Chapter 346

In the Pangu Hall of the Witch Clan, there are quite a few Twelve Ancestral Witches, and their complexions are a bit ugly.

“How did these ghosts come out?” Zhu Rong was anxious.

How long has it been stable, and how can something happen again.

He is in charge of the land by the witch clan, is responsible for sorting out the veins and veins, condensing the power of the earth regularly, clearing karma, Karma.

Everything was fine, but suddenly something went wrong.

Not long ago, something appeared on the primordial earth veins and above the energy vein nodes, but it did not affect the operation of the earth veins and the energy veins, but it blocked the earth veins, the cohesion of the energy veins, and could not form the cleansing karma, the land of Karma. Power.

At this time, because the time is still short, the problem is not big, but when it’s time to clean up Karma and karma next time, if these things have not been solved, the problem will happen.

“These things, on the contrary, are not strong enough and can be solved. The key is that they continue to flow. Kill one and another will appear. It is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.” Xuan Ming rubbed his eyebrows, and it was also a headache.

After discovering the earth veins and qi veins, they went to deal with it.

It was okay at first, but after killing a bunch, the problem was discovered.

These things are easy to kill, but the point is that they can’t be killed. Kill one and the other will appear.

They have been blocking the ground veins and qi veins, even with their strength, they can’t be extinct, this is what makes them the most troublesome.

“Honghuang I’m afraid another big event has happened!” Di Jiang sighed long.

Karma, who blocked the earth veins and Qi veins, discovered its essence during their investigation later.

It is formed by Karma, karma, and grievances and thoughts after the death of a certain creature.

As long as Karma, the karma is endless, and the creature is Death, that thing will not be extinct.

This is not what worries him the most. What worries him the most is the appearance of that thing and the impact it will bring.

He guessed that the appearance of the ghost might be a sign that something major is about to happen… After discovering the essence of the ghost, he has not been feeling very good, and he feels that a catastrophe is imminent.

In the midst of it, the mood became irritable.

For the first time, he was a little envious of those cultivators who could cultivate the soul.

If there is a primordial spirit, you can explore the secrets and calculate some things.

But they have no primordial spirit, they can only rely on blood intuition to explore with the power of the law…but what they can find out in this way is very vague.

Normal things are not a problem, and they can guess roughly, but they have probed into the problems they are facing now, and there is nothing but a sense of imminent disaster.

This made him very distressed, headache, irritable.

“Why, go and ask those two firebirds?” After a long time, Zhu Rong suddenly said loudly.

Everyone’s heart moved, yes, they don’t have a soul, and they don’t have a chance, but the monster race has it.

They still don’t know exactly what happened, maybe Yaozu knows it?

The two families of Lich are no longer as fierce as they used to be, and the relationship has eased a lot. You can also ask about these things.


Before everyone’s thoughts were over, I suddenly heard a loud laughter. The next moment, the door of Pangu Great Hall was knocked, and Taiyi’s iconic voice came: “We just got here, just listen. So you are talking about us, why? Are you thinking of us who are wise and martial?”

The ancestors and witches looked at Dijiang, and Dijiang thought, the door of Pangu Hall slowly opened, and Emperor Jun, Taiyi walked in from it.


As soon as Taiyi came in, he walked straight to Zhu Rong and slapped him without hesitation.

Zhu Rong was unwilling to show weakness, his sturdy horse-racing arm stood up, blocking Taiyi, and said unkindly: “Taiyi, are you challenging me?”

Zhu Rong’s tone is not good, Tai Yi is not good, slap after slap falling: “Challenge you, are you worthy?”

“I tell you, even if I don’t use Chaos Clock, I can beat you both with my bare hands!”

Zhu Rongqi trembled all over, and a strong Zhu Rongshen fire emerged from his body, and the flames were raging. The temperature around him suddenly rose: “Taiyi…”

“Don’t think I didn’t hear it outside, what did you call us just now?”

Tai Yi glared, the movement in his hand did not stop at all, banging, falling on Zhu Rong’s blocking arm.

“…” Zhu Rong, who was furious, suddenly became guilty, and no longer saw his previous anger.

“Come on, how did you persuade me?” Taiyi was not justified, and he was not merciless. Although Zhu Rong’s flame was weakening, he continued to increase his attacks. In the end, Zhu Rong, who dared not resist, was beaten. The body shook.

That’s it, I don’t understand my hatred!

What do you call them?


Obviously it is the three-legged Golden Crow, the monster overlord, alright!

What a flamingo, it’s terrible!

This guy’s mouth is really smelly!

When the other ancestral witches saw this, no one came to help. They all sat very steadily, with an expression of watching the show.

On the one hand, Taiyi didn’t kill him, and on the other hand, he was also guilty.

It’s normal to say bad things about others have been heard… if they are upset, it’s normal to vent them.

They were not beaten anyway.

“Okay, Tai Yi…” After a long while, Di Jun stopped Tai Yi’s movements with a loud voice, and turned to look at Di Jiang and others: “Everyone, it’s been a long time.”

“Huh, hypocrisy!” Zhu Rong whispered while rubbing his sore arm.

Taiyi, this bird thing, is really reasonable and not soft at all, and it feels that the bones are about to be broken.

“Silly big guy, what are you talking about?” Too’s eyes suddenly stared.

“Hey, nothing, nothing… You heard it wrong.” The hero didn’t suffer from the immediate loss, Zhu Rong immediately lost his smile, and didn’t pay attention to the word own in his mouth.

“Humph!” Taiyi snorted coldly.

“It looks like something happened to your monster race?” Di Jiang shook his head, skipped Zhu Rong, and Tai Yi or two asked Di Jun.

To be honest, they are all used to it.

Taiyi and Zhu Rong may be born at odds. Every time they meet, they rarely quarrel.

Fortunately, it’s just noisy, occasionally fights, and never kill…It feels more like their peculiar way of getting along.

From the initial persuasion, I am used to it now.

“Yes, there is a whirlpool that continuously devours Spiritual Qi in the Ninth Stage sky, which has already swallowed 30% of the Spiritual Qi in the Ninth Stage sky.” Di Jun nodded and said, “I don’t know what happened to your Wu family? ”

Dijiang: “There are ghosts blocking the road.”

“Yin ghost?” Taiyi asked in a puzzled way.

What is a ghost?

“I haven’t seen it, the ghosts don’t know.” Zhu Rong couldn’t help mocking.

Too glared at him: “Silly big guy, I’m not asking you, what are you talking about?”

“You…what, what do you call me?” Zhu Ronggang said, and suddenly reacted, glaring at Taiyi: “Courageous enough, you say it again!”

“Silly big, silly big, silly big…” Taiyi slowly shook his head, looking at Zhu Rong with a silly look: “It’s really strange that there is such a person in this world, who likes others to call him stupid. indivual?”

“Since you like it so much, don’t say it again, you can do it several times…silly big, silly big, silly big…Is this all right?”

“Taiyi!” Zhu Rong’s eyes suddenly stared like copper bells, and Zhu Rong’s blazing fire appeared on him again.

“I’m here, I’m here… Don’t be so loud, I can hear it.” Taiyi took out his ears nonchalantly: “Your ears are deaf.”

Zhu Rong was extremely angry, so he rushed forward and taught him how to speak.

Gonggong stopped: “Okay, now is not the time for you to fight and talk about business.”

One: “…”

Zhu Rong: “…”

Hearing that, Taiyi, Zhu Rong immediately looked at Gonggong with weird eyes.


This word, are you sure to use it properly?

“How can you tell that I was arguing with him?” Too rolled his eyes: “I was taunting him!”

“That’s, Gonggong, don’t pull me. This guy humiliates me so much. I must fight him for life and death today!” Zhu Rong shouted angrily, rushing towards Taiyi, but was held back by Gonggong.

Gong Gong: “Well, you are not fighting, you are not… But what is the problem, can you deal with it after the main thing is solved?”

“Give me a Face, okay?” Gong Gong said to the two of them.

Tai glanced at Gonggong, nodded, and then glanced at Zhu Rong with disdain: “Okay, so I’ll give you a Face, I will bypass this stupid guy first, otherwise I will definitely want him to be slapped! ”

“Huh, it’s not always true who is full of bags!” Zhu Rong snorted coldly, not moving, and lowered his head to pull Gonggong away and pulled his arm away: “That’s it, I’m giving you a Face, but I’m not afraid of it. A miscellaneous bird!”

“Unreasonable!” Hearing this, he was about to let Zhu Rong’s Taiyi temporarily go, and he looked over angrily, a golden flame lit his head, and said frantically: “Isn’t it still a firebird? Furry birds?”

“So, if you say you are a Firebird, you can accept it?” Zhu Rong said lightly, and then gently waved his hand: “If this is the case, I will call you Firebird from now on?”

“Hey, how can there be such a person in this world, who likes to be called Firebird.”

Too furious, we must do it.

Di Jun shook his head, but also had a headache. He would not have brought him over if he knew it: “Taiyi.”

Too stopped, and then looked at Zhu Rong unwillingly: “You wait for me, when this matter is over… I must let you know why the flowers are so red!”

“I know, of course I do.” Zhu Rong said without caring: “Your blood is stained red. Don’t talk about things like this that everyone knows!”

Taiyi’s body trembled suddenly, and he was angry.

“Well, don’t you say a few words!” Gonggong helplessly said.

These two guys…really, shouldn’t let them meet.

For such a serious matter, being quarreled by these two people, it feels like they just watched the two people quarrel.

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