Chapter 351 Heaven and Earth Bottleneck

“The development of our three religions is still second. After Xiantian’s merits are given to Duobao, we all use Duobao’s luck to get the three corpses into one and prove Sage.”

“The influence of Dajiao on us is not big… It’s just that Dubao’s behavior, will other problems arise?” Primitive thought, and slowly said, “Will he be in danger?”

After all, this is a great trend, Heavenly Dao’s accomplishment… Sage didn’t dare to go against it, and Dubao’s actions like this were obviously already going against the general trend… Although he knew his strength, he was still a little worried after all.

Too on eyes reveal thinking: “It should not be, you forgot, Master said before that Duobao is called by Heavenly Dao, as long as he is not destroying heaven and earth, Heavenly Dao will not take action against him.”

“There should be no danger, but I don’t know what his purpose is for doing this?”

“Really help the Lich to continue the Xiantian era?”

Primitive’s heart was a little wider, and he turned to look to the west, and suddenly smiled: “We are nothing, but the two in the west should be anxious now!”

Although they were established and sanctified, the essence of them was the sanctification of the three corpses.

In order to be sanctified, they established a great religion, and because of their lack of merit, they also borrowed a lot of merit from Heavenly Dao, only then reluctantly used the merit to prove the way.

Heavenly Dao’s merits are not borrowed for nothing, but need to be repaid.

They must use the great teachings they have established to earn merit and achieve the great aspirations they made when they established the teachings.

If this is not the case, when the loan period expires, they will immediately be cast down…this is still the lightest!

What’s more serious is that after taking the holy throne, they have Karma with Heavenly Dao. If they can’t repay it, there will be endless karma immediately. Karma is produced, enough to make them irresistible!

To do this, Western religion must develop, and even lead the birth and death of a certain amount of calamity, and spread Western religion throughout the endless common people.

The Lich races are not suitable for preaching, but the Human race is the most suitable.

The human race has a low foundation and a high upper limit. It is more plastic than other races. It is best to guide, seduce, and is most suitable for missionary work.

Therefore, those two talents in the West are the ones who most want Human Race to become the protagonist of heaven and earth!

Now, with Dubao doing this, Yuan could almost think of the scene where the two were furious at this time!

“Puff chuff~”

Thinking, thinking, he couldn’t help laughing.


The original laughter stopped, looked at Tongtian who suddenly stood up, and asked in confusion: “Tongtian, what are you doing?”

“Go to Duobao.” Tongtian replied: “Go and ask him what his purpose is, whether this matter is still too dangerous… Just ask just in case.”

After explaining a sentence, Tongtian had already strode towards the door, and was about to walk out of the door.

Tai Shang, Yuan looked at each other and stood up one after another: “Go together, go together.”

Indeed, after Tongtian said so, the two also felt wrong.

Although it is possible that Dubao had his own consideration, and because of Daozu Hongjun’s previous words, there should not be much danger, but the three of them were still a little worried.

After leaving the Caolu, the three of them arrived at Kunlun Manor.

At the entrance of the manor, Duobao had already walked out. After the three of them appeared, he immediately saluted: “Disciple Duobao, see Master, Master, and Second Master.”

Seeing Duobao’s appearance, the three were a little surprised. Thinking about it carefully, it wasn’t that strange.

Duobao’s strength has surpassed them. Although I don’t know how much he has surpassed, it is not so strange to be able to perceive their arrival.

“Duobao, I ask you, what do you want to help the Lich race this time?” Tongtian asked impatiently.

Duobao bowed: “In this matter, please also ask respected Master, Uncle Master, and Uncle Second Master to go in, and Duobao will explain it in detail.”

As he said, he faced the door, stretched out his hand to lead the way, and led the way: “Master, Master, Second Master, come with me.”

Sanqing glanced at each other, seeing Dubao’s calm and relaxed appearance, and also eliminated the worries in his heart, followed him, and followed him into the Kunlun Manor.

After entering the manor, Duobao came to the wind pavilion in his light car and asked the three teachers to take a seat, and then took out the best cloud tea and brewed it.

“Master, Uncle Master, Uncle Second, it’s like this…”

While making tea, Duobao explained: “It doesn’t matter who plays the protagonist of the world, as long as it can help the world grow.”

Sanqing looked at each other and was very surprised. What does this mean?

Why don’t they understand?

I wanted to ask, but when I thought of my own teacher status, I couldn’t speak.

Fortunately, afterwards, Duobao explained: “The prehistoric world is constantly expanding, and the number and strength of the creatures are all part of the power of the world.”

“The stronger the creatures, the greater the number, the stronger the prehistoric world will be!”

“This is the fundamental aspect of the prehistoric world!”

“In addition, the avenues set up by Master, Master, Second Master and other Sages are also important pillars that support the strengthening of the prehistoric world!”

Sanqingting’s heart was shocked, isn’t it?

Why don’t they know?

It turns out that the avenue they set up still has such an effect?

“However, the prehistoric world is vast and infinite, and the living beings are even harder to count, but the way of cultivation is really too difficult.”

When the cloud tea was brewed, Duobao stopped his words, and respectfully placed three cups of tea in front of Sanqing: “Master, uncle master, uncle second teacher, please taste the new cloud tea cultivated by the disciples. How does it taste?”

Sanqing was interrupted when he heard the attention, and felt a little irritable in his heart.

It’s not that their mood Cultivation Base is not enough, it is indeed what Dubao said, it is indeed beyond their cognition, it is a new point of knowledge.

It’s still hard to say because of the status of teacher.

Glancing at each other, he was a little helpless, and took a sip from his teacup in disregard of style.

In an instant, a sensation of coolness like water passed through the mouth, and after a round in the mouth, it fell into the body and passed into the mind.

In an instant, the original irritable mood suddenly changed again, the mind was clear, all kinds of obsessions, distracting thoughts, did not disappear, but no longer had an impact on them.

Sanqing was even more surprised, lowered his head and looked at the tea in his hand somewhat inconceivably.

It’s incredible that this little tea can wash their minds like Sage!

“Duobao’s strength has become stronger again!”

There was a thought in Sanqing’s heart.

At this moment, I heard Duobao continue to say: “The people who want to become stronger, establish the way, the number and strength of creatures, these are the two foundations.”

“However, for the people who can establish the way, how many people can do it after removing a few Sages?”

“As for the number and strength of creatures…there are many, but not many are strong.”

Duobao also took a sip of tea slowly, feeling the refreshing tea flowing between his lips and teeth, and the coolness spread all over his body, unspeakably comfortable.

Sanqing watched quietly, although he was surprised in his heart, but he was not irritable anymore, quietly waiting for Duobao to continue.

“If you want to come to the strength of Master, Master and Second Master, you should know that there are limits to the primordial world.”

After hearing this, Sanqing glanced at each other again…Do we know? Should we know?

But… we really don’t know!

The prehistoric world also has its limits…this is the first time they have heard of it.

“After reaching the limit, the world will no longer expand, it is difficult to Ascension!”

“It’s like a cultivator encounters a bottleneck and needs a breakthrough in the bottleneck to continue the strength of Ascension.”

Duobao said slowly, as if he didn’t see the growing surprise in Sanqing’s eyes: “It’s just a cultivator bottleneck breakthrough. Although it is difficult, it can still be breakthrough.”

“You only need to constantly temper yourself, Ascension own foundation, Taoism, supernatural powers, Taoism, slowly, even the water mill can grind out some bottleneck!”

“But what about the prehistoric world?”

“When a cultivator encounters a bottleneck, it can be polished with water. How to polish it away?”

Sanqing was surprised and shocked, and finally couldn’t help it. Tongtian asked, “What should I do then?”

“If it can’t be worn away, what will be the consequences?”

Sanqing stared at Duobao tightly, and it was because of the effect of Yuncha that the three of them could still be so calm.

If there was no Yuncha, the three of them would have already jumped up.

These words have almost shaken the foundation of the three of them. As long as they are people with normal IQ, they will naturally be able to see the true situation of Sanqing.

However, Duobao’s expression remained unchanged, and once again filled the three teachers with tea, and then continued: “The great calamity, the measuring calamity, the immeasurable calaming.”

It’s not that he didn’t understand the situation of Sanqing, after he understood his own cognitive errors and his own strength, he already understood the strength of Sanqing and his own strength.

It’s just that if you leave faces for the three teachers, it’s not easy to say it bluntly, and some of the things are wrong.

“How do you say?” Tai Shang suddenly took a deep look at Duo Bao, calmed down and asked.

“To reach the limit of the wild world, it needs to be like a cultivator, the foundation of Ascension, the foundation of Ascension.”

“The Great Tribulation, the Quantum Tribulation are all used by the prehistoric world as an Ascension own method!”

“Clean karma, Karma, rearrange your own situation…work hard for the breakthrough bottleneck!”

Hearing this, Primordial frowned involuntarily: “No, the catastrophe, under the tribulation, there are countless dead creatures, which do more harm than good to the prey…How is its Ascension own means?”

Taishang and Tongtian also looked at Duobao.

The primitive is right. Every time the great calamity of the Primordial Land is, there are too many dead creatures under the calamity. How can it be said that it is harmful to the prehistoric world?

Facing the original question, Duobao calmly said: “The two evils have the right to take the lesser!”

Sanqing frowned, as if he understood it, and it didn’t seem to be that clear. After thinking for a while, he looked at Duobao together, waiting for his explanation.

“Karma, Karma.”

Duobao clicked, and immediately made Sanqing stunned.

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