Chapter 348 Pangu god-tier reappears?

From this point of view, it seems that the monster clan is inferior to the witch clan.

Actually not!

The witches don’t cultivate the soul, don’t use tomorrow’s machine, let alone use spirit treasures, Magic Treasures, so many things don’t know how to use them, so they are lost in the treasure house.

The monster clan is different. The monster clan has a large number and understands the secret. Even if you don’t understand it, you can count it. If you try it again, you can find the usage of most of the things.

Therefore, the consumption of the treasure is really big enough, but the Wu clan is not that big.

Apart from this difference, in fact, the current strength of the two groups of Lich is still the same.

Even the Wu Clan is a little stronger.

The treasures are all in place, the ancestors and witches are on the high platform, inspiring the true meaning of the sacrifice, the twelve blood Qi rises from the ascending of the heads of the twelve people, and condenses and merges into one, turning into a huge altar at the top of the head. .

A strange black air flew out from the altar, and fell towards the treasures.

The black air is very strange, with an indescribable feeling, which makes people feel very bad…There is a kind of urge to fly forward and plunge into it.

Emperor Jun and Tai looked solemn and retreated together.

The black energy fell on Baoshan, and then, a dark and strange passage was formed, and countless treasures appeared on the altar along the passage.

The altar is not big. Compared to Baoshan, it is more than ten times smaller.

But the baby has been involved in one-tenth, but in the altar, it still looks so empty. It seems that there is a huge space in it, infinitely vast, and it can’t be filled.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi was looking at himself, suddenly his hair was horrified, and a chill rose in his heart.

The two couldn’t help looking at the altar, their pupils shrank rapidly, and they felt great danger.

Almost subconsciously, the two of them were about to retreat, but when they were about to move, they reacted, resisted the discomfort in their hearts, stayed in place, and looked at the altar in shock.

“Is this the sacrificial technique of the witch tribe?”

Di Jun’s heart shook, and they always knew each other’s final trump card, that the demon clan was the demon formation, and the witch clan was the sacrifice.

However, they have never seen the real use of the opponent’s hole cards like this.

Before, it was all the liches who worked together, and they didn’t need it.

A single hole card is not as good as the combined force of the two families.

But judging from the current situation, sure enough, like his monster clan, the witch clan’s hole cards surpassed the power of a single clan.

“There seems to be a powerful presence on the altar… he is being awakened!”

Taiyi stared at the altar tightly, and suddenly said in a deep voice.

On the altar, he perceives a powerful and terrifying existence of a party. As the sacrifice goes on, he seems to be awakened by the witches from a long sleep.

“This is the sacrifice?” Di Jun also felt this way, looking thoughtfully.

“Is it Pangu god-tier?”

The two looked at each other and both had the same guess.

With the strength, identity, and character of the Wu Clan, the only one who can make them sacrifice and can withstand their sacrifice is probably the only one.

Even Hongjun Taoist ancestor can’t do it. It’s not that he can’t bear it, but because of the character of the witch clan, he will never sacrifice to Dao ancestor Hongjun.

“Is it sacrificed to Pangu god-tier to gain the power of Pangu god-tier?”

Taiyi gradually understood, and suddenly said something.

No wonder that everything can be done, if the object is Pangu god-tier, then it is understandable.

What can’t Pangu god-tier do?

The sacrifice is slowly disappearing, and the existence that seems to have been asleep for a long time is slowly waking up.

In a trance, a powerful Dao Yun appeared at some point and fell within this ten thousand li area, making Di Jun and Tai Yi’s heart unconsciously heavier.

That is a strong force, with their current strength, when they feel it, a wave of powerlessness can’t help but rise in their hearts.

It’s really too strong to match!

Di Jun silently calculated in his heart the gap between the power of the monster race after the Universe Star Dou array was not deployed… the answer is obvious, there is still a gap!

This power has exceeded the power of the Universe star formation.

“I’m afraid it is necessary to use the demon array to carry many laws, true meaning, and then use this to lay the Universe star battle array?” Di Jun secretly asked in his heart.

In the starry sky of the demon race, many demon races stand on the endless star, condense the power of the star, and wait secretly.

The true rhyme of the Universe star battle array has been laid out, and everything is ready to be completed.

Fuxi and Kunpeng stood in the starry sky and waited silently.

Both the Lich races have made final preparations. Once the power of the witch race is not enough, then the witch race Universe star battle array will immediately activate, activate, and bless the witch race. Make sure to open the channel to the energy sea.

While waiting silently, the two suddenly raised their heads together, looking in the direction of the wild land, their expressions changed.

Fuxi: “It’s so scary…it seems that there is something supreme being awakening?”

Kunpeng narrowed his eyes slightly and felt it carefully: “This power has surpassed Sage. I am sure of this.”

“It hasn’t woken up yet, it’s already so powerful… if it really does wake up?”

Fuxi was in a heavy heart: “Is there such a terrifying existence in the predicament?”

“Is it the remaining Chaos Demon God? Or…”

Kunpeng shook his head and said solemnly: “No, it should not be.”

“The Chaos Demon God was almost dead at the beginning, and those who didn’t die, it is estimated that they have all gone to Chaos.”

“Don’t forget, this is a prehistoric era, and everything that does not belong to the prehistoric period can hardly exist in the prehistoric period.”

“If you stay in the wilderness forcibly, you will be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao, and will be accompanied by all kinds of bad luck.”

“What Chaos Demon God is so not afraid of death, who had survived by chance, and dared to stay in the wilderness… I really can’t think of it, and it shouldn’t be like this?”

After speaking, Kunpeng took a closer look, and then said: “That direction is the direction of the Wu Clan Pangu Temple…it should be the Wu Clan.”

“Witch…” After Kunpeng said this, Fuxi also suddenly remembered that there was another trick from the Wuzu that they hadn’t seen before.

Actually is not deliberately hidden, it’s just the problem that I faced before, it doesn’t work at all.

“Sacrifice…so this is the object of ritual sacrifice by the Wu tribe…”

“It turns out that their method of sacrificial rites is to face this great existence in exchange for powerful power?”

Fuxi said slowly, and it became clear gradually: “But who is it?”

“The witches who have always been proud to make sacrifices can make them bow their heads willingly…”

After speaking, he suddenly paused, and exchanged gazes with Kunpeng’s eyes, nodded in unison, and said in unison: “Pangu god-tier!”

This is not a question that is hard to guess the answer.

“That’s it.” Kunpeng let out a long sigh.

“Sure enough, the Witch Clan is the Witch Clan…”

Fuxi also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Honghuang really had other such powerful existences…we were already thinking about how to deal with it.

Since it is Pangu god-tier, it’s okay.

In Kunlun Manor, a water curtain appeared in front of Duobao, and in the water curtain, it was the scene outside the Pangu Great Hall of the Wu clan.

The big piercing eyes stared at the scene in the water curtain closely, with anticipation in their eyes.

“Pangu god-tier… should you come out this time?”

When the witch sacrificial method appeared, he already knew it.

Since knowing that Pangu god-tier is not dead, he has always wanted to see Pangu god-tier.

However, even though he, as the rule Sage, used various methods, the Pangu god-tier seemed to have really fallen, and he couldn’t find it at all.

All that can be found are the back players left by him… I should say that Pangu left a lot of back players.

No way, even though he wanted to see him, Pangu obviously didn’t want to see him, even deliberately avoiding him.

He can only be regarded as an incomplete rule Sage now, Pangu is really hiding, and he can’t find it.

The last hope is only the sacrificial method of the Wu clan.

Moreover, there is a saying that Duobao also left a lot of backhands in the dark trial field.

If the Wu Clan can come up with such a method of sacrifice, it is hard to say whether it was influenced by him.

The sacrifices are still declining, and the Pangu god-tier, who seems to be sleeping, has gradually become stronger and clearer.

In a daze, perceiving all the existence of this breath, an illusion appeared in his mind almost at the same time.

A great being, sleeping quietly, suddenly his eyelids tremble, and his speed slowly increases. It seems that he is about to open his eyes and wake up at The next moment.

Duobao was even more excited, holding his breath, and even stopped breathing instantly, feeling nervous and expectant, waiting for the appearance of Pangu god-tier.

“Pangu god-tier…I can finally see you!”

“It’s not easy!”

It didn’t take long for all the sacrifices to disappear. The stalwart existence, Pangu god-tier’s eyelids, finally opened for the first time after shaking for a long time.


In an instant, the entire predicament was trembling, endless Taoism appeared, golden flowers from the earth, and rain from the sky… Spiritual Qi was turbulent, and all kinds of mysteries fell like rain.

“Pangu god-tier, finally…”

Duobao was anxious and stood up and rushed over.


There was another roar, the wild world was calmed down instantly, and all the visions disappeared in an instant.

What was different from the previous one was that the roar this time just appeared in Dubo’s mind, and he was so excited that he, who had already stepped out with one foot… settled in place.

It was not a movement technique, it was just a sudden change that made him unable to move.

Pangu god-tier disappeared. When he opened his eyes, there was no movement at all, and disappeared in an instant.

Following this, countless treasures fell like rain, forming a huge mountain in Kunlun Manor.

Dao Yun circulates, fragments of the law appear, and the magnificent precious light shines, towards this area, showing the existence of own, with great momentum.

However, its shining time was not long, and soon, a more powerful force appeared.

In Kunlun Manor, the mountains and rivers, flowers and grasses, pavilions, towers and pavilions, shining together, gathered into a more powerful force, and instantly suppressed the power of Baoshan!

All visions came to an abrupt end!

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