Chapter 345 Star Fruit Tree

“Dage is talking about the sacrificial technique of the Witch tribe?” Too suddenly realized.

In the Dark Proving Grounds, the two groups of Lich gained great gains, and the biggest gain was that the two clans each created powerful methods that belonged to their own races.

The monster race is formation, and the power of the monster race is gathered through formation.

The witches are sacrifices. They use themselves as the source of sacrifices. They can obtain all kinds of incredible powers by offering sacrifices to other things.

“That’s right.” Dijun nodded: “I have been in the dark trial grounds of both the Lich clan, and spent a lot of time in the sea of ​​energy, and they have produced Karma instead.”

“Although Dubao is too powerful, the Karma made does not distinguish between good and evil, and does not generate any power, but after all, it is a connection.”

“This connection is not enough for us to open up the passage to the energy sea, but it is a seed.”

“Using the power of the witch sacrificial rites, increasing this connection can form the foundation of the channel linking the land and the sea of ​​energy… Then, we can find a way to open up the channel on this basis.”

Di Jun’s explanation is simple and easy to understand, and you can understand it too soon.

“In this case, it is indeed feasible.”

“Just, will the Wu Clan help?”

They have now returned to the prehistoric land, each in charge of the world. Although they don’t have the rivalries and hatreds they used to have, they are still rivals… not in the dark trial field. This is beneficial to his monster race. Will the wizard race be willing to help?

“This matter, they can’t be ignored.” Di Jun’s eyes flashed: “The Xiantian era is really going to fall, and it’s not just my monster clan that affects him, can his witch clan escape?”

“Yeah…” Taiyi realized that the Xiantian era represented not only his demons, but also the witches.

They were busy all this for a long time, and the Wu Clan didn’t take any action… After thinking about it, he always felt that the Yao Clan was working for the Wu Clan.

“Walk around, go to the Wu Clan, and settle accounts with them… It’s obviously the problem of our two clan, why didn’t they even show their faces?”

Too impulsive!

Di Jun narrowed his eyes slightly: “It’s not to blame them. Now, I’m afraid they can’t take care of themselves.”

“Huh?” Too confused, he reacted after a while and nodded: “Indeed, it should be the same.”

The problem in the Xiantian era is not just the monsters, but also the witches.

In the sky above the Ninth Stage of his demon race, there is a whirlpool that swallows Spiritual Qi. Isn’t there any problem with the witch race?

“Let’s go, go and see what happened in the Wu Clan?”


“The Lich Age has reached its peak early because of my intervention.”

In the Kunlun Manor, Emperor Jun and Taiyi left, and Duobao was still drinking tea slowly: “This is a good thing and a bad thing.”

“The pond has not turned into the sea. The fish in the pond has become a real dragon.”

“The real dragon is shallow, how can we tolerate the real dragon?”

“Either the real dragon is trapped in the pond, or the pond is turned into the sea… This is a problem that the Lich family must face now.”

The clear tea dropped into the body little by little along the throat, and his mind was like a wave of clear water, clear and translucent.

“If they can break through, the Xiantian era will continue, and the prehistoric world will also benefit greatly.”

“If you can’t break through… the Lich Age is over, the next calamity…begins.”

In Dubao’s dark pupils, strange colors flashed.

That’s right, although the problem faced by the Lich this time was not created by him, it was also carried out under his imperceptible impetus.

Otherwise, with his ability, it is enough to easily extend the Xiantian era for a long time.

However, that is his ability, not the ability of the Lich.

It’s the age of Liches, and they are the protagonists.

If you want to become a real hegemon of heaven and earth, if these things are not allowed to be solved by themselves, then what kind of hegemon and protagonist?

“The idea of ​​​​the energy sea is good… but it is really not that easy to do it!”

Duobao whispered softly.

The energy sea is in the second stage starry sky of the dark trial field.

Kunlun is blocked from outside, simulating the prehistoric, the first stage starry sky of the dark trial field.

It is really not easy not to follow the Kunlun road and to open up another road.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly shook his head: “These things are not easy, and they must also face them. If they can break through, they will break through, and if they can’t, they will give up their position… This is nothing, it’s just a matter of course. .”

Putting his thoughts aside, Duobao looked at the Star fruit tree on the side and waved his hand. The Star fruit tree shrank automatically and fell into his hand. It was only the size of a palm, and it looked a little exquisite and exquisite.

“It contains the Star law, imprints the stars of the heavens, and comes with Star luck… It’s a good baby!”

Duobao carefully looked at the Star Fruit Tree.

Star fruit tree is a combination of Xiantian’s immortal aura and Star Qi luck. It contains the law of Star. It should be at least the best Xiantian Spiritual Roots. Other laws rushed in, messed up luck, and became the top-grade Xiantian Spiritual Roots, not as good as the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots.

Generally speaking, as Xiantian Spiritual Roots, it means scarce and powerful, and the fruits that it produces are not ordinary, but very few.

For example, ginseng fruit will bloom in three thousand years, bear fruit in three thousand years, and mature in three thousand years. Only 30 fruits will be obtained in the first ten thousand years.

In particular, Huang Zhongli blooms in 30,000 years, bears fruit in 30,000 years, matures in 30,000 years, and it takes nearly 100,000 years to get nine Huang Zhongli.

Other Xiantian Spiritual Roots are similar. In short, the stronger the effect, the stronger itself, and the longer it takes to mature once.

Among the many Xiantian Spiritual Roots, although Star fruit tree encountered changes when it was conceived earlier, it is not too bad in itself, and it still occupies the position of top-grade Xiantian Spiritual Roots.

Normally, it results, it should take a long time, and then bear a scarce amount of fruit.

But this guy, not playing cards according to common sense, blossoms every three hundred and sixty-five years, results in one hundred and sixty-five years, and matures in three hundred and sixty-five years, and can bear three hundred and sixty in almost a thousand years. Five fruits.

The time is short and the number of fruits produced is unsurpassed among the many Xiantian Spiritual Roots. In this respect, it can be the first of Xiantian Spiritual Roots.

Moreover, although it has produced so many fruits in such a short period of time, the effect is not bad.

Each fruit corresponds to the number of three hundred and sixty-five Universe positive stars. After eating it, it not only allows oneself to be close to the origin of Star, cultivation corresponds to the Dao and Dharma with half the effort, but also allows it to have the destiny of the Star and compete for the master of the Star. Name.

If you are a talented person and get a Star Fruit, you will have some luck, and you may be able to directly cultivate into a Star Divine Body, and you will be locked in the position of Star Lord.

“Tsk tusk…” Duobao couldn’t help shaking his head: “These two people are really willing.”

You know, the number of Universe Stars is countable.

Each Star has a corresponding star owner, and they are still in position now.

Three hundred and sixty-five positive stars, 480 million evil stars.

On top of each Star, there are basically Star Masters, who are all monsters.

The original star position has been set, and there will be no chaos.

Since other creatures have complete star fate, no corresponding star fate will be born again, so the star master of the Monster Race Universe is stable.

But with this Star fruit tree, it’s different. Each fruit comes with the life of three hundred and sixty-five positive stars… If it falls into the hands of people with ulterior motives, it can even compete with the monster race for the starry sky. host.

The complete star life is so powerful that even Sage can’t easily change it… if you really have to do it, you will suffer a lot of backlash.

But this Star fruit tree possesses such energy, which can not only change the life of the entire star, but also confuse the Star.

“I’m really not afraid that I will give birth to him to read it!”

Duobao looked at the Star fruit tree in his hand, dumbly.

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi was really bold, and dared to give him such a thing.

It can be said that although the Star Fruit Tree is not in the top Xiantian Spiritual Roots, let alone the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots, its effect is not bad at all, especially for the Yaozu, even better than the other top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots. It’s all important.

This is the only existence that can decipher the life of the Universe Star through calculations.

With this Star Fruit Tree, even if Duobao is just a big Luo Jinxian, as long as he calculates carefully, I am afraid that he will be able to cause chaos to the monster race.

The Daluo here is not the Daluo he set, but the original Daluo.

This shows the importance of this Star fruit tree.

“Fine, nothing… I really disdain to do these things.”

To be honest, after understanding the effect of the Star Fruit Tree, Dubao really had a lot of thoughts, and he wanted to do something, but after thinking about it carefully, he still chose to give up.

“People trust me so much, I did it in a blink of an eye…and it’s really inappropriate.”

Putting down such thoughts, Dubo picked up the teacup and drank slowly.

Although he had put down his plan to calculate the monster race based on the Star Fruit Tree, the strangeness of the Star Fruit Tree gave him other ideas.

It is true that this Star Fruit Tree is different from other Xiantian Spiritual Roots, especially the effect of its built-in Star Destiny, which made Duobao interested.

“Can carry the destiny of the stars, can it also carry other destinies?”

“Can you cultivate into a Star Divine Body, can you also cultivate into other Divine Body…or True Body?”

Based on the real body of the Chaos Demon God, he once created other methods of real body cultivation.

At first, when I didn’t understand it, I thought that the cultivation method of these real bodies was very simple and not difficult.

But after I understood it later, I only understood that it was really too difficult.

Don’t you see, all of his juniors and younger sisters, under his persecution, have the help of the dark trial field. Until now, only Yuding has cultivated the Law of the True Body to Dacheng, and the others are still a long way from Dacheng. Some distance.

“If I transform this Star fruit tree into a real body fruit tree, and produce real body fruit that fits the real body… it’s also a good thing.”

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