Chapter 344: Don’t Help, Don’t Stop

Di Jun and others also felt that this was too much.

So… when they look for Duobao again, they are no longer empty, but are carrying a fruit tree with the charm of Universe, which is full of fist-sized fruits.

On each fruit, there is a different aura, just like the sky full of stars, there are many, but they are all different.

“Xiantian Spiritual Roots Star fruit tree.”

Duobao glanced at the fruit tree in Taiyi’s hand, shook his head slightly, and said: “Sit down, take a sip of tea first, I don’t have anything else to entertain here.”

“It’s good, it’s good.”

Di Jun, Taiyi sat down while talking, and put the Star fruit tree aside, with an indifferent attitude, as if it were not Xiantian Spiritual Roots, but just an ordinary fruit tree.

Duobao poured tea for the two of them, and the energetic tea air flew up, forming a blue tea cloud one inch above the teacup.

The tea cloud is not big, but it has a special charm, and the eyes are down, and after watching for a long time, there is an indescribable sense of comfort.

“Come on, taste it.” Duobao greeted the two of them: “This is the new cloud tea grown in my garden. It is the most refreshing and pure. It was also made by my whimsical ideas.”

“This is also the first time it has grown. You are also the first to drink this tea. Taste it and give me advice to see how I need to improve it.”

Di Jun, too, and the two of them just as they said, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, slowly closed their eyes, and enjoyed it.

At this moment, they seemed to have turned into a dashing, free white cloud, wandering freely in the sky.

Want to go east, go east, go west, go west, stop when you are tired, move when you are bored, it’s really unspeakable.

The chaotic thoughts in the two people’s minds slowly followed the incarnation Baiyun, straightened out a little bit, and disappeared.

At this moment, they no longer think about anything, just enjoy this feeling quietly.

I don’t know how long it took until the last trace of tea in their mouths slowly disappeared between their mouths, and they slowly woke up.

“Good tea!” Taiyi couldn’t help but praised loudly, with shock in his eyes.

It was just a sip of tea, but it cleared the worries, filth and filth in his heart, as if the whole person was completely reborn, unspeakably relaxed.

The reincarnation is naturally an exaggeration, but in addition to the effect of cleaning up distracting thoughts and filth on the body, Taiyi has a feeling, and his own escape method has also made considerable progress.

“Is this really tea?”

Di Jun was very surprised. They are now Taiyi Golden Immortal, which is equivalent to the original quasi-sage above and the strongest quasi-sage below Sage, which can be called the most holy.

Logically speaking, to this Realm, even if it is the legendary Xiantian first Spiritual Roots, Huang Zhongli, it will not have any effect on them, just satisfy the desire of mouth.

Unexpectedly, the effect of this simple sip of tea has surpassed that of Huang Zhongli, and it can have such a powerful effect on them.

Moreover, this is just a sip of tea!

In amazement, Di Jun glanced at the Xiantian Spiritual Roots Star fruit tree that was placed next to him…At this moment, it seemed that this thing really seemed to be out of hand.

“You like it.” Duobao smiled and took a sip slowly while holding the teacup, refreshing his mind for a while.

“You brought the big gift this time, are you afraid that something will come to me?”

Dubao asked slowly while drinking.

“It’s true, it’s so, we think…” Speaking of business affairs, Di Jun immediately let go of the shame in his heart, looked straight, and said their purpose.

“Oh…” Duobao whispered softly, without answering immediately, as if he was thinking.

Di Jun, Tai Yi held the teacup tightly in his hand, staring at Duo Bao nervously.

The energy sea is the only thing they can think of now to restore the Xiantian era, and even make the Xiantian era longer.

If Dubao doesn’t agree, then the loneliness of the Xiantian era will become a fixed number…their decline is irreversible.

“You want to borrow the energy of the energy sea…”

After thinking for a while, Duobao slowly said, “It’s not impossible.”


Emperor Jun, Tai Yi was overjoyed when he heard this.

“But…” Duobao’s subsequent words froze the joy on their faces.

“But what?” the two asked in unison.

“However, I won’t stop, but I won’t help.”

Duobao said calmly: “This is your business, I can’t intervene, I have already understood your purpose.”

“Your ideas are correct, but whether you can do it in the end depends on you.”

“If you can do it, then everything will naturally be okay. If you can’t do it, it will prove that you don’t have the qualifications… Therefore, it’s no better than attachment.”

“So…” Duobao said, watching the two of them and said softly: “Do you understand?”

There is something in this!

Di Jun’s heart tightened. None of the issues they had mentioned before did not clarify their identities. They were also worried and dare not.

It just used ambiguous sentences to explain their problems and their demands.

But to listen to Dubao’s seemingly ordinary words, it seems that it is not that simple… It seems…

“We understand.” Thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, and Di Jun stood up, took Taiyi, and saluted Duo Bao, expressing his gratitude: “Thank you, we already understand.”

“Although this fruit tree is not a good thing, it can be regarded as our little care. Brother Dubao, please don’t refuse and be sure to accept it.”

Duobao nodded: “Okay, I accept it.”

“If this is the case, we will deal with it, and wait until the matter is over, then come to Brother Xun Duo for tea.”

With that, the two slowly walked out of the Kunlun Manor and returned to the prehistoric state.

“Dage, did Duobao discover our true identity?” Taiyi was in Kunlun Manor. After hearing Duobao’s words, Taiyi kept frowning, thinking carefully about something.

I didn’t even think about it, until after returning to Honghuang, did he ask the question he had been thinking about all the time.

“I’m afraid so.” Di Jun took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Duobao’s words are not difficult to understand, and it is for them who know the truth.

A lot of things can be understood with just a few words.

It’s not that Taiyi couldn’t figure it out, but he didn’t want to believe it.

“When is it?” Taiyi was a little flustered.

Now that Dobo understands their identities, does he also remember their vengeance on the shore of the East China Sea? Then he…

“I don’t know, but with his strength, he will understand it sooner or later, but I didn’t expect to understand it so quickly, so suddenly.”

Di Jun sighed and looked at the flustered Tai Yi and said calmly: “Don’t worry, since he already understands our identity, but he hasn’t done anything yet, and is willing to help, this shows that he doesn’t mind the original thing at all.”

“You see, he didn’t say it straightforwardly, it’s also for us not to be embarrassed.”

“Using words to point out secretly, giving us time to accept and think, this has already explained the problem.”

Hearing that, Tai Yi felt a little more rested, and said that, he didn’t panic so much.

“This matter, I’ll talk about it later, it’s a big deal next time, I’ll go to plead guilty… even if he kills me, it doesn’t matter.”

Taiyi thought about it for a long time, and slowly said, “However, let’s solve the energy sea matter first.”

Di Jun glanced too long, a light flashed deep in his eyes, nodded and said: “It’s true, let’s go, go to the Wu Clan.”

“Huh?” Tai Yi exclaimed in confusion, “What are you going to do with the Wu Clan?”

Di Jun: “You don’t think that the energy sea is very simple, do you?”

“Why isn’t it simple?” Taiyi said, “Duobao did not refuse. We only need to introduce the energy of the energy sea into the prehistoric. When the general trend of the prestigious Xiantian era still exists, it will naturally turn to Xiantian Spiritual Qi. How is this? Isn’t it simple?”

“Yes, it is true that you only need to draw the energy of the energy sea, but the problem is…” Di Jun looked at Taiyi: “How to draw it?”

“How to quote? Of course…” Taiyi’s words stopped abruptly, and suddenly he reacted.

Yeah, how to cite it?

The energy sea is not outside of the wild world like chaos, you can do it at will according to your own ideas.

The energy sea is in Kunlun, and it is a simulation prehistoric developed by Duobao, and the darker trial field is deeper in the first stage starry sky.

If they want to arouse the energy of the energy sea, it means that they have to pass through Kunlun, pass through the simulation prehistoric, reach the dark trial field, and then enter the deeper starry sky, and then they can do it!

But in this case…

“Oh…” Thinking about it, Tai suddenly yelled: “That’s what Dubao meant by not helping!”

He hadn’t taken Duobao’s words in his mind.

But now, he just understood what kind of difficulty this sentence represents.

If Dubao didn’t help, it meant that they could not follow the path they knew to pass through Kunlun, simulating the prehistoric, dark trial field, and reaching the energy sea according to their normal ideas.

They have to find another…or to open up a path to the energy sea!

But this… can they do it?

“Dage…” Taiyi shouted blankly.

This matter, he had a headache thinking about it, had no clue, and didn’t know how to deal with it.

“Don’t worry, I already have an idea in my heart. Now, go to the Wu Clan first.”

Di Jun said something and continued to move towards the Wu Clan base camp.

When he was in Kunlun Manor, he had already figured out this question, and he knew the difficulty even more.

“Looking for the Wu Clan?” Taiyi followed up, and asked puzzledly: “What are you looking for?”

“How can they help?”

“If you want to do this, you must have the Witch Clan.” Di Jun explained as he walked: “The sea of ​​energy is hidden in the depths of the dark trial field. We can only find another way to go.”

“And the other roads, to be opened from scratch, still need a guide to open up the road.”

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