Chapter 349

In Baoshan, just converge and restore the ordinary, but from the outside, there is no trace of extraordinary aura.

Duobao was stunned, and felt a powerful Karma falling on him in an instant. With a distraction, he was dragged by Karma, rushed out of Kunlun, entered the prehistoric, and fell on an altar in an instant.

All the ancestors opened their eyes together, and their eyes were shocked, puzzled, and aghast.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi also widened their eyes, looking at the fuzzy figure that appeared on the altar.

Although they couldn’t see his face clearly, the familiar breath and feeling on his body made them immediately ascertain the identity of the figure.


The eyes of the two of them instantly changed very strangely, looking at the twelve ancestor witch, there was a sentence in their hearts, I don’t know whether to say it or not!

Isn’t it just Pangu god-tier?

Why did it suddenly become Duobao?

Apart from Pangu god-tier, can Dubao also let you surrender so willingly?

Shouldn’t it?

Based on their understanding of the ancestors, they can sigh and admit that they are far behind Duobao, but to make their death easy, but to make them surrender… that’s harder than killing them!

Even if it is Duobao, they don’t believe that the ancestors witches will surrender!

“In the end what happened?”

After Di Jun was surprised, he keenly saw the astonishment in the eyes of the ancestor witches, astonished and at a loss.

Obviously, this sudden change also exceeded their expectations.

Di Jun was sure that his previous feelings were correct. The ancestors of the Witch tribe were offering sacrifices to the Pangu god-tier, not Duobao.

Just don’t know what happened, suddenly Dubao appeared!

The original target of the sacrifice was instantly replaced by Duobao.

“…” Duobao was suffering from a toothache, feeling the astonishment of Dijun, Taiyi and Twelve Ancestor Witches, staring in amazement and surprise, he was also speechless, what he wanted to say, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

“What’s all this!” he secretly said in his heart.

Di Jun and the others didn’t know what happened, because they were not strong enough, and they didn’t notice the secret movement.

But he knew it.

It was indeed the Pangu god-tier that the Wu tribe sacrificed, and it was indeed awake, but at the moment it woke up, for some reason, the object of the Wu tribe sacrifice was changed to himself by the way of Karma.

In addition, during this process, Duobao turned out to be vague, but he didn’t have time to resist.

After he really reacted, it was done, and there was no way to change it.

“As for?”

Duobao was helpless, he just wanted to see Pangu god-tier!

He felt that Pangu was really avoiding him on purpose!

“It’s not necessarily… Maybe he simply doesn’t want to show up?”

Duobao comforted himself in his heart.

This may not be the truth… but, at least, he will feel better.

The power of the sacrificial ritual was launched, and Karma was involved, and the power was separated from Duobao. It flowed out like water, turned into a black mist, and slowly fell on the body of the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

The power of the Twelve Ancestor Witches suddenly increased, ascension at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, they have far surpassed their original strength, Realm…At this time, they should have mobilized the Karma of the body and the energy sea, and then increased the Karma like this, and fixed the foundation and position of the energy sea.

It’s just that the twelve ancestor witches at this time are all blinded…Stupidly staying in place, like a woodcarving.

How to do?

The sacrificial objects suddenly changed, they were a little confused at first, and then the objects became Duobao…Even if it was Daozu Hongjun, they wouldn’t be as embarrassed as they are now.

At least Daozu Hongjun is not the master of the energy sea!

They originally coveted the existence of the energy sea, and everything they are doing now is to open up the channel between the energy sea and the prehistoric.

However, the object of sacrifice became Duobao, the master of the energy sea.

It felt like a thief had entered the owner’s house and wanted to steal something, and suddenly the owner appeared and stood by, watching them do it, even holding the necessary tools in his hand, waiting to be handed to them.

It feels…social Death means!

For a while, everyone didn’t know what to do?

The power in the body slowly flowed out and fell on the ancestor witches, and Duobao did not stop it.

He has become a sacrificial object, so many treasures of the Lich race are now piled in his Kunlun Manor.

Taking other people’s things… can it be turned back?

Moreover, the behaviors of the two groups of Lich were tacitly approved by him. Now, although there are some changes, they will naturally not be prevented.

“Go on, don’t care about me.”

Duobao sent a thought.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a moment, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really too embarrassing, but there was no way. They gave up on other things, but this matter alone, definitely couldn’t give up.


Di Jun sighed and winked at Di Jiang.

Di Jiang nodded, there is nothing left, what else can be done now?

Go ahead, how can you still give up?


With the help of the power obtained from the sacrifice of Duobao, the power of the ancestors disperses into the body, and the self-existence enters the infinite, searching for itself and the Karma of the energy sea in the infinite.

It didn’t take long, but Karma, the size of a grain of rice, was found by him.

In an instant, all the power fell into it. Gradually, the rice-like Karma grew rapidly, like an inflated balloon, Ascension at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Karma is an intangible thing, it exists in the infinite.

All things are divided into tangible and intangible, which exist and exist and are not.

A room represents the material world that can be seen with the naked eye. All living beings and all tangible things live in the room.

Wujian represents intangible things, all intangible things, such as Karma, karma, destiny, etc., etc., many intangible things are in intangibility.

Only when its quantity reaches a certain level, the quantitative change produces a qualitative change, and then it breaks through and enters the space before it can be seen by the naked eye.

In addition, magic power, Taoism, supernatural powers and many other methods are also capable of turning infinite objects into intervening objects.

Many magical powers that focus on eye consciousness, such as the heavenly eye, the wisdom eye, the Buddha eye, the magic eye, etc., are able to directly see the infinite things.

The same is true for many legendary methods of watching qi and looking for luck. Through supernatural powers and Taoism, observation is uninterrupted.

There is room, and the room is like two sides of one body, representing the tangible and the intangible, which fit perfectly.

Any creature has an uninterrupted side, which is unified with its actions, and changes with the actions of intervening creatures.

Representing the existence of its intangibles, it will also be in the corresponding position of Wujian.

For example, life span, destiny, luck, good and evil, blessings and misfortunes… etc., are all in their corresponding infinitesimals.

In theory, as long as the supernatural powers are strong enough and the Taoism is deep, you can see its corresponding infinite things.

It’s just that the stronger the creatures that are in between correspond to the things that are infinite, the deeper they hide and the stronger they are. They also have their own dignity and are not strong enough. They should not be rushed to watch, otherwise they will be backlashed.

Karma, between the ancestral witches and the sea of ​​energy, was drawn from the twelve ancestral witches and appeared in the existence.

At the beginning, it was like a ball, the size of a football, and it quickly and rapidly became bigger, and gradually became a huge Karma the size of a football field.

“Good luck!”

Di Jiang took a deep breath and secretly said in his heart.

Originally in his estimation, this process will not be as smooth as this, at least not so fast, to reach this level.

“Is it because of Dubao?”

Unconsciously, Dijiang glanced at Duobao on the altar quietly.

The figure is hazy, with supreme power of its own, and the heart of Wang is shaken, without the slightest distracting thoughts.

It feels like a supreme god, so you can’t get a glimpse of it.

But Dijiang could vaguely sense that Duobao at this time seemed a little depressed?

“What’s this!”

Dijiang felt right, Duobao at this time was indeed a little depressed.

Karma, who originally seduced the sea of ​​energy, was absolutely impossible to go so smoothly.

This is also a test for the two clans of the Lich.

However, because the object of sacrifice was changed to him, the Twelve Ancestral Witch gained his power, and the energy sea did not repel. The Karma produced by its correspondence not only did not repel, but was still actively cooperating.

This greatly reduced the difficulty of the trip for the Lich family.

This is inconsistent with his original plan!

However, he didn’t have any idea to change all of this.

In itself, this calamity has already been established. Whether the Lich Clan can break through and regain the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth depends on their own efforts, strength, and calculations.

Although there were some changes in the process, they also relied on their own power to attract his appearance… This is also a skill, and it can be regarded as their luck.

“It seems that the lich’s luck is not small…but this is only the beginning. What follows depends on whether you can make it through!”

Dubao’s thoughts flashed in his mind, watching silently, neither helping nor stopping.

Because of his power, Karma changed quickly. It didn’t take long for Karma to be strong to the limit, completely motivating the sea of ​​energy far away in the dark trial field, the second stage starry sky.



A huge roar and successive sounds of running water sounded, and an illusion appeared in everyone’s mind. It was a huge, boundless huge ocean.

“It’s done!”

Di Jun squeezed his fist in surprise, a little excited.

Things went much smoother than they thought. Even the back hand he had prepared was useless, and the basic Karma channel had already taken shape.

It went so smoothly in the beginning, which is definitely a good sign.

The Karma passage was fixed, and the Twelve Ancestor Witch slowly dissipated the technique of sacrifice, the black altar above his head disappeared, and Duobao’s figure also slowly disappeared.

The powerful blood returned to the body of the ancestor witches.

Everything is settled.

“Now that the Karma channel is set, the next thing to do is to use it as a basis to completely open up this channel!”

When the twelve ancestor witch fell, Di Jun’s expression was solemn, and he said slowly.

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