Chapter 336: The Lich’s Resurrection

“Senior brother’s perception can’t be wrong, saying that it is Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Daluo Jinxian may also…no!”

Chijingzi was shocked. He knew that although he was only a Xuanxian, he was definitely not too low compared to the original Realm.

But how he thought and guessed, he didn’t dare to think above Daluo, it’s up to the sky, Taiyi Golden Immortal is the limit.

The words of Antarctica drove his thoughts away…for a long time, he couldn’t calm down.

“Younger brother? Younger brother? Younger brother?”

At some point, ethereal voices came from my ears, as if they were coming from outside the sky.

Chi Sperm gradually recovered: “Who called me?”

In front of him, there was a black face, which was already black and could not see the red.

“Senior Brother Chijingzi…Do you really look down on Senior Brother?” Nanjizi said with a black face.

“No, no.” Chi Jing waved his hands again and again: “How dare you, brother, think about it a lot.”

“By the way, what did the brother just want to ask?”

Nanjizi looked ugly, took a deep look at Chi Jingzi, then turned and left: “No matter, since the brothers look down on the brothers, why should the brothers be annoying here, it’s not troublesome.”

When Chi Sperm saw him, he knew that Antarctica had a deep misunderstanding, so where he dared to let him go, he chased him a few steps and blocked his way.

“Brother Antarctica!” Chijingzi sincerely bowed to Antarctica: “It was the brother who was wrong before, and the brother thought of something, so he was distracted, so I am here to apologize to the brother.”

“Senior brother used to be the Cultivation Base Realm, why is it Xuanxian, right?”

Nanjizi looked at him calmly, did not speak, but did not leave.

Seeing this, Chijingzi breathed a sigh of relief, and didn’t insist on leaving, that’s good.

“It’s such a senior brother, senior brother, it’s a little different, he…”

In the increasingly shocked gaze of Antarctica, Chijingzi explained Dubao’s situation and the two sets of cultivation Realm division systems.

“So, the younger brother has become accustomed to the strength division Realm set by the older brother before he knows it. The original strength Realm has been forgotten.”

“In the realm divided by the senior brother, the junior brother’s strength is really only Xuanxian.”

Antarctica stared at the Chi Sperm blankly, his eyes full of shock, and he couldn’t recover for a long time.

It’s not that his mood is too low and can’t hold it, it’s really what Chijingzi said, it’s too shocking to the world…If he hadn’t seen the big brother with his own eyes, and felt his incomparable strength.

Coupled with the fact that Chi sperm appeared now, how could he dare to believe that such a thing turned out to be true?


After a long while, Nanjizi swallowed and slowly recovered.

“What the younger brother said, but it’s true?”

He couldn’t help asking again.

Chi Sperm nodded heavily: “Every sentence is true, and everything is true.”


Antarctica took a long breath, and the cold air passed through his mouth and nose into his body, making him feel unusually cool.

“Big brother…” Nanjizi was shocked, and in the end it was just such a sentence.

“Two sets of Cultivation Base Realm… can reassign one Realm… what kind of strength should the big brother be?”

Chi Sperm: “I guess…not worse than Master and the others.”

Nanjizi turned his head in shock, staring at him dumbfounded.

Chi Sperm carefully glanced at the direction of Kunlun Manor, did not speak, but nodded heavily.

The big brother is already comparable to the master, and has been sanctified…this is the result of their fellow brothers discussing privately.

Although it was a little unbelievable, and there was no vision of sanctification, but after this speculation appeared, it was unanimously approved by them.

“So, Big Brother is already Sage?” Nanjizi asked in shock.

Chi Sperm nodded, and said solemnly: “Even if it doesn’t, it won’t be worse than a normal Sage if you want to come!”

Antarctica was shocked.

The two looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other’s eyes.

Such a thing, even if it was the Chi Sperm that I mentioned again now, I still couldn’t calm my own mood.

“Brother Antarctica, although this dark trial field is dangerous, it is also full of opportunities…As long as we can pass through, I believe it will not take long for Senior Brother to catch up with us.”

Chi Jingzi said: “Moreover, senior brother, don’t worry, senior brother once said in person that even if we die in this trial field, he can resurrect us.”

“It’s just that, it means that our trial failed…the consequences, think about it yourself.”

The light flashed in the eyes of Antarctica listening, eyes reveal thought, and then asked after a moment: “Trial?”

He was puzzled, looking at the vast starry sky, was this a trial?

It is obviously a starry sky, why is it called the Dark Proving Ground?

The darkness is dark, but the trial field?

“This is the trial field opened by the big brother for us, used as our trial… it’s nothing more than passing through, if it is…”

Nanjizi nodded, indicating that he understood: “Thank you brother, brother already understands.”

“In that case, the Junior Brother retires!” Chi Jingzi cupped hands.

Antarctica returned the courtesy: “You have a brother.”

“Brother, you are polite!”


In the depths of the starry sky, the supreme Lich races gathered.

The twelve ancestor witches, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng are all in the list.

Sixteen people stood on a black stone platform, each sitting cross-legged.

The Qi mechanism on the body of the Twelve Ancestor Witch was connected, and a stalwart figure appeared faintly behind him.

The black energy entangled on the body of the twelve ancestor witch, and continuously drilled into his body.

After a short time, strange lines were imprinted on the body of the 12th Ancestor Witch.

On the opposite side, Dijun, Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng sit quietly, and the deity behind him appears, swallowing endless black energy with big mouths.

On the black platform beneath him, countless black qi continued to emerge and fell on the sixteen people.

Di Jun suddenly opened his eyes, and the power of horror revealed a black shadow in his eyes. It was a black three-legged Golden Crow.

A black flame was burning on its body, and it looked strange and powerful.

“Universe star battle array!”

Di Jun whispered, and an illusory starry sky appeared behind him.

Countless monster races stand above the eyes of each array, forming a large array, unified and complete.


When Di Jun thought, the big formation separated and turned into countless small formations, falling on countless monsters.

In the starry sky, countless great auras appeared.

Vast fluctuations slowly emerged…woke up the people of cultivation.

“Dijun, why are you?”

Di Jiang opened his eyes and looked at Di Jun and asked.

Dijun concentrates on controlling the Universe star battle array, and explores the entire starry sky with the help of the scattered array.

“What are you looking for?” Di Jiang saw the clue and asked again.

Di Jun still didn’t answer, Tai Yi looked at Brother Own, thoughtfully, after thinking about it, and replied for Di Jun: “Brother may be looking for a sea of ​​energy.”

“Energy Sea?”

Everyone was surprised.

“Yes, the sea of ​​energy.” Taiyi looked at Dijun and slowly said, “When we turned into a Dao Mark from death, we felt a place with powerful energy in the blur.”

“In that region, there is vast energy, powerful and quality.”

“A single piece of energy is enough to turn into our millions of years of Magic power…The quality is so high that it has reached an unimaginable world.”

“If we can find it, enter it, and refine the energy in it, with our current situation, we can definitely break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal!”

The original battle has ended, and the starry sky has returned to calm.

After many years have passed, they are finally resurrected.

After this resurrection, without rest, immediately gathered the power of the two races, found various forbidden places in the starry sky, and condensed the curse power in them into the black stone platform under them. With the help of its cultivation, the strength was not strong. Decrease but rise.

They lost their original Cultivation Base, re-cultivation, with the help of curses, reached the peak again, and went a step further. At this time, they were already the ultimate golden immortal, and they could break through the Taiyi golden immortal by one step.

It’s just that this one step is the difference between the sky…they have cultivated for such a long time, but they still can’t break through, and it’s indefinitely far away.

“When you say that, I still have an impression.” After Zhu Jiuyin heard the words, she also remembered the vast ocean that she had vaguely sensed when she was still a Dao Mark and was in the resurrection stage.

“Do you feel it too?” Taiyi asked.

“Yes.” Di Jiang nodded, recalling his original feelings: “There was indeed an induction. At that time, the ocean gave me the feeling that it was so powerful. After discovering it, he couldn’t help but produce a kind of self as small as an ant. feel.”

“But, I am not convinced, I instinctively want to rush up to find the ocean, but… I can’t rush over.”

“I keep rushing, I keep searching… and I don’t have a complete consciousness… I don’t know when I will not be able to sense it afterwards.”

“Yes, I do too.”

“Yes, but I also searched for a long time, but I didn’t find it again, and suddenly disappeared, as if I had never appeared before.”

When everyone heard the words, they all remembered their original feelings.

“Looking at it this way, that place must be a real existence, maybe it’s a deeper existence in this starry sky.”

Taiyi listened to the people’s words, and after thinking about it, he slowly said: “That may represent the existence of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. As long as we can find it, it may be the time when we break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal!”

This starry sky seemed to be just a starry sky, but no matter how they explored or flew, they could not detect its boundary, as if it was boundless and there was no limit at all.

“If you follow this statement… can I understand this way?” Kunpeng said intently.

Everyone looked at him one after another, wondering what other thoughts he had.

“Duobao’s strength is now clear, it must be Sage, or even higher than Sage!”

“The golden immortal he divided is comparable to the quasi-sage, Taiyi golden immortal is the strongest under Sage, and Daluo golden immortal is Sage…”

As he said, Kunpeng’s gaze slowly swept across the crowd: “Then the starry sky he opened up…does there also exist these levels!”

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