Chapter 335: Senior Brother Is Stupid

“Brother Antarctica…”

To be honest, Antarctica had been in Closed Door Training for many years, and had missed the many cultivations and trials that Dubao arranged for them…so that his strength fell far behind.

For this reason, Chijingzi still feels a little happy. After all, as a junior, being stronger than a senior is always a happy thing.

Of course, as seniors, if they are surpassed by juniors and younger sisters, then it would not be so beautiful.

Like Yuding’s senior brothers and sisters.

“It’s not necessary to have a grandiose and purple aura…but it’s definitely better to have a grandiose and purple aura than no grandiose and purple aura.”

“At least, for sanctification, it’s like this.”

Hongmeng Purple Qi, he also has one in his hand, which was given by Hongyun.

He studied it carefully before and found that it contained a complete concept, not the incomplete concept he set up in the Five Elements sky, but the real concept, enough to achieve the concept of Sage.

Concepts are also different. For example, the Five Elements concept established by him is that when a thought is moved, it can be born.

That can also help sanctification, but the rule is Sage… and it’s very difficult.

The true concept requires him to use a rule, Magic power, and condense with his heart to achieve it.

This concept of accomplishment, to a certain extent, is comparable to the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but without the Heavenly Dao blessing, the Hongmeng Purple Qi is automatically endowed with the ability to become a holy opportunity.

Of course, Hongyun’s Hongmeng Purple Qi originally had this ability, but it was sealed by Hongjun, so it is very difficult for him to become holy.

Unless he can find the chance of sanctification on his own…Unfortunately, how difficult is that?

“It’s okay.” Nanjizi seemed very calm, and did not feel the slightest mood swings because of the difficulties that Dubao said.

“Do you think you can be holy?” Duobao asked in surprise.

Antarctica: “I will work hard.”

Duobao stopped talking and stared at Antarctica carefully, unconsciously approving of it.

“No wonder he can become the only one who can obtain the emperor’s position among the many disciples of the later generations… Now it seems that except for the early stage, he is courageous and the essence is Dao heart firm. If he is not successful, who will succeed?”

“That is to say, these Taoism, magical powers, real bodies, you can choose at will, and there is no limit to the number.” Duobao said.

Chi Sperm was taken aback, looked at Duo Bao in surprise, and opened his mouth to ask, but after thinking about it, it didn’t seem to be that difficult to understand.

There is a feeling in my heart… Judging from the current performance of Antarctica, he can really choose whatever he wants.

“Thank you, big brother!”

Nanjizi saluted Duobao. After reading it carefully, he chose a real body, a Taoism, and a magical power.

Duobao’s eyes twitched unconsciously. Without him, Antarctica chose all the methods of life-saving, defense, and flight.

Even the magical powers that are most inclined to combat are also the magical powers of fighting with Feida at the core.

“Sure enough, it’s the Antarctic that is afraid of death.”

Dubao thought in his heart, without the anger he had before, looking at the Antarctic, it has become a lot more pleasing to the eye.

“Since you have chosen it, the senior brother should send you to the trial.”

Chijing’s eyebrows jumped, and then he gloated at Antarctica.

Hey, don’t think of it, you can’t escape this level!

Antarctica’s perception is very keen, and immediately looks at the chi sperm.

Chi sperm couldn’t be transferred, and the eyes full of gloat were seen by Antarctica.

“Chi sperm.” Duobao yelled.

Chi Sperm immediately turned a serious face, and said with a serious face, “Junior Brother is here.”

“Take your Antarctic brother to the dark trial field. You are familiar with that place if you want to come.”

Chi Jing nodded his head: “Yes, Junior Brother obeyed.”

“Brother Antarctica, please.” Chi Jingzi turned around and stretched out his hand towards Antarctica.

Nanjizi felt a little flustered, and he kept thinking about the gloating eyes of Chi Sperm before, how he thought, how he felt… The dark proving ground in the mouth of the big brother is not that simple.

Following Chijingzi to the dark trial field, when he was about to leave completely, Nanjizi suddenly stopped and shouted to Duobao: “Big Brother.”

“Huh?” Duobao replied, “What else do you have?”

“Will it die?”

Nanjizi asked seriously.

He felt that the dark proving ground was definitely not a good place, at least, it was definitely not a kind-hearted place, otherwise Junior Chijingzi would not have that expression.

He is not afraid of other things, just a little bit.

“Don’t worry.” Duobao smiled: “No, there are seniors, how can you die?”

“Oh!” Nanjizi let go of his heart, and once again bowed to Duobao. He stopped asking, and his figure gradually disappeared.

“Brother Antarctica, this is the dark trial field, you will cultivate here in the future, I wish you a long way!”

Coming to the dark trial field, even though Chi Sperm had lived here for a long time, but when he came again, he still felt a kind of creepy feeling.

“Thank you brother.”

Antarctica is very polite, looking at the dark and silent starry sky, lowering his head and pulling open his sleeves, watching the hair standing on top of it, constantly fluttering, silent for a long time.

Sure enough, he felt right, this place… is more terrifying than the manor of the big brother.

Everywhere in it, everything he saw was so terrifying and dangerous, which made him have a desperate urge to run wild.

Fortunately, after experiencing the scene of Kunlun Manor, in the end, he still barely suppressed it.

The most important thing was Dubao’s last promise.

He will not die!

As long as you don’t die, the others are fine.

He is not afraid of anything except death in the South Pole.


Nanjizi turned his head and looked at Chijingzi: “Why hasn’t the younger brother gone? Is this going to stay with the younger brother?”

Chi Sperm opened his mouth wide, and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

He originally thought that Antarctica would ask him about the specific information and situation of the Dark Proving Ground.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t ask anything.

Chi Jinzi knew that with Antarctic’s perception, he could definitely perceive the danger of the dark trial field, fierce…according to his previous understanding of Antarctic, even if he ran away on the spot, he didn’t feel too strange.

Only now, he is very strange.

“Brother, are you not afraid?”

Can’t help it, Chi Sperm asked curiously.

This is a dark trial field!

Antarctica nodded: “Fear!”

Looking at the starry sky, it was pitch-black and deep, like a violent beast, with a feeling of swallowing him at any time.

Just standing here, the various reactions of his body are endless.

Cold sweats, hairs, trembling…Almost the whole person is soft.

But that’s it, he still stood still.

“Since I am afraid…” Chi sperm.

“Don’t be afraid!”

An additional sentence from Nanjizi choked back at Chijingzi’s words, looking at him puzzledly.

“Anyway, it won’t die, will it?”

Nanjizi suddenly turned his head and stared at Chijingzi carefully: “Junior Chijingzi, if I didn’t perceive it wrong, your current strength has far surpassed that of the senior brother, isn’t it?”

Chi Sperm nodded blankly.

Of course, after a trip in the dark trial field, how can there be no earth-shaking changes in strength?

“Then what strength are you now?” Antarctica flashed a light in his eyes, and continued to ask.

He is just timid, afraid of death, but not stupid.

When he first saw Chi Sperm, he found that Chi Sperm’s strength had far surpassed him.

However, he really couldn’t figure out how much he surpassed.

Later, after Chijingzi took him to see the big brother… everything he saw made him slowly guess some problems.

The biggest reason why Chi Sperm was able to far surpass him was due to Senior Brother Duobao.

Moreover, there is a high probability that its fundamental source is in this dark trial field.

So, standing here, although he was scared, he still insisted on standing still.

He has always known a truth, strength is the fundamental.

He doesn’t want to die, and the ability to Ascension is the most basic truth.

“Xuanxian, right?” Chi Jing said with some uncertainty while touching his head.

He is indeed Xuanxian now, but the Xuanxian under the wrong perception of the big brother.

By now, they certainly know that the Realm set by the elder brother is much stronger than the real Realm.

However, they didn’t figure out how much it was.


Antarctica was taken aback, staring at Chi Sperm dumbfounded for a long while: “Chi Sperm…”


“Do you think Brother is stupid?”

“How do you…” Chi Jingzi said how you knew, almost blurted out, but fortunately, he found it early and swallowed the second half.

Seeing the ugly face of Antarctica, Chijingzi immediately pretended to be stupid: “Hey, hey…that Antarctic brother, why do you think that way?”

“You are brother…”

Nanjizi looked faintly: “So, if I’m not a brother, am I a fool?”

“Um, brother…” Chi Jingzi felt guilty in his heart, some dared not face Antarctica’s gaze, and turned his head: “We don’t care about these details.”

“Let’s get back to the subject.”

“Then what is the topic?” Nanjizi asked.

Afterwards, without waiting for Chi Sperm to think more, he added: “Does the brother look like a fool… Is this the topic?”

“Uh~” Chijingzi was embarrassed, he seemed unable to refute this!

This Antarctic brother, why didn’t he notice it before… It turned out that besides being timid, he was also very careful!


Chi Sperm couldn’t help but yelled.

Nanjizi shook his head: “Well, let’s not talk about it.”

“However, you really treat your senior as a fool, right?”

“Can you still not feel the vast aura in you, brother?”

“Senior brother is already a golden immortal. When facing you, he couldn’t help but feel trembling and fearful… Taiyi golden immortal was reluctant, Daluo golden immortal seemed to have no problem… You said you are Xuanxian.. Brother…”

“Junior Brother?” Nanjizi said, and as he said, the black line on his forehead appeared.

Chi Sperm was absent-minded, as if thinking about something, and didn’t even listen to what he was talking about.

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