Di Jiang looked at the karma positions in the palace, but also had a headache.

These karma positions are not simple. Although they are all Five Elements attribute karma positions, they are born from above the earth, and they also carry part of the authority of the earth… If it is really gained by other creatures, it will be to the witch race. Governance is also a problem.


After a long time, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly said.

All Ancestor Witches suddenly looked over.

They finally relied on the mighty power of the Pangu Hall to take these karma positions back, and now they want to let them go again… they are not reconciled.

Moreover, it seems unnecessary.

“Now, things are very clear, these positions are not for us…it should be made by the prehistoric people, Rogue Cultivators.”

Zhu Jiuyin slowly said: “This is the result of a heavenly secret, perhaps also the meaning of Heavenly Dao. If I wait for it to forcibly contain it… I’m afraid there will be problems.”

As soon as this remark came out, the ancestors witches stayed for a moment, and then they all understood.

In fact, that may be the case.

“Let’s find Duobao…Perhaps, it is a good choice to leave these things to him.”

The unwilling mood lasted for a long time, Di Jiang suddenly flashed in his eyes, and said: “We don’t know how to deal with it. Handing it to him is a kind of gift… Another one, you can also listen to his opinion.”

Di Jiang’s attention is very good, these positions are good, but unfortunately, he can’t get it, he has been holding it in his hands for fear of disaster.

If it was handed over to Duobao, it would be regarded as a slight reward for Dubo’s kindness, and the other… also wanted to deepen the connection with Duobao.

Only when there are contacts, the relationship will be deeper.

“This is good, this is good.”

Zhu Rong was the first to agree. He was really unwilling to give these positions, but if it were given to Duobao, there would be no problem.

Duobao helped them too much and couldn’t repay them.

Their witches are all straightforward men, and they must be repaid if they are kind. They were previously incapable. Now that they have these things, it’s different.

“I’ll go, I’ll send these jobs over.”

Zhu Rong happily put away all the karma positions, and then stepped out of the Pangu Hall, took out the jade symbol, and was about to go to the simulation of the prehistoric land.

“Zhu Rong, wait.”

Di Jiang hurriedly stopped.

For Zhu Rong, he really didn’t know what to say, his temper and character were really too anxious.

Listening to the wind is rain!

“Huh?” Zhu Rong stopped and turned around in confusion, “Dage, is there anything else?”

“Let’s go together.”

Di Jiang said helplessly.

“Together?” Zhu Rong frowned, her face embarrassed: “Is this bad?”

It’s just a gift. When everyone goes together, it always feels weird. It’s a bit like going to a meal with a little gift.

It’s not like giving a gift, it’s more like looking for an opportunity… Zhu Rong couldn’t tell the specific meaning, but he always felt wrong.

“Don’t worry, this time, we have business.” Di Jiang looked at Zhu Rong and shook his head slightly. It was also rare. With such a hot temper, he could think of so much.

“I have something for my brother, I want to ask him.”

“Zhu Rong, Big Brother, the little girl is also a little bit sensitive, and I need to ask in person…”

Houtu’s face tightened, and he said uncertainly.

This feeling also just appeared, very strange!

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