Chapter 360 Heaven Court Shrine

“Everyone is here?”

In Kunlun Manor, Duobao had already set up fourteen teacups. After Emperor Jun, Taiyi and Twelve Ancestral Witch all appeared, he immediately greeted him.

Sanqing has gone back.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch is not surprised at this.


Zhu Rong threw the collected karma position to the ground, and said with a big smile: “Brother Duobao, this is a little bit of our heart, so you can accept it.”

Di Jun, Tai Yi looked over and was startled.

Although those karma positions are wrapped in bark, the breath that emanates from them makes them immediately understand what is inside.

“Sure enough, the Wu clan also has corresponding karma positions.” Di Jun looked at the ancestral witches in amazement. He guessed these, but he didn’t guess that the ancestor witches were so powerful that they gave them all the karma positions. out.

“Hey…this seems to be a good way too.” After being surprised, I thought about it too carefully, and it was really good to deal with it this way.

Duobao glanced at his eyes, looked at the ancestral witches with a smile, and shook his head: “Sit down. I am looking for you this time. In fact, there is something to do with you.”

Everyone looked suspiciously, and then sat down.

“What do you think of my simulated prehistoric?” Duobao asked suddenly after taking a sip of tea.

Everyone stayed.

This question… how about the Simulated Flood?

Of course it is very strong, except that the space is not comparable to the prehistoric, other places are already stronger than the prehistoric.

But, can you say this directly?

Di Jun thought about eyes reveal, and after a long time, slowly said: “It’s okay.”

Duobao shook his head: “No, far from it.”

“Simulate a prehistoric land, the universe, and endless creatures, but no one is in charge of the center, the world is unstable, and the order is disordered.”

Everyone looked at each other, what does this mean?

What does Dubao want to say?

Zhu Rong didn’t like to be tempted the most, so he asked directly, “Brother Duobao, what are you trying to say?”

Duobao sighed and looked at the confused people, but also speechless: “Sure enough, I am still not suitable for this kind of divine talk.”

“My simulated prehistoric lacks dominance and order. Are you not the lich overlord?”

Duobao also no longer sells Guanzi, and simply said: “You have been in charge of the world for countless years, and your experience is not bad. Therefore, I intend to ask you to help me manage my simulation prehistoric.”

“Huh?” Everyone was surprised.

“Tianwei, preface… A good ruling power is the foundation for the world to become stronger.”

Duobao explained: “The simulation of the prehistoric famine is based on my simulation of the prehistoric famine.”

“In other respects, it is no different from Honghuang, but there is only this ruling power, but there is no suitable one. Therefore, this time I am looking for you to come and ask for your help.”

Hearing this, Di Jun’s heart trembled, and a deep shock appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he unconsciously looked at the Wu Clan.

At first sight, I saw the shocked eyes of Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, the two great ancestor witches.

Looking for you?

Just such a sentence… seems to contain extraordinary information.

The atmosphere suddenly changed a little bit differently, it was very heavy, everyone was shocked, and they didn’t dare to speak for a while.

“What?” Duobao picked up the teacup, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: “Is it embarrassing? Can’t this help?”

“If it’s really embarrassing, it doesn’t really matter.”

As if he hadn’t noticed the suspicious look of the crowd, Duobao said as usual: “There are actually some people on my side, but they have no experience and are afraid of not doing well.”

“However, if you are really embarrassed, it doesn’t matter.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, don’t be embarrassed.” Hearing this, Di Jiang took a deep look at Duo Bao, and then laughed: “What’s the problem with this, Brother Duo Bao, don’t worry, when we go back, we will find someone to come, this is busy, My witches have helped.”

Di Jun also reacted and quickly said, “The same goes for my monster race.”

“That would be great.” Duobao thanked him: “Come on, please have tea.”

Everyone was like a puppet, and following Dubao’s words, they picked up their tea cups and took a sip.

The refreshing tea fell into the mouth, slowly calming their chaotic mood.

“Houtu Big sis…” Suddenly, Duobao called out.

“Huh?” The God of Hou Tu raised his head unscrupulously, looked at Duobao, and replied blankly.

Duobao stretched out his palm, and there were two black and white spheres on the palm.

“This is for you.” Duobao said.

Houtu stupidly took it, looked at it blankly, did not speak for a long while,

“What is this? Why did you give it to me?” After a long while, Hou Tu just reacted and asked.

Duobao smiled mysteriously: “Just accept it, you will need it in the future.”

As he said, he looked at the many career positions that Zhu Rong had left behind: “Even if it’s a return.”

Di Jun: “Should we send all the jobs here too?”

He was a little jealous. Although he still didn’t know what the black and white ball that Dubao gave to Houtu was, he wanted to know it, it must be extraordinary.

There is no simple thing that comes out of Dubao’s hand.

However, after the heartbeat, he pressed it again.

It’s too late now.



Suddenly, a huge roar came from everyone’s ears.

The loudness of the sound made their ears hum, and they subconsciously covered their ears.

When the people’s spiritual thoughts fell, they immediately discovered its source, which came from the simulated prehistoric created by Duobao.

“Sure enough, something happened.” Duobao seemed to sigh very much and stood up.

“Everyone, are you interested, let me take a look?”

Everyone immediately stood up and nodded together.

Of course they are interested, and they are very curious about what has happened and why such a big change has occurred?


Following Duobao, everyone came to the simulated predicament, watching the five-colored vortex in the center of the world, constantly appearing and colliding, and that huge roar came from it.

Everyone looked at each other, not in doubt, but shocked!

The five-color vortex is the vitality of Five Elements!

Five Elements’ vitality is actually rioting. They collide and attack each other, and the whole world becomes chaotic.

It is hard to imagine that such a thing would happen in the world created by Dubao?

This is not right!

Di Jun secretly said in his heart: “Duo Bao deliberately let us see this?”

With Duobao’s strength, it is impossible for such uncontrollable things to happen to the world he opened up.

Since it has appeared, it means that all these things you see in front of you are controlled by Duobao.

“Why?” Thinking, another question appeared in my mind.

Not only him, but everyone else slowly thought of this.

Duobao ignored the thoughts of other people, walked to the top of the five-colored vortex, and suddenly waved, a magnificent palace suddenly appeared.


With a wave of his hand to the sky, the palace immediately flew up and fell into the sky, and the vast sky appeared, condensed, and fell into the palace.

In an instant, the golden light flashed above the palace, and the original ordinary palace suddenly became like the core of the sky.

The powerful auras fell, falling into the chaotic five-color vortex, extracting the general five-color vortex, and falling onto the palace.

Then, in the palace, five colors of light of gold, red, black, blue and yellow appeared, forming five illusory shadows.

The figure carried a powerful Dao Yun, and as soon as Fang appeared, he immediately took action.

After sorting out the atmosphere of Five Elements, the chaotic Heavenly Emperor was half calmed instantly.

When everyone saw this, there was a sense of enlightenment in their hearts.

Duobao kept his movements, and raised his hand again, a heavy and majestic palace appeared, fell into the ground, and took root, then condensed the power of the earth and absorbed the chaotic Five Elements energy. Soon, half of the remaining Five Elements was collected. The power of Elements, combing is completed.

After the appearance of the two palaces, it didn’t take long to bring the chaotic world back to order.

Moreover, the world after being sorted out again brought an indescribable order to the crowd, calm, smooth and comfortable.

“This is…” Di Jun thoughtfully, glanced at each other with Di Jiang, and nodded together.

“It’s ordering us!”

Di Jiang understood. Although there were still many questions, at this time, there was obviously no need to ask again.

“Make you laugh, something went wrong.”

After sorting out the world, Duobao smiled, walked back, and said to everyone: “Heaven Court, the shrine, in the future the two palaces will be the place where the personnel sent by you will stay.”

“Excuse me.” Duobao said again.

Everyone nodded in shock, looking at the two palaces.

The two palaces alone gave them an unfathomable feeling, vast and majestic. Although they were not as good as the Pangu Palace of the Wu Clan, they were stronger than the Heaven Court of the Demon Clan.

The benefits of being able to survive in such a place are huge!

They can feel this.

Whether it is the Heaven Court or the Shrine, it is not just a palace, but also a collection of heaven and earth and Five Elements authority, in which there are endless Taoism and laws.

Being in it, even if you don’t do anything, you will be nourished by the law and Taoism, and your strength will not be worse than outside penance, or even stronger.

This is where they are looking for help, it is clearly helping them!

In the shock, everyone suddenly didn’t know what to say.

“Um, things are more urgent, you have seen it too.”

When everyone was shocked and wondering what to say is good, Suddenly Duobao said with a little embarrassment: “Heaven Court, there is no one in the temple, you see, do you fill up the two palaces first? ?”

Zhu Rong was impatient, staring at a place in the shrine: “I’m here…”

In that place, he felt a stronger aura than the Vulcan Karma position he had taken out before, and it was more attractive to him.

Almost can’t help but want to rush past.

Dijiang interrupted Zhu Rong and bowed to Duo Bao: “No problem, we will deal with it when we go back.”

After all, without waiting for Zhu Rong to speak, he pulled Zhu Rong, made a look at the other ancestor witches, activated the jade talisman, and retired.

Di Jun did the same, pulling Taiyi, and said to Duobao, pulling Taiyi, and went out.

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