Chapter 350

The spirit of the Twelve Ancestor Witch was shocked, and the first step was completed, which gave them great confidence.

“Then start?”

Di Jiang asked, but the action in his hand had already begun.

Time, space, water, fire, earth… and so on, the twelve laws of Taoism appear in the body.

The twelve capital gods’ evil formations were formed in a flash, and the figure of the twelve ancestor witch disappeared in place, replaced by a great figure.

Pangu is real!

They couldn’t wait, they immediately formed a big formation, called out Pangu’s real body, took one step, and came to the scheduled Karma passage.

“Xiantian era!”

A whisper, with inexplicable power, echoed in the wilderness, and all the creatures seemed to feel the direction of the Wu Clan.

Where, they felt a stalwart existence, powerful and mysterious.

They have not yet seen the figure, but can only feel the breath, but they have completely eliminated the distracting thoughts in their hearts, and there is an inexplicable anticipation in their hearts.

After careful sensing, they found that they didn’t even know what they were expecting, this expectation?

“Xiantian Times…”

The murmur of Pangu’s real body echoed in everyone’s minds. Slowly, everyone understood that the expectation in his heart seemed to be brought by this voice.

Ordinary creatures don’t understand the meaning of these four characters, and their minds are all occupied by these four characters, and they have no other thoughts.

The more powerful creatures can keep themselves from being affected by these four words, and their eyes are full of surprise.

“In the Xiantian era, that direction is the Wu clan… What are they going to do?”

“Pangu’s true body…Are they going to go against the prevalence and continue the Xiantian era?”

Zhundi sighed, admiring and mocking in his eyes.

“At this time, the Lich shouldn’t be so strong…Unfortunately, it seems that because of the mighty power behind Sanqing, I don’t know what to do with the Lich family, and let the Lich reach the limit ahead of time. ”

Zhun Di shook his head slightly, a little envious, but still pity for more.

After Emperor Jun, Taiyi and Twelve Ancestral Witch reappeared, they had discovered that the strength of these people had a huge Ascension before they disappeared.

Although still not as good as Sage, the distance is not much different.

To describe it with a more suitable example… Originally, even if the two groups of Lich had deployed the Universe Star Dou formation and the Twelve Capital Celestial Shame formation, it was difficult to compete with Sage.

And the current two families of Lich, any one of them, the deployment of the Universe Star Dou array or the Twelve Capital Celestial Swords array, is enough to contend with the weakest Sage, even without losing the wind.

That’s right, the weakest Sage refers to Zhudi.

Ascension like this, Zhundi is in his eyes, and envy is also in his eyes…can’t hide it.

He also wants to have such a huge Ascension.

It is a pity that envy belongs to envy, and can only be envied.

This is the chance of the Lich, they can’t get it.

After throwing away the envy, it is pity.

“It’s a pity that it was originally a huge opportunity, but it turned out to be the biggest calamity… the so-called blessings and misfortunes, but that’s it.”

The lead shook his head slightly.

The original strength Ascension is a good thing for the Lich races, but unfortunately, the Lich races Ascension is too fast, and it is too fast to bear it!

The most important thing is that the luck of the Lich races is not enough to support their current strength, so the calamity is here.

As Sage, they saw clearly that after the re-emergence of the Lich races, the Xiantian Spiritual Qi and Monster Qi numbers that could have been supported for a long time were rapidly consumed, and it didn’t take long for the Xiantian era to have a trend of decline.

“It seems that Dijun, Taiyi, Dijiang and others have discovered the ending trend of the Xiantian era… This is a way to save it.”

Zhundi looked at Pangu’s real body formed by the Wu clan, and was a little puzzled in his ridicule: “However, do they think that condensing Pangu’s real body can solve such a problem?”

“What do they want to do?”

“Similar to Pangu god-tier, split chaos? Introduce chaotic energy?”

“Unfortunately, the Xiantian era has fallen into a decline. If it is the real Pangu god-tier, it can be solved, but the Pangu body summoned by the witch clan is too far away from the real Pangu god-tier, not enough!”

With that said, Zhundi didn’t feel sad for herself either.

Pangu in this trivial area is really unable to solve the Lich’s current problem, but it is enough to fight him indiscriminately.

As Sage, being caught up by the existence under Sage is really not a very happy thing.

“They don’t seem to be trying to split the chaos…” The lead watched carefully and saw that the action target of Pangu’s real body called by the Witch Clan seemed to be not the chaos they had expected, so he couldn’t help turning his eyes to them. The Karma channel that was formed by a lot of effort before.

They had discovered this passage before, but they didn’t understand, why did the Lich races do this?

Spreading divine thoughts and heading towards the Karma channel, he was immediately forced back by a magnificent breath, a dangerous feeling passed into my heart, and subconsciously, the divine thoughts were taken back.

He knew that this was a warning issued to him by the power represented by the Karma channel.

If he wanted to force the investigation, he would be attacked immediately…From the dangerous feeling in his heart, he didn’t dare to do it anymore.

“Where does that passage lead?”

Zhundi also looked at the Karma Passage, and eyes reveal thought: “If the Wu Clan’s goal is not chaos, and there is this Karma Passage… Is it their goal that the Karma Passage leads to?”

After hearing Zhundi’s words, he was taken aback for a while, and then suddenly said: “Maybe, is that the case?”

“With the current strength of Dijun and the others, they can perceive the decline of the Xiantian era, and naturally they can understand that relying on the energy of the chaotic energy, it is impossible to reverse this trend!”

“But they are still acting now. Their goal is not chaos, but the place where the Karma passage leads…Perhaps, in their opinion, that place is enough to solve their current problem!”

According to the thoughts in his mind, he said slowly, combining various information before and after.

After speaking, he himself was shocked.

This seems very possible!

This seems to be able to explain the behavior of the two groups of Lich.

It’s just…Where does the Karma channel lead? It can solve the current problems of the Lich race?

Receiving and Zhundi looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

“That mighty man is too partial to them too!”

After a while, Zhundi clapped his hands angrily, very unwilling.

After guessing the general truth of the matter, I think about it again, and there is no need to explore a lot of things, and naturally there will be an answer.

The Karma passage blocked their exploration, preventing them from moving anymore, unable to detect the place leading to it behind… However, combining the clues before and after, they roughly guessed it.

“Does he want to help the Lich completely become the protagonist of heaven and earth, and reverse the prevalence?” Zhundi said unwillingly.

He didn’t want the two families of Lich to always occupy the prehistoric world.

Because the two groups of Lich have their own beliefs, Dijun, Taiyi, Twelve Ancestor Witch, Pangu, are their beliefs.

They would not believe in other existences at all.

In this case, their Western teaching would naturally not be able to develop!

It is too powerful to rely on foreign objects, and does not pin its hopes on any creature… Such a race is simply not suitable for missionary work.

If the two families of Lich really become the protagonists of heaven and earth, then there will be no way for the great religion they established to develop!

This is something they absolutely cannot tolerate!

“Sanqing…Don’t they just leave it alone?” Zhundi thought, and couldn’t help saying.

Sanqing also established the Great Religion, and the Lich Clan also won’t let the Great Religion established by them develop.

That great power is the person behind the Sanqing, can they tolerate the Lich race completely becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth?

Looking towards Kunlun, there is nothingness, even as his Sage, he can’t detect any information in Kunlun at all.

“They…probably not?” Sui Ying said uncertainly.

The establishment of the Dajiao in the Sanqing Dynasty also needs development, and it also needs a protagonist in the world that can allow them to establish a Dajiao to develop and spread rapidly.

There is no doubt that the Lich races are definitely not suitable, and the Human race is the existence that best suits their interests.

But if the Lich clan truly becomes the protagonist of the heaven and the earth, nothing will happen to the Nobody clan. Judging from the power displayed by the Lich clan now, once the position of the protagonist of the heaven and the earth is fixed, it will be difficult to change it. .

As a result, the lead is even more puzzled: “Why?”

Zhundi also looked in the direction where Kunlun was. He couldn’t see Kunlun, but he still remembered the original location of Kunlun.

“What are they trying to do?” Zhundi looked angry.

Among Kunlun, Sanqing was also watching the changes in the prehistoric world at this time, and each watched attentively.

Such a big move of the Lich races, one careless one would cause chaos, they must watch it carefully, just in case.

Tai Shang: “The Lich seems to have discovered the situation in the Xiantian era. They want to reverse the trend!”

Yuan Yuan nodded, then looked at Tongtian: “What does Duobao mean? Do you know?”

Of course, it is not in their interest for the two families of Lich to become the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Standing in their position, they definitely don’t want the Lich family to reverse the trend and completely occupy the protagonist of the world.

It’s just that they know more than receiving and quasi dike.

With the power of the current Lich races, there is no way to reverse it. The most important thing is Duobao.

The Lich races don’t have this strength, Dubao has it.

If he is willing, he can naturally reverse this trend, which is not difficult for him.

“I don’t know!” Tongtian shook his head slowly: “Speaking of reason, it shouldn’t be!”

Tongtian was very puzzled. He knew how good Duobao was to the human race.

It’s impossible for Dubao not to know what changes will be brought about by turning the Lich races into the protagonist of heaven and earth… If Dubao’s previous performance is concerned, he should not support the Lich to stand firm. The person who is the protagonist of heaven and earth is right.

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