Chapter 343 Xiantian Spiritual Qi Crisis

“Yes, yes… Sister Sister is right.” Taiyi nodded like a peck at rice.


Guang Chengzi slapped Taiyi on the head: “What big sister, the big brother is right.”

“Yes, yes, big brother is right.”

“Big brother Jinkouyuyan, who speaks the method freely, spit and nail it, he must be a real man who speaks without regrets!”

Everyone ignored the irritation towards the turtle spirit, and while agreeing, they stared at Duobao nervously.

“Um…” Duobao touched his chin: “No, it’s wrong, everyone has it.”

“It’s normal for me to say something wrong. Speaking of it… Turtle Ling is right. Jinxian’s request really seems…not worthy of you!”

“Master, I suddenly remembered that I had something to do, so I left first.” Zhao Gongming suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly: “When the next calamity is measured, Cultivation Base Ascension will arrive at Jinxian, right? Brother remembered. , I will leave first.”


Before the words were finished, the person had disappeared, and his voice was still reverberating.

Everyone looked stupidly at Zhao Gongming’s disappearing back… Is there such an operation?

The next moment, everyone reacted and was overjoyed.

“Big brother, I also remembered that I still have a Medicine Pill being refining. If I don’t leave it for too long, I will leave first.”

“Big brother, me too…whatever, I’m in a hurry, and I’m leaving.”

“I am leaving.”

“Anyway… I also took down the request of the big brother. Although there is nothing wrong, everyone is leaving, and I am too embarrassed not to leave.” The Yellow Dragon, who was the slowest responding, was staring at Dubo, stammering. After talking for a while, he suddenly slammed on it, and the whole person took off and flew away: “Goodbye, big brother!”

“Haha…” Duobao chuckled, but didn’t stop, he himself was just joking with them.

“Monster…your destiny has arrived!”

Withdrawing his gaze, Duobao looked at the place of Heaven Court, his gaze was deep, and when he thought, his own secret appeared.


Above the Heaven Court, there were a forest of demons, sitting on two sides, Di Jun sat high, and Tai Jun sat aside.

“Report to Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, outside the Ninth Stage sky, a huge vortex appears, devouring Spiritual Qi… The Spiritual Qi of Ninth Stage sky has already been swallowed by it.”

Outside the hall, a demon will walk into the Great Hall, kneel on the ground, and speak loudly.

All the demons were shocked when they heard it.

Devouring Spiritual Qi?

This is not new. Heaven and earth can swallow the Spiritual Qi, but it can be said that it can swallow 30% of the Spiritual Qi in Ninth Stage… that’s terrible.

The rebirth Thirty Third Stage is so powerful that it is unimaginable. Among them, the strength and strength of Spiritual Qi is even more shocking.

Even with the current strength of the monster clan, it can still only occupy the Ninth Stage sky. The Heaven Court of the original thirty third stage, now only the Ninth Stage belongs to the monster clan, and the twenty fourth stage, which is still outside the control of the monster clan. .

“It can be found, what is the reason?” Di Jiang’s majestic voice came.

The demon general bowed his head and said loudly: “Report to the Heavenly Emperor, the root never found.”

“It suddenly appeared, and it seems that there is no Karma in this wild world, independent of the world…The subordinates have searched for several times and can’t find the root cause, so the subordinates guess that the vortex may be a product outside of chaos.”

“Outside the chaos?” Di Jun shook his head slightly: “I’m afraid it will be missing.”

Beyond the chaos, the chaos may not be able to have such a powerful thing, and even if there is, it is impossible for them to find out in advance, and they will not notice the clue until it has swallowed the Ninth Stage Spiritual Qi.

You know, the current Ninth Stage Heaven was made by that person…Although their monster race is the Lord of Heaven, but the real master of this Ninth Stage Heaven is still that person.

What kind of existence can I hide from that person and directly attack Ninth Stage?

Is there such an existence outside of chaos?

Emperor Jun exchanged glances with Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng and other demons and stood up.

“Lead the way ahead!”


The demon will stand up and lead the way respectfully.

When I arrived outside the Ninth Stage sky, I suddenly saw a huge vortex, slowly rotating above it, continuously swallowing the Spiritual Qi of the Ninth Stage sky.

“Karma Karma…”

At a glance, Di Jun recognized that the essence of the whirlpool was formed by endless Karma, karma.

“How does the Witch Clan do things, how can Karma’s karma rush into the Heaven Court…”

Di Jun looked cold.

Liches are in charge of the world, the demons are external, and the witches are internal.

The monsters deal with chaos, and the witches deal with karma in the world, Karma.

Both parties perform their duties and do not interfere with each other.

But this Karma karma rushed into the Ninth Stage sky, which can only show that the Wu clan is slack.

“That’s not right…” Zheng frowned, and suddenly felt a heartache: “In the case of the Witch Clan, such a thing shouldn’t have happened.”

“Unless karma is deliberately released, Karma…Will the Witches wait for me to take action?”

“Are they going to start a Lich War?”

Thinking about it, Di Jun slowly shook his head: “No, it’s not right.”

With the experience of the dark trial field, there is a real battle, and it shouldn’t be this time, and moreover, this method will not be used.

“Dage…this karma, Karma…something is wrong!”

Taiyi had been staring at the vortex carefully, and suddenly a chaotic clock appeared in his hand. When he tapped it lightly, a huge sound wave appeared, and the time and space around him was instantly shocked.

The sound wave rushed into the vortex, causing it to stagnate for a moment… and then directly broke through the suppression of the sound wave and continued to rotate.

In just a moment, Di Jun had already seen the problem: “It’s not the problem of the Witch race, it’s the problem of Spiritual Qi…not the world Karma, it’s the Spiritual Qi Karma, it’s the monster Karma!”

He got it!

This Karma is not born of heaven and earth, but of Spiritual Qi.

As the world grows, the number of Spiritual Qi in it is insufficient to supply all the cultivation and Karma from backlash.

And because his monster controls Nine Heavens and energy… the lack of Spiritual Qi, his monster can’t shirk the blame.

Therefore, karma is generated!

This is a problem caused by the Yaozu carrying it for a period of time before.

“No, it’s not just that!” Di Jun watched carefully, and slowly made new discoveries, then looked at the monster races behind him, and secretly said in his heart: “The lack of Spiritual Qi is also due to my Ascension Too fast, making the world unbearable… Spiritual Qi is only the first performance.”

“Heaven and Earth, have you reached the limit so quickly?”

Honghuangtiandi has just experienced a major development, and all aspects of strength are increasing by a large margin.

It stands to reason that such a problem should not arise.

However, due to their large-scale Ascension in the dark trial field, their personal strength has exceeded the world’s endurance limit.

It’s like a wooden barrel filled with water, which suddenly becomes iron. Although it is still active, the effort is greatly increased, and the loss of the barrel is also great.

“Xiantian Spiritual Qi is transforming into Houtian Spiritual Qi…”

“Xiantian Era, Lich Era…” Looking at the whirlpool, slowly, a secret secret appeared in his mind.

“The age of the Lich is the age of Xiantian, and the existence of Xiantian Spiritual Qi is extremely Xiantian age.”

“Xiantian Spiritual Qi is the representative of the Xiantian era. Once Xiantian Spiritual Qi is exhausted, it will be transformed into Houtian Spiritual Qi… The Xiantian era ends, and the Lich era also ends.”

Di Jun understood that his two families of Lich had grown far beyond the peak that they should have reached, and therefore, reached the limit of the Lich Era ahead of time.

They have reached the highest peak. Later, if they don’t want a solution, then they should go downhill.

Now, it’s just the beginning, the problem is not big, this Karma karmic vortex is just a symptom.

When the time is longer, the downward trend is formed, even if the two groups of Lich join forces, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover.

They will be killed by heaven and earth karma, and Karma will die in the age.

“Fortunately, it’s just started now, it’s still too late.”

Knowing the real problem, Di Jun thought wildly in his mind, and soon he had a solution.

“As long as Xiantian Spiritual Qi still exists and does not degenerate to Houtian Spiritual Qi, the Xiantian era will not end.”

“So, we must find a way to maintain the number of Ascension Xiantian Spiritual Qi… to maintain the existence of the Xiantian era!”

“Dage!” Di Jun was still thinking, Tai Yi who was next to him also found the problem and yelled anxiously.

Not only him, Fuxi, Kunpeng also discovered the real problem.

Fuxi lowered his head to think for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up and stood up: “Your Majesty Heavenly Emperor… the minister has a plan. If it can be done, it can be settled.”

Di Jun was still thinking. Hearing Fuxi’s words, he immediately said, “Emperor Xi, please say it.”

Xiantian Spiritual Qi is not a big deal to them now, but to Honghuangtiandi, it represents the overall environment.

It is not a big problem to change the concentration and quality of Spiritual Qi in a region, but if this range is extended to prehistoric Qi, it will be a big problem.

He thought of many ways to replenish energy, swallow chaos, and refine it into Xiantian Spiritual Qi, but they were all in vain. For Heaven Court, it was enough to bring the entire Heaven Court to the next level.

However, for Honghuang, it’s too far.

To be honest, the energy of Chaos Qi is enough, but unfortunately it needs to be transformed before it can be transformed into Xiantian Spiritual Qi… The intensity of the transformation is far behind the consumption of Xiantian Spiritual Qi.

Therefore, Di Jun is having a headache, how can he find a quick and effective solution?

“Your Majesty, do you remember the energy sea?” Fuxi asked in a deep voice.

Di Jun’s heart moved and his eyes lit up.

Yes, the sea of ​​energy, why did he forget this place!

The energy in the energy sea is not lower than the energy of Chaos Qi, or even stronger!

Moreover, the energy in the energy sea is incomparably peaceful and endless. If the energy of the energy sea can be converted, it can be almost seamlessly transformed into Xiantian Spiritual Qi without any effort… In this way, the problem is also Can be easily resolved.

“Of course I remember, it’s just…” After the excitement, Di Jun frowned again: “How to do it?”

The energy sea is not a public thing like Chaos, as long as it has the ability, it can be used at will, and it is outside the world, simple and easy.

That energy sea is Dubao’s private property. They got a lot of money before, so how can they still get an inch?

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