Chapter 342 Dao God Network

“Okay… Now that you have all decided…” They saw that they were determined, and Duobao took the crystal ball and nodded: “Then do it according to your ideas.”

“Thank you!”

“Thank you!”

The two thanked: “Trouble, send us out.”



In the prehistoric world, at this time there is peace, and there are no more problems. All living creatures are living in a normal life according to their own destiny.

Suddenly, above the starry sky, the endless star shined brightly, and the sun and the lunar sky came out.

On the earth, countless Spiritual Qi emerged, the veins of the earth shook, and countless Taoisms were shaken out.

“Come again?”

“Last time it was the return of the Lich clan…what’s the reason for this time?”

Seeing the sudden changes in the wild world, the sentient beings were a little surprised, but not so surprised.

This kind of thing is not the first time, after experiencing it once, and again, it is not as shocking as it was at the beginning.

Above the Star, many monster races appeared, and above the earth, many witch races appeared.

“…It turned out to be the return of the Lich again?”

“Didn’t they just come back before? Is this going out again?”

“Forget it, how can we guess the actions of their big brothers!”

“Big brother, wayward!”

The sentient beings talked a lot, quietly watching the end of the change of heaven and earth, and then each returned to their place and continued their own life.

This change did not have much impact on them.


“Big brother, are you looking for us?”

In Kunlun Manor, Jin Ling, Guang Chengzi and others stood straight.

Jin Ling curiously looked at the crystal jade in Dubao’s hand: “Big brother, what is this?”

“Senior brother has recently refined a new thing, which has some minor effects. I want to ask your opinions if you like it or not.”

With curiosity in the eyes of everyone I saw, Dubao waved his sleeves, and suddenly a square jade fell into everyone’s hands.

“Let’s take a look first.”

Everyone was curious to inject divine consciousness into it, and they were also looking forward to it.

It’s impossible to think about things that can be asked by the big brother to call them back.

Divine Sense fell in, and suddenly, a fantasy world emerged in the Divine Sea.

“This is…”

Standing in the world, a huge impulse appeared in my heart, and I felt a little excited inexplicably.

The world is very empty, there is nothing, but just looking at it, I can’t help but feel happy, joyful, and feel as if I have encountered a great opportunity.

Everyone enjoyed this feeling very much, even though the world was empty, they still stayed in it for a long, long time.

I don’t know how long it has passed before everyone slowly wakes up from that feeling, recovered, and reluctantly withdraws from the world.

Jin Ling couldn’t wait to ask: “Big brother, what is this?”

“It feels… so easy!”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“This is called Taoshen Network… it’s a phantom world.”

Duobao explained with a smile: “It can also be understood as the spiritual world.”

“Everyone can fall into it and turn it into a Taoist god. No matter where you are in the Taoist network, you can communicate and speak, and you don’t need to use voice transmission spells.”

“Besides, because it’s an illusory world, there won’t be a real death in it, but it will hurt a little bit of mind, so it’s fine to recover a little.”

“Everyone can let go and learn from it, so that it will have a lot of effect on your Ascension combat experience.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Not dead?

This one characteristic is enough to confirm their previous feelings…this is indeed a great opportunity, even greater than the dark trial field.

The dark proving ground has great opportunities, and the strength of the Ascension is also very fast, but due to the real danger, it will die if you are not careful.

Although the big brother can be resurrected, but that way…the price they have to pay is too great, so they never dare to let themselves die.

But with this network of Gods, it is different. Being in it without dying… means that there is a lot of development… and countless usages.

In just a short period of time, everyone thought of various ways to use the Ascension own network of the Taoist God.

Bi Xiao rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked, “Big brother, can I re-cultivation in it?”


Hearing this, everyone’s eyes instantly fell on Duobao’s body.

This is really a problem!

Cultivation Dao Fa, always encounter various difficulties, choose… no one knows which one must be correct.

In other words, the right one is not necessarily suitable for you.

They are all chosen based on their feelings.

Whether it is the best in the end is still unclear.

If Taoshen Network can re-cultivation… then…

Everyone’s thoughts turned, and they all looked at Duobao expectantly.

“Of course…you can show your complete selves in it, or you can turn into white selves and re-cultivation.”

“All kinds of spells, all kinds of Taoism, you can test it at will…”

As soon as Duobao finished speaking, she immediately saw a group of juniors, and the juniors cheered loudly.

“Yeah, that’s great, it really works!”

“Big brother is amazing!”

“Big Brother is awesome!”

Duobaoxiao looked at the people and saw that they were happy, he was also happy.

The Taoist network is made by him based on his own Tianxin Taoguo, and naturally it also has various functions of the Tianxin Taoguo.

He is already the rule Sage, although he already understands that Tianxin Daoguo is not as simple and ordinary as he had thought before, but he no longer looks down upon it.

“Well, in addition to these functions, the Taoist Network has many other functions. After you go down, you can study it slowly by yourself.” Dubao said.

Are there other functions?

Hearing that, everyone was surprised and inexplicably surprised, but now that the effect emerged, they were already very happy, each one was extremely powerful, and they were already very satisfied.

Now it says that there are other functions… Does that mean that the other functions are not too bad?

Everyone is even more excited.

“But…” Looking at the excited people, Duobao waited for a while, and then continued: “However, you have the Taoist network, brothers also have requirements.”

The excitement of everyone suddenly stopped, and they all looked at Duobao, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

Big brother’s request?

No way!

Big brother won’t become the previous big brother again!

Thinking in their hearts, everyone suddenly felt that the Taoist network, which had previously been regarded as the most precious treasure, was a bit hot in a flash.

If it weren’t for fear of making Dubao unhappy, I’m afraid that the Taoist network has already been returned at this time.

Ordinary trials are so difficult. If there are more requirements, how difficult is it to achieve?

They all just barely passed the trial, let alone the requirements… they don’t think they can achieve it.

Maybe only Yuding’s abnormality is possible!

Everyone likes Taoshen network very much, but at this time, they don’t want it anymore!

“It seems that it was really hard to toss them before…” Seeing everyone’s timid eyes, Dubo smiled helplessly: “Don’t worry, it won’t be difficult.”

“Senior brother’s request is also very simple. Before the next amount of calamity comes, you will all be able to become a golden immortal… Isn’t this demanding high?”

Hearing that, everyone was stunned for an instant, staying in place, like a fossil, motionless.

Everyone looked at Duobao in shock, not because of how high this requirement is, but… it’s too simple!

And the requirements they expected from Duobao to them were too simple, too much, too much!

Too many, after they listened, they couldn’t believe what they heard.

“Really?” Someone asked in disbelief for a long time.

“Of course.” Duobao raised the corner of his mouth and asked again: “How about it? Isn’t this difficult?”

“Not difficult, not difficult, of course not difficult!”

Everyone recovered and immediately waved their hands.

To be honest, the difficulty is still a bit difficult. Although they are all Xuanxian now, they are only one step away from the Jinxian… but this step is almost a moat.

It is not easy to do it.

The normal golden immortal is very simple, but they also know that the golden immortal in the words of the big brother is definitely not a normal golden immortal.

However, compared to their guessed requirement, this requirement is too simple, and they are confident that it can be achieved.

“Big brother… are you normal?” When everyone was surprised and pleasantly surprised, a timid voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned their heads, glaring at the talking turtle spirit.

The big brother is finally normal, you are not happy, saying this, you want the big brother to react and ask again?

Are you afraid that you are asking the big brother, are you afraid that you want to harm us?

Under the gazes of the seniors, the turtle spirit shrank in fear, but still timidly asked: “Big brother, doesn’t this look like your style?”

Duobao grinned and looked at the group of juniors and sisters who were about to jump up. Then he looked at Gui Ling, “Junior Gui Ling, you say that, but you think the requirements of the seniors are simple?”

“In that case, what do you think the senior brother should make… to meet the senior brother’s style?”


Everyone was in an uproar, listening to Dubao’s words, the anger in everyone’s heart, they wanted to sew the turtle spirit’s mouth.

“Of course…” Turtle Ling’s expression was scared, but he said something that made the other brothers more scared: “Taiyi Jinxian, Jinxian’s request is too low.”

“In the style of the big brother before, not to mention that we are required to reach the Daluojinxian, at least it must be Taiyijin…well…well…”

Before Gui Ling had finished speaking, she was hugged by Jin Ling, who was about to run away, and covered her small mouth before letting him speak.

Jin Ling hugged Turtle Ling, tightly covering her small mouth, and smirked at Duo Bao: “Hey, hey, big brother, don’t listen to her, she has a problem with her brain. Recently, her cultivation went wrong, she was talking nonsense. Words, don’t take it to your heart!”

“Jinxian is good, Jinxian is very good…Big brother is right, we fully support big brother!”

“It’s Jinxian, senior brother Jinkouyuyan, you can’t change it after you say it…”

Jin Ling said, staring at everyone, “You said, right?”

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