Chapter 358


Zulong stretched out his hand to face the East China Sea, huge waves appeared in the sea, and a blue dragon appeared from it.


As soon as Fang appeared, he immediately rushed towards Zulong, with a vibrato in his voice, very excited.

“You are still alive, great, great.”

Azure Dragon pressed against Zulong tightly, big tears flowed out of his big eyes.

“Xue’er, it’s okay for the father, don’t cry, be good.”

Zulong hugged Azure Dragon cautiously, as if he was holding the world’s most precious treasure. His attitude and the way he had thrown the Supreme Dragon Pearl casually before were completely two extremes.

The hard and domineering face instantly softened, and even in the cry of Azure Dragon, there was a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Yellow Dragon couldn’t help his eyes widening. Is this still the overbearing Ancestral Dragon who didn’t give him a chance to refuse?

How do you feel… not alone?

“Father, Xue’er, Xue’er thought she would never see you again!” After a long while, Azure Dragon cried much quieter under Zu Long’s comfort.

“How could it be?” Zu Long’s eyes were full of dozing, “How can daddy not be willing to see Xue’er?”

“Daddy, when you come back this time, you won’t leave Xue’er again?” Azure Dragon asked, looking at Zu Long with teary eyes open.

Zu Long’s face was embarrassed: “This, Daddy is just…”


Azure Dragon didn’t wait for Zu Long to finish, and immediately burst into tears.

“Daddy is bad, Daddy is bad… Xueer doesn’t want Daddy anymore, Xueer hates Daddy.”

While crying, he struggled hard, trying to get off Zulong.

Where did Zulong dare to let her down, hold tightly, and constantly comfort and explain.

“…” Yellow Dragon stood by, just watching, wanting to help, but didn’t know how to start.

After a long while, Zu Long calmed the Azure Dragon and pulled the Azure Dragon, which had turned into a human form, towards the Yellow Dragon.

“Yellow Dragon, Cher, you should have known each other.”

Yellow Dragon nodded, Princess Ao Xue, who doesn’t know?

It’s just that he doesn’t know, what does Zu Long mean by saying this?

Could it be…

“If possible, Xueer can help bring you into Kunlun.” Zu Long sighed and looked at Aoxue standing beside him, his eyes never leaving Aoxue on his body, and gently shook his head.

“Why?” Yellow Dragon asked seriously.

“Although there are various reasons, I have to admit one fact that the age of the dragon clan has passed.”

“Now, the situation of the dragon clan…you will naturally understand in the future.”

“Xue’er, leave it to you, take her to Kunlun, give her a good environment… I beg you.”

The Yellow Dragon stared at Zu Long in a daze, and a thousand words came to his heart.

“Good.” In the end, all emotions turned into a good word.

Zu Long pulled the reluctant Aoxue to the side of Yellow Dragon, and finally took a deep look at Yellow Dragon: “Dragons… rely on you.”

The Yellow Dragon nodded heavily and looked at the disappearing back of Zulong. After a long while, he turned his head and said, “Your Royal Highness, please come with me.”

Aoxue wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled at Yellow Dragon: “Yellow Dragon Dage doesn’t have to be so polite. You are the patriarch now, just call me Xue’er.”

Yellow Dragon looked at it and nodded: “Okay, Xueer, then follow Dage back to Kunlun.”


Five Elements roulette, the circulation of Five Elements, endless, the power of Five Elements sweeps the world, coming from all directions, pressing the turbulent sea water back.

Gradually, it has returned to the original position.



Between heaven and earth, a series of roars suddenly sounded.

Above the sky, visions appeared, countless stars, radiant rays, and countless Taoist aggregates were revealed.

The huge suction power came from it, sucking in the rushing energy seawater.

Three hundred and sixty-five right stars, 480 million evil stars, and other countless unknown little stars, all flashed, forming large or small vortices, constantly devouring energy seawater.

“Demon Race… based on the Universe Star Battle Array, disperse the small stars, gather the power of the Stars, instill the true meaning of the Universe Star Battle Array, so that it has the ability to connect the Universe Star Battle Array!”

In the Kunlun Manor, Duobao suddenly widened his eyes, a little surprised and a little happy.

“Can the Universe Star Dou Array still be used like this?” Sanqing was also surprised.

The true meaning of falling into the many small Stars is equivalent to branding the true meaning of the Universe Star Dou formation into it. Although it greatly increases its power, it also increases the risk of the Monster Race Universe Star Dou formation being leaked.

“Di Jun is so courageous!” Tongtian couldn’t help but admire.

“What if the Universe Star Dou Array is leaked?”

Originally, there were different opinions: “At most, you can feel the true meaning of some big formations, so as to refine some big formations, Magic Treasures, if you want to have the power of a real Universe star formation, you still need to control the starry sky.”

Duobao smiled and said nothing. Who said that Magic Treasures could not be compared to the original Universe star battle array?

“The second brother is right. Di Jun’s move seems to be a lot cryptic, but in reality, as long as his monster clan keeps control of the starry sky, it won’t be a problem.”

“On the contrary, if the monster clan can’t control the starry sky, even if you keep the Universe Star Dou formation, what can you do?” Tai Shang said.

“Duobao, in this way, the Lich’s calamity is over, right?” Tongtian is most concerned about this issue.

Duobao nodded and said, “Indeed, this disaster has passed. Master, Master, and Second Master, you can feel that the decline of the Xiantian era has been stopped.”

“Now only need to use the Universe star battle array to transform the energy of the energy sea into Xiantian Spiritual Qi, then the Lich era will continue.”

Emperor Jun controls the Universe Star Array, and after all the leaked energy seawater has been absorbed and swallowed, he moves the Universe Star Array to the crack where the energy sea is split.

Star Taoism is pervasive, converging, like a funnel, but it is small in the front and large in the back, absorbing the energy of the energy sea and transforming it into Xiantian Spiritual Qi.


Accompanied by a roar that resounded through the world, the universe star formation was completely finalized, the sea of ​​energy was blocked, and the endless Xiantian Spiritual Qi fell from the universe star formation, huge and majestic.

“Great, it’s finally finished!” Zhu Rong said excitedly.

After the formation is finalized, the difference will naturally be felt.

My heart seemed to have gone to a big rock, and suddenly it was much easier.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch glanced at each other, even if it was not tomorrow, at this moment, there was no need to ask Dijun to know the result.

“Brother Fuxi…”

After the excitement, Gonggong looked at Fu Xi, who was like a porcelain doll, and his body was covered with cracks, his complexion darkened.

This time, it seemed dangerous, but in fact, no one of them was injured except Fuxi.

Only Fuxi, because of the need to connect the channel and bear the existence of Pangu’s real body, even under the blessing of the Universe Star Dou formation, he still couldn’t bear it.

“Fortunately, it hasn’t fallen.” Zhu Rong also looked over: “However, this injury is too serious. Dao injuries have already occurred. Even if it is Sanguang Shenshui, it cannot be recovered.”

“Sanguang Shenshui?” As he said, Zhu Rong’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he ran towards Fuxi: “I’ll take him to find Brother Duobao. Where can he have better spiritual water than Sanguang Shenshui.”

“With the power of spiritual water, even if it is impossible to recover, isn’t there still Brother Duobao.”

“Brother Dubao is very talkative and has great magical powers. He can definitely save Brother Fuxi.”

Di Jun suddenly appeared and stood in front of Zhu Rong.

“Dijun, what are you doing?” Zhu Rong asked incomprehensibly.

Di Jun shook his head and looked at Fuxi: “It’s no more precious than trouble. This time, isn’t it necessarily a bad thing for Fuxi?”


Hearing this, the ancestor witches looked over in confusion.

It’s all hurt like this, isn’t it a bad thing?

Di Jun didn’t give much explanation, raising his hand, Fuxi’s body flew up, flashed light, and fell into the already set Universe star formation.

In the large array, the endless energy sea water slowly flowed, washing Fuxi’s broken body.

Soon, Fuxi’s injuries quickly recovered, and the cracks disappeared.

Zhu Rong was still a little confused at the beginning, and quickly reacted.

“Yes, I forgot. The energy seawater is much better for the recovery of injuries than the spiritual water.”

After understanding, he was happy for Fuxi, but soon, he asked inexplicably: “Energy seawater can recover the Fuxi brother’s injury, but why is it not necessarily a bad thing for him?”

He understood what Di Jun said.

It seems that this time, to him, it may not be a bad thing, is it a bad thing, or a good thing?

But even if it recovers, it can only be said whether it is good or not. How can it be said that it is a good thing?

Di Jun said quietly: “It’s a good thing, but it depends on whether he can catch it?”

“???” Zhu Rong was full of question marks, puzzled.

I don’t understand how utterly talking about words.

Unable to help, Zhu Rong glanced at Di Jun with contempt, which was part of the reason why he didn’t like Yaozu.

They didn’t speak clearly, they weren’t like their witch clan at all, they were all simple and simple, no guessing.


After confirming that Fuxi was not in danger, Zhu Rong let go of his heart, too lazy to guess, and turned his head: “Let’s go, now that the matter has been resolved, let’s go back.”

“Take a break, we still have problems that haven’t been solved yet.”

“I don’t know, is there a change in this ghost now, can it be resolved?”

When it comes to ghosts, Zhu Rong has a headache.

This thing is endless, it is really troublesome.

The other ancestral witches looked at each other, smiled together, and arched their cupped hands at Dijun, even as saying goodbye.

“I have a chance to come to my Wu Clan as a guest, don’t worry, don’t besiege you.”

Di Jiang said, leading all the ancestors and witches down.

Di Jun smiled and watched them disappear, then turned and flew towards Heaven Court.

The problem in the Xiantian era was solved, but he still had other problems to deal with.

In the great formation, Fuxi, who had slowly regained consciousness, opened his eyes, glanced around, and immediately understood the current situation.

After a pause, his body shook, a wave of fluctuations appeared, and immediately, countless fragments appeared on his body.

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